Keep your money! I’d leave him!
I wouldn’t give him sh*t if he’s not contributing. Not only that but if he’s acting like that $300/day money is his alone-I’m not sharing nada.
l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $13214 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Wow…sounds like u both need to grow up. This is a mess and the kids are gonna be caught in the middle.
No, you are NOT wrong
Nope and you need to go for CS… big hugs
Nope!!! Keep the money!!!
I wouldn’t give him anything if he’s not helping provide for the household. Half rent and utilities doesn’t cover everyday household expenses.
This makes my head hurt…quit having kids with people you don’t have the same morals or want the same things out of life…
If you’ve been together for six years, you must have known how he was with his other kids, right? Did you expect him to change and be supportive of his kids you share with him? He proved who he was. Might be time to do like his exes did, get out of the lopsided relationship so he’ll actually support the kids (financially, as he has shown that he probably won’t be involved otherwise).
I would tell him that you kept “his half” as his contribution to his daughters necessities and things for his unborn child.
Don’t give him a dime
You are both wrong for even being together. You don’t support each other and the kids are learning your unsupportive ways. Don’t be surprised when they grow up and can’t keep a relationship together.
I don’t understand this because my SO and my money there’s no mine and his. We pay bills or whatever. So him saying it’s separate, your tax refund is yours not his. What circus are you making? Wow I’d tell him how dysfunctional it is or leave him. As couples you support everything including money that’s my opinion.
No you are not wrong
First off I’d say get married show your children the right way to do things and make it better for y’all. Second off since y’all live together the man is suppose to provide for the woman and children especially if y’all are married but he shouldn’t be paying you child support, y’all want to be together, then that money is BOTH of y’all’s money(even the refund), he should be helping pay for y’all’s daughters stuff too.
Good for you for working and paying for your own things. But I will say you got with him knowing he has other children from a previous relationship and vise versa, so you both have to accept and take what comes with it. And now that you are pregnant with his other child y’all should be splitting everything together.
This relationship needs some serious help.
Stop making fuckin children like rabbits geez
Amanda Alyssa Hawkins whewwww
No. It’s your refund.
Why is he entitled to your money if y’all already split bills
l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15126 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
This is a joke right
No he shouldn’t even ask
No he shouldn’t be asking but the way you are doing things sounds like you are roommates. If you guys aren’t in it together why have kids and why are you still with him. It shouldn’t be you pay this half and I pay that, aren’t you guys a team or is this not something you want long term?
He’s cheap. Makes way more money then you and you split bills. Sad he doesn’t want to help provide more for you and children. As far as refund…no it’s yours.
Stop now he should pay the exspenses
You don’t owe him anything. You tell him to leave you alone about it or just change your number.
l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $21342 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Some ppls relationships amaze me. I always thought when you’re with someone/living with/raising kids with, that you work as a team. There is no mine yours and ours, it’s all ours.
Nope point this out to him plain n simple
Nope I wouldn’t give him anything
No . You need that money to take care of the 4 children already in your home. What if he left Or there is a medical emergency and you are out of work. You need your own backup plan, because you will have a total of 4 children soon, of your own. He is already paying child support for his other 2 children, which is His responsibility. I am sure that their motherS keep their tax returns also.
He makes $300 a day and you still have to work? And he wants the money that belongs to your kids that are NOT his? Find a new one
Just one of the drawbacks of living together versus marriage. You are about to have a second child with him, don’t you think it’s about time.
I say this with all due respect but please don’t have any more babies with this man. You all don’t sound like you operate as a team at all. What happens when you’re out on maternity leave…is he going to pick up the slack or still expect your half?!
l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $10842 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
No you are not… and the refund is not from HIS children tax returns. You don’t owe him ANYTHING from that money
He should be giving to you, not the other way around. You are carrying his child and caring for another if his so he needs to be the one supporting you and kids. Maybe this is why his other relationships didn’t make it either. You may be better off getting away from him and making him pay you support as well.
Nope you are not wrong
No, you are not wrong.
Not sure why he would ask his other kids moms for money when he’s paying them child support. Wouldn’t that kind of undo the support? He has no right to any of your tax money, it’s yours. He does his own taxes. If you were married then it would be together and you could use it together or split it together, but as long as you’re not, unless you set up some agreement for him to pay something during the year and then you give him some extra money from taxes, I don’t see why you would give him anything. It doesn’t even sound like he’s paying a fair share of the household expenses as is, not sure why he would expect to get money from all the women who are taking care of all these kids he’s having.
No. Why would you be giving HIM money? He doesn’t give you any and doesn’t sound like his helping much🤷🏽♀️
So any money you get from YOUR kids is yours. 100%
No you should keep the money for your kids. You should also re-evaluate your whole relationship because he sounds like he’s not doing his fair share.
Kick him out. Ask him when he would like to start paying child support. My man, has never ask me for a cent or ask me to pay anything. He takes on the financial roll for my son, who doesn’t even belong to him. Yes we both work, but has never ask for one cent. Thats a man!!!
Time to get things straightened out. …go see a financial advisor and he needs to chip in more!!!
No. He makes plenty of money.
Your not wrong. The other baby mama’s are not wrong either. He is using his money all wrong. He should have his own taxes that he can use to get what he needs. Or to pay stuff through out the year. He is in the wrong all together. That’s messed up. I would rethink being with him if he is going to ask for money when he is making that much a day.
No you are not wrong
No your not wrong. And the money from your refund on your 2 other kids is all yours and the 2 kids not him
l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16842 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Wouldn’t give him anything that’s for your kids
NO. He should be giving YOU money to help pay bills.
F*ck that!!! If you need to buy everything and be the main supporter for the girls than he dont need nothing from you. The bish makes more than you so why is he complaining
Know you are not wrong but this relationship will not work because y’all are not together with everything and being in a relationship y’all are suppose to be all in together not him on one side and you on the other
Put him on child support if he doesn’t help. It’s ridiculous how he makes way more and won’t give you anything extra for your children or contribute to the household.
Homeboy dont need …buy yourself somethin once in a while too
…if he gives you
tell him to come on here an well all talk to himmmm:tipping_hand_woman:
No lmfao why should you give him any money when he has plenty anyway. Sounds so money hungry honestly
Why doesn’t he have a tax return or does he get paid in cash?
Why are you staying?
You aren’t married. And as you stated you don’t have joint finances and you split the household bills. If he wants to share everything and have a joint bank account and get married, then cool. Otherwise you are percent entitled to that refund. Because why? It’s not a joint income tax filing. It’s yours; a single Mom.
Until he wants to step up and change that ,you look out for your kids and you. That’s what the refund and child tax credit is for.
I was blessed to be married in the 60"s…when men took pride in caring for their wife and family and women stayed home if they chose
If he’s making $300 a day why is he asking you or his other children’s mothers for money at all?
He’s totally the one in the wrong, he should support you more because he makes so much more.
6 years, 2 kids together, he makes $300 a day and he still expects money from you?! This is not a team. My fiancé and I have only been together a year and he pays all the bills. I help out where I can, but I only work two days a week and go to school. We don’t have any kids together, but he picks up the slack from their dead beat dad. We started out with separate bank accounts, but since then I’ve added him to mine and he added me to his and we opened a joint savings account together. You need to reevaluate the relationship you’re in.
Nope. If he doesn’t give YOU money, he doesn’t get any from you. He sounds like a spoiled boy.
Don’t know about right or wrong but sure sounds pretty stupid.
Money goes for the kids not him if your children weren’t there you’d not get any money at all for them
Nope he doesn’t need any of your refund.
Have you tried marriage so he will have to.?
I can’t even keep track of all that…
Not wrong at all! Unfortunately its too late for you to learn but this is a lesson learned to not keep having children with children such as your slash boyfriend or baby’s father! Bringing a child into this world mean neither get any left over funds till at least your financial status is better.
No that money is your and your babies you don’t have to give him anything unless you want to I wouldn’t honestly that whole 50/50 thing don’t fly with me even if I worked my husband would never have me pay for bills or my kids stuff. Girl don’t feel bad it’s your money
Don’t expect him to father your children from previous dads, other than that I think you guys need to talk finances and see if you can make it even with the amount you get paid. As a scenario ( If he makes $1000 a month and you make $500, rent is $500, you should pay no more than let’s say 1/3 on rent and neither should he.)