Am I in the wrong?

If he’s driving without a license, he’s breaking the law. When he gets arrested for it, your son will be taken to cps. You are not in the wrong!


No Drivers lincense you cant take the Child now if someone else wants to drive sure Ill let you see your child but you dont get to drive if you dont have a Drivers lincense.

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Legally you cannot without your child from him even without him having a valid license…I’ve been through this several times. I don’t agree with it at all, but it’s law


Do men ever grow up? :person_facepalming:
I agree with you!


You should drop off & pick up. Aren’t you getting child support from him?


lol how is a revoked license BECAUSE OF CHILD SUPPORT equate to dad not knowing how to drive now???


Drop him off to his house and pick him up.


How does not having an active license affect his driving? Sure, it’s not legal…but you don’t all of a sudden forget how to drive when your license isn’t valid…


Why it’s unsafe to drive without active license? I understand it’s illegal but unsafe :woozy_face:… I don’t think it’s matter what your kid does with dad, it’s his time. And visitation and child support should never be mixed, it’s 2 different things


Unlicensed people are not driving my child!


How is his driving history? I personally wouldn’t come between a father and child.


You’re definitely overreacting. Let that man see his child, HELP him if you’re concerned about the license. Maybe go up to FOC and have it wiped so he can see his child. I’m so over women being about money :roll_eyes:


If he’s not paying, he looses the right for the visitation. Perhaps he needs to think about supporting his children!!! Definitely not worth the risk too, if he got pulled over he would be arrested. A kid does not need to see this.


Scary thought…… a bunch of the driving population don’t have licenses. They’re either 1) suspended and they don’t care and still drive. Or 2) they never had one. There are insurance agencies (not supposed to) but they will provide coverage without proof of a license. So you never know who has one or not until you ask haha

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Is this really about the license?


I get what your saying because you can also get into trouble especially if dhs knows your letting him leave while not having a active license let alone non payments for child support is also gonna get his visitation revoked because dhs requires you to have alot of things done especially in child support cases. Best of luck to you mama. You have your own thoughts worries and fears. Some folks just wouldn’t understand

Sadly it sounds like you’re holding it against him because of the Payment and you can’t do something like that period. If you were behind on a bill would you be happy if someone told you not to put your kid kidding the car. Because you forgot to pay your car insurance does that make you forget to how to drive. the same principle. You’ll obviously find out if he gets pulled over with the kid because they’ll call you to pick up the child. But it does sound like you’re just really irritated with him and you’re kind of nit picking. We all do it just gotta remind yourself. As long as he doesn’t have like you know DWIS or a bunch of wrecks


It boils down to you wanting him to see his dad or not…if you do, you’ll take him and pick him up. If you don’t, you won’t. I agree he shouldn’t be driving. Like at all, especially with a child in the car. But if you want your child to have a relationship with his dad you’ll make it work, even if it inconveniences you. It’s unfortunate, but us mom’s always get the shit end of the deal. :roll_eyes:

The biggest issue I foresee is that if he gets pulled over driving without a license they will impound his car and someone will have to pick up him and the child. However, I drove without a license for over a year. I didn’t even know it was suspended until I got rear ended and the officer had to run my license… keeping a child from their father is wrong no matter what. If you’re that concerned, drop him off and pick him up, but do NOT punish your child by keeping him from his dad.


Licenses is there for a reason, good driver or not. My child is not going with an unlicensed driver no matter how good they are on the road. That’s being irresponsible on my part.

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If he is driving, with out a license, let him pick him up and then call the cops. Having a revoked license doesn’t mean you are an unsafe driver, it just means you are breaking the law.

  1. A lot of women agreeing with her are bitter and would come between the father and child coz of anger (and jealousy when the man moves on)

  2. Its not about the license… She’s stripping the child from the father and using it as an excuse


If cop pull him over he wont be allow to drive car wirhout license its law if he got arrested child go with cop. So best if you drop off and pick up it about following the law .

How’s it unsafe? It’s not like he got the license revoked for reckless driving. If it was a safety issue you wouldn’t have let him in the car with him license or no license. Illegal, yes, unsafe in your situation? I’m guessing no

See people will be haters for this coment but if it was Mt child not only would the child not be goin to anyone’s place nd going in the car wth someone unlicensed regardless of who that person is but If I new that person is driving unlicensed I would report them even if it ment telling them to come get the child the child not being there nd calling the cops to catch tht person out if people don’t Ike I do tht wen they breaking law don’t do it or atleast make sure I don’t no about it

No license no driving


Child support and visitation are two seperate issues. What he does with his child on his time is non of your business. I know this sucks. But this is literally how the courts look at it. They will get you for parental alienation which is against the law also.


