Am I in the wrong for thinking school age boys shouldn't be in the girls restroom?

Boys should use the MEN’S restroom,they have no business in a WOMEN’S restroom.


My son is 12 and I still take him to the ladies restroom. There are too many sick adult men who will corner a young man in a bathroom.


My son is almost 8 and he goes in the woman’s restroom if I don’t have my husband with me. I can’t leave him unattended outside the bathroom. We live in a crazy and scary world.
If you felt uncomfortable, you could have waited a few minutes to change your daughter.
Perhaps one day, if you are going to be blessed with a son, you’ll understand but right now suck it up, buttercup :wave:

I don’t know if anyone had possibly thought that maybe they had a little sister that they were bringing to the restroom. And by standing next to the changing table is not like they were looking under the stalls. I don’t ever let my children go into a public restroom alone. So maybe they were in there with their Mother. Always be careful!! Safety is best.


I do not let my 9 year old son go in the restroom alone . So sorry guess you’ll have to be uncomfortable because he’s coming in the woman’s restroom with me .


I won’t ever send my son to the men’s restroom without my husband being there. Unfortunately the world isn’t what it used to be!


I would have asked them to leave. If they didn’t, then start screaming like a banshee, as though someone were murdering you. Something would happen. LOL (Caveat: This only applies if the boys were in there without an adult woman being with them.)

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Oh Karen first of all learn how to spell before you criticize little boys you don’t even know that were in the women’s room…you are definitely a drama queen …you’re the sick one for sure …probably they were concerned how you was touching your child perhaps…amazingly it could have been spun back on you …you could have been pinned the pervert…

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I have a 7 year old boy whom I make go into the ladies room with me and his almost 4 year old sister if their dad isn’t with me and we’re out shopping. I don’t trust people for him to go into the men’s room alone.

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It’s you! They were likely waiting for their mother or guardian.

You went to speak to the manager??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I appreciate the family restrooms. My son’s disabilities don’t guarantee that he wouldn’t finish fast and leave the bathroom too quickly and possibly not pulling up his pants all the way.

I bring my 10 year old with me if we are by ourselves. KiDS GET KIDNAPPED!! Quit sexualizing a baby.


It’s much safer to keep ANY ages of a child SAFE in this mad crazy world!!! First of all YOU should’ve face your child’s private part facing you so they don’t to look at the private part & do it quick ! It’s not like 10 minutes changing diaper .

Shouldn’t have been there

Remember that feeling, that is why those boys are in the toilet waiting for their mum, that feeling is exactly how she feels sending her son’s into a men’s room with no one


I think every place should have family rooms.

For either parent to go to toilet an take children with them.
I guess some parents must not think they are responsible enough to leave them alone while they go. I know I wouldn’t leave my kids unattended in a busy place.


Just you. My sons would not use the men’s bathroom alone!

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My 8 year old has to come with me to the restroom sometimes…Are mothers just suppose to leave their kids alone if they have to use the restroom?


I will not let my sons at the age go to the rest room by themselves. Idc if your uncomfortable as long as their safe.


As a mother of a special needs son. I think you are over reacting. They could have a disability you do not know about and their mom or guardian doesn’t feel safe leaving them outside the bathroom or anything. I know plenty of kids around that age that still go to the ladies room with their moms. Not all stores have family restrooms.

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As a single mama to boys…when they gotta go they go with me! Hell no am I gonna send them by themselves to the mens room. Until about 10 or 11 and even my 13 yr old I stand by the door and even open it and ask how he is if in the mens room. I love family bathrooms! They are awesome because of ignorant people like you!


I occasionally let my 5 year old boy use the restroom alone, typically in places I know have like 2 stalls. But I also stand by the door and he takes like 2mins max. If I have to change my baby or someone else is changing their baby my sons Know to turn away from the table, we call it MINDING OUR BUSINESS what is going on at that table isn’t their concern so they shouldn’t look. The fact those boys were in there isn’t the problem it’s that they were being nosey.
Next time speak up momma Excuse boys would you mind not staring/would you mind stepping away from the table."
And if they have a problem or their parent does then explain it look my child deserves privacy just like everyone else.


