Don’t host! She is “using “ you to blame if things don’t work out!!!
What happened to simplicity? Parties should not break the budget. It should be fun and gifts need not be expensive.
You can offer the diaper cake but nothing big if you can’t afford . Or what ever you can. But it seems like she should get nothing
If you do, it needs to be on YOUR TERMS NOT HERS …
Stick to what you know. If a person is toxic then you don’t need them. Besides the only things you HAVE to do is pay taxes and die.
If you did say it’s on your terms not hers.
Rules of etiquette say relatives shouldnt throw the shower anyway. Dont do it.
Stick to your guns. It’s a case of dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t, so be prepared for the fallout. Develop a thicker skin.
Sounds like she pretty much planned the house shower, so let her plan the baby shower as well.
Don’t do it!! Set your boundaries and hold to it. You’ll never be able to please her, let her friends give her baby shower
Personally i wouldnt feel obligated, im sure she has a best friend to take the reigns,
Tell her to get that one person to do it and don’t go yourself. You are not responsible for her happiness
Absolutely not, she sounds like a spoiled brat and you are not obligated to do anything for her. It seems she doesn’t appreciate it anyway.
Do what you can for her without hurting yourself. If not appreciated shame on her.
Remind her you “ruined” her bridal shower, so you will politely decline doing the baby shower.
Immediate relatives are not supposed to give the shower.
Nope, sounds like your sister is a spoiled brat.
Contact her friends, sister(s)-law, and her cousins, or even work her colleagues to get help with the shower. Do not do it alone bc that was traumatic for you.
Don’t due it, no matter what you do it will never be enough!
Tell her no. You didn’t appreciate your household shower!
Let the God parents give the baby shower
Tell her to bite the big one!!! She doesn’t deserve you.
Don’t do it. Never your responsibility. She has friends let them do it.
You don’t have to do any such thing.
Sounds like sister is drama. We’re you the MOH
Your don’t deserve to be treated the way your sister treated you…you sound like you’re ba good person And your vsister is in the wrong…tell her to have her in shower
Perhaps it is her best friend’s turn.
I can’t believe you don’t know the answer to this!
Choose what you know “less drama”
No you don’t!!! You do not owe her anything
Suggest to her to get the person she’s upset about not being invited to the first shower to host/throw this one. Send a gift and then remind her, social media goes both ways. She can grow up and act like an adult or be shown as the tantrum throwing child she is
Well as someone’s sister I never threw her one and she never threw me one so. Wrong. Lol
You are NOT obligated to do so!
No one should ever be obligated to throw a baby shower or any other type of party for someone else. .
So sister has no friends that are want to show their loyalty? No you don’t have to throw your sister a shower!!!
That’s what I was told also
No let her friends or another family member do it. She probably won’t like something about this shower either! You come first!
You do what’s right for you
Dont do it. Sounds like a spoult brat
let her pay the expense of one…you do the work…
No way! Don’t do it!
Noop. Up to you to set the boundary!
Honestly your sister sounds like a brat. I wouldn’t do it if I were you. You’re going to stress and spend yourself to death and she’s going to be unappreciative and salty? Nope. No thanks.
No. You are NOT obligated to do anything for her. Especially, after all that drama??? Noooo way. Second, you mentioned you can’t afford it, so, why go out of your way???
Stick to your guns! Just say no.
Unpopular opinion but she gave you a guest list and you didn’t invite everyone she wanted to be there. I don’t see why you get to decide not to invite that person
Nope, I wouldn’t even consider it.
What is she for real hmm. You owe her nothing, do not added stress to your life.
Not likely…you are under no obligation to throw that shower.
screw them if they had all th paperwork done and wanted ya to act on it and they didnt like it . well next tiem ya say do it yaself and grow a pair and say ya not going cause ya see teh idiot who causes drama on the invite list again. here is my deal . I dont go home for teh holidays . my mom tends to make it about her bs . why this and whythat . i got sick of it and said i am not going home for xmas . now every year i get a hey ya coming home . i make excuses work etc . now maybe soem losers see it as immature that i dont go home . but i rather be alone in an apartment with no xmas stuff up than be in a place with xmas stuff and hear a poor me me bs thing. so what ya lose out on bpooze and all that stuff . this is as bad as a ex friend of mine who saw someone who graduated college expecting to be invited over for drinsk . I asked her hey did ya help them with homework? NO . as well as many otther related educational thing . nothing at alkl to even be a niegbor . but she expected to be invited over to party . i called her self entitled and selfish AF and she needs to grow up.
I would tell her for entertainment and food she and kiddo will be burned at the stake as a bitch/witch!
You’re sister is very selfish and greedy
I don’t understand why she’s asking anyone to throw her a shower. I think that’s done because someone wants to not because you ask them. Seems a little forward to me
You Missy do not have to do anything you don’t want to. Regarding her being so insulting to you well thats her bad. Save your sanity and money. Good luck
Guilt shouldn’t be the reason that makes someone feel obligation to do any shower.
Pretty telling that someone demands to have a shower in tgeir honor. When did that become an oligation rather than a gift?
No tell her to go fcuk herself she kept that crap going for 3 years because you didn’t invite 1 person…tell her to gtf
You are not obligated to. Period. No explanation needed.
Tell her to get her act together and do it herself lazy cow
throw the baby in the shower…problem solved
Your sister clearly has narcissistic personality issues.
Don’t let her manipulate you.
Are you stealing these from AITA??
You’re not obligated.
Say no. You don’t have to do anything
No dnt do it she sounds ungrateful
Be the better person
you aren’t responsible for others and she herself is making you stressed…id say nay
Nobody needs that bullschitte…shes (hopefully) grown up.
The Baby Shower is usually for the first baby. After that,theres just “gifts”.
Send her a gift,go get your nails done and enjoy YOU.
Never go out of your way for unappreciative people whether they are family or so called friends. That’s a big “NO” in my book