You are not obligated to throw a baby shower for her. Don’t sacrifice your peace just to make her happy.
She only wants you to do it for financial obligation. I’d come up with a comfortable figure and give her said amount as contribution towards her shower but be very firm you cannot and will not be hosting.
Tell her No. Been there n done that.
You’re not obligated to do anything… you need to do what’s best for YOU.
You make the decision that’s right for you
After the way she treated you, no
No. Just ask her if she would like your help.
She sounds very controlling. That being said, don’t be her doormat. She should have thanked you profusely for giving her the wedding shower. If she is a nice person, she would have friends that would offer to give her a shower.
Nope. You owe her nothing. She is just using you.
Your sister appears to be very spoiled and self centered. Tell her NO and go about your way.
You dont owe her jack sh*t. Tell her to have the drama causing person throw it & you can be perfectly content on that person not inviting you. Do t let her use your mother to guilt you.
Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.
Stick to what your heart tells you. You certainly are not obligated to do anything.
Tell her to buzz off
Plain and simple less drama.
I’ve had four kids, and my sister never threw me a shower. My mom did for my first, but that’s it!
Just say no and move on I’m sure she has a bestie that can throw the baby shower
No matter what happened in the past you don’t have to do anything you don’t want too!
Dont you saying you cant afford dont. I just did my granddaughter mom having a new baby. Her new family didn’t do crap they saw me doing every thing a month later I am yet to get a thank you card heartbroken. Fyi 2000 later broke and saying should of would of could of not i
Tell her to have that 1 friend do it.
No not at all. Stick to your guns after the hassle and cost of the first one. If she wants one so desperately suggest one of her girlfriends do it. That is also quite acceptable.
Oh no the heck you don’t! You don’t owe her anything and don’t feel like you should do it for her. You should tell her . . . .
" Since you complain so much about the last event I planned, I think it would be in OUR best interest that you hire someone who can do everything to your liking."
Keep it drama free!
Definately LESSDRAMA. And you dont HAVE to give her a party
You don’t have to do anything. I never made anyone or expected anyone to throw me one but they did and I helped pay and buy things. She seems entitled.
I would tell her to get the ‘wonderful’ person that she insisted on Having at the bridal shower to throw the baby shower…if that person was That great of a friend to her then She would be throwing it anyway…cause you ‘ruined’ the last shower and caused a stressful wedding for her and as being her sister, you Don’t have to go thru That again…
Nope don’t do it !! And don’t let her or anyone else make you feel bad.
Tell her to afford and host her own baby shower
Nope you don’t have to do anything
You’re busy and can’t afford it
She’ll find drama to talk about you no matter what might as well just not make the effort
Your allowed to say no. It’s not your fault if she wants to get mad.
I get that she wasn’t pleased that you went against her wishes last time. But she turned it into a way bigger issue than it had to be. And it’s OK that you don’t want to be subjected to that again if you make decison she doesn’t like this time.
Letting someone else do it is the best way.
Not just no but hell no! The fact she is expecting you to do it or should we say trying to bully you into giving her a shower after the way she’s behaved is ridiculous. Time to cut your sister & her need for drama/attention off
Let her do her own damn shower
You are allowed to say no
Don’t waste your time
Don’t do it! You’re not obligated to do anything! I was literally getting my own baby shower together and my sister in law and mother in law ASKED me if they could instead. Of course I said yes and told them whatever they wanted to do! I handled invitations and such and figured out the place to have it but I would NEVER have asked anyone to do it for me.
You don’t have to do anything
Tell her where to get off she wants baby things buy them herself you dont owe her nothing tell her to go to that friend
You don’t owe anyone anything, especially after what happened previously. I would tell her how you feel, and explain your situation, and if she can’t accept that, then that’s on her. She needs to think of your feelings and situation too.
If you don’t want to do it then dont
Never do anything you truly do not want to do. You’re not obligated to anything but you’re own sanity and mental health.
You definitely don’t HAVE to! As a compromise maybe you can tell her you just don’t have much free time to plan a shower. Maybe just offer to help the day of with things like setting up.
