I’m just wondering how people can be together for a decade and not have finances combined. All this “yours/mine” shit sounds more like roommates, not a family.
The mortgage isn’t for kids? I’m sure the kids use the internet, utilities are for the kids as well seems you have bigger issues but that’s another story ….you each claim one kid
Maybe claim them on whose taxes would make more with them and split it half and half
Seriously all problems finished this is prioroty i think yiu guys need to work as a couple not two people tjays sharing a house. If you seperate things that is little how you guys being an example to your kids. Being a couple is sharing helping one another in life and finance.
Shouldn’t the parent with lower I come claim?
Wow! Greedy much! So, he pays all of the bills for you and your kids and you don’t think he is entitled to claim a child?? Can you pay all of the bills without him? Tf
You are absolutely in the wrong!
Ummm he pays for shelter, lights, water, heat, car… but doesn’t provide for the kids??? Am I doing something wrong here? Wtf? HONEY, THAT IS PROVIDING FOR THE KIDS!!! So, I’m gonna say he has every right to claim if they are his children.
I’ve always been the one to claim it since I make less and the return is higher. But it’s always been “our” money not just mine.
He’s paying for mortgage and utilities which are providing a roof and comfort for your children. But, legally, he can’t do that unless you’re married? Not sure of the rule.
I can’t with some of these questions
Go with who would get the biggest return and share the money. He contributed just as much. Don’t be greedy and selfish
If u been together that long why does it matter who claims the kids?
Don’t it all go towards the same cause? Besides the house and light are needed to raise kids so there’s that too…
you claim one .he claims one.
Whoever claim those children credits needs to claim those kids end of story. There shouldn’t be no fight bc that’s the deciding factor. Or if that person who claimed the credits doesn’t claim the children on taxes will end up owing all that back plus fines for getting money that technically wasn’t due to them.
All of those things he pays is to take care of the kids it sounds like as well…and are probably more expensive. In total honesty….it should be split. Without what he provides you would have nothing it sounds like. Sorry to say it.
He absolutely provides for the kids by paying for all of the house bills!!! He is contributing to taking care of them as well. Secondly, rule of thumb is whoever makes more money, claims them. Or you guys can each claim one child.
Wow just wow. The kids are in her custody with her name. She legally gets the tax credit and they are legally her kids to claim! How they work out the rest of their business is nobody’s business
Yikes. If I were him I’d leave you.
Not how I’d choose to operate my home, but based on what it sounds like you’ve been doing, I’d suggest you claim one each. It’s incredibly ignorant & selfish to insinuate his monthly expenses don’t contribute to child care. He’s literally providing the roof over their heads and all that entails. The excuse, “his monthly expenses wouldn’t change without kids.” Girl, lol. The difference in electric and water for one person VS four is huge.
Paying for a house has nothing to do with children? Don’t they live there? Do they ride in his vehicle?
IDK, you’re only as good as your word. He could take it to court and have the “agreement” done on paper, if you’re going to be wishy washy. Maybe having everything official and set in stone through the courts is your best bet at this junction.
Those bills you say ain’t for the kids is for the kids. They live in the home, they use the electric to see and for you to make them food if have electric appliances, they use the water for baths, for you to clean their dishes and the house, they use that house as a home. So yes he should be able to claim one or two, they are his kids also. If I did claim my own taxes we would split the kids up on taxes but he claims me also, so I don’t have to file separately.
You should each claim one.
You each should claim a child. There is no reason to be greedy ! With that kind of attitude, I would let you claim both and charge you rent. Also require you to pay half of the bills !!
Legally he can’t claim the children unless you are married. The bills he does pay, I’m sorry but do include the kids. They use water and power.
Yea you have a terrible outlook on this
Girl put ur petty away and split it
Please tell me you’re joking
Ummmm, I see he provides just as much for the kids. If he didn’t pay the mortgage then the kids would not have a roof over their head. If he didn’t pay electric, then no heat/air/lights. Selfish it sounds like.
Do the kids not live in the house? Do they never use the car, phone, internet, lights, water or electric?
Terrible outlook just plain greedy.
You need to change your attitude because everything you both pays is for the kids.
I’ll just answer your original question and leave it at that.
Yes, you are wrong.
Fill them out with him claiming them both, you claiming them both, and one a piece. Do what benefits you all together
Whoever would get the most money back should claim the kids…. It’s both your money I mean after ten years it should be at least.
My boyfriend is claiming me and my daughter because it gives him a bigger tax break than I would get claiming my daughter. I think after 10 years you would want to do what’s best for the whole family. My boyfriends pays for housing and let me tell you if he didn’t … we wouldn’t have a roof over our head or food on our plate. Think about your kids that shit affects them
They are his kids he can claim them you are in the wrong for not letting him just because your not married… it’s no different.
Do one each I have 4 babies & I’m not with the father he claims 2 ,& I claim 2.