I think sometimes that when you have a baby, older kids seem way older. But in reality, 9 or 10 is still very young. I would not make my sons wait outside the bathroom while I went, they’d be in there with me. Kids of every age go missing daily.


I have a girl turning 8, and if for some reason I simply cannot take her to a public bathroom (say she and dad went to the shops alone), he is NOT allowed to send her into the stalls alone. So in that case he has to let her use the disabled bathrooms (she knows to be quick), because predators hang around in ANY bathroom, no mater sex.
9-10yr old boys get kidnapped, raped and used for muti and other horrible things too.

It’s not like those boys were peeking underneath doors etc, they were standing there minding their own business.

They looked over yes, but I can garantee you it wasn’t out of any sexual interest, merely childhood curiosity. Maybe they had never seen a baby girl been changed before and since things look and work differently they were curious despite themselves. Its completely normal.

If your child was a male would you change him in front of a young girl in the restroom? Maybe they just went in the wrong bathroom.

My KIDS ARE NOT LEAVING MY SIDE! You don’t like it then don’t go! You do know kids are kidnapped and sex traffic !!! I be damned if my boys goes in to the mens bathroom ALONE! TO MANY PREDATORS! Wow

My almost 9yr old has additional needs & no way will I leave him alone while I go to the toilet & if he needs to go & he’s with me I send him into the girls toilets :woman_shrugging:

We have Kids toilets/change rooms but they are often being used by even smaller kids

I think you’re being unreasonable here. Sorry.

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What dick answers some of you are giving. Gawsh forbid someone states they are uncomfortable with someone else’s actions. Let’s hope none of you are uncomfortable in your life. So damn judgemental and sad.

Nope shouldn’t have been in there. They could’ve waited outside or gone to the males toilets


I totally agree - this is nuts!!

I just started letting my 10 year old son go into the restroom alone. I worry about creeps being in there.


I have an 11 year old…if I have to go to the bathroom, damn right he’s coming with me. If he needs to go and I don’t, I stand outside the men’s room and wait for him. But I’ll be damned if I’m sitting on a toilet while my kid gets snatched up. The world is too scary.

I used to take my son into the ladies restroom with me until he was around 10. I trusted him to mind his own business, he did. I would never have left him unattended, standing outside the ladies restroom. Too many creeps out there anymore.
Unless the restroom doesn’t have locking doors or is an open space, it shouldn’t even be an issue. Why are people so weird about things like this? Leave the kids be. Let their mom have a piece of mind while she pees.

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I know exactly what you’re referring to……

So when your daughter is of school age, between 6-10 and she is with her dad in the store and she is having to use the restroom, you tell me what happens next.
He allows her into the women’s restroom alone? He takes her with him to the mens? Or he tells her to hold it?

I was a single mom with a 9 year old. Women will do what it takes when it comes to the safety of their children.

You obviously understand what I’m saying because you were there to protect your daughter and shield her from the boys looking at her.
You were able to wait until the boys left so you could change your daughters diaper. You felt uncomfortable yourself and for your daughter. So much that you needed to shield and protect as you did.

That is what I am supposed to be doing and that can’t happen if I’m sending my son into a mens restroom alone.

The next time you see a young boy(s) standing in a corner waiting for their mama to come out of the stall, think about how uncomfortable they might be knowing they aren’t girls, they don’t want to be there and you’re staring at them holding your daughter tight fearing they were going to harm her by looking her way.
You probably made them feel uncomfortable too.

My son cannot protect himself from a predator at 9. Child trafficking is real and people are so bold to snatch a kid while in your arms….it’s safe to say, my son would be the one by the changing table waiting for me.

Ehh it’s just kids,if I was that uncomfortable I would just wait for them to leave the bathroom.The main store I go to has the changing table inside of a stall though so it’s private

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My almost ten year old son goes in the womens restroom with me and I’m not sure when my anxiety will let that stop I’m sorry it made you uncomfortable though


your being unreasonable some families have special needs children that dont seem it on the outside , in all honesty how many people look when someone is changing a child doesnt mean they are perverts polite thing to do is waited if you felt so uncomfortable . kids mature these days you never know what the true age of child is . i am not to judge as and you were in two minds only you know what you feel is best for yourself and child . i do believe though children should be able to go with parents to a point before going up to other cubical on there own .


