My 11 year old comes as he is special needs…
Boys and girls, ladies and Gentlemen, men and women do not belong in the same bathroom! That’s it! No way!
Yea know… if it was my boys… you’d be making them look like creepy young criminals and in reality… my boys would do ANYTHING to protect you and your baby without question or knowing you … stop fin being so judgy you should never have exposed your child if you felt that threatened
This is the LEAST of your worries. They are still children! Stop sexualizing everything! I hope their mom was keeping them safe just like you were trying to do for your own! I don’t leave my kids unattended and my oldest is almost 13
I take my 6 year old to the bathroom with me. He’s too young imo to go alone in the boys.
Geez. She simply asked for opinions and some of y’all are being so rude. No need to be ugly about it.
My oldest was definitely coming in the bathroom wit me until he was like 11 I use to tell him to close his eyes once we go in the bathroom
I don’t let my 7 year old son go into the mens room alone unless it’s a single stall bathroom.
You notified security? Why not just ask out in the restroom if the mom was around. You think they are just hanging out in the ladies room like some creepers? I’m curious if they looked like you because that is some Big Karen energy. People tend to extend a little more grace to those they feel connected to anywho, my boys went with me into the ladies room until 9/10. Only because I have 2 boys so I made them go in the men’s room together and come out together. But depending on where we were sometimes I took them in with me still. They had men try to strike up a conversation with them on quite a few occasions.
Being a mom of both girls and boys -No one goes in either restroom by themselves when they are younger. Elementary age and depending on their size. When the boys started asking to go by themselves - I would ask them to check and see if anyone or how many men were in there. Yes, it may be awkard but I also told them - I would come in there and get them if they didn’t get in and get out. Safety is first no matter what. When the boys were getting older they were to sit on the ground right inside the door of the women’s restroom. That way I knew they were safe while their sisters or myself were using the restroom. Too many things can happen in restrooms. Not only by men but also women creeping on children. It’s okay to be concerned about the little guys being in there. But remember sooner than you realize your little girl is going to be growing up and your not going to want her by herself in a public restroom.
Mom was probably in the stall. There are too many predators to be sending kids alone in public bathrooms. now in a school environment yes they should use boys but public I’m taking my son with me.
Sorry but my 8 almost 9yr old comes I’m with his 3yr old brother and I. I WILL NOT put my child at risk of being hurt or taken because he had to be by himself
Think of it being your 9-10 year old child… in todays world, would you want them standing alone outside of the restroom?!? Not me.
Ok Karen!!! Trafficking and kidnappings is probably the reason there mom had them with her in the bathroom.Jesus Christ think before you post.
Seriously something wrong with you!! With you being a mom and not understanding the reason behind a mom having her sons in the bathroom with her especially with all the trafficking going on plus saying you were uncomfortable with a 9/10 year old because they looked over at you……seriously what the hell are you trying to insinuate about a 9/10 year old? SMH the mom probably had to use the bathroom and told them to stand there because Karen’s like you would still have something to complain about if she had them stand next to the stall she was in. This blows my mind on so many levels as a mom.
My son looks old for his age. He’s 7 and is definitely coming into the restroom with me whether you like it or not.
As a mom of both i make my 10 yr old boy go in the restroom with me. There are crazy people in this world. I would have changed my daughter after asking the boys to scoot over a bit.
My 10 yro goes in the women’s room because his dad ain’t around and if there is an issue I will have to come deal with it or sometimes he’ll walk his sister who is 9 and developmentally delayed to the bathroom for me if I am busy with his siblings and he’ll wait outside her stall for her. You can’t tell her delay unless you know her, she is super naive and basically has the personality of a hyper social 4yro and has a tendency to walk off and be way too trusting of people. She knows to follow her brother and stay with him since she was tiny. He has always been protective. He also has been taught about babies and even knows how to change a diaper. My boy is very mature however he doesn’t sexualize anyone, especially not a baby. If a baby cries near him, he will just look to see if they are ok.
