Am I over reacting about my husband watching porn?

It’s normal! 99.9% men do it! If they tell you they don’t they are lying lol


I don’t agree with the “it’s just porn” comments and here’s why. It is unrealistic and can create an unhealthy vision of what sex should be between you. My first husband was addicted to porn. Needless to say we ended up getting divorced and yes, I 100% attribute it to the porn. He stopped having sex with me and only wanted that. Not healthy. My second husband doesn’t do it at all. We have an amazing and healthy sex life and talk openly about it. My husband actually doesn’t even enjoy porn lol he prefers the real thing any day over masturbation. If it bothers you then your feelings are valid and need to be heard.


Do you not watch porn? Sorry, sex is sweaty, smelly, loud, and long. Porn cuts right to the chase with no BS in between to get the job done and you don’t need a towel, shower, glass of water, or waddle to the bathroom afterwards. It’s a tool. Try it. It’s fantastic.


How do you know that Everytime he goes “poop” he’s in there masturbating do you like stand outside the door and listen? I don’t think there is anything wrong with you it men are way different then women men are visual!! If he’s telling you that Everytime he goes poop he’s actually masturbating then at least he’s not hiding it but I’m just curious how you know Everytime he shits he’s jerking off maybe watch it with him you may like it I personally watch it and do does my boyfriend and we are very open about it!!

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You should be able to have an adult conversation without him getting weird about it. It’s an adult thing and you both are adults. If it bothers you the least he can do is talk to you about it.


Imagine getting married and your spouse is now in control of your body. :imp: I despise women who think they own their partners penis. You dont have one for a reason. The fact that you think for one second you have a right to shame someone; especially someone you are intimate with because of your own insecurities is despicable and makes you the shitty partner you fear being.


No that’s not normal. And if ur not ok with it a conversation definitely needs to be had, b4 it does cause major issues. To each their own, but I do not agree with or support any kind of shit like that.
And females on here will bombarde u with oh it’s normal oh ur insecure oh let him be a man… Blah blah blah. Horseshit! If y’all are in a relationship and something in YOUR REALTIONSHIP IS MAKING YOU UNCOMFORTABLE OR UNHAPPY/CONCERNED you handle your business


Me and my bf talked about this, I said he can watch it but if is watching it and masterbating then I do not like that bc it makes me feel like I’m not good enough that he has to watch another woman

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It could be addiction…


Please listen to me i was with someone for 20 years he started looking at porn 3 years after we were together 27 years he still wanted crazy set we had 4 daughters and 8 gradkids.thrm he found crazy married.woman who loved the fact she could do it

Your not going to find your answer here, it’s such a personal preference and everyone and every relationship is different. Uncomfortable or not its something you guys should talk about together. Find a solution that your both comfortable with.


Porn is an addiction and it’s not okay, period :woman_shrugging:t3: this has never been an issue in mine and my
Hubby’s relationship, but if it was, I’d probably feel weird and upset too. Make love and get off to the person you love, not random people on a screen.


Some porn is okay but every time hes in the bathroom is too much…but I feel like this is an exaggeration. Men take long shits period.


Yes, you are over reacting. He’s doing no harm whatsoever, so long as he’s not watching kids or animals, or expecting weird shit you’re uncomfortable with in the bedroom. Also, how do you know he does it every time he poops? That’s so weird in and of itself, like are you watching or listening, idfk. It has nothing to do with you not being good enough. It’s a harmless outlet, so long as he’s not doing that other shit. He’s not actually having sex with those people. Leave it alone


Offer to join, find something y’all both enjoy. Cause I’m sure even though you may think you don’t like porn there is some kind of porn out there that is bound to turn you on. I assure you once you find that porn that brings on that tingle you two will have some of the best sex y’all have ever had :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin::blush::smirk: you’re welcome


You are totally overreacting.

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I think it’s only a problem if he starts choosing that over you on a regular basis. :woman_shrugging:


Ex was an addict. Eent 8 mths of nit even needing or esnting me at all. Was pulling over on side of road… Homr and work. Now in a healthy sex life and I’ll take this life any day over the one i had for 6 yrs.

Dont let this continue talk on how u feel he got problem he not no kid no more to be doing that type sick shit u dont allow that shit a real man wont be doing that crap to wise and love yourself it’s not ur fault his sick ass want be doing nasty shit be a grown ass woman and walk away from this loser if dont change n invite God in your relationship


I dont understand why women get so offended over porn… He was watching it and touching himself long before you and probably even after you 🤷🏽 atleast he is jacking off at home and not out trynna to get the real thing :raised_hands:
Little girls …


Are you guys having sex ??my ex was the same way but we weren’t having sex it was getting to the point where I was like wtf

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Big difference when they constantly ignore you for it even if you have a high sex drive , really does become an issue when it’s not stop


Wow just wow porn is completely normal and your husband’s masterbation is none of your business


Ok watching porn is one thing as annoying as it is and honestly picking you partner you need to respect if they don’t want you looking at it… But if he is actually jacking off every time he goes to the bathroom that is addiction status :face_with_raised_eyebrow: This may be more than just relieving himself at this point IF what you said is true.


