Am I in the wrong?

They took away his license, not his ability to drive. Although he shouldn’t be driving…
Sadly visitation shouldn’t be blocked, it’s separate to payments… Fight in court, where it doesn’t effect the child


Nope.No license he shouldn’t be driving with him because what if he gets pulled over for a light out or something and they arrest him and your son has to witness that and you’ll get backlash to know he didn’t have a license.


He can get arrested if pulled over? Depends on weather you want the chance of your son witnessing that.


Do you think you are over reacting? Because obviously driving without a license is a no go lol. Just go drop your son off with him :woman_shrugging:t2:

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It would be neglect in the eyes on the Court, for you to allow your child to ride with an unlicensed driver. You need to speak to an attorney and get the Court to modify visitation so that he can get approval for a family member to pick the kids up and drop them off for him. I just went through this with my 2 year olds Dad last year.


How tf does a payment affect his driving skills? Stop being bitter. Take him to him yourself if it’s that big of a deal, but keeping him from his kid over money is disgusting.


I was the same way when my youngest was younger. He didn’t like goi g to his dad’s anyway. But that’s not the point. He doesn’t have a license and he’s a poor driver. Running onto other rigs. Goi g I to other lanes. He sais he dosent do it but everyone e sais they see him.

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I wouldn’t want him to drive with him, not because of safety but what if he gets arrested for driving on a suspended license with your kid in the car I don’t know if that would cause problems for you. But he still should be able to see him just like before it’s not like he’s dangerous all of a sudden.


yup lol its a driver license. not a fucking broken car :woman_facepalming:t2: if u dont like it then take him over him self

I mean it doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to drive maybe he just had trouble paying. Has nothing to do with his ability to parent and keep your kid safe. You’re definitely over exaggerating.

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If it’s over no paying then that’s isn’t right

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When your license is suspended your ability to drive isn’t omg :laughing:


His license wasn’t revoked because he’s a bad driver


Nope. Court will not make you let him go. If you do, it could be seen as negligence. Bring it up in Court. Ask for a new motion. Maybe not to keep him away, but to make him have visitation at the pizza house in your town without him taking your child/ren anywhere. I’m sure the court will do that.


The only way I would keep my son from his father is if he were in danger. Not receiving child support is not a valid reason. Let’s be real, in the long run what is more important, you receiving money each month or your child building a strong and healthy relationship with both parents? Let me rephrase, that what’s more important for your child and not yourself. The big picture is you are mad you haven’t been getting child support, he has already been punished for not paying and you are going to use his punishment to punish him again. Meanwhile, your baby just misses his daddy. :sleepy:


It’s insane they take license for lack of cs payments. Like ok, let’s stop someone from driving legally to go make money yet expect them to pay :roll_eyes:


I would not allow my children in the vehicle with him. It isn’t a safety issue but a teaching them that actions have consequences and you must deal with those consequences. Driving without a license is illegal and I will not put my children in the vehicle with someone I know is driving illegally.
Visitations will now need to be done solely by you transporting your son or dad coming with another driver (a friend or taxi/Uber) to pick him up/drop him off.


Ok so this really has nothing to do with safety… In most situations… I know nothing of OP so I don’t know really… However, it is your ex husbands choice to drive without his license… The safety of his driving skills doesn’t change with or without a license. If he wants to risk his son watching him be arrested, that’s not really a mom problem. Nothing has changed in their relationship tho, so I don’t think you should stop letting him see his son. However, I think you should handle all drop offs and pick ups so that you’re not encouraging him to drive without a license. That way you can also maintain in any legal situations that you’ve been doing everything you could to keep him from driving…


You can’t deny him his time with his kids due to no payment and his license being suspended.


For all those surprised that this can happen…it happens quite frequently. Just as one can be put in jail or even prison solely for child support arrears. All these should be known to the parent paying and they should get several warnings before their license is pulled.


Drivers safety is not an issue. Revoked for nonpayment doesn’t mean he has a safety issue. However driving on a suspended license is an issue. If he gets pulled over driving, he could be arrested and the car impounded (depending on state laws) and if your child is with him, CPS or the sheriff may have to bring him home. That could be traumatic. In most states they no longer take license for nonsupport because if the parent can’t get to work then everyone loses.


rationally… calm down, his ability to drive isn’t revoked… the little card with his picture on it is
practically…. the court will see it as clear negligence on your part for allowing a knowingly revoked license holder to drive with the child in the car

simply call lawyers, explain, and have a documented memo sent to him and kept on file. If anything you’d be preventing your ex from further complicating his driving issues… not your fault he isn’t paying cs

If he’s pulled over while driving with no license… he goes to jail… car gets impounded… CPS comes and takes your child and then you’re in a WHOLE mess for at least 6 months… Don’t let your child go… if he takes you to court over it, they will tell him that he needs to have a driver if he wants his visits…

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Losing his license don’t mean he forgot how to drive. I lost my for several years back when responsibility fees were crazy. Didn’t make me a bad driver.