I take my 11 year old son in the female rest room with me over fear of safety in a men’s rest room alone… He goes straight to the cubicle uses the toilet n washes his hands then waits just inside the door if I’m not finished… Sometimes it’s a parents judgement if a place feels safe or not… But they should also teach the boys manors not to look ect xx
I personally do not want a 9 year old boy looking through the crack in the while i am going to the bathroom or pulling up my pants.
I let my 8 yr old use the female restroom if I don’t have my husband with me. You felt uncomfortable changing your daughter although you had eyes to ensure her safety. imagine how we feel sending our little boys into a mens room not being able to make sure there is no creepy man watching them or attempting to touch them.
As a mom of all boys, I would NEVER let my boys go into the men’s bathroom if they feel uncomfortable about it.
This world is too unsafe for a momma to leave her little boys alone outside of bathroom while she uses it. Too many sick individuals in this world.if they made me uncomfortable I’d just wait till they left to change baby.mommas got to try to help other mommas kind we don’t know another’s situation.
Uhmm yea you need to be considerate of OTHER Mothers and not just yourself.
You never know if those boys had their own issues where they cant be left unattended. My son is 12 but hes Autistic. No way hes going alone and I’m so glad that alot of places have family bathrooms. If he comes with me and thats because theres no other choice we use the disabled stall that has more room and he comes with me and turns away. Id rather those boys be safe in a womans bathroom then in a walmart alone and vulnerable for predators.
my son is 10 and over my dead body will he go into the men’s restroom alone. he either goes in the women’s with me or if we are at a restaurant I allow him to go to the women’s alone.
Wait your turn then, lady!
“MaNaGeR, tHeRe aRe cHiLdReN iN tHe bAtHrOoM”
I take mine everywhere with me. In the biggest stall too. Pee party. Everyone go
My boy is 6 and no way would I ever allow him into a men’s restroom alone there are too many creeps in the world nowadays to even feel comfortable with that and I’m a single mum so don’t have the option of his dad taking him into the men’s room so we always use the family restroom if it’s available otherwise you can bet your boots on it that he’s coming into the ladies with ms
So you are more worried about two literal children minding their own business while (probably) their mom takes care of her/a baby’s business than just getting in and changing your own child? Nobody is in the wrong but your nasty attitude is
My oldest son is 9. If my husband isn’t with us he comes in the women’s bathroom with me also. He isn’t big enough to defend himself if necessary and I don’t trust people.
You may feel different about it if you were the parent of a boy and had to face how vulnerable they are.
So you’d rather us send our CHILD into a restroom with adult men where there’s a very real possibility of them being assaulted instead? Your concerns don’t outway ours, sorry. My 8 yr old son is coming into the restroom with me or using the mens room with his dad/older brother when available.
Get a grip lady Holy F!!!
I’ll take my son into the bathroom with me until I feel he’s safe to go into a mens room alone and depending where we are. I wouldn’t go to a stadium and send a 9 year old in there alone. Feel like you’re a bit over reacting. Especially going and getting a manager about it not like they were teens. They are young kids!
I also want to share that in our town a 11 year old boy was raped in the bathroom at JC Penny while his grandmother waited for him outside. She finally went in when he didn’t come out and he was tied to the baby changing table and had been raped. Definitely happened and was all over the news.
I’m sorry but when I have my grandkids and we all have to go and my husband isn’t with the boys go with me… they go in their own stall n we wait on each other if we can’t get the family restroom, I don’t trust anyone today boys turn around when girls go potty n girls turn around when boys go potty it’s much safer than putting them in a bathroom with strangers I have no control over
I will not send my sons to the men’s restroom alone for a long time whether you like it or not, Karen. Good lord, they were not looking at your baby like that! 9 or 10 years old?! I’d get it if they were teens. Sounds like you need to address your own problems.
