Am I over reacting about my husband watching porn?

I’d be hurt that he won’t talk to me about it. We are supposed to be each others safe place.


I think I’d be more upset about him not wanting to talk about it than actually watching porn. If my sex life is great then I don’t think it’s a big deal , BUT if your sex life sucks and he doesn’t want to have sex with you or doesn’t try to then there’s a issue.


The biggest question is it affecting your sex life. If he is just doing that then it is definitely a problem but if your sex life is not changed than I wouldn’t worry. You do need to discuss your feelings though.


men aren’t exactly the most intelligent creatures. :joy::woman_shrugging:t3: just pity him, it’s much easier that way


Honestly, I see it as cheating🤷🏻‍♀️ Nothing should give you sexual pleasure besides your significant other in my eyes. If you’re single go for it I won’t judge, but if another persons image is getting you off, and they obviously look nothing like me, it’s going out of our relationship. Ask him to make a video with you, if y’all are both comfortable with that, so he can use it🤷🏻‍♀️


I think it’s totally normal for everyone to watch porn… women included. It is NOT however, normal to jerk-off while you shit. That man needs a safe space :woman_shrugging::poop:

I would be pissed if I found my husband watching it!

I’m having the same issue right now but he tires to lie about it and say that Facebook took him to the site but he has screenshots of it so he can find it later we just had a discussion about this a few months ago he used to ask other girls for nudes while I was pregnant

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In all honesty, I watch porn sometimes and pretty sure my boyfriend watches it too. I’m pretty laid back with my relationship in the form of as long as you’re not screwing another woman it’s okay. He also takes care of my needs no matter what, it’s usually me who’s too tired due to being pregnant lol. But my boyfriend knows my feelings about porn. If it makes you uncomfortable just talk to him about it but in my honest opinion he will just hide it even more.

If you have to hide it or lie about it…then you know it’s wrong!


Having the exact same, I couldve written this

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I just assume that’s what all men do in the bathroom even though my husband says he doesn’t lol :laughing:


Why does he get off watching others?

He should be coming to you for that.


Just read the first line and yes.


If it bothers you, it bothers you. He needs to discuss it with you. His refusal to talk about it would more upsetting to me.

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ewww jackn off while poopin!! maybe he wants a blumpkin​:joy::joy::joy::joy:


Masturbation is normal and healthy. If it is becoming a problem like multiple times a day or missing out on functions to stay home for it I would be worried. But if you two are both in a happy loving relationship and are meeting each others needs in the bedroom then try to let it go. Some people have high sex drives and maybe don’t want to ask for sex as often as they want it? If it’s just the porn that’s the problem try to think what it is that really bothers you, him looking at other women or watching people have sex. So many teenager’s start watching porn at a young age and it does change there thinking on sex. There is a big difference between watching porn and actively search for other women. If hes not on dating sites or trying to connect with other women I would say it’s just a thing.


Doesn’t bug me. It used to when we first started dating , but as his wife now and 10 years together, I’ve found that everyone does it, even me, and it’s Normal. As long as it doesn’t take away from your intimacy together and he isn’t sitting there doing it all day long ignoring you … but if it bothers you talk to him about it until he can open up :heart:

Chances are 99.5 percent of the people in this group either watch porn or there spouses do.

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Married nearly 20 years and together for nearly 22. I doubt this is anything new and has nothing to do with you or your marriage. Boys are gross. :smirk:

Let it go.


Only because it’s happened to me before, but I disagree with porn because it has caused tension in a relationship of mine before due to then being so reliant on porn. They literally couldn’t get off to anything but that. So I do see having a problem with it.


My husband used pork until we were married… He stopped since and since sex is abundant he has no need for it now. :slight_smile:


We watch it together:)


For years it bothered me that my husband did. We did watch it together but it bothered me that he masticated alone.It’s not like he didn’t get it from me. But after our first child I developed fibromyalgia and my sex drive reminisced. I realized he had a higher sex drive all along and that made it easier to accept. It wasn’t about another woman he just needed the release. I learned to accept it.