That has nothing to do with safety, he could drive fine before but how his l got taken you wanna say it’s unsafe? Might be illegal for dad to drive but it’s not unsafe…logically!
It’s on you I mean, I guess you better start taking him to his dad if you want to continue to receive help in anyway…hopefully he can keep getting to work to continue to try to pay you for cs. I don’t know your situation but if he’s an active father, why not cut him a break? So many dads don’t try…at all. Good luck and bless y’all’s situation


He has to find someone to drive him for pickups… and be trusted to Not be driving while he has your child… you should be picking up from him when its your parenting time…

you are being soooooo dramatic.

How do you think your son is going to feel if he suddenly after 7 years isn’t allowed to go to his dad’s? I think you could drop him off so you don’t disrupt there relationship. Just a thought. Deal with the financial part between the two of you.


Not having a licences doesn’t suddenly make him a bad driver. What you do need to work about is if he gets pulled over, will he just simply get a ticket and be on his way or could him and soon be stuck on the side of the road whole car is being towed.

No, however he does have the right to visitation so either you transport the kids all the way to him or you two come up with an acceptable alternative driver!


So because he had his license taken away he suddenly lost the skill of driving too? Lmao. He had it taken away because of not paying CS, not driving recklessly or anything :woman_facepalming:t2: you’re a goof ball and are clearly on a power trip and trying to flip it like you’re just a concerned mom smh


No. Cps could be called if he is caught… you could be charged for knowingly letting him go in car.


Is no one realizing that if he gets pulled over with the child in the car, not only does that child have to see his dad put in handcuffs and taken to jail, but also child protective services will get involved. Both parents can be investigated for negligence, and dad could possibly get an extra charge. I’d still let him see the child, but I would handle drop offs and pick ups.


Hasn’t paid support in 2 years??? Unacceptable… doesn’t he file taxes and work???


Absolutely not! He’s the one who’s being irresponsible what the fuck???

You should pick up/drop off


Your son should still see his dad for their relationship. To withhold your son from his time with his dad is beyond dramatic. Either he finds someone to drive him or you drive him them for the time being. It isnt about you and your ex, its about your son and his dad. I would have told the state or at the very least requested they not revoke his license. I would have also talked to my ex about the support. Why did it take the CS office to call you and let you know? Where you not aware, were you getting payments? They (CS) want their money, they take cuts from it, late fees, penalties etc. Work it out with your ex a payment plan and drop with the CS enforcement if you can come to a reasonable solution. Remember its not about you. Its about your son having a healthy relationship with both of his parents.


Why would you do that to him? Weird

Can you drop off and pick up instead? Given, it’s not your responsibility, but if the license is the problem, and if your son wants to see his dad, I don’t see the problem with you driving him. As long as dad lives close by, and you’re clear that you don’t want him driving with your son. Some states can randomly check the registration too, I’ve gotten pulled over because my cosigner doesn’t have a license, as soon as the cop sees I’m female he says my bad and walks away.

No you’re not if he get pulled over it can bring cos involvement, I know in the state of mi I had an active case once and I had warrants and I wasn’t even aloud to visit untill I took care of them due to the fact that if my children had see me get arrested it could be considered along the lines of child endangerment. Now I’m not saying he is unsafe at all I’m saying what I went through and what could happen if he is pulled over with them in car.

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Then you drive him. He could be arrested if he was pulled over with no license, cps could get involved as well. But really sounds like you’re making up excuses not to send the kid to his dad’s.


Tricky question if dad gets caught, and you knowing he doesn’t have a license, do you get in trouble to? Dad didn’t forget how to drive though, let your son go over there


Nope. He’s a deadbeat


Wow sounds like instead of getting the child support payments you thought would somehow be squeezed out of a stone now you get to drive the kid to see his father since YOU are the one who made sure he wouldn’t be able to drive! Oh no it didn’t work out the way you wanted! You can’t isolate the child from his other parent. YTA in a massive way. Enjoy being the sole person driving your son! Enjoy the extra gas money you have to pay, you pos, you.


Does not having a license because of his non-payment make him an unsafe driver? The worst case scenario is he gets stopped with your son & the car gets taken. I don’t know if he would end up in cuffs…But he’d probably just get a ticket & an impound. I’d let my son go with his Dad. Only risk is on Dad losing his car. Your kid is old enough to know he isn’t seeing his Dad. You really think your kid is in harms way because Dad is driving without a license? What’s more harmful to your son: Not seeing his Dad & explaining why (which he is going to remember & likely think is a ridiculous reason.) Or let him see his Dad because driving without doesn’t mean Dad is some dangerous man.

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Weird. All this time I thought it was the operator of the vehicle that deemed it safe— not the piece of plastic in his wallet.