My daughter is 10 and I wouldn’t let her go into a public a restroom alone, if she were a boy and couldn’t come in with me. I won’t be sending my son in alone at 9 or 10, with a bunch of strange full grown men that I don’t know. I wouldn’t even likely send my daughter in alone to the women’s room, yet (she will be 11 this summer) and women I don’t know, have a much higher likelihood of being safe around my child, than men I don’t know, do, and they don’t have their private parts out in the open in the women’s room to pee, either.
There is a private bathroom. If my kids aren’t mature enough wait outside I will take them too. Also with everything going on right now if I had to again I would too and if someone would say something there is a private room with a changing table. Have a heart. If you saw them there you could have waited a couple minutes for there mom to be done
You went to the manager? Girl, don’t be a karen. The boys are safe in there and their mom was probably in a stall. Mind your business
My son hates it but at almost 10 if myself or one of my girls has to use the restroom he goes with us into the women’s restroom. He is not going to the men’s room alone no no no! And I am sure a 10 year old boy was not looking at your daughter and the fact that your mind goes there just goes to show that you agree too many perverted things happen and why us mom boys won’t let our boys go alone to the public restroom
No way would I allow my 9 or 10 year old to use a public male rest room alone… grow up and get over yourself
While you are judging that child you DO realize there are female pedos that could have came in there staring at your baby while you are too preoccupied worrying about a little boy who 9.5/10 times was innocent and just saw a baby not interested in their genitals.
My son’s 5 and he still comes in the women’s bathroom with me. And if he needs to use the restroom while we’re out we use the women’s so I can be with him.
I don’t trust people these days, and my son isn’t going into the men’s restroom alone nor am I leaving him out front of the bathroom alone.
Your sexualizing 2 young boys. Just because they glanced over a few times doesn’t mean they are thinking anything. Maybe they were checking that they weren’t in your way to try to give you space to change your daughter.
Pfft I take my 8 year old son in the ladies room with me. I’m not risking his health and safety for someone else’s comfort. Smfh.
I take my boys in with me until they are about 10. There are a lot of pedophiles out there and they like to prey on boys in men’s washrooms. So just keep doing what you are doing by waiting if it makes you more comfortable so other children stay safe.
So you think the mother of those YOUNG boys should just leave them outside and hope for the best? You think she should just go in and pray no child predator sees them and thinks, “oh there’s 2 with no adult…easy picking.” I’m a mother with both sons and daughters. I have a baby girl (and 2 older daughters) with a 13 year old son and an 11 year old son. Neither of them are one bit interested is seeing the baby’s diaper be changed, grossed out maybe, but not gawking to see what they can see. That’s insane and you should be ashamed. They weren’t 16 in the womens bathroom. They were CHILDREN, no different than the one you had, except a bit older. They deserve to be protected and kept safe just as much as your child! Gosh, you are part of what is wrong in this world. I could see if they were teenagers and gawking at your baby while you changed her or heck just teenagers hanging out in the women’s restroom. They were CHILDREN, and they probably looked over because they saw a baby and kids generally like babies and try to interact with them. They probably didn’t speak to her because they could tell you had an unkind heart.
If anyone should be mad, it should be their Mom. You were villainizing her and her young sons, for simply trying to keep them safe and close to her. In today’s crazy and dangerous world, she has as much right to protect her sons as you do your daughter. Get over yourself. Your kid is no more important and anyone else’s!
Gosh, people like you make me so irritated. I have daughters and sons and there isn’t one of them I’m willing to take chances with when it comes to their safety! My oldest is 13, and if he goes to the restroom when his Dad isn’t with us, I stand immediately outside the restroom door where I can hear him yell for help if someone were in there to cause him harm. And you best believe if he yelled for me, this 37 year old woman would be in the men’s restroom in the blink of an eye. Because he might be 13, but he’s MY baby, and it’s my job to protect him. It will always be my job, until I die!