My son is 10 and there is no way I am leaving him out in the hall if I have to use the bathroom and no way I want him in the men’s room alone


She didn’t say the boy’s was waiting on their mom or ANYONE to finish the restroom! So if no adult was in there then WHY was they there?


I would rather my 10 year old boy be in the female toilets than in the mens… men are creeps!
Why didn’t you simply asking them if they were ok and why they were in there? X


My son Is 8 and I can’t let him go to men’s alone. Too many people. Not about then getting back to you safe but also making sure nothing happens when you can’t see. I do take the family restroom option when I can but yes my 8 yr old boy goes into the women’s still. It does also help teach proper bathroom etiquette.


With the amount of child sex assaults committed
Its no wonder kids of both genders use the same loo’s
Especially if their parents are in ear shot

Take your kid out to the car next time if you don’t like it. it’s a PUBLIC bathroom. Kids that age get kidnapped.


As a mom of a boy… get over it. I don’t trust my son or creeps.


Because most of the public toilets are now unisex at least in our country its like that

If This is the only reason then the predator could just as easily follow the kids with the unisex toilets. Before it was a safe place for our girl children but how do u win its despictable

If my husband, or another trusted male figure isn’t with us shopping, my sons will absolutely go in the restroom with me. I just started letting my oldest go alone to the men’s when he turned 11. Anything can happen to them. Children’s safety is important.


You don’t know other people’s Story. My son is autistic and is now 13. He went in the ladies bathroom until about a year and half ago.

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This is a pathetic post! MY SON will come in with me for as long as I see fit to keep him safe! Go change your baby else where if a CHILD bothers you that much!!! And curiosity is part of being human… I work in child care and ALL kids ALL ages are curious… There is a very slim chance them “looking” was that of I’ll intent!! Gtfo with this crap! Maybe when you have a son of your own your view will change!!!


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I would have asked you to leave if I were the manager. They probably looked because you were staring at them.
Stop being creepy in the bathroom to children. It’s weird.


I personally wouldn’t let my 11 year old boy in the women’s. But to each their own.

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It’s you, I don’t leave my son alone for some weirdo to take him. You could politely have asked them for privacy.


I’m sure they felt embarrassed to have to be in there with their guardian but when kids are being abducted left right and center I absolutely see no issue with doing what you deem necessary as a parent for your child’s safety. If a father has to take his daughter in the mens room with him do you think other men are wondering why an 8 year old girl isn’t going to the bathroom alone with nobody to protect her should a stranger with bad intentions approach her. Don’t parent shame period. Until a child is old enough to defend themselves and has accurate awareness of their surroundings I would do whatever I felt was right to ensure my sons safety.


I’m a mother of both boys and girls. I have an issue with 2 boys being in the woman’s bathroom. I don’t want boys in the bathroom where my daughters and i go. And my boy wouldn’t feel comfortable. If you’re so scared for your child’s safety that you have to do this then keep them home, shop online. But it is wrong and self centered to assume that your issues (fear)should cross privacy boundaries for someone else. You protect your child, that is supposed to be a safe space for you. If there mother was there you would have seen her between the time you went to the manager and came back. That’s definitely suspicious. But yall normalize this til another young girl is raped in a bathroom… here’s a mom hint for those who want to take their sons into the woman’s bathroom at that age, take someone with you to help.

You’re not the only protective mother, maybe they’re mother didn’t want them left unattended. It’s a scary world. You have to keep kids with you. Even if you need to use the restroom.


As a mother of an 11 year boy, I just recently had him wait just outside the restroom for the first time. It all depends on the environment. With the way the world is these days, I still most often do not feel he’s safe alone waiting outside.


