Am I over reacting about my husband watching porn?

I personally don’t like anyone watching porn bc of the high level of sex trafficking involved. The making of it and watching it contributes to the problem.

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I love it when you’ll be all like “my man never watch porn” yeah right!:rofl: Keep thinking that ladies :rofl:


Id be skeeved out by him pooping and maturbating at the same time. Wtf?

Porn isnt a biggie unless it becomes an issue


If he is choosing porn over you he isn’t attracted to you anymore and may even be addicted to it.


Alright your kidding right. Maybe he just has a high sex drive. Your trying to tell a man he can’t be horny? Men are horn dogs and it’s completely normal. Would you rather him go do it with someone else? Or call you in there every time? I think the bigger problem is the man thinks the only time he can get away with it is when he’s trying to take a shit🤔
Girl as long as he is still there when you want it let him be.
Porn is always taken so personally🤦🏻‍♀️


Personally doesn’t bother me because when I’m not in the mood he can go do that and leave me alone.

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This is a complicated issue. One thing is, is he able to be intimate with you and will he engage in sexual/ intimate activities with you? If the answer is yes, then I think you need to talk to him about it to put yourself at ease; perhaps it is an opportunity for some fun role playing games.
If the answer is no, he is not meeting your needs, you need to talk to him and figure that out, perhaps get a marriage counsellor involved.

LOL porn shouldn’t be a marriage deal breaker​:joy: half the people on here complaining about their men watching it were probably first in line to watch 50 Shades of Grey​:joy::joy:


Just because a lot of these females are okay with their man watching porn doesnt mean YOU have to be okay with it. Tell him straight up how you feel.


It is not as black and white, men are horny and women are insecure; sexual should be spoken about openly in a committed relationship.

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These type of posts come up sooooo often and people shame the poster and assume they’re superior because porn doesn’t bother them. Its personal preference in a relationship.

You and your partner set the boundaries of your relationship!!!
It is vital to sit down and talk about what both of you are and are not okay with. One or both of you may need to compromise.

On a different note he may have a porn addiction because you stated that he does it everytime he uses the restroom. Ask him how you can help and don’t shame him.


Just curious how you know he does it every time he’s in the bathroom??? :eyes:🤷


pretty sure a majority of men jerk off whenever they have the time, I wouldn’t be alarmed. Men are simple.

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Porn is cheating. Porn shouldn’t happen when you’re in a committed, loving relationship. Period.


I would rather have my man look at porn than step out and catch something then bring it back to me. If you feel it’s to much for you simply tell him. Ask him why? But do what’s right for you

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I used to feel really bad about my SO watching porn. I thought it was because he didn’t find me attractive enough. So I get it. But I started watching porn myself. I still find him attractive!! And we still love our sexy time together. but I also like to watch porn now lol… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with pleasing yourself. It releases stress. Work, family, kids, bills!! Sometimes you just need to rub one out :slightly_smiling_face::woman_shrugging: nobody’s cheating at least.


I used to be okay with porn, in our marriage for years. I had no problem of him meeting his needs for years. As long as we had a very active sex life. I love sex and like it daily. About 7 years in it got to us only having sex about 3 times a week for a few months he said he wasn’t in the mood. I found out he was watching porn and masterbating several times a day. I told him to stop it, I wanted sex twice a day, if he would rather watch porn the move to his mom’s and enjoy hisself, while I go find a man who wanted to screw. He stopped that behavior quickly. Now he may look at it occasionally but our sex lives have not diminished at all. I told him if it every gets to a point I find out again ill find a sex partner for every time he does it and not tell him. It worked great marriage going on 14 years. It can be fun or it can ruin a marriage porn is a fickle topic.


I personally don’t have a problem with my SO watching porn as long as the rest of our sex life is still on point. I look at it like a break for me sometimes when I don’t feel up to it. And once every blue moon I watch a little myself :woman_shrugging:t3:


A lot of women that don’t value themselves and expect men to respect them are on this page, it’s not the best place to ask this type of question unfortunately


I told my husband I don’t like him watching it because he knows how it makes me feel haven’t really had a problem since he stopped watching it.