I would let him go if he showed he had other means of transportation. It’s not a question of if he’s a good driver, it’s about the child’s safety if they would get pulled over and anything that might happen to the child. Potentially seeing dad arrested, being stranded etc. Otherwise if he can get a licensed driver with him then I’d say he’s fine taking his son.


This is your Ex’s issue let him sort it out, it’s not your mess you do right by your child. If your ex wants to see his child he will do the necessary things to be able to see the child safely for everyone.


Okay, first off child support is his responsibility and him not paying it is showing how irresponsible he is. It’s not your duty to be driving your kids around to see their father. The father needs to man up and find a way to pick him up, you shouldn’t have to waste time dropping and picking him when this man is an adult. Have the courts take child support out of his income, he’ll get his license back and problem solved. But he choose to have a kid with you so paying child support isn’t helping you, it’s helping the child. If you don’t use it towards the child then that’s a different problem.


No your in the right to say he shouldn’t be driving with your guys child in the car as they could call child protective services for it…I know we’re I live you are not allowed to drive with children in the car when you just received your license for the first time and only for a few month you’re not allowed to drive with them and you must have be a license active to drive with children in the car as well …I don’t know what the rules are for were you live so you might want to look into it

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I never understood this. Let’s take away his license so he can’t go to work to pay child support :thinking:


Oh Hell no! I’d tell him straightforward get your a shit together!

This sounds pretty controlling. Not having a license means they shouldn’t be able to see their child?


No ma’am. Stand your ground.

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I’m sorry but your in the right if he wanted to go get his child then he should have plan ride for him to get the child your the mother you do lots for the child and he takes him on weekend or so


Why are you afraid for your son’s safety now? Dad didn’t lose his license because he was found to be an unsafe driver :woozy_face: it seems as if you have been looking for an excuse to interfere with visitation… You are most definitely over reacting IMO.


Just because you and your ex husband are fighting doesn’t mean you use your child as leverage! If he is good to his child and the child wants to see the father you have no right keeping him away.


You are not in the wrong it is ILLEGAL to drive without a license if he gets into an accident he didn’t have a license to be driving can’t expect him to have insurance either


If he has someone volunteer with a license to do transportation then it shouldnt be an issue. No license, no driving, no child endangerment legally.


He can’t drive without a license period! So no he can’t drive with him or without him. It’s not your responsibility, let him be responsible for himself.


If he pays his support he will get his license back. He caused it.


I never heard of any parent who is behind in the rears with child support to have their license revoked!! But I guess this can happen. Now they will use that for the reason why they can’t make money !!!

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If your ex is driving with your son and gets pulled over, he could get arrested and get the car taken away. A child shouldn’t have to experience that. If he wants to see his son, he should have a plan in place, if he truly wants to see his son.


No license no driving period!!!


I dont really understand how you are concerned for his safety if his license was only revoked due to non payment of child support. I understand being mad about the child support itself and I understand the ex can not legally drive now but it doesnt mean your child will not be safe with him. If he gets pulled over or something its on him and not your problem. Your arguement of “safety” seems very invalid.


No! He shouldn’t have lost his license.


He doesn’t have to drive to pick him up. You can drop him off or you can have someone take him or he can have someone pick him up. The tone of this post screams " im trying to hurt my child’s dad by keeping his son from him" but what’s the real reason :thinking: On another note what happens if you start keeping your son away his dad and he stays away? He already has CS payments that he has too catch up on, now you are ready to take his son away? Damn I feel sorry for dad. You are better off keeping the arrangement you have cause you get at least 2 weekends off a month and you should enjoy that. What happens when you have your son all the time and dad don’t spend time with anymore. Then you would probably complain about that. PICK A STRUGGLE!

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I don’t blame you; I would keep my child home too until dad can get his crap together. 26 months and no payments have been made?? I’m assuming he KNEW he needed to make payments, which means he willfully was not paying AND he was ducking child support. Seems kinda irresponsible to me, especially if he was paying before and stopped. If you are his primary caregiver, and you have primary custody of him, your word is law; regardless of how dad feels. If he wants to see his son, he’ll do what needs to be done to make that happen. Either way, if it’s taken to court, 26 months of back child support won’t do him any favors.

He is breaking the law (driving without a license). What happens if he gets pulled over? Your child would have to witness that. It’s really no different than allowing your child to go with someone that has been drinking. I would suggest he find a ride to pick up your child.