Our children do not outgrow the right to be protected!
The moms shoukd have known better (if they were even there)
My son is 10 and he uses the restroom in the men’s lol I feel for the boys that moms force them to go into the women’s restroom with them. My son even used the men’s restroom when he was 7 all by himself.
If I had boys they’d be going in where I go because sex trafficking is a real thing and isn’t just girls.
My boys don’t go into the rest rooms unaccompanied. Period. They’re 11 and 8. Kids aren’t strong enough mentally or physically to fend off an adult. Once the damage is done, it’s done. So if I’m not around my 11 year old will go in the restroom with his mother.
I have a son and still made him go into most public bathrooms with me around that age. You don’t think 9/10 year olds are at risk of being attacked by strange adults when entering a restroom alone? Why? Because their boys? Not to mention, it’s not your place to tell other parents what their kids are ready for. I think it’s utterly ridiculous that you reported parents to security for essentially being diligent in protecting their children. It’s also silly to suggest these boys were looking at your 9 month old in an inappropriate way. This whole post ….
I took my 8 year old son into a restroom at the WIC office with me, years ago. There was an older woman there with her twin granddaughters who went to someone who worked there and complained. (The rules of the WIC office were that you never left your kids unattended, just for some general background) and I had done this often when I went to the WIC office. The worker then came and told me he wasn’t allowed in the restroom with me, as it was a women’s restroom. I nicely reminded her of their very own policy and she couldn’t think of a comeback. Then I went into further detail and explained that since their office is in a horrible part of town, my son would go wherever I went. And then explained that he had 2 younger sisters and he did not care what anyone was doing in the restroom, he was waiting for me to use the facilities and change a dirty diaper. The worker still insisted on him not being in there. So when 15 minutes later my 5 year old daughter had to use the restroom, I stood with the restroom door wide open, with me in between the bathroom and the lobby while my daughter used the bathroom and my son stood 3 feet away where I could see him in clear view. The worker then came to complain about me having the door wide open. And I simply responded, I’m following your rules. I’m watching all my kids, and my 8 year old son is not in the women’s restroom. Shrugged at her and ignored her after that.
If people have a real issue over smaller (still elementary age children) being in the bathroom with the only supervising adult, they should make more family restrooms available. Or how about we stop sexualizing situations like this? Judge me if you like, but none of my kids ever stood around in public places waiting for me to go in a restroom, change a diaper or what have you. They stood right where I could see them. So sorry this OP has overreacted in my opinion. Wait till your daughter’s a little older and you will understand how messed up you sound right now.
My son won’t be going into a secluded room by himself where other grown-ups have access to him and I don’t. Nope nope.
I’m a mom of a 8 yr old daughter and 9 yr old son. I take both my kids with me if I have to use the restroom or they do especially if their dad isn’t with me. This world is too crazy to let me son go in a men’s bathroom alone. He isn’t going in there to look around either. He is doing what I say or whatever he needs to do potty wise. Sorry it made you feel uncomfortable but imagine if you had a older son and wanted to keep him near you. It’s a scary world out there for our kids now a days.
You must not have sons😏
My 8 yr old will always come with me in the ladies, I will not leave him alone in public, especially in a public bathroom!
My 7 year old boy comes in the women’s restroom with me every time and will continue to do so if his dad isn’t with us until i feel he’s at an age old enough to fight back if a pedophile is ever inappropriate with him while in the men’s room alone.
. This is so weird. Try putting yourself in the shoes of a mother with boys. Especially if the private stall is closed in the men’s room. My son will ABSOLUTELY NOT be going pee in stalls next to grown men who I do not know if his father is not with him.