Stick to what you know !! Definitely x
tell sister “bite me”
While carrying on about it for 3 years is not the right thing or adult way to go about it. Your sister had a right to be pissed off, it was her day and she should have been able to invite who she wanted to have there. Was not your choice to make. She is your sister , do it for her , mend the bridge
You don’t have to it could always be a cousin or and auntie as-well. Your well-being matters as well and if that means you don’t wanna be around drama you damn well have that option.
You don’t have to do anything you are not comfortable with. Tell your sister to pound sand
A house shower nah she one deluded spoilt brat . Run
Girl you a fool for even considering it after the way she treated you with the other shower. Run chile run
Why is her friends not doing her shower or childs father mother or aunts.
You’re nor responsible for giving her a shower just cause you’re her sister. However if you give ut for her,tell her this is for family only and put a limit on what u are going to spend, if she doesn’t like it, then she contribute to the cost, and also her friends can give her a shower also.she needs to grow up and stop bullying you into paying for everything. Tell her exactly how you feel.
Your sister is an ungrateful, bullying, spoilt, brat. Tell her to do it herself.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I obligated to throw my sister a baby shower?
If this is the same sister and she’s pregnant with her second child then it should really be a sprinkle not a shower. It’s a bit greedy to have a second shower TBH IMO. Secondly, she likely has a best friend, tell her maybe her bestie might like the honour and that you don’t particularly want to be the recipient of her criticism again.
So she wasn’t grateful for the first one, and even more than that, she shamed you and was cruel to you for not being “perfect”? Nope. Not happening. Don’t welcome that pain in again. You’re not a doormat, you’re her sister. You deserve kindness and respect and I’m sorry you weren’t shown that.
Do not! She sounds toxic and snotty. Tell her to have her friends do it (which I’m sure are limited cause they know she’s a handful) also, do not let anyone dictate to you what you have to do and what you dont. And if this her second baby, even if it’s a different gender, she shouldn’t have another shower.
No you do not have to. My best friend threw my baby shower. It was amazing, and I am so glad I have that memory because she passed away when my daughter was 22 months old. You can be kind and tell her that it is not feasible for you right now. That you are honored she wanted you to do it. But you can not. Don’t lose your peace because she thinks you have to.
Damn… wish I had a sister like you. Or a family that spoiled me w this stuff instead of scapegoated me
“You HAVE to?” No you don’t. I would definitely throw her a shower simply because it’s your sister. But my sister would never have that type of hateful attitude. Honestly it’s up for you to decide. It’s one of those special moments you’ll look back on and maybe wished you had thrown her a shower. But doesn’t she have friends who can throw her a shower??
You are absolutely not obligated to throw her a baby shower! And after what she did the last time I would straight up tell her she is out of her mind!
You are not obligated to do anything just because she is your sister. And honestly she sounds toxic.
Friends are suppose to throw showers not, relatives.
I would refuse.
Ummm nope, my sister did not throw mine nor did I throw hers. My mom and friends and other family members did this for us. We attended and bought gifts. No one is ever required to do anything in life.
You do not have to, if you don’t want to tell her no and keep it moving. Don’t let her try and guilt you into it
You are not under any obligation to have a baby shower for anyone, let alone be " told"what they expect, the choice is yours.
No, not after how you were treated. You threw your younger sister a bridal shower, did everything she asked for apart from inviting one person because of drama caused to the family. Instead of being grateful, understanding and happy your sister has being going on about it for 3 years?? 3 years causing you upset… your sister needs to grow up and stop acting like a spoiled brat ! P.S. You are a good sister xx
Maybe that one person should throw the shower for her
You are not in any way obligated. Stand up for yourself and don’t let her guilt you into anything. Create your own boundaries and peace.
Personally after the way she treated you the last time tell her to get someone else to do it you don’t have to do anything would she appreciate anything you do for her ? I dont think so sounds very much like a me me me person
Girl, you do you…worry about your family and YOUR mental health…
IF she was a a decent sister at all she would have appreciated what you did for her when she got married and not said a peep about it EXCEPT for a show of appreciation and also if she is even a little bit aware of your current financial situation she would not be asking for such a ridiculous request of an expensive shower from you. It’s a very selfish and self centered thing to do to put your own sister out financially. If she can’t understand this SHE isn’t a very good sibling.