Did his license being revoked alter his safe driving? That’s no reason to keep the child from his. I mean, if you want to be petty, wait until you pick the child up from dad, and call the law on him for dwlr.


No. Don’t let him go

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My fear would be on the fact that dad could get pulled over and arrested and the child has to witness the father being arrested


I am baffled how people do not get this. If he gets pulled over, he is arrested immediately. If they cannot get in touch with her in ONE phone call, they call child services. Do you not see the problem here? How traumatic do you think that is for a kid? Not only that, it is on record that she was specifically told that he didn’t have a license and she knows he is continuing to drive. This turns into a problem for HER if she allows it. He can come visit the child at her place. They can meet at a park at a convenient time or another place to play, he has openly said he will drive with the kid so she can’t trust him not to break the law- that’s the problem, and she knew, and if they get caught this could potentially cause big problems for her - why should she risk that? This is not speculation, my brother is a state trooper. People get yanked into court or get visits from Child Services for a lot less - don’t risk it. Tell him to visit at your house.


my step sons mom didn’t let my fiancé pick up their son if he was driving because he didn’t have a license. he got a ride or i drove him. he can make arrangements, but if he tries, let your child go with him. but yes, if he got pulled over, you’d both be at fault.


No your .not turn him in.


Wow. Cannot believe the amount of comments that are saying let him go with an unlicensed driver. It’s not about whether or not the dad is a competent driver it’s about what could happen if he were to happen to get pulled over while with his son in the vehicle. I know in the state I live in you automatically get taken into custody. Think of what that could do to the kid.


Make him bring a licensed driver when child is in the vehicle. It can be enforced in court if he doesnt have enough common sense not to drive illegally…

If someone hits his car with your child in it- he is AUTOMATICALLY at fault because he wasn’t supposed to be on the road behind the wheel without a driver’s license. Who is going to pay the medical bills if your child gets hurt? If he doesn’t have a license he doesn’t have car insurance. He can’t even pay child support; so he definitely can’t pay medical bills. He’s putting your child in a dangerous position.
You’re not crazy, but you need to take him back to court ASAP.

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Either don’t let him go, or make a licensed driver go with him.

Wow the amount of women in here saying turn him in. Disgusting. Just don’t let him drive her simply for the fact if he gets pulled over and they can’t contact her etc. Not to just be petty, like honestly it’s BS they even revoke licenses for non payment. What a scam. Wrong af


No you aren’t exaggerating. Your ex if pulled over by police will be arrested for non payment of child support, fined for driving without a license , and his car will be impounded. Your child will then be with protective services until they can reach you. And it will probably open a DSS/ CPS investigation.


…lots of comments about having the license or not doesn’t change how safe he drives. Which is accurate. But what it might affect is insurance. If he gets in a wreck, insurance would likely not cover it. If he is with the child in the car, it is likely insurance will not cover the accident as he’s driving illegally. Having an injured child with no coverage is a safety issue as it may effect treatment choices should they ever get in an accident. Depending what country this is in, treatment is directly related to money and if there is no insurance available it may effect the courses of treatment.
That being said, I don’t think she should withhold visitation. There are other ways to arrange visits that don’t involve the child in an illegal situation.


He needs to support his child. So be it

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Here’s the thing about revoked licenses in many states…if he were to be stopped by the police, there’s a good chance he’ll go to jail. Many states it’s arrestable offense that usually ends with the driver taken to jail. So, now if that child is with dad that has revoked dl and gets stopped, goes to jail, what happens to the child? Maybe mom can come get the child, maybe not. Good chance child services will get involved at some point, if not taking custody of child.

Lots of things to think about outside of unsafe driving or no license amd driving.

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I think youre over reacting.Did it effect his safe driving before you found out?Regardless,he should still have visits with his dad.

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depending on your state he could immediately get locked up. its a court modification that he needs someone in the vehicle if he wants to pick the kid up himself. otherwise mom needs to drop kiddo off at dads or its parental alienation. other than that what happens when kiddo is at dads is out of your hands just keep your phone on and be ready to answer and go pick up the kiddo if dad gets pulled over

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I’d tell him he needs to have the vehicle he’s being transported in legal and a legal driver driving it. So many things could go wrong there. Otherwise I’d say don’t with hold that baby. Or you could suggest getting the child support reevaluated or him giving you the money and you making the payments for him. My ex always forgot so he’d give me money when he’d see me and I’d drop it off at FOC on my way in. He no longer sees our son (his choice) and now no longer makes payments :woman_shrugging:t2: I can only imagine the trouble he’ll be in but I’ve tried and tried over the years to help him and he just keeps disappearing….

