Am I in the wrong?

Keep your stuff separate and start planning a way out of this relationship. I cannot imagine my husband making me work to pay half of the bills while carrying his baby. My husband told me to quit my job and let him handle the bills so I could handle growing our baby! You deserve better, sis!


Sounds like these have been points of contention for awhile. I would first recommend no more babies with him and start laying out some ground rules now.
Tax refund for your other boys should be solely yours.
Any monies related to your children with your current should be split between the two of you, for bills related to your household family.
Think about this…he is paying his other baby mama’s child support and then turns around and asks them for money :roll_eyes:
Between now and dead how do you want to live?

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No your not. If he wants to play he has to pay

Put it in perspective for him… take your yearly gross earnings of your part time gigs then add the tax refund to get your annual gross income… then figure out his… i can bet his is still way more than yours. That’ll shut him up.


Oh Look It’s a Bunch of Red Flags Sewn into the Shape of a Person


Dude. You shouldn’t even be together. Hot mess. He probably doesn’t have any money because he’s paying child support. There are things you have to think about before having babies with people. I wouldn’t have given him any money either though. That’s for you and your kids.


No you’re not wrong. But please stop having kids with this dude if he’s not going to help with them.


No you’re not that’s YOUR money but the same way your ex pays child support he has to, too!!! I don’t get if he’s such a shitty partner why go and have a second kid with him?!?!!! You and you alone have dug your own shit hole

Seems to me he gets it through out the year plus more.

You know your not wrong tell him simply why and then ignore his selfish narcissistic ass…lol

Stop having babies you can’t afford.

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I can see why he has 2 baby mommas. No real man would act like this.

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If it doesn’t change after the baby is born with him helping out physically, emotionally and monetarily Kick His Ass Out. You seem to be a single parent anyway.

Honestly your together so the refund you get for the child you two share together should be evenly split me and my husband split because we see marriage as 1 not has 2 so we split and we plan together maybe you guys should sit down an come up with a game plan on how to move forward with yalls relationship reguarding the kids situation

Nope you aren’t wrong.

He needs to talk to the AGs office about an adjustment in his cs payments. CS is based on income and number of children. The other moms don’t get to decide how much cs they get. The court does and your kids together factor into that amount. And no, you weren’t wrong to keep your income tax refund.

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Would you give any tax money to any other roommate? To be honest why are you paying anything outside of your car note, and if he drives that he needs to pay half of that. Next time he asks, ask him how does he think his 2 children have what they need when all he does is pay 1/2 of the utilities and you do that and every thing else? See I’m a show and prove type of person. With me he would get a spread sheet and receipts of everything and who uses it.

Ummm y’all together but u want child support


He gives you nothing why is this even a question?

I would have thought all this out before having 2 kids with him…

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If you know he has other kids and isn’t involved with them why would you think that he would help with yours or the new kid. He’s not. You guys are together but separate. You two need a real conversation about finances and what you need from each other… this current situation is not going to be long lasting for you and if you aren’t getting help with your current household now how are you going to swing diapers, formula and all the million of things (daycare?!) to pay for your car?! This isn’t a good situation.


These fan questions really annoy me :joy: they’re always “Here’s 67 reasons why my man is a pos what do I do?” Girl we know you’re not going to leave. If you just came here to vent I suggest a therapist not Facebook advice that you won’t take anyways.


The real question is is who cleans them on the taxes whoever claims them on the taxes gets the fucking money end of the discussion unless otherwise probably discussed and have something written up as proof

No your not wrong… Dont you dare give him anything f*** that

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It’s not on you to pay his baby mama child support I’m guaranteeing that’s what he wants the money for


No your not don’t give him a thing

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If you aren’t married then go apply for child support


If you want a relationship with someone who takes care of their family why would you pick someone who doesn’t take care of their family?


If you are still splitting bills then income is split to. Might want to re-evaluate your relationship. If you can have kids together you certainly can put money together that’s just odd to me.


Did he give you any of his refund? Why is he entitled to your tax refund? $300 a day over $70,000 a year. He pays half rent & utilities & child support for his other kids but nothing for your child. It sounds like he is getting some of your refund in the form of support for daughter, new baby & household supplies. Leave him, get your own place before baby is born. Then go after him for child support.


