Am I over reacting about my husband watching porn?

I and my SO have been together for three years. About 2 years ago, I walked into our bedroom to him masturbating to porn (he didn’t know I was home). He now masturbates to porn in the bathroom every time he’s in there (while pooping). Has anyone else ever dealt with this? I have brought it up to him a couple of times, but he will not talk about it, which I don’t blame him its an awkward topic. It does bother me & I’m not sure if I should be upset or if I’m overreacting. Any input is appreciated.

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What kind of porn is he watching?


He’s not really pooping.

You feel how you feel about it. I can’t tell you how to think. For me, porn isn’t a big deal. I watch it when I’m “pooping” too. Means nothing

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it doesn’t bother me if my bf does it. but it would bother me if he did it every single time he went into the bathroom.


I dont like my bf watching porn either. Cuz y watch porn if u have the real thing in front of u. Not only that but it kinda makes me feel like hes not attracted cuz my body aint like the porn stars. So i know how it feels i dont like him watching it either


Watch with him and join in :relaxed:


It’s natural. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


I feel like all men watch porn from time to time. Doesn’t bother me lol


Me its not a big deal… its porn its nt like he can go through the phone n touch. All men do it. Its like they gotta test the equipment to make sure it works lol :joy: I always tell my husband hes gonna go blind some day if he keeps playing with himself lmfao


I see nothing wrong with him watching it maybe you can join him if he wants you to and if you’re comfortable.


Honestly don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. My spouse watches 24/7, I watch it occasionally and we watch it together. We will even share via text videos lol. We have a very healthy sex life. So I could care less…


Can’t stand it!! To think your man is getting aroused by someone else makes me feel sick! But everyone is different. Personally it would bother me big time x


Sometimes I don’t even wanna do anything and they would have to resort to that which I don’t care . But it sounds like a lot … do you guys have a good sex life ?


I am 70 years old and I say…No big deal.


From the words of my husband “it’s awkward, idk why but it feels bad for me to watch it especially without you” we watch it together and separately, I don’t feel bad when I watch it without him, idk why he feels bad I told him idc just don’t delete them out your activity log because sometimes he finds better ones then I can (I like story lines :woman_shrugging:t3:) he still does but it’s whatever I understand his side, y’all just need to talk about it and how you both feel and come to an understanding, most men regardless will watch it but hide it because you feel like it’s cheating/or however you feel. It’s a man thing to make it awkward and weird when it doesn’t have to be :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3:


All depends on the dynamic of your relationship…what works for some may not work for others…personally for us…we dont care if we watch it

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Watch it with him…

Its just fantasy… No different tgen us watching broke back mountain or fifty shades of gray…


means you’re not doing your deed by putting out!!:rofl::rofl:


There is watching porn, and then there is being addicted to porn. If your not home, eh, most men do it. If you are home and it’s happening all the time, and he is picking it over you, and trying to hide it, or lie about it, thats an addiction. Its normal to be hurt by it. Because it isnt every once in a while. It isnt when you arent home. If its addiction, it literally causes problems in your relationship, self esteem, confidence, and security.


It’s just porn … it’s a good way to relieve stress. Maybe he has interests he’s too embarrassed to talk to you about. Approach the subject gently maybe.

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I personally don’t mind just because i know our sex drives are on different levels but if it bothers you them it’s something you need to discuss! Yes it’s awkward but you need to set boundaries together and you need to follow them to have a healthy relationship

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You’re not over reacting talk to him and get through it.


As long as they’re not addicted and it’s causing issue in your intimacy or your marriage then I don’t see an issue.
Many people, a very high percent have been watching porn since teen and young adulthood. Some like it, some don’t.
But every human has the right to watch what they want and touch themselves when they want. You have to decide whether it’s one of your deal breakers or not.


The only part of this whole post that I personally would have a problem is and even then it’s not that big of deal is that he does it while pooping lol


Unless you guys have explicitly stated you would not do so OR he doesn’t want to do it with you anymore because of it, then yes I see a problem. If hes just having his jollies it’s a moot point imo

Instead of finding it weird have an open mind. Maybe one night surprise him with turning it on and saying let’s try this. I’d rather my ol Man watch porn then be hitting someone up or cheating. Sometimes they just have the need and it’s a quick fix. If you have toys then I’d say you shouldn’t find it weird that he uses his hand with some background video to help it go quicker.


