Am I in the wrong for thinking school age boys shouldn't be in the girls restroom?

My son is 10 soon and still comes with me in the women’s restroom. I learned the hard way that the people next to you are the ones to be on the lookout. It’s not always strangers.


Sun this is so wrong they should be in the mens restroom I don’t care what people say, women belong in women bathrooms and boys and men belong in the mens reatroom

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My son is 11 & still goes in women restroom with me !! I do not feel comfortable with him going into men’s room yet .


My boys are 9 and 5 they go to the restroom with me. If we all have to use the restroom, my 5 year old son goes in first, then my daughter, then my oldest. While I’m in the restroom, all 3 stand outside the stall door. The ONLY way my boys will go in the men’s restroom, is if there is nobody in there and I don’t have to use the restroom. I put my cart at the door and until my kids come out, I don’t move.


I guess I am the crazy old mom with my only baby who is almost 12 but looks 8. I check the men’s room and if it’s empty, I let him go in and wait outside. If a man goes in, I stand and hold door open. The way it is today, I guess I could just go stand in there and make uncomfortable urinal talk with strange men til my son is done. When are we going to have another set of bathroom etiquette???


I think we forget at times one of the main things we try to teach our kids, communication. If these boys really were school aged they should be able to understand simple directions so maybe instead of going to a manager to fight your “battle” by tattling if it really bothered you that much you could have politely asked them to not watch you while you change your little one. Also I want to point out we all know how young kids can be and the sickos in the world would you leave 2 boys unsupervised in public where you couldn’t see or hear them. Or simply block their view with your body. They were probably just interested in the cute baby not their parts.


So… They looked over a few times at what? If you waited til they were gone to change your child?
Maybe get some counseling. They’re children.


The world is a scary place now we all need to be patient about young children in the bathroom with their mom I would let me grandson go into one alone either


Im sure those kids had absolutely no intrest in watching you change a shitty diaper!! When you leave your kid outside the bathroom at that age?? If yes then my concern is with you!

Completely in the wrong and selfish. Like your kid is the only one that matters🙄 get real. God forbid you have a son and they get judged


With the amount of children going missing I’ll respectfully take mine with me into the bathroom and if someone has an issue we can discuss how they will pay for my child care so I can go in public alone.


I have 2 boys of my own & a 9 year old god son… i make my god son go with me to the bathroom unless my husband is with us.
I see nothing wrong with a boy (unless a teenager) being in the women’s restroom with his mother.

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I mean, I wouldn’t mind it but I also understand how you’re feeling insecure or uncomfortable.
I think we all just need to pause, be kind and compassionate. Assume positive intent. If you had to step out and let them finish first, then so be it. Go about your day after and don’t sweat the small stuff. At the same time, you shouldn’t be made to feel bad about your own feelings or preferences for your daughter. You do you, Mama

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My son is only 10 months but he will not be going into a bathroom by himself unless his dad is with him. Maybe they were autistic or had other disabilities that you just didn’t know about? If you had a son, would you let him go in by himself? Especially if there were other men in there. Too many weirdos and perverts out there today! I can say that I would not feel comfortable with it.

As a single mom with boys, if I’m alone and have to pee they are going with me. 8/10 I take them in there because I CANT go in the men’s room with them.


As moms we protect our children. I think it’s common for moms to take boys into the woman’s room til early teen years. Too many predators and horror stories. They might have just been curious about the baby and really had nothing else to do/ watch in there. The boys felt uncomfortable in there I’m sure. It’s not where they want to be. Lol But Moms should support each other not drag us down. When your daughter is 9, would you want her to stand outside the bathroom alone and wait for you?


Spend your money in stores that provide family friendly private bathrooms with changing facilities.
Target may cost a bit more, but they have this figured out. Heck… they even had a private lounge area for nursing mothers.

Depending on the circumstance. I don’t let my son go alone into the men’s bathroom if his dad is not with him. You never know what creepers hang out in the bathrooms especially at dodgy gas stations. If I need to use the bathroom and my son with me, I wouldn’t let him stand outside and wait for me. I usually make use of the family bathrooms and ask my son to turn around. Unfortunately, we live in a sick world with loads of creepers around…


Nah, it’s just you!!