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Uhhh no. Not okay add there is no “over reacting” if you’re not okay with something. He needs to respect you


There’s no reason to be upset, unless he’s actively avoiding having sex with you. People get pent up. He might have a higher sex drive than you do, or you guys might not be having sex as often due to being busy or having kids. I watch/read porn, so does my husband, because we don’t always get to be intimate when we want to. Masturbation is totally natural, and porn is just a tool to help the process along.

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He’s going to hell… He’s cheating… he’s going to be a molestor… Some of these comments are so damn judgy. Just talk to him, explain to him why it makes you uncomfortable. But be sure that’s what he’s really doing, because my husband will sit on the shitter for 20mins watching stupid tiktoc videos🤣

The only thing I find gross is that what if he poops on his hands :rofl: barf I’ve said if you want to have sex just communicate. And don’t let me walk in when masterbating. Prefer to not have him . But yes it bothers me

Ask to watch it with him. You might like it. If not, leave him to his time alone.

I don’t think him watching porn is a big deal. How often he is doing it could be a concern. Sounds like he has an addiction to it


Good luck.
My husband and I almost divorced over his porn addiction. He was choosing it over sex with me, what drew the line was when I was giving him oral, he was watching porn instead of being in the moment.
Thank God he no longer has the desire for porn


My only question is:
So do you n o t masturbate? I mean, I’m female and I watch porn. Definitely not addicted to it, still have a very healthy sex life. Masturbation is natural, with visual aids or without as long as it isnt impacting their life negatively or jacking it all day every day uncontrollably.


Absolutely no. This is not ok. He needs to choose you are porn. He is disrespecting you as his wife watching this trash.


You’re overreacting my husband does the same if I catch Him I help him be fun🥴 whoever disagrees you sound boring in bed


I feel he disrespected you :woman_shrugging:


I would be VERY concerned! That’s a form of cheating idc what anyone says. Set his nasty self straight or leave him!


Y’all are tripping its just porn… he could be balls deep in another bitch.


I feel its disrespectful if he is doing this while you are home and able to partake in sex with YOU.


I just think it is weird he is pooping and jacking off at the same time.


I don’t put up with it. Period. He’s degrading you. NOT okay.


The only time you should even react to someone watching porn is; inappropriate times or if they don’t at least try/ask for sex first.

Everyone watches porn and if you don’t, you’re lying.


I mean ur feelings are valid , no matter what they are. You can try yet again to talk to him or you can pick ur battles. It really depends on how strongly you feel about it tho.


Def overreacting lol everybody watches it atleast he isnt cheating on you with another bitch


Masturbation and watching porn is normal and no one should be saying otherwise, some do it and some don’t, it’s okay either way. What’s not normal is masturbating and shitting at the same time


I feel like every relationship is different. Some people are okay with it and some aren’t. If it bothers you, you could just tell him how you feel about it. The best to bring it up is by starting with “I feel…” whatever way about it. So he doesn’t get defense. And he can’t argue or avoid the way you feel


Its porn. Maybe try watching with him and seeing what u guys may or may not be into. Cheating hardly i peroanally believe ur overreating. Let’s be honest he will never be with a girl like that lol he has u. He isnt talking to anyone or balls deep like someone else said. It freaking porn. Disrespectful? Hardly in my opionion.


I mean at least he’s not cheating on you🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s a natural thing to do🤦🏻‍♀️


What? Get yourself a wand off amazon and then see how you feel


If the porn affects your sex life then I would be upset. Other then that it’s just porn.


Sometimes guys don’t want the responsibility of getting their woman off. Truth be told. So they do what they do. Its not a personal insult to you its just life.


Sometimes they just want a quick nutt just like us women do when we use our toy. Sometimes they think you’re not going to be in the mood (bad day or you seem edgy lol) so they just don’t risk the fight, it’s thoughtful but we are always scared it’s just bc of the girls/guys in the video but it’s not.


Ffs leave the guy alone…its so insecure and controlling to try to control your mans freaking masterbation :woman_facepalming:


I feel like if my fiancé watched porn id feel like I’m not enough but each to their own and no I’m not saying someone should or shouldnt


I think all guys watch porn.I know my man does,ugh!As for masturbating,he does that when he knows he aint gettin no sex from me! Lol


Wait… people masturbate while pooping?! How have I never known this?!