I think way more info is needed on this one
I gotta say if your in a committed relationship it doesn’t matter who claims the kids because it’s YOUR GUYS money together. He’s putting a roof over their heads, he’s providing water, and electricity for your kids for you to cook that food you buy, he pays for WiFi for you and the kids to use. Don’t be sour because that’s how it ruins relationships. Your suppose to be a TEAM. That money who ever claims and gets more is how it should be done and if your “this is my money and he has his” split the money, because if y’all ever got married there is no “that’s his bill and this is my bill” they are both y’all’s bills, both y’all’s children, and both y’all’s money.
You claim one and he claims the other???
In my opinion OP is being extremely petty & has a terrible attitude. But to answer the original question, yes I think OP is wrong in her way of thinking & going about this situation
Soooo… What would you do without him paying those things? You greedy girl. Split it with him
If there living together and he’s paying all those bills they are for the kids…The house,Electric,Water the kids wouldnt have any of that if he wasnt paying they’d be on the streets or living in her car
Seems like a competition of who pays what. Not very healthy.
You also seem to be saying you wouldn’t need food, medical, clothes if you didn’t have kids… really?
Okay you’ve lost your mind lol if y’all are together, live together, both pay bills (kid related or not) it shouldn’t matter who claims they. It’s YALLS money
He pays all of the household bills, so you’re living for free and using the kids as an excuse to keep the money GREEDY
Whoever got the ECI last year has to claim them or else they will have to pay it back this year.
This is bizarre!!! Lol
Are they not biologically his children? If he is the bio dad why are u even asking? whether he claims or u do doesn’t it go back into the family? I’m lost cos I’m from a different country but otherwise isn’t the concept the same?
Ummm you have two kids, there’s 2 adults so why don’t you each just claim one
Umm, shouldn’t it be “yours”, like…together? Technically, according the IRS, the custodial parent claims the kids. Since y’all are just dating, it would be you.
That’s said, the way you broke that down is kinda grimy.
Should be 1 kid each. You need the stuff he pays for and so do your kids. Those costs could change if he didn’t have kids. Smaller house, electricity bill, water bill etc but regardless you and your kids use all that stuff too. Legally he’d be just as entitled to the exemption as you are.
It is a complicated answer as it sounds like his is his and yours is yours. Were you working together on the money; logically you would figure the taxes several ways and whatever yields the highest returns is the best for the family. If his is his and yours is yours I would still figure taxes both ways and get the best yield. However if you do not know how to do taxes yourself and pay a service; figuring taxes several ways can cost to much money to be worth the trouble. It does however sound like his is the lion’s share of the income and also the lion’s share of the domestic expenditures which would mean the yield would be best with the expenses on his taxes.
Absolutely wrong husband kids to you both claim a k7d period that is very greedy so he pays all household bills and you provide childcare because well they are your kids to so household ex0ense do change with kids he is paying higher electric bills due to all of you in the home and I’m sure he wouldn’t need such a big place if it was just him so Absolutely it counts to he is doing more than you period you are petty and need to grow up I see why he is boyfriend after 10 years smart man like I said you both claim a child and will probably come out way ahead than if you claimed them both smh people are so greedy smh
do your taxes with both kids and then his and see who would benefit from it more…file accordingly
This is the dumbest post~ why TF aren’t you guys just splitting it 50/50??? Why does it matter who pays what? (Unless only one pays for absolutely everything)!
This entire post made me cringe. I sure hope you’re not teaching kids to be that petty and greedy…dang
I don’t think I could be with someone who thinks this way in a relationship. If it’s not 50/50 what’s the point? You’re supposed to help each other out. Step up when the other can’t and collectively get everything done as a TEAM! I see no part of a team in your post except how bills are broken up, that part at least makes sense to me (depending on the incomes of course)
My husband claims our son every year. I don’t see anything wrong with it
His expenses do go up, he needs a larger house or apartment,
Explore with an accountant/ tax preparer but could probably each claim one
Sounds like you just want the money for yourself. You are definitely in the wrong
Why can’t each of you claim one child?
YOU ARE WRONG!!! Each sould claim one.
Well he def pays the roof over you and your kids head! The phone your typing This on and the car your driving. You seem to have it made. All of those bills are because of kids.
If y’all are together, run the numbers to see who gets the bigger return if they claim the kids, and go from there.
I’m assuming you share finances…. So what difference does it matter?
When I claimed head of household before we got married, I claimed both the kids on mine but my hubby and I have shared everything since the beginning so it has always been ours not his or mine when it comes to money.
It’s not just about the costs directly related to the kids.
If he didn’t have you and the kids. The lights,water, gas if you use gas, all would be a lot cheaper than if it was just him.
He possibly wouldn’t have the home he has, that accommodates you and the kids.
It’s been 10 years that’s pretty much being married.
Pretty said you still don’t actually account for that.
You would have way more expensives if it wasn’t for him. And you know it.
You couldn’t possibly be that oblivious.
He pays all the cost of actually living. While your paying for child care
If anything you should be sharing the credit meaning you claim one and he claim one. He’s paying more just to care for you guys. While not being able to use the credit. That should be his too.