My Grandson is 8 and he still goes in with me. I will never apologize for keeping him safe. There are some crazy sick people out there and I don’t trust others to be around him when he is using the restroom. You could have waited a few minutes to change your daughter until they left or politely ask for your space. It’s that simple and no need to cause unnecessary drama with the manager.


:relieved: people are gross and idc how old my kids are they’re coming with me.
Get over yourself. And only be worried about the stall you’re in.


My son is a tall 8 year old and as rude people have said in the past “he doesn’t look disabled.” Sometimes he waits for me outside the stall. He can’t go to the mens room by himself because he needs help with self care. If they were teenagers, your concern would be valid. They’re children.

Now a day it’s not safe for a young boy to go to the restrooms, there was a 9 yr old boy who went into a restroom, family weren’t far away, he was killed .


My son is autistic he is almost 8 and sometimes I do bring him into the bathroom with me. Depends on the situation I guess but don’t always assume they are mentally 9 or 10.


So kids are getting snatched up… I would assume they are waiting for their mother to use the bathroom and she wanted to keep them near her :woman_shrugging:


You will understand better when your little is older. I will absolutely have my children waiting in the bathroom with me. Young children standing outside of a bathroom alone? No ma’am!! They are still very much impulsive and still a target. I’m sorry but you made it awkward and weird. Not children in a bathroom. Your child is still a baby, but you will most definitely understand in a good few years why we still take our children with us. My oldest is 13 and it still makes me nervous leaving him standing outside. Bc no, I don’t let him go in.


Their mom probably had to use the restroom and had them with her to be safe, I mean do you not see on the news the amount of abductions that happen to both boys and girls?! As a mother soften up, if you were that worried you could have waited until they exited the restroom to change your baby. Most Walmarts have a family restroom as well. At that age I will still have my son in the woman’s restroom IDC what a Karen has to say, it’s his safety. We have to protect our children.

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If they were acting like hoodlums and looking under the stalls (ive had that happen ) then i would see your point a little . A mom taking her behaved children into the women’s bathroom with her isn’t an issue .


With the state of the world today, I can understand the mom bringing them in with her. However, 9&10 year olds ARE old enough to stand right outside alone. I would have asked them to turn their backs if it made you uncomfortable. When my grandson (5) needs to go to the bathroom in a store, if they don’t have a family restroom, and he’s not comfortable in the ladies restroom, I literally wait right outside the men’s restroom door! I will go in that mofo in a second!!


Were they with their Mom?

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My 8 and 9 year old boys still come in the bathroom with me. Shame on anyone who side eyes me. As moms we do what we can to protect our children.


Honestly I’m lost at what to say ….

When I would have my friends grandson with me and he was younger I would have him come into the women’s restroom with me. There’s nothing wrong with that. There are some screwed up people in this world and if you go sending a little boy into a men’s room you don’t know what could happen.


My 8 year old son goes in the restroom with me unless my husband is with us. Sorry but I’m not leaving him outside of the restroom by himself :person_shrugging::person_shrugging:


Not bothered by it really. We try to stick to stores with family restrooms because I have 2 boys and a girl so it’s a pain trying to haul them all in anywhere.


Im not letting my 9 year old boy wait outside n get kidnapped. Its Just you


As a mom of boys this comment annoyed me.

I’m bewildered that as a new mother ur mind didn’t go straight to safety for those boys.

I guess u need reminded just how bad it is out there. There’s stories ALL THE TIME on the news about things happening to children while out in public.

I took my oldest son to the bathroom with me for as long as I could.

For his own safety.

And not one female ever said a negative word about it.

I never say a word when I see a boy in the womens bathrooms - because I know why they’re there. To be safe.

I can’t believe u tried to complain about it.

Ur beyond a Karen.

Be lucky that it wasn’t me u tried to report- that would not have ended well for you.

At the end of the day -

An adult woman’s hurt feelings and “uncomfortableness” is not near as important as a child’s safety. No matter the child’s sex.