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Yes. I didn’t even read the rest of the post. You are absolutely over reacting if you have any reaction to what your husband looks at or what he does to his own body.

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Read the first line… the answer is yes

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I would def ask this question on a diff page for a more variety of answers. Seems alot of these moms are against porn, whereas in all my weed/girl/fun/sex groups people have way different opinions on ITM

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I think it’s fine as long as he’s meeting your needs as well. I’d rather my husband do that instead of actually sleeping around.


Eh. It’s porn. He’s not stepping out. I mean I would be a bit concerned as to why he is masterbating when ur home. Like eh watch a little porn to get in the mood then fuck … but that’s just me. I rather my dude watch porn then step out​:woman_shrugging:t2: but I watch it too soooo​:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

I don’t mind porn unless my man is watching and Masterbating to it more than being intimate with me. Men are horny and visual. It sounds excessive at this point and it’s not healthy for both of you unless addressed. There is also more on porn sites now days then just videos of randoms. There’s local Sex chat rooms and live subscriptions. If you let it continue he’ll probably continue to explore more especially if he is going out of his way🤷


I would rather him watch porn then go out and sticking it in another female. I found out once my fiancee had watched while I was at work which I’m glad it was porn and not going out to have sex with another woman. I flipped out and he hasn’t watched since but I told him that we can watch it together cause watching it together and getting us both in the mood and ideas dont hurt me.


Its normal. My husband watches porn too but if i had a problem i would only have to talk to him about it. Sometimes we watch it together. However if it bothers you really bad, you can either talk to him or you can bring it to him (wear naughty lingerie and play the part of the girl in the porn). Im not saying do things you aren’t comfortable with but he might just need things spiced up a bit in the bedroom or something out of the norm.

My husband and I recently discussed watching porn together to spruce things up (working on 12 years together & 2 kids later). Honestly i feel porn is just to get your mind right to masturbate. Its a personal preference though. I have talked my SO about how when he watches alone it sometimes makes me feel I am not what he wants looks wise. Its a conversation, and will cause issues if both of you aren’t mature enough to talk about it.

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Really were running out of things to talk about


A friend mine caught her husband do the same. She went and empty their bank account. That’s stopped him completely.


You’re not overreacting. :woman_shrugging:t3: Some people watch it every single day. Some people can’t get off without watching it. But if you don’t feel comfortable with him watching it don’t be afraid to tell him how you feel. I used to have a boyfriend who would watch it all the time and it made me feel like I wasn’t good enough. Everybody is into different things so there’s no need for people to be hateful towards the people not into it.


Just sit down and watch it together that’s what my husband and I did after 10 years and 2 kiddos we now see stuff and try it


Sounds like my ex he turned out to be mentally disturbed and went into my daughter’s bedroom naked. He also wired a woman thousands of dollars on the internet. So watch out


Let the guy jerk off in peace!


Why is this all of a sudden a big topic? I don’t see the issue with it. As long as it isn’t an addiction, who cares? There are so many other things your SO could be doing that are actual issues. This shouldn’t be one of them.


It’s. Just. Porn…i feel bad the guy has to watch it while on the pot. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


Let him be! All men do it it’s just their nature. At least he’s not our hoeing around on u


Hey maybe he might learn a thing or two. It might benefit u. I know it does for us :joy::joy:


Porn is the new drug look it up!!


He masterbates while pooping? Welllll unless that’s a fetish you are interested in partaking with him… Then let him do his business. :rofl::rofl:


I’m more disturbed that it’s while he poops.