You are wrong for allowing him to get you prego and treat you like a roommate. Do you and start saving your money, once you can work full time, bounce because he is not a team player and is going to get worse.


I’m assuming your not married or you probably would have filed together. If your already keeping your finances separate then he should not be getting any of your other children’s tax returns. I never understood couples keeping their finances separate, but if he’s making so much more then you, then the bills & household items should be spilt according to income & anything extra either of you want I’d pay for myself. But as a blended family I would want it to be “our” kids not mine, his & ours together. I guess i just got really lucky with my husband because he would rather work 2 jobs & bust his butt so I can stay home & raise our kids. From the moment we found out i was pregnant with our first (literally 2 months into our relationship) everything became both of ours & he went out & got 2nd credit & debit cards for me off his account.
If it were me I’d be having a long hard convo with him & figuring this out. Cause with another baby coming it’s gonna get more difficult.

Mine doesn’t make near that much,yet he pays the bills. That’s what REAL MEN DO


Why would you want a man who makes his woman pay for her up keep & his kids. A Real man would provide for his family js.


If you’re in a relationship living together finances could be combined. That way its ours not mine and his.

Doesn’t sound like a partnership at all. You sound like roommates.


It’s time for you to rethink this relationship. Move on and file for real support.


I’d have laughed in his face and told him to get bent.

Sounds like it’s probably time to move out & move on


sounds like you need to leave.

Pay it forward, tax refund $$ is good to buy a nice round of birth control for all the adults here


Tell him to start buying for new baby diaper and wipes too.formula all of it or yr going for child support. Til baby no longer needs any of that.

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Any money you have left over ANYWHERE after paying the bills and providing for your children is YOUR money. If you file taxes together then he is entitled to some. You file your taxes seperate from him, that is your money. He is still in the old way of thinking.

It took us forever to be given some the same rights men have, don’t let him take what you have worked for.


Ma’am!! Don’t you give that sucker a DIME! You March yourself down to the child support office NOW and set up child support for the younger two. IF he stays with you in the same home then the money is still in the home and he shouldn’t complain at all!! If he does he is a dum-dum and you need to start making plans to reinvent yourself to your your success when you leave him. Set your kids up for success and find out if you qualify for daycare vouchers that helps defer some costs or cover them all together. :grin::grin:
You are about to be stuck with a really lazy entitled baby daddy.
And literally stop buying little stuff for the house!! When he doesn’t have a roll of toilet paper to wipe his bottom and has to go buy it… constantly…. He may shut up and help more. But YOU allow this! YOU are afraid of harsh conversations and confrontation. Set boundaries and don’t compromise your needs because it seems you do weekly and he just expects you to comply. Nahhhhh, I’d flip the script real quick

If you’re not married I would cut ties. File for child support… Or asked to get married and put all of your money together. But- I don’t think the second option is going to work. This needs financial counseling and relationship counseling if you want to make it work.


You’re only wrong because you chose to breed with him.


Nope, that money isn’t from him or from his kids. So no!


Nope. I wouldn’t give him anything either


If he really loved you he would wed you then work together on doing it together.


When you live together you should be looked at as family and work together to make sure everyone is covered and all the bills are paid. For us that’s having combined finances but then each of us getting an allowance for incidental stuff after all the bills are covered, I know a lot of people don’t like things combined anymore though. You’re not in the wrong, he isn’t supporting you guys so he shouldn’t get any part of the tax return.

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You should each have your own money and you should have shared money. If you are covering your half of the expenses. The rest is yours.

My boyfriend and I have been together 4 years this july
We have a 5 month old…I work 1x a week 6 hours and I go to school 3x a week.
I have 3 bank accounts.
I took 1 of the accounts and added him to it. He gets 2 paychecks a month. I put one in the joint account for me to use on groceries, our son, things we need, birthday/holiday gifts, etc. And his other pay check I put in his separate bank account (his, we do not share this one).
Then we take 100$ a week and put it in a safe for our son.

I feel terrible always having to ask for money since I’m at school and home with our son so much.
He makes it very clear that I shouldn’t feel bad for spending our money, otherwise why is he working so much?