Shame on you.

I’ll say that again because I fully mean it - shame … on… you…

Also :rofl:… get used to seeing boys in the womens bathrooms :ok_hand:t3::ok_hand:t3:

When your daughter is 9 years old, see how comfortable you are letting her go to a bathroom alone with all men around her. Just because they were male doesn’t decrease the danger they could be in at a public restroom.


Ok, so I totally understand what YOU are saying. It’s awkward, but also awkward for the other parent to leave their boys alone in the men’s restroom. If they were my boys, I would have had them wait together by the outside of the restroom door…unless they also needed to use the bathroom. As so many here have said, there are so many weirdos out there to send them into the men’s bathroom alone! Also, if it was me, I would’ve just waited to change my daughter until they left. We can ALL make it work for us in this sick and fallen world. It’s ok to compromise in this case. My son is 12, and although he does now use the men’s restroom alone, I still feel super uneasy and concerned if he is in their too long!! Mama’s stand together, to keep our children safe, don’t allow these people to cause yet another division among us!!


If it is not busy I let my son age 7 go by himself but I stand right by the men’s door. If it is busy he comes in with me. My kids will be safe regardless of how someone else feels.


I bring my son in so he is out of the main area so he doesn’t get kidnapped while I go to the bathroom. As for them watching you change the diaper, why not walk them through it and treat it as an education in hygiene.


At that age they are not at puberty and I highly doubt they were thinking anything perverted.

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I would never leave a 8/9year old alone whilst I used the ladies, they would come in with me . How would you know the boys don’t have sisters? Going a little overboard I feel…

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Them just standing there, probably waiting for their mom, made you uncomfortable? They were doing nothing suspicious? Just want to make sure I fully understand.

Try putting yourself in the 9 year olds moms shoes… would you leave your 9 year old unoccupied in a store for a few minutes so you could go to the bathroom OR would you bring them with you?


So they should’ve stayed outside the bathroom away from their mother with the way the world is today? I don’t think so. You can cover her or do as you did if you’re uncomfortable, wait until they are gone…

My son is 9 and he still goes into the women’s bathroom if I am the only one with him. You can’t trust anyone now days. And I refuse to let my son go into the men’s bathroom alone. That is ridiculous for you to think that way about a inoccent child.


My son 10 & grandson 8 go in the restroom with me I make them stand at my door so I can see their feet & I know they aren’t getting in to anything.

It’s just you! Get off your high horse and realize the true world we live in. Do you really think it’s safe and ok to send your children into a public restroom alone? Maybe when your daughter is 9 you can test out your theory! My son will accompany me into any restroom until he’s capable of defending himself. Sure as hell isn’t capable at that age!


I wouldn’t judge those boys I’ve witnessed men being in woman’s bathroom as I entered with my 5and 7 year old 2 steps ahead of me I have never send them alone since i imagine it’s scary in mens bathroom also

You have the right to feel as you do. Where was the mother, or did they have a female sibling in there. Your story has holes and I think it’s fake.

My son just turned 6 and I have started letting him go in the men’s now Iand just wait outside the door and will holler in to check on him if I feel anything could be wrong. I don’t see a reason a 9 or 10 year old should be in the women’s restroom. My son is very outspoken when he is u comfortable and will just come out of he doesn’t feel right though…

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Don’t change your child in public if it’s a problem. Walk out to your car and change her there.

Don’t expect any mother to risk their child’s safety to make YOU feel comfortable. :roll_eyes:


I would bring my son too if I was shopping alone with him… as anything can happen to them at that age I don’t trust anyone

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You are in the wrong. Period. Those boys were waiting patiently for their mom. Shame on you.


I have a 10 year old son and let me tell you he comes into the restroom with me and stands by the sink as well. If you have a 9 month old you have to think reasonably what your going to do with your child when you have to use the restroom because it can’t be ok for you, and yours but not others. Have you not seen how many children have been snatched up lately?? This world isn’t a safe place anymore!!