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Absolutely not… he can’t drive around with no DL!! How irresponsible is he anyway! Oh wait he will drive his own kid around without a driver’s license AND doesn’t even care enough to pay child support… I see daddy really cares a lot… um NOT!

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If he’s pulled over while driving without a license the cop can do 2 things- call a family member to pick him up, or call Department of Children and Family Services which will effect all of you. He needs to get his license back or use a taxi or family member or something when driving


A little bit in my opinion he shouldn’t be driving on suspended but I don’t think it hurts his safety. Wouldn’t change how he drives

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Find a different way to have them spend time together. Don’t take away his Dad if the Dad is wanting to be in his life.


How is driving without a license dangerous lol … Sounds like the typical baby momma drama


Just because he doesn’t have an active license doesn’t mean his driving habits have turned bad. If he was a safe driver with a valid license chances are he is still safe. As for child support, has he lost his job therefore going through tough times? Talk to the man. All those outside influences are not gong to change his love for his child or the need for your child to have their father in their life. Think logically.


I’d be filing a modification petition asking that dad not be allowed to drive w/ child til he gets his license back.


Maybe u can just make the trip til he gets his license back?


If he gets pulled over the cops will call family or cps and then he might end up losing visitation anyway and he can be charged with child endangerment


How is this a threat to your child’s safety. Stop with the dramatics. Y’all would find ANYTHING to keep kids from their dads. A lot of these cops been through the same shit, also find it counterproductive to suspend a license and usually won’t go to any extreme to make the traffic stop any more difficult. Been here, done that.

Many he should done the right thing In the first place . He should either get someone else to drive or do some sort public transport. Or pay you money for fule to drop off child… if he done the right thing In the first place he might still have his licence.

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And then to drag him BACK into court for ridiculous modifications is a waste of everyone’s time, especially the courts. Unbelievable! :man_facepalming: Thank GOD my daughter’s mother wasn’t this petty.


Do they have hardship dL where you live? Maybe a just would give him one for work and child pick up … I mean you will never get support of he can’t work either

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Maybe you should be dropping him off and picking him up from his dad’s. Not for nothing his license isn’t suspended for bad driving it’s due to non payment which means your child’s life isn’t in danger ultimately… If he chooses to drive with your son in the car he is the one that is risking everything most likely hit with driving with a suspended license and and depending on situation endangering the welfare of a child. I get why you’re frustrated but don’t totally agree.


I’d need more information to make a valid comment. Why is he behind on child support? Why are you afraid when he is with his dad? Are you putting your child’s needs first? Children need both parents unless one is abusive.

No… protecting a child… your child… is number one on your list


Here’s a different take…shared parenting! Minimal support exchange so less likely for someone to get behind, losing license which affects ability to work and care for the child. Yes,it can be an inconvenience for one or both parents. And I also know that there are some not so great parents out there (you chose to have a child with this person)but, I’ve seen way more well rounded and grounded children come from this senerio.

Lmfao. Why are you afraid for your sons safety? Just because he lost his license doesn’t mean he lost the ability to know how to drive :joy: petty and lame


Licenses are not magic. They do not impart knowledge. He drives just as well with it as without it.


Was he a safer driver with a license? Is he fool enough to run from the police with his kid in the car rather than pull over? Then I would be concerned. I would ask your lawyer if you could be liable if something happens because you knew his license has been revoked. If not, he didn’t forget how to drive when he lost his license. The worst that could happen, if you’re not liable, is you may be inconvenienced to have to go get your child if he gets pulled over.


No - you are within your right as a parent and as a Momma your only job is your baby. In some states you lose your car if you have no license- you don’t want your baby in that situation. Stick to your guns Momma!!:v:t4::yum:


Not exaggerating at all. I would go and request a variation of the order though through the courts to make everything legal


He sounds like a winner - glad it’s “ex”

He is being narcissist , for your son safety don’t let him


A license doesnt mean nothing can happen accidents aren’t determined by whoever has a license and it’s status. Let the child be with their parent damn

Everyone here be like “he doesn’t lose his driving skill just because he lost his license” driving without a license IS ILLEGAL!? Cause I know Here it is. And he’s dumb to put his child in a car when he doesn’t have a legal permit to drive it. He’s breaking the law.


Does he drive differwith a license?


I think it’s quite dramatic and over exaggerating. Your son wasn’t any safer bc your ex had a license. It’s not a magical card.

