Am I over reacting about my husband watching porn?

He’s lightening up your work load ! :joy: :woman_shrugging:

My man gets mad at me for this but I really don’t know. I don’t do it any more when hes around bc of how badly it hurt him. Sometimes you just want an orgasm and why not in 3 or 4 min lol. I support watching porn whenever though, as long as you two are still having sex a healthy balance. You just have to go off your partners wants needs and insecurities. If it hurts you more than it helps him, you should be kind and up front and talk to him

My man gets mad at me for this but I really don’t know. I don’t do it any more when hes around bc of how badly it hurt him. Sometimes you just want an orgasm and why not in 3 or 4 min lol

My man gets mad at me for this but I really don’t know. I don’t do it any more when hes around bc of how badly it hurt him. Sometimes you just want an orgasm and why not in 3 or 4 min lol

Porn is poison. Straight up. For everyone.
Fight The New Drug, find it on FB.
I would never be with anyone who chose to watch pornography.

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For masterbating ? Why would this bother your ego? He home with you … Not cheating not out at a bar or club. Hes home wacking off in the bathroom bc he loves you .

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Its gonna happen right? He is human I lived with a guy like that…every morning I get my coffee hes got his dick in hand…at first it’s my living room and I got 1 kid so I was like “can ya move this one man show to the bedroom” lol I mean theres a time and a place for everything…find compromise i had to. I work long hours hes gonna have to use Sally palmer for a little while im busy making money.


You both need to sit and chat about it - I personally have no issue with it however it can become an addiction talking helps x


Maybe he likes certain stuff and u won’t do it. I had to have a talk with my ex while I was at work I would find porn searches on his phone. I got crazy on him and found out he just wanted to try new stuff and I actually tried some of it and the only time he would watch porn is when we would have sex. Maybe talk to him a little simplier ask him if there is something new he would like to try. Some people are together so long they forget the importance of sex and that the same positions and everything u do can get boring. Just my opinion

I say if he wants to watch porn let him maybe help him while he watches the porn I personally would rather see him watch porn rather than him hooking up with some other chick. Only thing I find odd bout this is him doing while he is using the bathroom…

It’s only a problem when he uses it and you guys stop having sex. My daughters dad did that lots our relationship but I think he was just addicted to sex. And we rarely slept with each other. It felt like a chore. We would watch it together but then it was uncomfortable for me just after having a baby. My current partner now doesnt look at all whatsoever and I dont watch it either. I think it can be healthy if you guys still sleep together. Their porn "obsession"can get too much if they arent doing the deed with you. Some guys can have huge expectations for it and if you cant live up to it. I think it can go both ways.

If y’all aint fkn and thats how he’s getting it in then at least he aint cheating but id up my game in the bedroom. Do something nasty and if hes,like,well u never did that before say well,u watch porn so I’m trying to spice,it up so u dont feel the need to bust one off while shitting. Cause thats weird to me. Mens get away is the bathroom anyway but I’d definitly not say a word just come on stronger so he,dont need the porn

I go through this with my husband. It’s hard and it sucks but we are working through it, but be careful not to push him too much to stop or me might retaliate to something’s that may hurt more. Like dating sites …

I guess it’s all a matter of personal opinion. I think you should sit down and have a private conversation about it with him if it bothers you that much.
I personally have no problem with it because he’s an adult and I’d rather he take care of it himself at home with a video rather go out and get help from someone else or have a video chat with a real person.
With the exception of home movies, porn is just a made up situation. Like all other movies, porn is scripted, takes several takes, and besides the guy getting off dramatically, is fairly fake.
Everyone’s sex drive is different. Maybe his is higher than yours and he’s trying to take care of it in a healthy way.

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Watch it with him find out why he is watching it maybe yall need to do more with your sex life go to the toy store and get some stuff make it a game he picks something for you you pick something for him make it a surprise i would be upset about him watching porn unless he didnt want anything to do with you at all then i would think you have more issues than porn on your hands

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Nope I would leave if he know those are your boundaries and he dousent want to respect them or talk about it he has no respect for you! In my eyes that’s cyber cheating or talk to a therapist

Sorry…no porn. Its poison, it’s bad and it’s not ok.

