Am I obligated to throw my sister a baby shower?

Unpopular opinion: it wasn’t up to you to decide not to invite someone that she wanted invited :woman_shrugging:t2: The badmouthing for multiple years I can’t speak on, a little extra. But more so, why would she even bother asking you to throw another? If you didn’t do it right the first time…I mean I wouldn’t ask someone to throw me a second shower if they didn’t even respect me the first time around so. That’s on her. I wouldn’t do it for the sake of BOTH of you.


No and you don’t owe her an explanation for it!


You don’t have to do anything.
I’d tell her to eat s.


A sister that would say that is a very insecure and Narcissistic. Don’t. I cut ties with mine for 3 years and now boundaries are set and it’s so much better. You do not have to do anything and unfollow her Facebook. Drama :crown: give yourself permission to say NO

Keep your sanity, I would, not so politely decline being the host, if she gave you such a hard time yet such details for the bridal shower, I’d let her know she could probably handle it on her own

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Im sorry YOU DON"T HAVE To DO SQUAT. tell her to get that one friend you didnt invite to throw her a baby shower she sounds like and entitled brat


Tell her it’s against etiquette for a family member to throw a shower and you already violated the rule once, so you have to decline. Also tradition says you only get a shower for the first baby. There’s your out. Let her dump on someone else. Tell her you are unable to do it at this time and you don’t owe her any more explanation than that. You owe your sister nothing (and would she do the same for you?), but be an awesome aunt to your niece/s/nephew/s.

Nope. I’m big on family doesn’t start or end in blood. Family should act like family.

You don’t have to do anything. Tell her she can throw her own shower


If she wants a shower tell her to have it her self it ain’t your job just cause your her sister. I’m having my own.


When did it become a Sister’s responsibility? I had neither so I don’t know “the rules”.

You are not obligated to cater to your sister. She’s a grown woman. And can either do it herself. Or choose someone else.

#1 Hell no. Honestly, I WOULD NEVER. EVER. Put such demands on anyone, especially when they’re paying out of pocket to throw me a shower that NOBODY IS ENTITLED TO. Showers are a blessing, and a gift. You went above and beyond the first time. And if your money was paying for the shower, she has 0 say. She should be grateful you even threw her one. Let her little friend you chose not to invite to the event YOU PLANNED AND PAID FOR throw her a shower. I’m seriously livid at the entitlement of people nowadays. You don’t owe her a damn thing and are not obligated to do anything for that ungrateful woman.

You’re not obligated to do SHIT.
To save face, you could offer a compromise (sounds like she’ll just turn it down anyway) and tell her that all you can afford is a VERY small gathering of just the closest people at your house. I’m talking like 20 people max including you and her… If she turns her nose up to that, you can say you tried and the only person she can truly blame is herself for being bougee :woman_shrugging:

Unpopular opinion. Make amends and move on. Throw your sister the shower and talk it out, your mom is gone and how many sisters do you have? Its okay to be upset and not agree on things but you shouldnt go years without talking or being mad.

Nope don’t do it. Your not responsible. I don’t even know why she’s having a second baby shower most people do one only. Yes you made a mistake not inviting someone but that doesn’t give her the right to be a drama queen.

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I would just tell her no.

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If you and your sister have a close relationship i would be the bigger person and go ahead and give her the shower. If you dont and no one else does either it may cause hurt feelings and a rift between you.especilly with your mom now gone she may need you more.

U dont have to and technically ur not required to…a good friend of hers or even she can do it herself

Absolutely not, I’m so sorry she was so ungrateful the first time. That was in noo way right, at all. I know this isnt a popular opinion but in my family we need had baby showers after the first child. Not sure if everyone does that but we did. Anyways , I’m sure if your family is big enough or if she has many friends someone else would do it. It shouldn’t be left up to you luv. Especially after her behavior the first time.

You dont have to throw a shower

Stick to how you feel.

Stick to your guns…you are not obligated

Say no. You have an ungrateful entitled sister. You’re allowed to say no.