9 & 10? They were probably trying to figure out if they needed to move out of ur way
If I allow my son to go into the restroom alone, which it depends where we are, I stand right outside the door and tell him if anyone talks to him or touches him to yell and I’ll be right In. I get dirty looks for standing there and I get dirty looks when he comes in with me. It’s not everyone else’s issue to make you comfortable it’s about we are protecting our kids
Before men’s washrooms had change tables. I use to go into the women’s washroom to change my twins. There was no way I was going to change them on the floor of the mens. No one ever complained
As an autism mom, get over yourself . My 6yr old is in there with me, and I will continue to take him with me as long as I don’t feel safe leaving him standing in a store alone.
I did one time in the .mall I let my then 10 yr old go in the bathroom alone .he wanted to go by himself big boy …I told him two mins …
Well I called his name after a min and no answer …so I walked right in … DON’T CARE …
ONE MAN IN THERE looked at me and said your in the wrong bathroom lady …
My son was in the stall because he was embarrassed to use the stand up ones .
He was ok. But my answer to the guy was I’m in here looking for my son youaint got nothing I ain’t see before …so get over it …
But my son said he didn’t answer because he didn’t hear me …but honestly I don’t see anything wrong with a child going in with mom …
I don’t see the problem. The mom was prob in the stall also so what if they stared at your baby vagina or not. Imn sure theres worse things out there happening. Dont your husband stare at his daughters 9 month old private area as he’s changing her? Because we can easily flip it this way and if your felt uncomfortable with the little boys what about your husband. STOP SEXUALING LITTLE KIDS! Bing Bing
The boys mom definitely forced them to go in there because they are old enough to walk in to the bathroom at 9 and 10 with mom standing outside the door if they have stalls in the mens room.
The world sucks for all kids. I understand you being uncomfortable but if you were in the other mom’s shoes maybe you would understand why she took them in. We all have to keep our kids safe. Unfortunately kids go missing everyday and all moms have to pee
Definitely in the wrong. I wouldn’t leave my son at that age outside of the restroom while I used it. They’re children. If you felt uncomfortable ask them to look away, Use your body to shield your baby from inevitable curios eyes, or wait til their mom is done and they leave.
They’re kids they may not be mature enough to wait outside or maybe the mom is scared of someone taking them/something happening while she’s in the bathroom. They could have anxiety, a medical condition, etc. If you feel more comfortable to wait then wait, but you have no idea why they’re in there and frankly it’s none of your business.
My 8 year old son goes into the womens room with me. No way he will go into a mens room without me. You’ll understand if you ever have a son
Was there mother in there ? Maybe they took there little sister in there ?
Well I refuse to send my son into the mens room alone. I’m sorry you think small children should be going into the rest room alone.
My 9 year old still uses the woman’s room when he goes alone. I won’t send him to the mens room alone because if a predator is in there he can be targeted and over powered and I am not in there to see or help.
So you’re the only one who should be protecting their child. Got it.
And you think they were looking at your nine month old in a sexual way? This whole post is weird
1- 9 & 10 is still young to be in a restroom in a public place alone there are crazy ppl everywhere.
2- you don’t know the child’s needs. Perhaps the child is special needs and can’t use restroom alone! Don’t judge and assume.
3- PS even adult “males” w penises are allowed in women’s restroom if they identify as female now legally!
Yes, you’re wrong. Don’t use public restrooms and just go to your car from now on. You don’t get to dictate what makes other moms comfortable or what age their kids are allowed to be alone. Grow up.
My 8 year old son goes in the toilet on his own…he’d be mortified if I told him to come Into the girls toilet lol…I know ur all guna say stuff can happen in the toilets ect but he’s never longer then 10 seconds he’s straight in has a wee hands washed and out…and if anything tried to happen he’d tell me
All the boy mom’s are really upset but do y’all make your boys go in the stall with yall or maybe make them sit on the floor so they are off to the side? I am honestly asking because if they are just walking around it’s not really sexualized but like being nosey to me as a girl mom and I would have told them to sit down until their mother was done in the bathroom as more of a sit down and behave type of thing. At that age they are more curious about things and learning about their bodies so they aren’t looking to be gross they look to understand. So its not a problem that they are there in the bathroom but there is a way to make it more comfortable for everyone in my opinion.