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Does he watch porn as he masterbates?counseling…or get rid of him


He may just have a super high sex drive and maybe he doesn’t want to bother you all the time…

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Ya its just porn… Have you watched it by yourself? Do that then watch it with him… opens up a whole new area for exploration.


Girl you just posted this…Wtf… Why you putting your man on blast on social media…he needs to reconsider…i see why he masturbating…what you lookin for a different answer from your last post from the last 12 people who replied


Mine watches porn every night and it bothers me too. Im pregnant and I noticed he watches it more, and he tells me how nasty birth giving is to him or how different I feel… saw that he mainly watches anal though which is effed up!! Honestly who gets off to other people doing it? It grosses me out to see other peoples juices, and its lame he watches it all the time.


Would you rather him masturbate and watch porn, or go out and cheat? There is something about porn that turns him on. He’s doing it at home, by himself. Leave him alone, or watch it with him. Trust me, that makes for a fun night.


My ex watched porn am the time and I couldn’t understand why he watched porn than have sex with me. It eventually became a problem for me because he wouldn’t want to have sex with me but I would catch him watching it I eventually left the relationship because I couldn’t get past that issue and he wasn’t going to stop


Wait what’s wrong with watching porn? I watch porn :joy:


It’s porn! Its not another woman. Maybe if it bothers you. Join him or suggest watching it with him. Learn some techniques. Spice up your love life. Maybe he has a high sex drive and instead of cheating. Porn is his goto. I don’t see it as a big of a deal. 💁 i mean theres times when I know my honey is tired and goes to bed and I handle my needs instead of waking him. 💁


I dont see the big deal honestly


I’d rather my man watch porn then actively go out and find someone to cheat with.


Offer a helping hand or to watch it with him. If you want to be with him porn is not an issue. Have you not ever masterbated? Would you rather him be beating it to porn in substitute of a side bitch. Or him cheating and having and actual side bitch.🤷 Realtionships are give and take in every aspect.


Is it a type of videos that you don’t approve of? Is he choosing to watch them rather than have intimate time with you? Is his watching porn getting in the way of his normal daily activities? There are many variables that would make the situation good or bad. I know my partner watches and it doesn’t bother me because we have talked about it.


It’s an addiction. You have ever right to be upset. Especially if hed rather do that then have sex with you!


There is a thing called porn addiction though, and it can be detrimental to marriage. I’ve lived it, it’s hard to work through, and it’s worse when “just watching porn” turns into a nightly thing and asking certain women to “pay for their content”. It’s as serious as you make it. There is also something called “betrayal trauma” that can leave a lasting impact on a spouse if they could be lying about this or something more.


Men could literally have the women of their dreams and still watch porn.


Watch it with him? :woman_shrugging: I would be super concerned though that he does it every time he poops? Lol like, that could be 2/3 times a day, everyday?! That’s chronic and I’d probably try to get him to talk to a professional if its THAT often.


If it bothers you it bothers you. Doesn’t matter why. Doesn’t matter that it doesn’t bother other people. And no matter what the conversation is, he needs to grow up and communicate with you.


Wait wait…he masturbates while pooping ? Isnt the smell a turn off…?


Join him in watching it?


if it bothers you then tell him, try to communicate why it bothers you and if he keeps doing it then he doesn’t care how you feel unfortunately


He needs to detox mentally and physically. I personally feel like something is off if there is such a need to watch porn and masturbate. It also takes away from ones focus on their significant other far as making love. No one can tell me those porn videos don’t pop into their heads when their in bed with you.

Also it’s not healthy to ejaculate so often.


I can guarantee he’s not going into the bathroom to poop and ends up masturbating lol his soul purpose going in there is to masturbate. I see no problem with masturbating while watching porn… My issue (with my ex) was him going into the bathroom to “shower” and I walked in on him sexting another girl and masturbating while talking/video chatting with her.

The major concern here is how you FEEL. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s porn or cheating because men aren’t capable of anything better. That’s mental. The bottom line is, y’all gotta talk about it, and go from there.