You assume they are 9 or 10 when my daughter was 4 was look like she was 8. You could’ve waited a few minutes for them to leave if it made you that uncomfortable.


Soo would allow your daughter to go in the bathroom alone at 9 10… helllllll no…

How about nicely asking excuse me while I change my daughter…SMH I take my 4 and 8 ye old boys in the bathroom with me and I make them stand against the wall until I come out so they are out of the way and I can see their shoes.

My 9 year old goes in with me and waits outside the stall, and I also do not let him go into the men’s bathroom by himself. Now if one of his older brothers is there than by all means please take him to the men’s or wait outside the actual bathroom as long as you stick in pairs. His brothers are teenagers though.People do things to children, children get into stuff sometimes, and it would be far more inappropriate to have the child in the stall with me. It’s not inappropriate for them to wait by the sink. Now if you catch someone’s child peeking under stall doors, or clogging sinks then there’s a problem. Kicking them out the restroom for mindful parenting, and talking on the liability of what happens to the child is not something businesses are willing to take on. Furthermore my oldest was 9 when my youngest was born so it’s not far fetched that a bored 9 year old might be curious about the inner workings of changing a diaper. Just politely ask them to scoot over, hurry to change baby, and go.

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It’s super privileged behaviour. You want another mom to cater to you and risk her kids because youre uncomfortable.  The sad part is here that you see two young boys and think that. If you had to wait so long why not go change your baby in the car? 


I rather our children to be safe then worry about someone’s issue with that. If they were older that’s different. But then again they may have something wrong with them.


Yes you are in the wrong!. Maybe they kept looking over to you because they were uncomfortable. I know my boys hate going in womens restroom but I don’t trust mens most the time. Maybe they just thought your daughter was cute. Not sexual but cute. Your just jumping the gun on small children and it’s ridiculous. Why didn’t you wait for their mother and ask her? If I was using restroom and told my children to wait right there and then came out and they weren’t bc you had a manager remove them I would be throwing a much bigger fit believe me. Your uncomfortableness isn’t greater then my child’s safety. You can wait or find another restroom since your the one with the problem.


I have a 10 year old son. If I need to use the bathroom you bet your rear he’s coming in with me, I don’t care if I tick off anyone. My child’s safety is paramount to any Karen. If he needs to go I stand outside of the door of the mens room and listen like a hawk.


In today’s world you are out of line my grandson absolutely does not go in the men’s room by himself he’s six to many perverted people in the world


Fucking Karen. They were most likely in there because their mother was using the bathroom and she wanted them in there near her bc we live in a fucked up world.

When my son was 8 i made him come in the womens room with me but by 10 i would let him go in the men’s room himself but I would stand at the door and constantly ask if he’s ok…i was told terrifying story once from and ER nurse…a boy of 8yr old was rushed to the er as he was raped in the men’s room of a restaurant. Never would i let my son at a young age go to the bathroom by himself after hearing that story…if the boys were in there because their mom was in there i can understand …if they were in there alone…there is no reason for that

A bathroom is a bathroom and should be open to everyone. I think the weird part is just that it sounds like a changing table is out in the open and I hate that. I’m sure your concern is that the boys could see your naked child, and that’s a valid concern. Changing tables should be in stalls.
Some parents are more “helicopter” than other parents. I guarantee management wouldn’t have done anything because if the boys were forced into the boys bathroom alone and anything happened, they would be liable. I can agree that a 9-10yr old child should be able to potty alone, but it’s very possible the boys have a delay, or aren’t responsible enough to be somewhere alone.

Changing my babies diapers I always felt exposed just because there’s no real privacy unless it’s a family restroom or a changing table inside a stall. You sound like a new mom. You’ll realize sometime soon that you figure out a way to cover your baby as you change them or find other options like change them in your car!


So your child is superior and should be more protected from a glance than the little boy shouldbe kidnapping… :woozy_face:


9 and 10 is to young to go to the bathroom by themselves or to stand around by themselves waiting for mom or dad to get out the bathroom. Mom was probably in there using the bathroom and told them to stand in there. They probably looked over to see how cute your daughter was not to look at her parts lol at least that’s what everyone did and still does to my daughter when I change her in public places.

I understand that you felt uncomfortable changing your little girl in front of the boys… it happens. But, my son at 10 I don’t want him out of my sight. I do let him use the men’s bathroom on his own but I stand outside the door and wait always. Up until about 8 he used the women’s bathroom or would stand inside the women’s restroom door so I could always see him. He has bad ADHD so I cannot leave him alone. Idc who you are or what gender your baby is, my son is my baby. Period. You could’ve just kept your mouth shut and waited til they left. Other people have to take care of there children too. Son or daughter. That was pretty selfish IMO and there would be much more important things that you can approach the manager with. You have to take all kids into consideration even if they aren’t yours! Look out for them too! Crazy world we live in.


She wants her children safe just like you want yours.

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If you have a problem with male children in the womens washroom. Maybe you should use the family washroom. One toilet and change table. Lots of room if you have other young children.
People are reading way too much into this .
In Europe and other countries men and women use the same bathroom. We’re so behind the times. Make it all stalls you go in lock the door and do your business.
But for now most of the handicap bathrooms at Walmart have a change table in them so why not use the bigger washroom. Away from prying eyes. Sounds like you did not think it through.

Yes, you are wrong. It’s not safe for them to wait outside for mom to use the restroom

Wow! So you would be comfortable leaving your child ALONE outside a bathroom at those ages? Let’s see how your feel later on in life when your kids are that age, kids that age get snatched up real quick, predators wait for moments like these… if it’s uncomfortable for you, just wait or like others said, go to your car . Mom or older sister or whomever was doing the right thing by NOT leaving their children unattended.

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I stopped taking my son into the ladies room when we went swimming at the high school pool and he was just staring down all the naked ladies!! He was very young. I remember the first time I let him go to the men’s room by himself, I stood at the door like a crazy person, a man came out, looked at me and said “he’s fine”

What you do as the mother of those boys? Would you allow them to stand outside alone? Chances are mom had good intentions on having them wait inside. The world is a terrible and unpredictable place, anything could happen in seconds. And if they’re anything like my kids no way I could trust them alone, in a store, near anything, for any amount of time. Just do what you did and remove yourself, find another bathroom, or wait if you’re bothered by it.

My son is 7 and there’s no way he’s going into the mens alone. Any creep could be in there. I’d rather my kid be with me and I know he’s safe.

:woman_shrugging:t2: I bring my kids to the bathroom with me until at least age 10. Too many creeps out there. Now if it was a 12-13 year old I’d be on your side. But at 9-10, still very young, innocent and impressionable. I wouldn’t be concerned. If you were uncomfortable, next time you’re faced with a situation like this, advocate for your space ie- “can you guys stand over there please? I need some space and privacy over here. Thank you so much!”

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Honestly it sounds like the mother has a reason for her child being there. Usually we don’t bring our sons into the bathrooms at a certain age just because.

My boys go in the girls bathroom with me at 6 and 9! The only way they go in the men’s is if I don’t have to go and stand right at the door of the men’s. You could have changed your baby in a stall or the car if it made you that uncomfortable. I’m sure you were looking at them if you noticed them looking at you. I may be so wrong but I feel like you need to remember all kids matter not just yours.


It’s ok to feel uncomfortable, but remember those two boys need to be looked after too

Should of changed your daughter and blocked their sight. That’s what I do if anyone is around that you don’t want peaking. Everyone’s saying your wrong but they forget you have to protect kids from kids now a days too. You never know!!!


Because my son isn’t going into the men’s restroom without me. It’s a safety concern. If my husband isn’t with me, my son isn’t going out of my sight. And if the family restroom isn’t available he’s going into the women’s bathroom with me.


My son’s 7 and looks a little older and he still comes with me into the bathroom, it makes me uncomfortable at the thought of leaving him by himself while I go to the restroom. If it makes you feel uncomfortabl to change your daughter, maybe wait till the boys exit with their mother or guardian.