Porn is normal unless its interfering with your sex life. I don’t have an issue with my husband watching it if he wants so I’m sorry if I don’t sound particularly empathetic. I know for some couples its off limits and that’s also fine, but I don’t particularly know how to approach that as an issue in a relationship. Have you tried to become more normalized to it by watching? If it still makes you uncomfortable then I’d have a discussion about how it’s not something you like… but personally I don’t think it is an issue until it starts interrupting intimate moments.


I just caught my fiancé on a sexting app talking to men and sending nudes… just told me he’s addicted to porn and that he misses being with guys. I’m about to deliver our third baby in two weeks… I’m devastated.


“forsaking all others”. you should be all he needs. send him videos and nudes. no need to see what’s between other women’s thighs and get off to it. PERIOD. that should be your domain. your territory.


Girl men need it way more than we do,and if taking care of business by himself is wrong, don’t get mad just help him finish what he started. Definitely not a reason to get mad unless he chooses not to involve you😘 then there’s a problem.


No matter what anyone says. Not ALL men do it and just being a man is not a excuse to do something your partner is uncomfortable with. Period. And it is completely OK to not like your man watching porn.


I hate it. I’m one of those people who categorises porn as cheating and he knows it. Does it he listen sometimes but after an argument he’s always watching :roll_eyes:


Been with my husband 23 years… Its porn… Its not a big deal… Yall still having sex?? Then why complain?? Maybe his sex drive is higher than yours maybe its so he lasts longer with you… Its really not that big of a deal hes not cheating…


It bothers me alot, but I’ve kind of come to terms with it because it just starts a huge fight. It does make me feel bad though.


It bothers me for sure, however it would be hard to take it serious if he were pooping while doing it… :joy::joy::joy:


Why don’t you join him and watching it with him?


My husband says maybe he enjoys the stimulation of cuming and going at the same time. And theres a reason he does it so often.

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The issue is when they want the porn prior to sex. If they need it to become aroused… see ya. Go take care of yourself.

Watch it with him maybe?
Or maybe figure out what he’s watching and open up the conversation for new things between the two of you in bed.

Making fun of/ being hateful is only going to make him more secretive.

I think porn leads people into all kinds of dark places. I wouldn’t be with someone who watches it


How many of you women watch porn?
Own a vibrator?


Porn is an addiction, and it puts people in a really bad place emotionally & mentally. It’s just like any other addiction, it eases your stress, worries etc. It fills that avoid their missing (cant get it from drugs porn or booze, they need therapy, for past trauma) Its normal to masturbate. But once lying starts, and your sex life lacks, or your sex life is becoming stressed because it isn’t working for him no matter WHAT you do, you’re gunna have to say goodbye wether you want to or not… it may take you a while to be ok with him leaving, but reality is… that’s not love. Find someone who ADORES you!!! & as someone else mentioned, not all men are like this, thank GOD!!


Watch it together then go with the flow

We went thru a huge rough spot in our marriage, almost divorced. We ended up in counseling together and separate. He truly had an addiction.


This is the hardest thing my husband and i have been through! I was open and honest with him about how it made me feel, which he already knew before he’d done it. He said it was an addiction and since then had kicked it. But it was HARD. Hard on our marriage and hard on me. He had lied and told me it wasn’t his thing which really was one of the things that got me.

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It’s against God if he is a religious man…it’s in the good book. This world is of the devil so don’t let the lost lead you to damnation. Unless your not about God or eternal life.


As the wife of a porn addict, I’d be extremely upset if I found my husband doing this. If he’d never allowed porn to replace having sex together, and he was only viewing one or two videos at a time a handful of times a month, I probably wouldn’t have had a problem with it personally. But the week after we found out I was pregnant with our now almost 6 year old son, he went from a few videos a month to a dozen or more a day, masturbating 4-5 times a day, and all but demanding oral sex from me almost nightly while he watched porn and I got nothing, not even a cuddle afterwards. He replaced our active and healthy sex life with close to 1,000 GB of downloaded porn videos (that’s a damn terabyte of porn) with increasingly novel themes or severe aggression and in many cases, it was clear the women were borderline being raped for the entertainment of whoever viewed the videos.