With the way the world is and children being stolen, my kids come with me in the restroom


It’s horrible that kids can’t even be safe in a restroom because of creeps molesting or kidnapping children. Moms and Dads have to escort their children into, -not just wait outside the restroom, but actually go into the sink and dryer area of the bathroom to watch that no harm comes to your child. (I don’t think a parent needs to accompany a child into the stall, unless it’s a toddler). Parents have to hawk-eye their children today because predators are common and everywhere.

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My girls(now adults) all went into the bathroom with myself or their Dad until they were 10 or 12 years old after that we(myself and my husband) would watch the door for anything that was off. Were these school aged boys in the ladies room alone or were they with an adult(that would make a difference to me)?

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Wow! Spoke to the manager?! Shame on you. First of all you don’t own the bathroom. Go to YOUR car or YOUR house if YOU’RE uncomfortable in a PUBLIC restroom. Secondly, over my dead body would I have sent my 9 year old son in the men’s restroom alone and risk him getting touched or taken by a creeper. I hope you don’t ever have a son and take him in the women’s restroom for safety reasons because that would make you a hypocrite.


I would have simply asked the boys to move over a bit, I need all the room I can get when changing a baby :rofl: As far as age goes, my middle boy is 6 but looks older since he’s rather tall and husky built, so I try not to guess ages of children, but 9 or 10 year old boys in the women’s room wouldn’t bother me.


Think outside the box, there are lots of things happening that people are not aware about these days. There may be a reason why the boys were in the ladies washroom, ranging from possible sexual abuse and are uncomfortable around men to mental health or disability. I have a 13 year old son with mental health disability and he comes with me in the ladies room. I usually try to go into the family washrooms if we are out, but the odd time I have just brought him in and had him go in the stall next to me. Unfort. my son will not be able to venture into the men’s washroom alone for some time. I have never had any issues with it, if there are ladies in the room, I will say excuse us and just go into stalls.


There’s a market for boys too…… girls are not the only snatched child…… :disappointed:

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So my school age son should be left unintended in a room full of adult men so you can be comfortable??? Just like you want yours safe… I WANT MY SONS SAFE TOO…


I take my 8year old twins and my 6 year old son in the restroom with me cause you never know what could happen to children if they are left alone or unsupervised.

I think you are wrong!! When my boys were that age they weren’t going to the men’s bathroom without their dad. Nope, not happening! The other mom was just being a good, protective parent!


So now let’s say you’re daughter is 8 or 9 and your husband needs to use the restroom at the store. Do you suppose he leaves her out there alone or takes her with. It literally takes seconds for someone to take your child.


I always made my boys and grandsons go in women’s restroom with me. Predators are on the prowl. Even at ages 12

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I would NEVER send my 9 year old into the bathroom alone. Boy or girl. Have you heard of child trafficking??
If it bothered you that much, you could have said “my baby is shy, would you mind stepping away”?
I’m 100% sure they were just curious and not looking over in a sexual manner.
You have serious issues if you went to the Manager. What did you think they’d do?


Little boys get abducted also- safety is number one…yay to the mom who took them inside with her


They should not have been there. And if that is the store’s policy, I wouldn’t shop there any longer.

You know pedifiles are allowed at Walmart right? Those boys are in the woman’s restroom because a mother is trying to protect her children from going into the mens restroom alone or having to have them wait for her outside the restroom altogether. If my boys age 7 and 9 weren’t embarrassed to come into the woman’s restroom already then they would be in there with me as well!


This post didn’t go as she planned probably lol


and they have cameras…

My son wanted to use the big boy bathroom alone around age 6 and I was so scared of what could happen that I stood at the door constantly talking to him. Hes been in the ladies room with me a few times and if there is a family bathroom and I feel weird about letting him into the mens alone, we use the family one and he will stand facing the door while I use it and then I face the door while he uses it. The boys you encountered probably had a mother in the restroom and may have been feeling your stares and you being uncomfortable with them and thats why they looked your way.

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I mean you make it sound like they were just chillin in the womens restroom… hanging out by the diaper changing table?!? Pretty sure they were waiting on their guardian and not stalking 9 month old baby girls! I wouldn’t leave my children outside the bathroom while I went in with the way children are taken and trafficked!! The world is so different now!!