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Don’t she disrespect you and you should not have to put up with her emotionally blackmailing you

She doesn’t need a baby shower lmao and if she wants it let her do it herself . You don’t owe her anything and you’re not obligated to do anything for anyone but your own children

Just tell her you don’t want to “ruin” her special day again. And no you are not obligated to do anything for her.


No tell her do it herself.

You don’t have to do shit

Don’t put yourself in debt because someone else is forcing you to do something you don’t want.

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If you don’t want to, you don’t HAVE TO. Nobody is obligated to throw anyone some type of party based on who they are to that person.

stick to your boundary, you’ll only cause yourself more stressed. She can throw herself her own damn baby shower

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If you dont want to,you dont have to

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Don’t go in debt for a baby shower… she will be ok.


She was dissatisfied when you went out of your way for her with an event once already and had continued to be petty regarding the past…remind her of that when you tell her NO!

Your not obligated to give your sister a baby shower, stick to what u want! I wouldn’t give her a baby shower after what she said the first time…. Sounds like your sister is a stuck up individual!

Learn from previous lesson. The absolute audacity to expect it after what happened 1st time round. I had to re-read your post before I commented. There is absolutely no obligation on your part whatsoever. I thought it was usually the best friend that organised the baby shower, we all different. I had 3 baby showers and my best friend organised all of them. Each to their own, but you do you boo and at the end of the day it is your decision, but the treatment you endured 1st time around, why put yourself through the heartache of enduring the same potential heartache as the first time. Good luck :crossed_fingers:t3::hibiscus::butterfly::rainbow::100::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

There is no rule that you have to do it. In fact it’s usually the mother’s that do it or a best friend. Since you already have conflict with her due to previous situation I would apologize and let her know you just can’t do it.


This could be a good opportunity to rebuild the relationship but if you think that’s not possible then you are right to set boundaries.

Say no, she sounds entitled and spoiled,


If my sister said I had to throw her a shower I’d send her to the wrong venue


No! you’re not obligated. If you wanted to you would have volunteered before being asked. I’d simply lay it out for her 1. I’m dealing with financial issues. 2. You didn’t like the house shower I threw for you. I don’t want to disappoint you but I just don’t want to. I wouldn’t apologize about any of this to her. If you’re afraid of being brow beaten by her write it in a text incase she tries to pin point you as a villain ,keep the text!


I would go and tell her “sorry but I dont want to ruin your special day again and hear about it for years after. And no, I am not obligated to do jack squat sh*t for you.”


Nope. Have his family host the baby shower


Girl you are no obligated to throw anyone a shower or anything.


“No” is a full sentence. She has alot of nerve, and no respect for you.


I would tell her you could help out somewhat if someone else has it but don’t wanna host it.

She should have her girlfriend do it, not a sister.


For encouragement to stick up for yourself

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Protect your peace! Nope!

No. In my opinion. Hell no


I would tell her… "No, just because we’re blood, doesn’t make us family. You bitched for 3+ years about the 1st party, why would I put myself I’m that position again. "
Ma’am you DONT have to do anything you don’t want to do. She sounds self centered and spoiled


No way! You don’t need the stress & worry again. Let her do it herself.


You don’t HAVE to do anything.
I’d just say no and keep it pushing.

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Stick to your truth and honesty.

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You are not obligated! And if she’s a drama queen, don’t do it! Let her throw her own shower.

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That would be a hard pass for me.

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If I do something for someone and they bitch about it, I will not waste my time and energy (or money) again on them.

Tell her IF she wants YOU to host it … IT will be done YOUR way and YOUR way only …That she cannot even give you her opinion on it… and that …that is the ONLY way you would be willing to do it

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Nope. She’s ungrateful.


You might be her sister but

  1. You’re an adult and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.
  2. She said you created drama but you didn’t, she did by knowingly inviting someone who creates problems for your family.
  3. You said you really can’t afford to throw her the party style she demands and she knows you can’t. Tell the pregnant princess to suck it up and deal with it.
    It may cause more issues but it sounds like she causes it daily problems by airing it daily on FB and social media’s…

It would be a hard pass from me.

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Of i caused so much pain n stress…why would I even think about it again?

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Nope you sure don’t. Tell her to throw her own shower.