Porn at it’s core isn’t necessarily bad, nor is masturbation, in fact there are whole porn series that are designed to be instructive to help people discover sexual preferences and explore their own desires. But unfortunately, more than half of the women working in the industry get coerced into contracts that vaguely outline things, but the director has creative control and is permitted to change and add anything they want whenever they choose and because the women signed the contract they become legally obligated to comply. The number of trafficking victims in the industry is terrifying, the number of women who are forcibly coerced/ drugged up to loosen them up for filming is mortifying. The effects of consistent porn use and/or porn addiction has lasting effects on the brain and body as well. It has been proven to shrink and damage the limbic system, it desensitizes the viewer to normal sexual arousal and responses to a partner over time, and brain scans have shown that the brain of a consistent porn user is almost identical to the brain of a heroin addict. The term PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction) is a very real and serious medical condition that results directly from longterm porn use and if left unchecked, the results can and in many cases do become permanent and that magic little blue pill can’t fix it.

Traits of a porn addict tend to consist of frequent use that interferes with daily routines and activities, replacing intimacy with a partner with viewing porn, lies and deceit and constantly hiding it out of guilt and shame, purposefully distancing themselves from their partner and family and friends to make more free time to watch porn, etc. The list goes on.

So as a wife to a porn addict, one who only 6 months ago had no idea the extent of the damage there was and could have been, I say no I would not be okay with my husband watching porn, no matter where he was. I consider it cheating when a person in a committed relationship seeks out sexual gratification with anyone other than their partner. No this doesn’t mean I’m against masturbation, that’s both natural and healthy. But masturbation to dozens if not hundreds of other people outside of a committed, exclusive relationship is cheating. And masturbating to a bunch of women who very well may have been drugged just to get off is beyond messed up. (Anything by ‘Casting Couch’ … the production staff drugs the glasses of water offered to the girls who come in for a ‘modeling audition’ so they are easy to coerce into having sex with the ‘casting agent’. Several investigations have been done to test the water and found drugs like rohypnol in the water - that’s a ‘roofie’ for those who don’t know what rohypnol is.) And as a parting thought, since porn is literally the sale and distribution of objectifying women as sex objects for the use of self-gratification, is normalizing it’s use the kind of thing that anyone’s daughter should grow up with? Where they should come to expect to be treated like the women in porn? Or that someone’s son might see a bunch of porn and think it’s okay to treat women that way as well? That that is the only purpose women serve? Because normalizing frequent porn use and excusing it’s abuse as ‘every guy does it’ is pretty much saying that it’s okay for the next generation to grow up with that mindset about women and men. And in my opinion, that’s just not right.

If he is neglecting your needs in order to watch porn and masturbate then you can have a say. It is his body and his guilty pleasure. Leave the man be haha.


I mean I don’t have a issue at all with porn but I think it’s a little weird him jerking off while pooping? Maybe there’s more too it and he actually gets off to the feeling of pooping? Maybe he likes bum stuff but ovs would be a awkward conversation to bring up and maybe he doesn’t know how it makes him feel it may make him feel less manly enjoying butt stuff
I mean I dunno but I have never heard of someone jacking off while pooping…


Masterbating and pooping??? Whaaaat!?


Its a normal male thing.

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He won’t talk about it because he feels shamed by you. Masturbation is normal. Unless he Doesn’t want to have sex with you anymore. Then its a problem.


Ffs give the man a break do you listen at the bathroom door jesus some privacy isn’t much to ask your been overdramatic


Porn is totally normal… I definitely think your overreacting. Do you or have you ever watched porn?? You could watch it together…
If you try saying it to him and he gets embarrassed, tell him to grow up. I’d imagine you just feel a little insecure about him watching it??? If you watch it together you can try some new things :wink:


Porn is NOT normal. Please don’t listen to the ignorance. It’s not normal. It will never be normal to watch other people having sex. I feel like it opens the door to imagination and lust that otherwise would have never been opened. And could potentially damage your relationship and marriage. You’re right to feel weird and you’re right to question it. I’d be mortified. If you haven’t seen or heard of it, I suggest watching the movie Fireproof & getting the book to do as a couple together as well!