My grandsons always went in the ladies restroom with me until I felt they fully understood how to handle themselves if presented with a difficult situation. They often finished before me and waited. I can’t imagine they caused anyone distress. Observing a baby being changed sounds pretty innocent to me.


Yeahh NOPE my almost 6 yr old goes into the bathroom with me and will as long as I can make him. I can 100% assure you the boys were not interested in your baby girl. Honestly it’s strange to me you would go in that direction anyway.


TIL 9 and 10 year olds don’t have to worry about being separated from their mother in public

i suppose the suburban panic about child abductions only applies to people in vans and children playing on lawns

Young Boys can not go to the men’s room alone!!!


You would soon change your tune if you had a boy and he went in mens loo and something happened to him.well moms are extra vigilant now and I don’t blame them and if it means taking boys into girls toilets so be it.


Also most of the women that go in are or used to be men anyway.

As a mom of all boys, should I leave them alone and unattended?


I find this funny because my son is 7 but looks to be about 10/11. He doesn’t feel comfortable going in the stall with me anymore and quite frankly it’s a tight fit unless we were to go in handicap which I believe should be left open for those who need it, so he either comes in and stands by the sinks/dryer/changing table or right outside the restroom door and I’d be bullshit if some lady came on here complaining about him for just existing. And of course they were glancing at the baby, not because you were trying to change her, but because lots of kids are fascinated with babies! You’re the weirdo here tbh

I can whole heartedly understand why a mother would want to keep an eye on her children when out alone with them in public. I also feel women have the right to privacy when doing their business!! Solution? A one room “Family” bathroom where a mother can take her sons while she or they go to the bathroom. It would also do well for those of us who face the problem of a handicapped spouse that needs help with toileting. We need to make the push for those changes!


I can whole heartedly understand why a mother would want to keep an eye on her children when out alone with them in public. I also feel women have the right to privacy when doing their business!! Solution? A one room “Family” bathroom where a mother can take her sons while she or they go to the bathroom. It would also do well for those of us who face the problem of a handicapped spouse that needs help with toileting. We need to make the push for those changes!

My boys go into the bathroom with me 11 and 8 yr old and yes they go with me to the bathroom unless I have another adult with me to stand with them…boys get done wrong to…not just girls…I also have my boys use the women’s bathroom if they don’t have a male to go into the bathroom with them or the bathroom isn’t a single bathroom where just they are in there and able to lock the door…I’d rather be safe and secure with my kids boys or girls then make some random other woman comfy and have them left outside the bathroom alone or in an entire men’s bathroom alone and have them done wrong…pedifilfes are in public and aren’t just after girls…I’m not taking that chance…and if you can’t see that then idk…hope you never have a son…


Boys are in just ad much danger as girls.

No child should go to any bathroom that is shared with more than one person alone. Nope I trust no one🤷‍♀️ as a parent you should have understood, just like you were worried about your baby, I’m sure they were there cuz they were probably waiting on their mom who trusts no one


You waited for a manger at a Walmart instead of using the family bathroom?


I honestly am not really comfortable with my 10yo using the mens bathroom on his own. And I don’t want him left unattended outside of the restroom either.

The boys weren’t looking over to be perverts either.


The boys you saw may have had autism etc & needed to be with their parent who may have been in a stall nearby

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Why couldn’t you say. Boys go stand by the door.

Nope at walmart my sons would be in the womens room so if there was an issue I’d be able to go right in

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I take my autistic 8yr old into the womens toilets with me… But I make him come in the cubicle with me too, we both do our business with backs turned in the cubicle and off we go… If there is a disable toilet available we use that quickly… I will not send him into the mens toilets alone.

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When my boys were little I took them in the men’s room myself if anyone had an issue with them in the ladies room

My oldest is 11 and I’m only just allowing him to go to men’s bathroom wait for me outside the women’s however my 10,8,and 6 year old will continue to go with me inside a women’s bathroom and what outside the stall. Idgaf what people think. If you have a problem with it either wait or politely ask them to excuse u and stand between them and your child

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