I’m gonna say this and sound like a bitch but maybe he’s not attracted to you anymore for some reason and instead of trying to hurt your feelings this is what he did. Or maybe he just likes to watch it


Watch it together! It’s so much fun.


The only thing i found weird about this was “while pooping” people do that?!


Talk to him with an open mind. If it bothers you, tell him why. But it honestly sounds like he’s ashamed and repressing his sexuality. It doesn’t mean he’s not attracted to you, some people are just very sexually sensitive and sometimes you need to release on your own. It can be unhealthy to repress your sexual needs, so maybe think of how he feels while explaining how you feel.

Your over reacting. Let it go. At least he’s not cheating on you


Was this some weird scenario of spying or busting in while he was using the restroom? Cause that would make it more awkward :joy:

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I don’t think it’s wrong to masturbate and watch porn. I do think it is a problem though that he refuses to talk with you about it. If I were you I’d talk with a therapist about it and see what your therapist thinks and hopefully give you better solutions on how to handle the situation.

It’s cheating if you both had sat down and talked about what you consider cheating. However if you guys didn’t set that boundary before you started dating it’s not necessarily fair to say it is now. At the same time you need to sit down with him and talk about how it makes you feel and figure out why. No matter how awkward it is you need to be able to figure out what’s causing the issues.

Since reading your post, it seems to be really bothering you. I do not think you are over reacting. Time to get past the awkward and let him know it bothers you. Good luck


If it upsets you, then you’re allowed to be upset


If he leaves my ass alone you go and have a good time :rofl::rofl:


How about watching porn he made with other females? It makes me sick


Is it weird? Yes.
Is it disrespectful? Absolutely not it’s his own body. You definitely have the right to be upset if porn is a huge issue with you and you have been upfront about it for the last 3 years and he’s agreed with you. If you decided to never discuss it before then you can’t be mad at him for doing it especially if it isn’t affecting your sex life. If it is then that’s a different discussion you need to have with him.


Its only disrespectful and considered cheating if you’ve set boundaries and both agreed to no porn from the start. Otherwise its perfectly healthy for him to get him self off unless it is hindering your sex life together. If thats the case its a conversation worth having and maybe time to spice things up in the bedroom to see if that may help.


Honestly however you feel is how you feel and you’re allowed to feel it.

That being said.

Unless his porn watching is intervening in your sex life what difference does it make?


If he can’t be honest and open about it then your not over reacting.

Let it go. What he does in his personal time is his business as long as he isnt cheating on you.


My husband does not watch porn. He thinks it’s wrong and disrespectful in any relationship.
This is something him and I agree on. It does not exist in our lives. If it bothers you, you should be able to openly communicate with him and he should be able to be grown enough to hear your discomfort and respect you for that by not watching it. If he cant respect you that much, then find someone who will.


What kind of porn is it…midgets? It could get weird, I don’t know what could be weirder than masturbating while pooping though. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Ok I will be an unpopular opinion. “all men do it” that’s not an excuse. And doesn’t mean it’s ok. If you’re uncomfortable with it, you have EVERY right to mention it and talk about it. It doesn’t mean you have an insecure relationship. Every couple is different. Some are ok with it. Others are not and that’s ok. In my opinion it’s cheating. And it hurts. Talk to him.


You are not over reacting…there is a facebook grouo…I can recommend if you’d like the info Pm me


Idc what other people post if he’s doing it everytime he’s pooping the guy has a SEX PROBLEM he’s a sex addict if it affects your relationship it’s a problem I’m sorry he should be getting off to you not porn shit … he needs help


So long as you have a healthy sex life together and he isn’t cheating, it shouldn’t be an issue. Frankly us women can be a lot of work and discussions with my husband reveal that sometimes he’s in the mood but is tired. It’s faster. My hubs works long hours and I get it…but we have a healthy open relationship and sex life. He needs to open up to convo for you both, but don’t stress about it. It’s not unnatural.


Lol I probably watch more porn than my SO :joy: I know he does too but it really doesn’t bother me but only if it affects yalls sex life would I be concerned/ kinda mad lol cuz like hey I’m right here come and get it :joy:


Mine does it when he’s in the shower but never while he’s pooping or that I’m aware of, my body changes a lot and I have depression/anxiety so when I don’t want to have sex he watches his porn and I’m ok with that.