Run numbers and se where it is most beneficial on who would get a bigger return . Or take turns claiming
Yea your wrong all the housing bills cost are for the kids too
Do your kids use the water, internet and electric?? Yes,he would have those bills if there was no kids but the more use the more it costs on some of those! Maybe not claim the kids on taxes but you should definitely hand him some money on those bills to help
Giiirl you need a damn reality check and let him claim your childish self along with them kids
If he is your “boyfriend” & not husband why don’t you EACH claim a child & both get a bigger return? If you live in the same household it’s kinda all going towards the needs anyway
Your sounding money hungry, both of you can claim a child each and still get equal amount your Defintley in the wrong.
Each claim one child each, dam you’re pretty much married.
He pays all household bills and the mortgage right? Does the kids live in the home he pays for?
So the roof over their heads, the water they use to take baths, the heat, the TVs, the lights, the car they ride in just doesn’t matter?
You sound like my ex… selfish.
Uhm, lights, water and electricity are because of the kids as well. The kids need/use them. But what you spend vs what he spends on them is irrelevant. I was always told that the one who made the least amount for the year should be the one to claim the kids whether it’s you or him. Talk about being selfish. No wonder he’s still a boyfriend and not a husband.
Wow you are so wrong. You would be right if you and the kids live on the streets. However maybe you guys can compromise and each claim one of the kids.
So paying a mortgage lights water and car and insurance isn’t for kids as well… what do you call it when he is keeping the roof over y’all’s head the lights on and water. Oh and paying for a car and it’s insurance to also transport kids as well hmm sounds to me like you are in the wrong because all of that goes towards the kids as well
Who keeps the house in order? Do you do all the cleaning (including his), grocery shopping (including his), and cooking (including his)?
I mean- if you do- that’s a whole other full time job that you don’t get paid for- so yes, you should claim both kids.
You sound greedy & he clearly does too much for an ungrateful woman.
Find out who benefits most from claiming the kids.
Why are you still a girlfriend after 10 yrs is what I wanna know
You are wrong and greedy girl!
And who’s paying for the kids to have water to have light to have gas to have a house ?!?!?!? Him so yeah you are in the wrong
Ask your accountant who should claim. Whoever gets the most back should claim and give half to the other.
I mean yall have 2 kids and both yall do care for the kids in a way. split them up no reason not to.
Legally, the one who makes the most money is supposed to claim head of household, and the kids, if they’re his.
So kids don’t cost housing? Driving them around? The insurance for the car to drive them around? Insurance water or lights? Hmmm
What the absolute hell is wrong with you? Someone who has an actual shitty baby daddy… you are a complete ass i hope he does claim them and PAYS THE BILLS OF THE PROPERTY YOUR KIDS ARE LIVING AT!!! But ya know. His money doesn’t go to the kids. Just everything YOU and your children use to not live like a caveman:joy: Dumbass
Let me tell you what I’m going through before I get jumped in the comments…my sons dad has barely worked, has been in and out of jails, mental hospitals, rehabilitation centers, without paying child support and then asked that we split taxes every other year…doesn’t help with food clothes or medical bills…I’m going to tell you right now I don’t believe he deserves to claim our son at any point because he doesn’t finance a damn thing for our child. I have paid for everything since our child was born and have never gone after him for anything so forgive me if I sound rude or aggressive but if I was being helped with providing for our child in any way shape or form I would definitely reconsider the situation.
You should do what we do and switch off. One year his, one year yours. Not fair for you to get to claim them all of the time. Also… mortgage, lights, phone, internet, all of it, goes for EVERYONE, including the children. Do they use the lights? Do they flush the toilets? YES. Make it fair…
My kids dad and I claimed the kids every other year
It’s only right and fair.
Dumbest post…
Whomever will benefit from the claiming of children, meaning whoever will receive the largest refund, i.e. has to pay IRS less if filing should be considered… Overall these household expenses benefit everyone, children included… But I guess these ppl can’t see the forest for the trees…
Doesn’t the tax $ go right back to the same place regardless of who claims them?? What’s the big deal? He might actually get the better benefit from claiming them.
Y’all been together 10 years and still don’t put your money together? WTH I guess I’m doing it wrong then! 2 kids then you should do 1 and he do 1! Apparently he’s a good person, good dad since you’re still with him. So why not split it!
Wtf kinda bullshit did I just read?
I guess that apparently in your eyes your kids don’t need a place to live, heat to keep them warm, water to cleanse themselves, electricity for working lights or anything. Yes, clearly your kids need nothing except health insurance and your car. Seriously, wtf is wrong with people
Also, sound dumb as fuck trying to say monthly expenses don’t cost more just cuz they have kids.
Probably should stop eating tide pods
Kids ain’t using water and electricity?
I see why he’s not married you yet. Your greedy. If you were to go to court the judge would only let you claim the kids every other year. Like when I got divorced I got to claim on even years & their dad on odd years. But guess what I wasn’t greedy. I let him claim the oldest every year & I claimed the youngest every. My kids are 5 years apart. So I got to claim him for 5 years without his dad claiming him. Plus when my oldest graduated we didn’t go back to court to have child support reduced. He paid the full amount of child support till our youngest graduated. It’s called doing what’s best for the kids