Talk to him if it bothers you. You didn’t say why it does but he needs to understand your deal and maybe be a little more respectful about his beating off all the time. I don’t mind it but we have kids so he needs to be aware of that crap if he’s doing stuff. There is a time and place. You need to find out why it bugs you. If it’s the why do you need cus you’re there or body insecurities but porn is not life and death unless you can’t talk about it with each other.

Tell him to do it in his alone time if it makes you uncomfortable :heart:

We both watch it. The stuff i watch is wayy kinkier than what he watches. I don’t mind he watches it. Sometimes on days i dont put out he can go whack on off in bathroom. Whatever makes him feel better. I do it while he is at work sometimes. I mean whatever works for us may not work for you so idk about input. Not judging at all.


Yes you are! Relax if he is watching it rather than running around and doing it…Let him be happy!


My fiancé watches porn all the time. At first i was so insecure about it so he stopped. Then i started feeling like i could trust him alot more and he always reassured me. Since we lost our little girl through stillborn i really haven’t been in the mood as much as I was before so he watches porn. I don’t mind at all now, at least he can release himself if he needs to. Sometimes we sit together and watch porn. But i know what i mean to him and porn is just porn. Nothing in it to get jealous as i know he loves me regardless. I think its all about trust, building the trust and talking about insecuritys and building on it together. We’re closer now than ever and I have so much trust in him. I’ve been throu my fair share of abusive men which is a struggle at times but my partner is so understanding im so blessed to have him, hes sp patient with me. Maybe talk about why you don’t like it and why it makes you feel the way you do xx


Ask to watch with him. Been married 13 years and my husband watches… just a fantasy he knows its not real life

I’m a stay at home dad, my wife calls me Mr Mom and I completely agree with her, from a guy’s point of view, I personally watch it and do my thing more than I have sex with my wife. Unless your sex life is directly affected by it, he’s doing it for multiple reasons. A lot of times men do it because it’s much quicker than sex, especially when they’re exhausted. It’s also relaxing/relieves stress. If it truly bothers you then I would suggest talking to him and be 100% clear on how it makes you feel. We men are very dense and this is a situation that requires a sensual deep heart to heart.


This may be a little tasteless for some of y’all but my man asked me to allow him to record “us” doing things in the bedroom so he has his own little collection of us porn to watch whenever he wants. I actually thought it was a fun creative way to bring us closer. But if he wanted to watch other porn I wouldn’t object. I think it’s normal for the most part.


Suck him up.while he jerking… and enjoy the show

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That’s what guys do …

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I lived with so for two yrs that did this. We had sex but still wasnt good enough he get up all hrs of the night sometimes with no sleep and he be watching porn, masturbating and sending to other females so he get other stuff back… eventually i left him and for the better i never turned back but there was other hassles involved too…

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Offer to watch it with him and have some fun…

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Approach it calmly and tell him how it makes u uncomfortable so u both can come to a solution. Need to see the reasoning behind as to y he does it as well and not just bc of ur wants as well. There r always 2 sides to a story, when u both come to a solution u both will feel a lot better

You’re not over reacting. Once my ex realized I knew how much porn he watched it got worse. 2 days after being in the hospital after having a c section, I finally got the strength to shower. As soon as I closed the bathroom door, he was watching porn with our newborn son and KNOWING nurses are in and out of the room at any time. We broke up not too long after (for other reasons). We were together for 3 and a half years


It’s just porn… Is there a valid reason that it bothers you or because you just think it’s ‘weird’? Watching porn is actually pretty normal. You gotta figure out why it bothers you first though.

You can message me and I can recommend a group for you. They helped me with a similar situation


I mean this in the nicest way possible… Is he not allowed to touch it without your permission?? If he’s not neglecting you in bed let him have his privacy and fun time. Masturbating is normal and you shouldn’t guilt him for it. If you’re insecure about it, then trying inviting yourself to watch or help out. If you want to really get crazy, make some vids for him. Guarantee he’d rather watch you instead :wink:


Nope! Not at all was a problem to begin with but i told him if thats the shit that gets you off go find it that aint me! No no no but thats me 🤷

Everyone handles this situation differently!! Some women don’t mind it while others feel completley disrespected and/or not good enough. I can see both sides. But you are not over reacting. If you are comfortable with it, suggest making home videos together so he can watch those when he isn’t getting any action from you. Win win :wink:


Men like porn…its not cheating…I’ll never understand why it’s taken offensively…just my opinion


If you don’t want him to watch porn and he still does you need a new husband. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Definitely overreacting… especially considering all that is going on in the world currently… a lot of people (not just men) enjoy porn, who cares… ask him if you can do it together maybe? or let him be… he’s not cheating right…:woman_shrugging:… although the while pooping part is very strange :rofl:


I watch all kinds of porn. That doesn’t mean I don’t love my partner lmao or what they look like. If it bothers you and you asked him to stop and he didn’t you need to look at your relationship deeply WITH him.


Depends on how your sex life is and if this affects it


Not overreacting if you are a believer it is not right. His eyes are made for you and only you.


Porn is an addiction plain and simple. There are actual studies of how it affects the brain. It literally numbs the center of the brain in charge of compassion and empathy. Feel free to message me if you have more questions. I know most don’t agree with me and will even put me down for how I view it. So I don’t want to say too much on here and get bashed. But porn is not healthy no matter how our society has portrayed it. Good luck sweetie :purple_heart:


My ex did that but he hid washcloths/socks what have you in couch cushions and whatnot when he was done. We were intimate a lot so it’s not like he wasn’t getting any. It mutilated my self esteem to the point after 3 years I left him. :confused: try talking to him about it and see if you get anywhere. I unfortunately did not.


I find porn disrespectful… my question to him would be “would you watch it and masturbate over it, if it were your sister, niece or daughter… because that is someone else’s daughter!”


My husband does this daily… I just quit caring… the way I see it is if he prefers porn over me then I don’t have to do anything for him… I can now have my own life


I personally don’t allow my boyfriend too bec it makes me feel bad about myself but if it really bothers you try to talk to him about it. Let him know it upsets you


maybe check yourself before you judge others? We all have our kinks. my partner who’s a woman too doesn’t mind if I watch straight porn :joy:


Me and my boyfriend watch it together :woman_shrugging:t2::joy: If it bothers you, tell him and talk about it. If me and my guy can talk about it/watch it after being together less than a month lol you guys should be fine to discuss it after 3 years together. If you can’t, then there’s a block between you two that needs to be broken down. Your sex life will be so much more amazing once it is. I guarantee it.


I dont think him masturbating is the problem. It’s the fact hes watching porn to be able to get off. Maybe she feels like hes visualising himself doing things to these women. I’d feel pretty crappy knowing I’m not enough.


Me n mine hubby watch porn together. Dont get why girls wanna act like they dont look at porn too lmao!


If YOU have a problem with it in YOUR marriage, it IS cheating. Tell him to quit or divorce him. He is disrespecting you, not to mention breaking vows as you see them.


You are not overreacting, if he is not talking to you about it then something is wrong there! If you don’t like it then he should stop if he respects you!


Is he not allowed to touch himself without asking you first? Controlling much?


I use to be over dramatic about my hubby watching it, and couldn’t stand it, but now after 13yrs of being together I’m just like whatever floats your boat :rofl:
I know he loves me more :slightly_smiling_face:


Y’all gotta understand that he loves y’all more but… Sometimes you can’t get everything you want and men are stupid. Let it go lol it’s normal