What he does with his body isn’t your business. Plan and simple.


he probably doesn’t want to inconvenience you with sex. he knows youre tired. youre both tired. its been a long, stressful day with the kids. let’s be practical about the fact we have a very little time before it’s bedtime, masturbate, brush teeth and poop all at the same time. now that’s time management. and you didn’t have to bother her or make her feel bad for saying no.

trouble is… its a slippery slope. where does it stop. I know all this ummm… because my mate told me


Masturbation isn’t something to shamed for. It’s perfectly normal and healthy.
Now if your saying he hasn’t been interested in sex with you for months, then maybe there’s an issue. But watching porn isn’t a problem xx


All these females on here that think their men don’t watch it


Make time and watch it with him?


Scary story: child molester and rapist all have one thing in common they all loved watching porn as young boys/men. They all become accustomed to the bare look get my meaning?? Fast forward they get older find a woman with kids or have some of thier own etc. Then when changing a diaper guess what memories come back?? What happens he starts molesting the child/ if not his own then someone else’s. And keep in mind there are many cases where couples molest together just like some some women enjoy watching porn with thier men. Think on that…


Rather him watch porn than be out having sex with god knows who, least hes only going to get an achy wrist and not an sti !


You have every right to your feelings and if he doesn’t respect them or your boundaries then… it’s a loss hun. He’s addicted and if you can’t get over that hurdle, I’d think about moving on. Sorry. My opinion. I don’t exactly like porn either. Old insecurities. It’s real. They are my feelings. Im the "as long as I don’t see it, hear it, etc then whatever but if I do, my feelings still be super hurt and I’ll be super pissed because I drew my line.


Literally here for the comments :rofl::rofl:


Can’t help but wonder how many of these judge porn shaming women cry over watching the BACHELOR. Honey, It’s on TV. The person next to you is reality. Don’t like him watching it because of some insecurity on you, then change you. Have more sex with him, then CIO to the bachelor. :joy:

What ever you do don’t call him a wanker


This is the way I see it and yes, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion…
As long as he’s still giving you some, it shouldn’t be an issue. Now let’s say he’s blatantly ignoring your attempts to keep things spicy in the bedroom but still has the energy to masturbate, THEN I could see it being an issue. I don’t know anyone (or I should say any MAN) that DOESN’T jack off. And from what I’ve seen online, studies have shown that masturbation seems to be helpful in many ways. I get that it may be awkward, but as a couple, the two of you should really just talk about it. Maybe make sure that there isn’t an underlying issue and if there is, figure out together on how to fix it. Tell one another how you feel. That’s probably the only way you’ll get the answers you’re looking for.


Watching porn does not make you into something your not and just like men women watch
Porn too


If the problem is about it being other women then Why don’t you send him some pornographic material of yourself ? Dress up and get yourself looking hot :hot_face: surely you trust him with that sort of stuff ? Just a suggestion


I LOVE porn. Who doesn’t wanna watch two people do it?! It’s fascinating lmao


It’s a bad addiction


I totally understand where your coming from speak to him and tell him how you fell x

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Both my husband and I watch porn. Honestly if it’s not taking away from yalls intimacy and he’s not using it to get aroused I don’t see it as an issue.


Would need more information on why you don’t like this. Is he not giving you any attention now? Do you just not like porn?