I can see your reasoning, And this is a good point for restrooms to have a little waiting area incase they were shopping with their mom, or even a extra enclosed space to change children. I hate that it has to happen on display for everyone to walk into the bathroom.
I bet it was hard for you especially with your little girl.

My son is now twelve and can go to the mens restroom but in this day and age, at 3-10 he wouldn’t go anywhere in a store alone. Period. Sorry if my gallbladder acts up and I have to run to the bathroom and take my kid with me. It would have taken you maybe 2 minutes to wait till they left with their parent who obviously didn’t want them alone.


My son is 8 I don’t let him go by himself first because he’s 8 second because he is special needs. So if anyone has a problem let’s have a talk.

There’s no way I’d keep my 9 and 10 year olds to wait outside of the bathroom for me while I went to the restroom. Kids are getting kidnapped like crazy these days and when we’re out in public places it’s a rule that my son stay in my eyesight. Also, if I’m out alone with my children and their dad is not there I will definitely be having my son come into the restroom with me if HE has to go as well. I don’t like the idea of sending my son into a public restroom alone because of the amount of creeps and pedophiles that roam the earth and pray on children so. :woman_shrugging:


I live in a small town and here generally sent my kids that age to the boys room if I was outside the door. If we were out of town and therefore out of the comfort zone they go into the bathroom with me and a stall to themselves. They are prepubescent and therefore should not be a threat to a grown woman so much she has to get a manager involved.


I take my son into the restroom with me and he’s that age. If I was in your shoes, I would have waited until they left. They were probably uncomfortable too.

When my boys were little and I went places alone with them, I took them in the bathroom with me. I was terrified to leave two little boys standing outside the bathroom by themselves. I always tried to go in the handicap stall and had them face the wall while I used the restroom. It’s a crazy world we live in and you just never know someone’s intention.

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I 100% wouldn’t let my son go in the men’s restroom alone until he was about 12. He went in with me, and when he was done, I would have him wait by the sink for me to finish and vice versa… we live in a crazy ass world… and for all you know the kids parent could’ve been in the bathroom… so chill TF out.

I still take my 7 yr old into the public restrooms with me. There is to many creeps in the world today and he is autistic and wouldn’t be able to defend himself if something were to happen

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My sons are 9 and they do not go into a men’s restroom alone. I have to protect my kids just like you have to protect yours.


With the world we live in now, and I have a 6 year old. Unless his daddy is with us, he goes into the women’s bathroom with me and his sister. I do not trust for him to go into the bathroom alone in public. You never know who may be in there or what could take place.


Perhaps they have some developmental issue that makes it unreasonable to let them go to a men’s restroom alone. My 4 nephews are all ADHD. If there isn’t a guy (dad, my hubby, grand dad) with them I take the 7& almost 6 yr old into ladies. They are just not trustworthy yet in public to go to bathroom alone especially in a busy place like Walmart that is known for bad things happening. You just don’t know the family situation. They are kids, they likely were not mini child predators in the making, just likely looked over because what else is there to look at in a bathroom? Just wait til they leave if you are uncomfortable. There needs to be far more family restrooms In businesses! With individual spaces or pods for each family.

Think of it in reverse… 9 and 10 is still little to be using the mr a restroom on their own, and they would be vulnerable to perverts etc… trust that the parents are doing this to keep them safe. I think by 13 they are old enough to use the restroom on their own though.


I have a 12 year old daughter and a 10 year old son. I do understand where you’re coming from. The way I look at it is just like you are taking care of your baby girl, those boy’s mom were taking care of hers by keeping them close in the bathroom with her. Alot of times now I let my son go in the men’s room but, there are others I have him come in and wait for me by the sinks. Kids are just nosey. They look or stare and it’s not in a weird way its just what they do lol.

My son is 10…he has 2 options wait right out the bathroom door or wait outside the stall door!! There are too many bad people to risk my son!! You will learn as time goes on not everyone is nice…remember wolf in sheeps clothing…its a true story…

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Ummm yeah I don’t let my boys wait outside for me… this world isn’t Ike when we were kids… it’s not safe anywhere these days