We mentioned marriage prior to getting pregnant and said that after I graduate we would…I mentioned I would feel better if we were married and things on paper were truly split between us. Otherwise I just feel weird.

He makes more since I’m in school still, so he’s claiming him on his taxes. We are taking that and adding it to our sons savings.

Money in a relationship is hard when you’re dating, not married.

No your not wrong in his bum if he is not helping you then I would pay him nothing

If your expenses are separate including HIS money and HIS wages, then he doesn’t get to make exceptions to the rule when it comes to your money at tax time.


He sounds like an asshole and if you can save money when you can get out of there ASAP. My kids dad And I are together we always split the bills since we got our own house I was working up til about a month ago I’m home with the kids now. He is 100 percent the one that pays for everything at the moment til I go back to work in a few months. As far as the refund situation you’re not wrong at all I wouldn’t give him a penny of that refund at all. I personally think he’s an asshole and you need to get out with the kids as soon as you can. Always stand your ground and after you help with bills whatever is left is for you to figure out what YOU need for yourself I know that sounds crazy because for me I always feel guilty if I buy myself something when my kids don’t need anything like I got them everything that they need for the time being but I always feel guilty about buying myself anything even if it’s a dollar or 2. If you and your kids have everything you guys need them you could spend it on yourself or you put it in a savings he has no idea about.

No you aren’t wrong and you shouldn’t have to give him money at all. He has his daddy duties to pay child support for his other kids and that’ s totally on him and you receive whatever for your kids from another relationship which is not his either and to top all of this off you are now prego and still working but also maintaining the children and your home and needs so no he don’t need to ask you for money or feel you need to give him any either…some men just don’t get it.


You are giving it to him, with the household items you make sure are there to get thru everyday life

If your taking care of the child and he’s not then no he doesn’t deserve a penny.

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Leave him and file for child support. He sounds useless. All he’s doing is stressing you out.


Why keep having kids with him? If he’s not providing and helping?

Girl. You have bigger issues than money.


He should be paying most as you are only making a small amount!

Nope and if your hardly working why isn’t he stepping up to the plate more? He should be paying more and helping out. If he can’t you might want to rethink the relationship. Taxes usually us moms are the ones making sure bills are paid and kids have everything. I used to give my ex husband about 200 and the rest on bills unless we talked about it. I paid 90%of everything. He would put us in debt and hide money even when we needed diapers. Mom and dad was always an ATM for him. I wasn’t raise like that. You do you .

I don’t think so at all. Either you combine finances or you don’t. He can’t have it both ways when it’s convenient for him.

Why on earth would you have children with a man who doesn’t financially support you? Sounds like you have yourself yet another child to raise in him. Smh


Well, now I know why your in this situation


That’s not your man that’s a roommate :sob:


I feel it should be equal but. And money shouldn’t b a worry. Seems like your money hungry. WORRY ABOUT YOUR KIDS! It don’t matter who makes more.


You’re not wrong at all. Where’s his money going since he’s making more money then you


Uh, just out of curiosity, WHY would you get pregnant by this man NOT once but TWICE?:thinking: He makes much more money than you, yet he makes you pay HALF of the household bills. On top of that you pay your entire car note and buy majority of the household needs. Then you said he has 2 girls with 2 baby mamas. Did you notice after each of them had ONE baby, that was it for him? I’m guessing this is why. I’m sure they had to take his a** to court to get that child support because he doesn’t sound like the type that wants to do it voluntarily. :woman_facepalming:t4:


Somebody please make this make sense… he don’t share money AND has the audacity to ask all his baby mommas for their income tax money :thinking: baby girl that is another child you have there.


You need to get out of this situation. He’s not a man and he’s using you. Also, you should probably stop having babies … just saying!!!


Sounds like getting rid of him will be a win/win… he can then pay you child support and you can keep your taxes without him trying to mooch.


I’ll never understand why people in long-term relationships keep their finances separate and then split bills 50/50. My husband and I have always put our money together since we were 16, and we have literally NEVER disagreed about money. Every finance issue on here is over splitting, things 50/50, and someone still paying more than the other. I don’t think it’s working.
I get separating child support, but the rest? It doesn’t even sound 50/50 if you’re still buying the household necessities and the baby items. :flushed: Where is all his money going ?