I think you need to make every way possible to safely let him have visitation as child support (according to most courts that I’ve ever encountered) has no bearing on visitation. But no you shouldn’t just allow him to drive without a license. He has to come up with an alternative, like someone else needs to drive him that does have a valid license. All he has to do is start making a payment plan and keep paying even $20 a month to keep his license from being suspended. Which is what I think actually happened is his license is suspended not revoked. This is a sticky situation and you want him to have no excuse to hold you in contempt. Just because his license is suspended doesn’t mean he can’t find a way to get around. Obviously he’s going to need someone to support him with this. Even though it’s not your responsibility it would look good on you if you did try to come to some sort of agreement on a way to make the visitations happen under the circumstances. I don’t know your relationship if that’s possible. But it’s not for you. Your child deserves a father as much as your child deserves you especially if that father does want time with the child.


He didn’t loose it from bad driving

No, you are not in the wrong. If he is driving without a license, that is illegal!! If he gets pulled over, imagine what the impression that would make on your son! Your ex caused the situation and should be the one to correct it.

So the last 7 years, the father/child bond has been maintained? But money and a license - you are going to allow your kids to mentally suffer.
I guess I shouldn’t assume, I guess you are fine having someone else pick them up and taking them or dropping them off?
As an adult, withheld from dad, I am going to say. They will resent you for this. Their dad is who they want to see. Your ex and you - handle the other stuff without disturbing their relationship. (Yes, I have 4 kids and know all about their expenses. I am more worried about their mental health.)


Absolutely not. Can you allow him to see his son where you could drop off and pick up, so your son os not riding with him?

Child Support has been “attempting” to collect a payment for 26 months ? Sounds like a waste of time and money on a useless organization.

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No license - no insurance. If good forbid the worst thing ever happens and your child is injured and needs medical care are you going to be able to financially cover those costs out of pocket? You are not over reacting for so many reasons! Stand firm!


I was arrested and booked when driving without a license. Only way they’d let him go is if another driver in the vehicle has valid license. So you’re not in the wrong


You have to let your son go for visitation regardless if he has a license or not or you are in contempt and that is worse on you…be the bigger person and help your son see his dad


It’s not over reacting despite what comments are said. You would be allowing your child to be with your ex while he’s doing something illegal knowingly. You guys could figure out an alternative but be firm on the fact and document if it happens so you are not culpable in the event that he does so.

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no… no… no​:bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:

Your ex has no license. He is breaking the law. If he get pulled over and goes to jail what will happen to your son ? Do we show kids that it’s ok to break the law ? I’m sure your ex can have someone drive him around when your son is with him. I would definitely ask your attorney about that problem.


is no problem in the future.

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Can’t you do the driving so your child can see their father? Make it work

How is your son in danger when he don’t have a license so what it slit of people with no license and own a car and drive it hell I drive without a license

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How can a drivers license be revoked for failure to pay child support??? That is beyond ridiculous, this government is out of control with controlling your every move now


Yes he can still drive without a license, however if he gets stopped the child will have to go through the experience with the police. The police will not let him drive the car away. THey will make him leave it and get a ride. A child does not need to experience this. The father should not want the child to experience this type of incident. The father should be showing the child what it is like to be responsible.

The father should show his child that a responsible adult will pay their bills. The father should start paying the child support so that he is supporting his child and make arrangements to make up missed payments.

This father should grow up and become a man!

Nope, no exaggeration

No. If he has no license, he has no insurance. This increases your son’s vulnerability. Also, he’s breaking the law.

The bigger question is why he’s not paying child support.


So drop him off if that’s the real reason.

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Has Dad provided financial assistance outside of the child support order?

Nope! Illegal is illegal! No DL, no taking my kids with you! Sorry!:scream::confused:

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It’s illegal for him to drive at this time unless he has a restricted license that allows for it. He needs to make arrangements for someone else to do the driving. Call your lawyer and see what you should do. That or drop him off and pick him up yourself.

Not overreacting. He should not be driving without a license period, but especially with a child in the car. Why has he not been paying child support? Is he not working? Can you bring your child to him on the stipulation he will not drive with your son in the car and you can drop off and pick up?


Nope. Let him go. Just have police there when he tries.

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No, you ARE NOT EXAGERATING. you must let him see the child but you can address the driving with no DL with your attorney and get visitation ammended with him not allowed to go anywhere driving the child until DL is reinstated.

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He can see his child if he proves he’s not going to use the car …other than that I say you are right to stop him visiting. Taking him to his Dad is no guarantee that Dad won’t use the car while he is there .
If there’s a court order visitation then contact the court to explain why you’re not allowing it. If Dad gets in trouble because of that then he’s brought that on himself.


No your not in the wrong and your definitely not over reacting you every right to protect your kid for his safety i wouldn’t let my kid in a car with someone that had no license unless there was absolutely no other choice then maybe

He shouldn’t be driving wo a license but be careful bc you could get in trouble for denying visitation. I’d talk to a family attorney asap

Nope! If he doesn’t have a drivers license he doesn’t need to have his child in the car with him. The only other way he’d be going is if you’d drop him off and pick him up until he gets his license back.

It’s not like the man is unsafe. If he had a DUI, I’d understand.