Some of these comments. :weary:
Watching porn cannot be compared to cheating, it is not cheating nor should anyone feel greatful that their partner is watching porn or the alternative they be balls deep ‘in another bitch’, like come on seriously.
Porn is not ‘natural’ porn is acting.
If it bothers you, you need to talk to your partner, however you cannot and should not try to stop someone doing what they wish.
You don’t need to watch porn with your partner. No you are not over reacting your feelings are valid and we all have our own and different feelings towards it.
Nor does it make you a good/better wife or have an amazing relationship if you watch porn with your partner compared to couples that don’t watch it.
Not everyone watches porn.
You feel however you wish to feel, your entitled to that, not how others feel or what others do.
Porn doesnt phase me in the slightest, it’s not real and my husband can watch it untill he’s blue in the face if that’s what he wants, however I would never belittle your feelings because something upsets you and I guess alot of people who have commented do not see it like that and are trying to push their feeling and beliefs onto you which is rather sad.
Definitely have a sit down with your partner if he’s doing it every single day while he’s on the toilet, communicating is the key, not what a bunch of strangers do and do not do.


I told my fiance when we first got together that I was not okay with porn and consider it cheating and that I couldn’t continue a relationship with him if he couldn’t give up porn. He agreed to that. We haven’t had any issues since.
I would say just have a similar talk with him about it and see how it goes :confused:.


Unfortunately, I’ve have had this problem with my husband for the last ten years. He just tries to hide it from me better. He can’t not do it and we barely have sex. :woman_shrugging: if you find answers let me know.

Personal preference. As long as my husband is pleasing me idc :woman_shrugging:


Sometimes they jus want a quickie. Face it its rare 2 ppl want it at exactly the same time all the time.


I’m in the same situation as you…

There’s an issue. He might have an addiction

I think you need to buy a vibe and get out that tension you got going on. Let him jack off once in a while. Who cares as long as you still have a healthy sex life.


Your feelings are valid. He NEEDS to listen to you and how it makes you feel. Otherwise it’s just going to end up in resentment. Having an open and honest discussion about your feelings would be a great first step.


It sounds like a sex addiction tbh. I’d have him see a therapist or counselor.


My boyfriend watches porn a couple of times I found it werid but I just left the topic go I didn’t seen any harm in it I rather have him watching porn then cheat on me. I even watch it with him some time. It all depends on how you look at it.


My husband watches porn probably daily and it doesn’t bother me because 1. He’s deployed and not cheating on me 2. We’ve been together 4.5 years and married 2.5 years but have yet to live together due to circumstances and he STILL has never cheated on me 3. I read romance novels and erotica daily so it’s fair 4. He always has time for me, I’m the center of his world 5. We have a fantastic sex life when we’re together and apart 6. It’s a way to explore your sexuality safely to find your preferences


Don’t be upset, I mean unless it really does bother you. Masterbation is so normal. It’s all on how you feel about it or if it gets out of hand like porn and masterbating 24/7 instead of a healthy sex life with you. I personally don’t give a rip if my husband does or not, but that’s just me. I mean if I had more time and not two toddlers running around maybe I would too?!


Sounds like y’all have two different sex drives. As long as he’s not giving you any weird signs (frequent late work nights, mother/sister/brother needing help) you’re good. He’s probably not in there pooping btw


Telling someone not to do something is not the way to go about it. Talking about the reasons why he feels the need to do it. But if your sex life is good that’s a positive.

Your gut reaction is how you feel and you’re allowed to feel however that is. Noone can tell you what’s right or wrong here. To some it’s no big deal. They watch it with their significant other. Then others think it’s considered cheating. I think if it doesnt bother you enough to cause a riff in the relationship then dont mention it. If it bothers you, it has to be talked about or it will keep bothering you.

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I watch porn so does my man :woman_shrugging:


Sounds like an addiction

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Porn is poison to men. Google it, it literally causes brain damage.

Porn is a no go in our marriage. If you want sex, come love up on me… that’s what I say :joy: