You can’t please people regardless of who they are. Do not accept any clothing for your daughter from nasty granny Just tell her straight you don’t want anything from her and I wouldn’t bother visiting her ever again
Tell your mother-in-law what your daughter needs. Let your husband explain it to her the next time. He can tell her also what your daughter needs…
Take lots of pictures of her in the dress and send them to grandma!!
What!!! People get priorities right. I am so glad I only had sons
Once a gift is given you relinquish all rights to that gift
I did that. … now I ask what to get the children!
A very kind thing To do it would mean a lot to
any grandma
No there’s no obligation when grandma’s by grandchildren Clothing they want it to be something that the child-can wear and if is approved by the parents but by no means should you be obligated to let the grandmother see the child and if the child wears them take a picture and send them to her other than that the grandmother’s being a bitch
Do not take the dresses back…tacky. They are lucky to have her spend her $ on them.
usually old people forget what they did the day before - you can only hope!
Better to ask what is needed.
I give the receipt. Now its money.
Pity the husband he agree with his wife but cant disagree with his mom because she is his mom also she is also old try understanding your hubby position
Tell your husband to dress your daughter Before visiting his mother.
Well you can’t win for losing
this is a toxic MIL issue,not a grandparent issue.
Sit down and have a talk about it , explaining u didn’t know!!!
Maybe not to be obligated an appreciation sometimes would be good …