I’m sorry but my kids are school age 4&7&8. They come with me to the rest room and it will happen until I feel safe. Not everyone lives in a crime free perfect little area like you must to feel this way. We live in a pretty great area with a variety of pretty bad poor choice making humans. I’d rather be safe than sorry. Don’t get me wrong now, if my husband’s with us. He takes them to the men’s. But most of the time they just come with me.
Maybe that mom who brought her boys in the restroom wanted to make sure her kids didn’t get kidnapped as that’s been happening for years
Agree with you. They do not need to be there, or they could wait outside door till ladies were out.
If I’m alone with my kids at the store and I have to change the baby, my boys are gonna walk their underage asses on in with me. In the fucked up world we live in, I won’t send my babies anywhere alone. They are kids. They don’t know anything about anything at that age.
I have a 12 year old and when I’m alone with him when he was around 9-10 I would make him come in the ladies room it’s called keeping your kids safe
Seems like mom was alone with her kids. Would you want your still young children to wait outside a restroom where they’re more easily prone to being abducted?
God forbid they follow their moms directions. My son is 12 and I still take him in the women’s rest room with me. He has an intellectual disability and sometimes can’t lock doors or unlock them and needs help. So
They’re kids…
depending on where I am, I make my son go to the women’s restroom.
I bring my 9 year old in the woman’s bathroom. I’m not gonna send him in the mens bathroom alone where some sick minded person may target him and me not know what’s going on.
My son is 7 and autistic, he’s high functioning but he goes into the lady’s room with me … I’m not ready yet for him to go to the men’s by himself … when he’s with his dad he obviously goes into the men’s
My son is 6 qnd mildly autistic and I would never let him go into a public restroom alone
Please take your time and let them have a good look. Being males their whole life is dedicated to seeing your daughters ceitch Get real
They are 9 and 10. They were probably waiting for their mom. I don’t blame that mom for wanting them in there waiting with all the child trafficking going on. You are being g a Karen and I feel sorry for your daughter.
My 9 and 11 year olds use the men’s restroom, I just stand outside the door and they have for a couple years. My boys wouldn’t feel comfortable coming into the women’s but teach their own. My 5 year old and 6 year old nephew come with me though
My grandson is six but I take him with me for safety.
My god are you serious?? They are children and what exactly are they going to see because here in Ireland a baby change unit isn’t that big and normally against a wall which allows you to always be in front of your child while you change them so even if there was anyone present they wouldn’t see anything at all… Also would you have asked the same question had you arrived at the bathrooms and there was 2 girls standing there?? I think not… Stop tarring boys with a brush that they are all sexual Predators out to get a good look of a mother changing her child you really need to take a good long look at yourself
I’d be confused if they were just standing around in there unattended (could be a ton of reasons), but if there was a mom in the stall or something I wouldn’t be too concerned about it.
Until I am comfortable enough to allow my boys to go by themselves into the mens restroom alone they will be going with me. This is too scary of a world to trust people. All of us moms are just doing our best to assure our kids are safe!
Call corporate and report the mgr
Mom probably had to use the restroom and didn’t want to leave them outside alone they were probably just as weirded out by it as you were. Maybe next time just politely say can I have a little privacy please
My son is 6 and has severe ADHD and noise sensory issues. He is literally afraid of public toilet flushing noises and the hand dryers (as they are excessively louder then at home.) He will come in with me to the women’s until he can be able to go by himself in a public restroom or has worked out some of his noise issues as they have gotten better over time.
This has trauma trigger written all over it. They’re kids, not teens. There’s another momma out there for those boys just wanting them to be safe. At most I’d say they’re curious about babies? There may not be any littler ones in their family.
Depends on the age and their capabilities.