Porn is not normal. It has been proven to give men a bad idea of sex and can become addicted. Women will say it is ok for men but think about it, why would he need to watch another girl getting it when he has you at home? It’s not normal. But the porn industry makes so much money on it that they have marketed as normal and shame people for thinking other wise. Porn is new to our world. If it was so normal, then why do it in private? If all of this shit was normal why hide toys, porn of any of it from anyone??? If it was so normal then why do men go to sex addition counseling, why do spouses or partners feel so uncomfortable about it? If it was so normal why can it break marriages and why do people get arrested for leud sex acts. If you are not comfortable speak up. If if loves you he will listen.


You dont please him enough so he finds it in porn just be happy hes not cheating on u


I find it really sad that he feels the need to hide it and do it in the bathroom like he is a naughty child. If you don’t like it and it’s not for you then that’s your decision but it’s perfectly normal for anyone to do it. What isn’t ok is for him to be made to feel ashamed by it. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Does no-one care that porn is hugely linked with sex trafficking, which includes people being coerced into doing stuff. Even professional porn actors get tricked. There’s no way of knowing whether what you’re watching is consensual or not. And if you’re watching porn, you are contributing to the supply and demand chain that makes porn and sex trafficking such big business, which leads to more vulnerable individuals being exploited. Often, porn itself is just a fringe product from victims being sold for sex. Think about it


Every relationship has it’s own boundaries. Some are comfortable with this, some aren’t. You’re valid in your feelings about it. No one, man or woman, should be crossing boundaries.
I personally lose all sexual attraction to guys like this. Like, I just can’t have sex with them. There’s nothing there anymore. I dunno if I’m just creeped out or something? It’s weird.

So, confront him. Call him out, whatever you feel like doing. If things don’t change, then it’s time to consider counseling for an addiction/ making the relationship work, or end the relationship. He gets to choose for himself like you get to choose for yourself. You don’t have to be with someone who likes porn. Like I explained to my spouse: love is not enough. You need more than just love for a relationship to work. If you both fully oppose and can’t be happy, then it’s time for a big, serious discussion about what you both want and what you should do.


Grow the fuck up, he is a grown man if he wants to watch porn let him watch porn. Ffs get off his case woman!!


If he wants to wank away. Obviously ya shit in bed. :sunglasses::joy::joy::joy:. Or he has blue balls. And if he don’t wanna talk about it. Ya need to leave the wanker. :joy::joy::joy::joy:


It’s a definite no no dont allow it change the wifi setting to child safety to stop him assessing porn then dont allow him the password.
No woman should be putting up with this kind of behaviour from their husband or boyfriend.
My ex husband had an addiction to it he wouldn’t stop so I chucked him out after numerous warnings but back then it was the magazines I found rather than porn on the internet.
I’m now married to a younger man & although I’ve never been suspicious he is looking at porn I have control of the wifi & his mobile phone account & make sure filth like this isn’t available with putting controls on .
Plus I have children so the wifi needs parental controls anyway.
There is absolutely no excuse for a man doing this its very disrespectful for a woman.
If he doesn’t stop he doesn’t have any respect for you & need to take control. Just incase his mates are sending him filth check his phone to make sure its clear.
Hope you sort him out give him a chance to change if not get rid talking from experience here.


I’m actually in shock that so many woman agreeing watching porn is normal .
It most definitely is not okay for women to be degraded in this manner. Men should be happy they have a real woman & there is absolutely no need to act like some desperate pervert.


Mind your business. Stop taking it personally. Leave him alone.


If it doesn’t take from your… I wouldn’t have a problem. I think the issue comes when, you are being told no, or it becomes something he doesn’t function because of. I would watch it with him🤷‍♀️, again if he somehow lacks in satisfying you or won’t touch you during… or because of, that is an issue. Some, guys just need it more than… if y’all have no issues, at least he ain’t out… just saying

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This is normal and seems like he has a fetish he probably is scared to tell you about because of the close mindedness. Funny how it seems no women on here watch porn! :rofl:


Watch d porn with him. Thank me later😁


Uhhh, how about you watch it WITH him?!


I love porn! I watch porn and masturbate with or without my husband and he does the same!
We still make love and fuck!
It’s just another way of expression!


Me and my husband are on the verge of divorce because of porn. It’s a sin it’s degrading it’s cheating and it’s plain right disrespectful you have a right to be mad


If you are still getting the attention you need, there shouldn’t be an issue. If it’s getting in the way of your sex life, then there needs to be some talking


You’re overreacting for sure. Maybe spice up your life and join him

As long as you are still having sex regularly…hes not cheating on you…id let it go all men watch porn wether we like it or not…either they admit it or not…🤷 choose your battles wisely

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If it’s something that bothers you and makes you uncomfortable talk to him about it. Just because some ladies don’t have a problem with it doesn’t mean you have to “suck it up”


Trying to control someone is wrong, my husband likes to watch porn sometimes and so do I on occasion, masturbation is healthy and can be done together or in private. My husband and I have been together for 8 years total and he even talks to me about the kind of porn he likes and I do the same we are married yes but we are also still individual people and enjoy private moments, I feel no need to impose on his private moments if he desires them and he feels the same way about mine trust is everything we are secure enough in our relationship to not feel the need to control every aspect of each other we know we’re both loyal and faithful to each other and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


To me its normal, porn is another outlet. Maybe he has some desires and is afraid to talk to about it, scared you will find it weird. Let him know you are completely available to discuss anything sexual with him, that its a safe space he won’t be judged. See what happens.

If he would just rather watch porn all day then be with you thats when its a problem.

I would be a bit concerned. While pooping? Every time he uses the bathroom? That’s a lot of porn watching and masturbating? Like how often do u really need to do that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Wouldn’t bother me, I watch porn myself. If it came to where he’d rather get off to porn than have sex with me then yes I’d be bothered by it.

Absolutely a problem if you are uncomfortable about it. He won’t stop doing it so you need to decide if it’s something you want to put up with or not.!


It’s totally normal. Why not look for female friendly porn that u can watch together? They have that. It isn’t all gross raunchy stuff!

We watch it together. Sometimes separately. Doesn’t bother us. But just try talking to him about it

Idk., maybe it helps him poop… and lord knows you don’t need to share in that. If that’s the only time he does it?

Your over reacting , maybe watch it with him and offer a hand … :joy: obviously not in the bathroom …

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Do u turn up for him tho , ? U gotta or they’ll take it elsewhere lol

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My ex watched porn everyday while I was pregnant with twins then left me a week after they were born.


I think it would bother me that he is doing WHILE pooping.

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Look at it this way he’s not screwing another women hes he’s watching a sexual video to help him release his sexual needs he’s not cheating …porn is nothing and I would rather have my husband watch porn the actually have sex with. Different women

If he’s watching that much porn and doesn’t wanna talk to you about it and uses the porn more than having sex with you then it is a problem. You told him it makes you uncomfortable so he is a porn addict. It doesn’t matter what everyone else feels…as long as you feel a certain way towards something then your feelings are not wrong.


Honestly if it effects your sex life then its a problem. If it doesnt, it might hurt but there’s really nothing to do about it.

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Join him (just not while pooping :wink:). Have fun with it. It’s natural to want to masturbate and men LOVE visuals! I have a great sex life with my SO and we watch porn separate or together, it offers some ideas/fantasies to use with one another.

  1. Sometimes People sex drive is quite different.
    Some may want sex more often then the other. Men are like microwaves. Ding raring to go. Women tend to be like a gas oven. It takes a little longer to get in the mood. Also women tend to think of the things they feel they should be doing. Or getting done. Especially during the day. ( Some not all )

  2. Another reason he may masturbates while in the bathroom. Is it is a great way to release stress. And just helps to feel more relaxed and calm . Regular orgasms are good for the heart and circulation. It reduces hypertension.

  3. Ask your self what about him masturbating is making you uncomfortable.
    Then ask your self would you be okay if he told you that you cannot do something you enjoy and helps relieve stress

I feel if they need to look at other women to get off then they should go be with other women. Only god knows what else he is doing. :woman_shrugging:


He may be an addict. It’s not healthy bc he’s stuck in some fantasy land that porn creates rather than being in the real world with you. If he doesn’t seek help It will destroy your relationship. Especially if he’s doing It that many times in a day, or that often when he does have access to you.

Watch it with him. Maybe try kinky things. Since I’ve upped my bedroom activities, my husband hasnt watched porn. I never used toys before I met him, and now my toy collection is insane amount. Do it diff. Places. The kitchen, counter tops, the bathroom, the couch spare room if you have one, on the floor. Any where but in your own bed.

I love watching porn matter of fact watching it now lol I have been married for 16 years do what my wife did when the time was right she went into the bedroom turn some good porn she like and started masturbating and I walked in on her and i got really horny instant we started having sex and we still do it to this day