The women that tell other women to suck it up and accept porn and other things that cross our boundaries are “pick mes” and they need to stop competing with other women for who can be the “most down chick” because that doesn’t get you respect. Asking for what you want and finding the man that cares about that is what gets you respect :fist:


I’d rather my man watch porn and imagine whatever he needs to instead of going out to cheat. I’ll watch porn with my man like “oh babe let’s try that”. :joy::face_with_hand_over_mouth::tipping_hand_woman:t4:


Why does it bother you? I have zero interest in porn, but I know my hubby enjoys it, and it doesn’t bother me in the least. He is still very much attracted to me, and we still have an amazing sex life.

Being bothered by it is definitely not an overreaction, it really depends on how you handle those feelings. You definitely should talk to him, but part of talking him should be trying to figure out exactly why it bothers you, and deciding if it is something you can work through or not. You said it’s “awkward” to talk about, honestly that might be part of your issue. Unfortunately societal programming has made talking about sex taboo and uncomfortable for a lot of people, but being able to talk about sex with your partner openly and comfortably can make a WORLD of difference in the intimacy in your relationship.

Porn CAN be an addiction, but not everyone who watches porn is addicted. I dated a guy once who was addicted to porn. We barely had sex, he couldn’t get it up without going into the bathroom and watching porn first. That bothered me. It was horrible for my self esteem! But as I said above, my hubby watches porn, and I’m fine with that. Just like I occasionally like to masturbate, so does he. I personally don’t get anything from porn, but I like watching other people have sex in real life. :woman_shrugging: He likes both. Sometimes he uses porn to get himself off, sometimes he does it without it. Most of the time I don’t even know he did it, unless he forgets to throw the towel he used to clean up in the laundry, or sometimes he’ll tell me about it for some random reason like “I was jacking off the other day and one of the kids started pounding on the door and I thought they were gonna open it. Scared the shit out of me!”

I only have a problem with my man watching porn if we are NOT HAVING SEX. that is a huge problem!!!


I’d be upset more over his unwillingness to talk to you about it. Especially after you walking in on him.
As for how you feel. That’s something that you’re going to have to digest and come to your own conclusions on. No one can or should tell you how to feel on any subject.

Try watching it with him (it can be fun) :grin:

The first question you need to ask yourself is, are you happy with your sex life? If you are happy with the frequency and the stuff that you do in the bedroom, great. Then ask him the same question. Maybe he has a higher sex drive and he doesn’t want to bother you everytime he’s horny? Maybe he has some kink that he is too embarrassed or afraid to bring up to you? Has he ever tried new stuff and you shot him down? Men are sometimes easily discouraged and shamed in the bedroom, and they can be very sensitive about that stuff. Really, the only reason for you to worry about this, is if he’s turning you down or pushing you away for masturbation. If he’s choosing porn over you, and it’s not because of some kink that you’re willing to participate in, then he may have an issue. If it because of a kink that you have no interest in, and he’s so consumed by it that he can’t be turned on by other stuff, then that’s something you really need to discuss, and he may need to see someone about correcting that obsession. Or you need to find a compromise where he uses the porn kink to get himself ready, and you go straight into sex, or you watch it together before having regular sex, but you don’t try it. But he should still probably see someone if he really doesn’t enjoy regular sex since discovering porn. If it’s regular porn and everything else is good, though… then just watch it with him instead, or don’t and let him jerk off while you 2 continue with your happy fulfilling sex life.

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You could just flat out ask him to watch it with you… and honestly if he likes it while pooping it’s because those glands are getting stimulated too and he doesn’t have to feel awkward asking you to do things which might embarrass him. Not all men are as comfortable with sex as they pretend to be.

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I won’t pretend I know enough to give you advice or tell you what you should do, but I would be very upset. You said it bothers you - that is valid.


There’s lots of comments on here, but I think this is one of those things that’s all a matter of opinion. Everyone feels differently. I watch too and it’s never been something that bothered me. If it’s affecting your sex life, it would definitely upset me and I would address it. If not, i’d end up picking on him tbh :sweat_smile:. Ultimately if it makes you uncomfortable, make him talk to you :heart: don’t start off with an argument or accusations; you guys could find a way to meet in the middle