It’s a man thing. Most men, including my husband of 14 years, look at porn. It’s just something they do. If he’s not cheating on you and you two have a good sex life then let it go! He’ll only hide it if you nag at and complain to him about it.


We bang to much for him to watch porn. About 6x a week and weve been together for 3 years lol.

You have the right to be upset and dont feel obligated to try it. Not everyone is into it and thats okay. Best thing is to talk to him and tell him why it bothers you. Maybe it puts your self esteem down since you are not like the girls on porn and its fine to feel that way. Watching porn is no better than cheating with another woman!!!. He pleases himself to another woman and if thats an issue to you then it matters. He should care about the way you feel. Its something he can stop doing for the good of the relationship


My husband and i watch it 2 gether sometimes… If im in the mood and my husband is nt i watch it… He does the same…i would nt let it bother u unless it starts effecting yalls sex life

I would draw the line if they’re watching porn instead of initiating with you


Integrate porn into your lovemaking, try new positions and talk about it openly. In the Us porn is shunned but really, it can be fun

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My ex used to do that except he wasn’t really pooping, he was doing meth and masturbating to porn.


If your SO watching porn causes you to feel cheated on or uncomfortable you need to sit down and have a talk. Yelling does nothing. It took me years and therapy and showing my husband more about human trafficking for him to be done with it. Just because it doesn’t bother someone else doesn’t mean you have to be forced to put up with it because it causes a ton of mental health issues in both men and women who watch it and if he is doing it behind your back he knows it is wrong. Be prepared for set backs if he does say he will stop. It takes time and a lot of talking and understanding from both parties. Shame makes people do things they dont mean. It may take years, but if he loves you and agrees to work on stopping it can be a very very slow process.


Girl. All men watch porn. Even I do n I’m preggo af lol


I don’t like porn. It’s an issue for me, but I won’t burden you with my story.


My husband does watch and hides it from me. We been together 15yrs and I’m still disgusted by it. I caught him a few times when I needed his phone or computer. Now that he found the hide feature, I can’t see anything. We fought many times over the years. I learned he will never stop and just gave up. I know he is still doing it because no one needs to go poop 3-4 x a night for a long time. He will not talk to me about it and gets extremely mad when he gets caught. I’m over it. Yes I am disgusted and feel hurt.


It’s porn. Not another woman. It’s not live with another woman. It’s an adult film. Completely normal for men and women to not only watch but masterbate to it. If you’re not comfortable with it have a conversation with him. If you can’t handle it then leave. If you want to make it work maybe watch some and see if you like it? Watch it together. Explore your sexual nature or don’t and leave and good luck on finding someone who doesn’t watch porn or masterbate LMAO


I have a huge problem with porn, if it is something that bothers you and he is unwilling to even talk about it, that shows very littke respect for you and your feelings, no matter what the topic is. Porn is not ok, especially when in a committed relationship. Don’t listen to women that tell you to not let it bother you, you are entitled to your feelings, and as someone who is supposed to love you and care about you, he should care about your feelings.


They’re guys. I think its inevitable. Maybe you need to change up your sex life a bit? Guys get bored. Ask him what he likes and try to replicate what you can. Show him your open to try new things. Dont be closed off about it. There’s nothing wrong with it. I watch it :woman_shrugging: sometimes you can get good ideas haha… your man would love it, guaranteed. Dont make him feel awkward about it. If you walk in on him, tell him you’ll help him finish.


Why are we just acting like masturbating and shitting at the same time is normal. I get uncomfortable when my dude watches porn but I’m insecure. The pooping thing is weird though. Like really weird.


You’re overreacting. There is nothing wrong with watching porn.


You have every right to be upset

Make your own porn for him :rofl:


I think there is a problem with anything a spouse feels the need to hide from the other.


Seriously following this. Recently looked at my husband’s browser history and found out that literally every day he is watching porn and masturbating in the shower. I knew he did this, but didn’t realize how often. This wouldn’t upset me if we actually had a decent sex life. We had sex 3 times last month, and I initiated every single time and do the things I know he likes. I confronted my husband about this today after I looked at his browser history and he literally didn’t even respond. Like he didn’t even hear what I said. It just makes me upset that I do everything I can to be a great housewife and mom and I don’t get where I went wrong. Our sex life used to be awesome, all the time awesomeee. But now it’s just me taking care of the baby all the time while he’s on his phone or in the shower for 20 minutes jacking off to porn.