Its a huge problem for me, I hate him watching it. Your not wrong in your feelings. To me its disrespect and also is a turn off to me knowing he watches it behind my back . Makes me feel like I’m not good enough for him and worse thoughts too… its always beeb something that has bothered me in ALL of my relationships and I’m not that type of women that thinks its cool to watch ut together as I dont watch it myself… I have before just to do it but it bothers me whole heartedly. Ive cried and cried to him before that I hate it but he never stopped doing it… just hid it better. Its a serious problem I cant even get “in the mood” to have sex anymore and that has a lot to do with it because Its a problem for me but yet still disregard. Ive let it go for a while and tried to push it out of my mind but recently its coming back again its an issue I cant shake and refuse to accept being done, but yet still is… it makes me want to be single no matter how much I love him. So Im with you girl and feel your pain. A lot if women dont mind it and condone it but thats something I can never understand or relate to so dont disregard your feelings and keep voicing yourself on the issue. Dont silence yourself on how your feel. Theres a reason god made it an issue for you as it also is for me. Wish we could figure out a solution…


He masturbates and shits?:joy::joy::joy::joy:wheres the receipt this ones broken​:joy::joy::joy:


God why would u tell something like that embarrassed he is I’m sure

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Make a porn for him! Men are wired different than us and trust me he will LOVE it

He’s a guy, let him fiddle with his pickle, aslong as he aint fiddling it with anyone else who cares :joy:


I told my man that he needs to ask me if hes horny if i am too so i can be the one to get him off but if im not nor wanting to do it he has permision to use porn to feel relief. He follows this for the most part there are days he dont ask but im normally busy when hes wanting it that day or time so i let that slide cause hes letting me do what im doing

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Porn is wrong. A real man doesn’t watch porn. Period. Fu*k your excuses. That’s why there is high erectile dysfunction in men . Your testosterone is affected as well.


Let the man MASTURBATE! :joy::joy: Some people take this way to seriously! Honestly if he was hitting you up for sex everytime he wanted to MASTURBATE you’d be complaining that he wants it to often or that he was a sexual deviant! This should not be an issue


Only you know your feelings. If it bothers you let him know.


Porn and porn addictions can cause issues in relationships and sex lives.
You are allowed to feel however you feel about it and it’s worth bringing up in a serious discussion if it is impacting your relationship :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:


Watching porn isn’t weird. What’s weird is that he does it when he goes in the bathroom to poop.


My main concern is why is he doing that mid poop :flushed:

Seriously though, if you’re uncomfortable with it the best thing to do is lay it all out on the table and talk about it. It’s going to be an unpleasant and probably super awkward conversation but communication is key.


Maybe the smell of poop turns him on.


It’s his body! He should be able to do what he wants! Does he tell you what you can do to your body? Does he tell you what you can and can not watch? If someone has to ask permission for that kind of stuff then should you really even be in a relationship with them then


He is obviously watching porn for a reason. Instead of bashing on him on the internet go please your man. :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes:


While he’s popping? That would gross me out


My fiance has done it the whole time we have been together. I actually caught him and talked to him about it. It use to bother me because I didn’t understand why he did it all the time and while pooping seriously. From what I have learned guys literally just get horny at the most weird times and they do it just because it’s like getting the job done know what I mean? It’s sounds stupid and weird but it’s what I’ve come to learn honestly. Aslong as y’all are still doing the deed and still happy and loving it’s nothing to get upset over. It’s literally just porn at this point. He isn’t going out and sleeping with other women and or talking to other women. Basically just his man time. I get some women don’t like it which I mean that’s fine, but it really isn’t something to be upset about. I would talk it out with him and tell him how it makes you feel. Don’t bottle it up and then explode on him about it one day itll make it worse.


If only get pissy because I want on the action haha

Jacking off while pooping is the first time I’ve heard that. In my opinion it’s just porn and majority of guys watch it. I much rather my hubby watch porn vs going out and cheating.

You should have an honest and open conversation and explain to him how it makes you feel and see if y’all can agree on something. He might not know it bothers you or that he even does it. Communication is key. Good luck honey.

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Try watching it together :woman_shrugging:t2:

My husband does the same thing. It pisses me off. Especially when we rarely have sex. We have a 3 year old and we never are intimate and im always the one initiating sex. Hed rather jerk off in the bathroom or the shower. While im stuck doing everything around the house and taking care of our kid. Always claims he doesnt donit but ive caught him more times than i can count. Or ill wake up in the middle of the night and hes in the living room doing it and lies about it as soon as i walk in the room.