Sounds like he’s a user, and he’s gonna keep being like this bc you’ve allowed it to begin with. I bet he’s driving your car that you pay for. If things are split. Then split it all completely. What’s his is his and what’s yours is yours. Yall aren’t married. File child support.

Good job, keep having kids with this narcissist


It should be 50/50 women always moan about there rights but when they get them they don’t want them :rofl:

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Nope, not wrong. Keep that money. You do everything for those babies. You are the one who’s working while pregnant to take care of your responsibilities as well as what y’all need for the house. He pays have the bills and that’s it. He’s getting off cheap while you do ALL THE WORK. You earned that money girl. Don’t give that man one cent. I’d tell him if he wants a tax return he needs to get a better job.

Absolutely not! You are taking care of his kids!

No you keep your money and keep spending it on your kids/household needs as you’ve been doing he’s doing nothing

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Run, this is just the beginning of many fights to come. It looks like money is the issue here but it is much deeper.


I know you don’t want to hear this, but as someone that has been in your shoes I mean this in the upmost respect, RUN! and run FAST! Its so easy for someone that hasn’t been there to speak their opinion. It’s easy to be on the outside looking in when they don’t know that the “good times” (even if only once a week)makes up for the rest of the hell he puts you through/second thoughts you’re having! You love him! You want to make it work! But I promise you, you cannot change him! It’s easy to hear/read “why have kids with him?” “Why” this && “why” that. But until someone is in your shoes they won’t understand. But as someone that’s been in your shoes, walked a million miles trying to change him, && trying to make everything work, it won’t work. It’s not your fault! You’re doing everything you’re supposed to, but there’s no sense in being a “single mom” in a relationship ya know! It’s NOT WORTH IT!! Babe you got this! And if you ever need someone to talk to that can relate my inbox is always open !!


Pay attention to how another treats previous relationships and children, That’s the way he will treat you.
God bless the babies that get stuck in the middle


Y’all live together. Have kids together, yet keep everything separate? That will never make sense to me. It should be shared. They’re not just your kids. You honestly sound greedy and bitter. If it was a man posting this all y’all’s answers would be different. Claiming he needed to share the money, that you’re entitled to it. Blah blah blah. Having a vagina doesn’t make you superior.

Red flags! My daughter’s bf supported her and her son from a previous relationship while she went to school for nursing. He bought everything and never complained. She has purchased a house and she has a new truck while he drives around in a old truck. They share expenses, but he gives her money whenever she asks and never throws anything in her face. They are getting married now. Looks like you have made another bad choice in men

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l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $10821 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

No, you worked hard for your return, it’s yours. Some men are just skinflints. Tight as hell. Others give over top. It’s a lifetime of stingy from this one. They don’t wake up one morning and go, “well shoot I’m an ass, I’ll play fair now”. Instead, they will justify their tightwad ways with blame-shifting so that they never have to be in the wrong. They do not know the meaning of “Fair”.

You are not wrong. Keep your money

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No you arre not wrong

That sounds a whole mess


Your wrong for being with him and giving him another baby! Sounds like a dick

NO. I wouldn’t put up with no help. Leave and get child support… sounds like a user, not a man who actually loves and cares about you.

My dumb a$$ gonna ask if he makes $300.00 aday how many days A week does he work & what does he do with all his $ besides child support to need ur tax return :person_shrugging:

I have never been married neither I have lived with a guy , But I find the situation weird .If he is not helping with anything from the kids you share with him he has absolutely not business asking you for money

You should probably leave him

Looks like it time for you to move on and get child support for your girls. Him not pitching in your house should have been red flags. Move on and just be on your own don’t try for a third baby daddy. Get you and your kids straight when your kids are older and are able to defend themselves then you can think about your personal needs till then your life belongs to your kids period.

Uh where is your help? Ask him that.

If your gonna split bills put 1/3 of each of your check in a joint account for bills
1/3 in your own savings
1/3 in your spending

Base it on 1/3 or 1/2 not on matching the dollar amount

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I’m too independent to put up with stuff like that, if you’re doing it yourself why not just leave? If you love him that’s different but it seems like the financial situation isn’t gonna change.

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You are not wrong he don’t deserve a penny.