That being said, he needs to bring a licensed driver with him to get the kid.


No for one your husband is breaking the law for two thats very irresponsible of him .he trying to get out of paying his debt that he owes you period and get to see his kid


No. If he has no license, he has no insurance. What happens if there is an accident?


I don’t think so. Because what happens if they run his plates and pull him over? He is getting arrested. So nope. He should really take care of that. :woman_shrugging:

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And if Dad gets pulled over and the car is impounded and mama can’t be reached, what happens to her son that is the question your son would be scared of the police station or temporarily placed with strangers and getting scared that’s the question, mama you do what you believe is right. Dad’s breaking the law.

Maybe she’s scared for the safety because if the dad gets pulled over, he’s going to jail. Then the child is also taken down to the station and the mom would be called to go get him. Why put that child through all that?!

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No. If he has not made payments on time, they can’t seem to get a response from him, they have the right. They really want to try & work on what might be causing the non-payments.
But, if it’s been 26 months, he gave them every reason.
And, if it were my son, I wouldn’t let him be in the car With anyone WITHOUT A VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE.
I don’t care if it was my best friend or …
Remember this, if YOU are the Parent who is responsible for your son, then you are making the right decision.
Even if your ex has a spotless driving record, driving with a suspended license, he is NOW breaking the law. Not just driving your son, but DRIVING ANYWHERE.


Then you bring your son. Let your son see his Dad because the support issue has nothing to do with the child. Children don’t understand these things. If he lives his Dad and the visits are good work something out for that to happen.


why is your son suffering becuase u and dad cant get along?
u get in your car and drop him off. and then pick him up.
i beleive if ur not allowing your sons dad to see him, then he shouldnt have to pay a dime .


No cause no matter how much knowledge he may have or how great of driver he is he could get pulled over with his kid in the car & that wouldn’t be a good lesson for your kid.

Sorry but that’s a no from me . If it was my child and I new he was doing that I’d call the cops . I’d rather my child see a police office doing their job then be at a scene of an accident with real injuries. But that’s me I will always teach my children the right way and to protect themselves

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If he got in an accident with a suspended license his insurance would not cover him. This is the case in Alberta Canada anyways. The courts would never tell you to allow him to break the law to pick his son up. Guess he can take the bus to pick him up? That’s the whole point of enforceable actions on child support to get the support paid. Here mep will work with you if you need to make arrangements. My ex did that got his license back as long as he pays the minimum. He can Uber, take transit or take a cab if he doesn’t want to pay the minimum child support.

Do whats in the best interest of the child and that isn’t being in a car with someone who doesn’t have a valid license

Tell him he needs to give you gas money and you drop the kids off and pick up.

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The judge will tell you either he gets a 3rd party. Till he gets his license back
Or have you do both
Because child support and visitation are separate.
I found that out the hard way


If he makes arrangements from somewhere to have any amount deposited to Child Support; $30 a month from someones checking account, he can get his drivers license back and they can’t take it away again. Also they probably cause him to not be able to have a bank account of any kind so it is impossible for him to set it up for himself. It is a crime how they totally take away a persons life, when they are trying to keep a job to have the money to pay child support. They dehumanize them and it is a night mare.

Ur child shouldn’t be riding with him driving until he has license again. Just tell him 2 have a licensed driver 4 visitation if he wants 2 see child.

You’re not afraid of his safety and you know it, what may happen is you get called to come get your kid if he got caught driving without a license but you know damn good n well he didn’t suddenly forget how to drive. Good grief. Don’t pretend that’s why. It’s an enforcement he needs to follow tho

No Mom you are not…stand your ground…:pray::facepunch::v:

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Legally, if you don’t let him go, you CAN get in trouble for contempt.


Depends on if you trust him to not drive while unlicensed, which it sounds like you don’t. But I don’t think the courts will give a crap visitation is visitation, talk to a lawyer.

It was a no from me. I literally moved states because it led to such a fight. :woman_shrugging:t2: my best friend and her bf were cops and if he got caught driving they could take my son away from both of us.

Nope. No license, no driving with the kid

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I think you’re doing the right thing by not allowing him to drive him at all I absolutely agree that if you know that he doesn’t have a drivers license and his license it’s been revoked he should not be driving your son around in the car I agree however you could like drop him off over there or some thing or do something like that where you know he won’t be in his car to make it work if that’s a thing you guys are allowed to do

No the safety of your child comes first.

Yes you can arrange for him to get a licensed driver to pick up son and to drop him off.


No, you are protecting your child. Is it possible for you to drop him off at his house?

Yes your over reacting…let him take his son