It depends, I’ve dealt with a boyfriend who would do exactly the same…with my expensive conditioner at that! Where it became a problem was that he eventually began to reject me for the porn and his hand!

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my guy has watched it i dont complain because still comes to me for it i dont have to worry . but by watching it sometimes he wants to get a little more crazy but i dont. he knows i dont. doesnt complain though and i also think a little wierd for the bathroom as well be cause hes either in bathroom or bedroom watching to.

Why do people keep asking this question? Men watch porn m, get over it. As long as he’s not cheating I don’t see a problem with it


I don’t really care :woman_shrugging:t2: porn is porn and I’d rather him watch that then cheat. The only time I think it would bother me is if he starts to watch stuff that well is far in comparison to me. It would make me feel that his has a type that I don’t fit.

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I dont respect my SO watching porn. My previous SO did, and honestly it damaged me. Not to mention, I have a weird childhood PTSD thing for it and luckily my current SO, my husband is understanding of it and while he did USED to, he no longer does out of respect for me. Not since we have been together. Not once. It really depends on you and your comfort levels though. You need to set that boundary if its something that bothers you. There is no reason for you to drown yourself in a relationship with something that weighs on your chest just to avoid a disagreement or an awkward convo. If he respects you he would stop. Its completely unnecessary. He has you.


Personally watching porn doesn’t bother me but what I can’t get over is JO and pooping :poop: at the same time :joy::joy::joy:. Omg guys can be so weird. I’m dead :rofl:


Oh. My.god. :joy::joy::joy: be happy he isn’t doing drugs when he goes to the bathroom, get real

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It makes me feel way less crazy that so many other females feel this way. But in my situation it isn’t “porn”, it’s full on saved nude photos of women on his phone when he has tons of photos and videos of me. So yeah definitely a downer on the insecurities big time… I kinda wish this was more my situation because I watch porn myself but I feel like getting off to the act of sex is much different than saving photos of people. If I saved photos of big buff men with a huge one, he would feel insecure too. So idk why it continues but I’m almost at the point of leaving… I also feel like an idiot writing this comment bc it’s definitely a full on emotional affair :confounded:

Masturbation is healthy for his prostate. Let him do it.

Work on yourself and whatever is causing this negative reaction. Whether it’s jealousy, insecurity or just a lack of understanding, what he is doing is totally healthy. I say that with the upmost love. :heartpulse:

I am not gonna lie I’ve felt both ways. I used to find porn site in my husbands phone and be really emotional and upset about it and after a while I simply know he still does it but I can’t even bother with talking about it. I simply don’t care so at this point I’m not sure if I feel like this because I got used to the idea of him watching porn or this has absolutely drained me in a way that now I feel like I don’t want to give a f&$@ anymore.
Anyhow he records me and he has a bunch of videos of us doing crazy stuff and he says the he enjoys watching those a lot. Still I don’t even care :woman_shrugging:t2: sometimes when they don’t care about your feelings you opt out to not care anymore about anything. Watch for that, once you get to that situation everything is pretty much pointless. Talk to him about your feelings about this and see where you guys can get to. Good luck :+1:t3::four_leaf_clover:

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Women are way to controlling … tell me I can’t masterbate and I’ll tell u to gtfo


Let it go, they have high sex drives, it’s just to clear the mind

how are people okay with there man looking at another naked women and getting off to her? Lmfao just because it’s on a porn site it’s okay but what if one of those women was a girl close to home that you knew that made the video? Would it be okay then? Knowing that he’s literally getting off to a girl who could live close by? Lmfao just because it’s “random people” that he doesn’t know doesn’t make it right. Never would my boyfriend disrespect me by looking at another naked female and getting off to her🤷🏻‍♀️ call me crazy I don’t care it’s literally the truth. And to all the women on here saying you would rather your man watch porn then step out and do it with someone else, I think you need a new man!


I knew my guy watched porn long before we got married. I don’t see anything wrong with it at all. I watch it with him often!