Nope sorry nope she already showed how she acted when you tried to help before. I would offer to help her plan it but it shouldn’t all be on you. She needs to help so she can’t complain later.
Do not do the baby shower! You will never get it right no matter how hard you try!
Absolutely not, there’s no reason she should demand this from you. Stand up for yourself.
Let the person who wasn’t invited to the wedding give her a baby shower problem solved
Nope. Tell her to throw her own shower.
you don’t want to and you can’t don’t you don’t need to stress yourself with more drama
You do not have to but I mean YOU chose to not invite someone that she wanted there which caused drama. I mean throw the shower but invite who she asked. If they cause problems then it isn’t your fault
Rent out a bay at the local Jiffy Lube and have it there.
You are under no obligation.
Your not obligated, her friends can throw her a shower. She’s acting entitled and after being ungrateful and rude over the last event, it would be a huge No from me. Maybe the forgotten friend can throw the shower
Don’t do it. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.
You dont have to do anything lol. Sounds like an entitled brat imo. I’d tell her I’m broke soooooo I can’t sorry.
I thought showers are voluntary? Do people request to be thrown for showers nowadays? Guess I am old school that way. No you’re not obligated. Let her best friends do it this time round.
You are not obligated at all.
No, especially after the first time. And she expects you to pay?! She’s nuts! Stay busy and distant one of her in laws can help her
She just wants your time and money.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I obligated to throw my sister a baby shower?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I obligated to throw my sister a baby shower?
Uhm… No! Just because someone is pregnant, family or not, they are NOT entitled to anything! That’s a horrible attitude to have as a person. I would straight up tell her no, and leave it at that.
Has she apologized? Has she made amends? Did you guys fix it? If not then no way. There is no ‘rule’ to have you host just like there is no ‘rule’ who has to be included. I think her expectations are part of the problem in her relationships. She should work on that. And for you, drama will be around forever. You need to learn to manage what you can, and set boundaries where you can’t. Good luck
You are obligated to do no such thing. If you feel you would like to throw her a shower (more suitable to your financial situation), then sure, do it. But, don’t let her shame (or guilt) you into doing it.
Good luck!!
What is all this with baby showers anyway? An idea from the States originally not even English. Seem to be a way for the expectant mum to just have a party & guests to provide baby gifts. Do you need an audience to do that? Visit when the babies born, take a gift & have a cuddle with the baby. Much less drama!!
Just tell her you are not in the position to host a shower but you’ll send her a present from her registry. Repeat as necessary.
What a lovely-sounding person your sister is. It’s telling she has had to goad you into giving her not one, but two, showers.
Guess none of her “friends” wanted the honor.
Other friends and relatives can give the shower, Immediate family is not supposed to anyway. aunt cousin, Friend
Technically and traditionally speaking a member of your immediate family is not supposed to through the bridal shower/house shower or whatever… thats what I was told then I got married. And I was also told the same about baby showers. Etiquette thing I guess. Ise that as an excuse if you don’t want to just say no
She’s the 1 who opened her legs it’s her problem not yours, why does she need another baby shower what happened to the stuff she got 1st time round?
You absolutely don’t owe your sister a shower. It’s taken me years to stop letting my sister take advantage of me. Plus the disrespect of carrying on after your daughter’s shower!! Don’t be a doormat. Power to you, sista!
Sister didn’t appreciate the first shower and you need to tell her so. She’s laying a guilt trip on you and cutting you down on social media. Tell her your feelings are hurt and you are through with her spoiled brat, demanding attitude and you will not be the brunt of her immature behavior any longer. If she wants a shower, one of her friends, like the drama queen can throw it. Tell her she owes you an apology.
You don’t have to throw anything. She wants a baby shower she can organize it herself. That’s what most people do these days anyway with a baby shower, they organize it themselves.
Also she didn’t appreciate the first one.
Tell her NO WAY. She sounds very ungrateful. You’re not obligated to do anything. Especially if it’s for an unappreciative person who doesn’t even care that you’re financial situation isn’t the greatest right now.
Give the shower invite everyone that she want there no matter your feeling, give a budget what you can do. She has to come up with the rest. And let her know your broke. I mean broke, broke that’s all you got.
No you don’t owe her a shower. You’re allowed to set limits about what you will and won’t do. Good luck.