Let her friends give it she eems to have more respect for them.

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Shouldn’t even be a question if she acted that way the last time!!!

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Not ur rresponsibility and she shouldn’t expect you to if you can t afford to do church (mostly family members) planned one, my mother in law planned one and a surprise one at work was given. I didn’t ask anybody for one

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Tell her to ask her friend you didn’t invite clearly she means a lot then she can do it :woman_shrugging:t2:


Ummm she has a lot of nerve being such an asshole for that long of a period to you then suddenly expecting/demanding a baby shower. Hell to the naw! She should have thought about that before she decided to hold a grudge and act like a child for so long! What is wrong with people? Like where do they get off thinking they can be hateful and awful towards others especially family but then switch it up ONLY when it’s beneficial to them? Tell her to fuck right off. Not only that I always thought it was kinda greedy to have a shower for every baby…:woman_shrugging:t3:

It’s ok to say No, I wouldn’t do it

You are not obligated.Tell her to let the drama queen throw her a shower lol.

Stick to your guns. If you don’t wish to do it, then don’t.

Tell her to take a hike!!! She just wants to USE you.


Do the drive by shower

I was always told that mothers and sisters don’t give the showers.


Doesn’t she have friends? But if you must, talk about budget and let her know what you’re willing to do if she wants more she’ll have to pay for it

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How about you just offer what you’re comfortable with? “Hey sis… I’ve got a lot going on right now and I’m struggling. I’d rather someone else do the honor of hostess, but I’ll be happy to help where I can.”

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So she expects u to throw the shower and pay for it all heck to the no

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Nope she’s ungrateful
I wouldn’t do it

As her sister, you are not obligated to do anything. Your both grown ass adults. And as such, you all make your own decisions. Unless you signed some kind of weird ass agreement saying you are responsible for her financial, mental, spiritual or any other needs she ‘requires’ - then I’d say tell her no. You do you!

I’d say NO. No need for explanation. She acted immature for 3 years and she wants you to do this?? Oh heck no!

By no mean would I do it. I don’t think you are obligated

Your not obligated to do anything for her or her child she didn’t need your help opening her legs

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Nope tell her you already tried and all she did was complain she can find someone else to do it or throw her own shower and don’t feel guilty about it for a second! You’re too nice!

My sister and I were super close. That being said if either of us had acted like your sister the other would have said Hell NO.

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I would simply say, “You told me I ruined your other shower, therefore, I don’t want to host this one!” Leave it at that.


To be honest just because she feels so entiled and that your are obligated I would not also I would think if someone was throwing another person something like that she would do the planning and such as to be in her budget

You do not have to do anything you do not feel good about. You pretty much already know how this will go. Seems like another excuse to become estranged from you again.

I’d tell her you just read that etiquette books say a family member shouldn’t throw it and you have decided that that is the rule of thumb you are going to follow now. Tell her you’re SURRRRREE she has a good friend willing to throw her shitfest…ummm I mean shower. :joy:

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Just tell her you cant afford it. She should understand

You do NOT need to operate within someone else’s comfort zone.
You do NOT need to sacrifice your peace for others.
You are NOT responsible for anyone else’s happiness and absolutely NOT IN ANY WAY responsible for their reactions when to user boundaries.


Hell no! that’s her baby, her baby shower. not your responsibility! sister or not, she’s rude asf.


You’re under NO obligation to do ANYTHING for her. Period.

Let her do what she has been doing for the last 3 years. Her baby, her problem NOT YOURS.


She can do it herself.


You being her sister doesn’t obligate you to throwing her a shower especially after the way she acted about the last one


I wouldn’t do it. :woman_shrugging:


I did my own and it came out great, she can do it. What I will recommend is telling her you can help her- and that you don’t want anything to do with invitations or guest list. As well as telling her you financially can’t at this time but can help in whatever ways you’re comfortable with.

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I would tell her no.She has friends and in-laws that could give her one.

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Tell her to sod right off!!! Don’t do it… ur no mug or doormatt…
Cheeky bitch

Unfortunately since I ruined your wedding shower I will not be throwing this one.