It’s not awkward, you’re both adults. You’re overreacting.


My hubby always masterbates. It doesn’t bother me at all. He watches porn, it doesn’t matter either. Try to look at a few yourself you might find you enjoy it. No need to be insure. It can give you guys an opportunity to open up to each other again and maybe try something new and fun


Do it back to him. Stage it so he walks in on you. See how he feels about it. And then continue to do it anyway cuz you can learn tips. That’s what porn is about- a resource for learning how to do shit.


Its super easy to feel insecure about porn and especially if he is sneaking it in. Honesty ask him what he is into, like sometimes porn is an outlet for just not humanly possible kinks ( like giant/expansion/futa). If nothing else just seeing what its about will give you a better understanding.
Gotta talk it out and then just do it. The more you have sex the less he will look at porn :slightly_smiling_face:


I dont understand. What is there to be upset about?

You’re overracting. Porn is great. Honestly you should even try to have a few lone sessions yourself. It’s great for relieving stress, ecspecially as a mom.

Get a little cheeky. If you catch him, take over. Maybe let him catch you! I’m not trying to be too innapropriate but like you don’t need to feel insecure!
It could be him genuinely having an overactive sex drive. It could be him feeling a little bit neglected sexually which is totally okay and happens to every relationship now and again.

Just talk about it with him. You don’t need to be insecure or mean to him about it.


It is normal! Men are visual by nature. It is easily available and satisfies that visual/sexual need.

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Look. Keep your sex life Spicey & y’all will be ok. It’s porn. Everyone watches porn. Don’t be vanilla and or so sensitive.


I would be upset and take offense to it. Just my input

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Are y’all having sex regularly? If so then there might be a problem and if not then he is prolly just built up!


Yes. But at the time he was going through a lot of stress so I understood that it was his way of relaxing without having to be emotionally connect. I did end up making him a couple videos and a bunch of pictures incase he decided to look at me instead, which he said he did. To be honest I rather him look at porn instead of cheat. He doesn’t do it anymore, but even if he did he knows I don’t care. Now if I tell him I am in the mood and he decides to go masturbate instead… Damn straight I would be upset/jealous lol

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I am now a single mom because my spouse of 3 years had such a porn/masterB problem he was living his life through it and couldnt even have a relationship with me. He couldnt even get hard if I attempted to start anything with him and always said he wasn’t in the mood. Then last summer he had a membership to an online sex hook up site… this woman is done. Time and time and time again I tried to talk to him about it and it blew up in my face and was a fight. You want your hand and some fake videos… have at it cuz he’s also choosing to not have a relationship with his daughter, no matter how much I try to keep the door open at co parenting


most likely NOT doing that at the same time most likely doing it before or after shitting. Try asking what hes into, watch it together, etc. I think if hes not putting any effort towards you and just going for porn than that’s an issue.


Masturbation is natural and you shouldn’t scold him for it. Some men need visual stimuli. I see nothing wrong with it. I watch it so does my husband. We have a healthy sexual relationship too. Maybe have a conversation with him and sexually open up your borders. I’ve been with my husband for 14 years and we still are finding new things to keep it spicy!


As long as he isn’t smoking crack while watching it, I don’t see the problem.


If you and your partner cannot talk about sex… y’all have issues. :woman_shrugging:


Watch porn with him :woman_shrugging:t2:


If its not impacting your sex life, i wouldnt worry about it much :woman_shrugging:t2:


Really? Grow up.
Be alone if you want to be insecure. Hes not cheating on you! Lol
Maybe you should watch together?


It’s Natural. Better That Then Him Screwing Another Chick… Watch It With Him And Do It Like They Do… Have Fun!!!


Can I piggy back this post? I have never found porn wrong and I’ve always been supportitive of it 100% but now that I’m in a relationship, it makes me extremely insecure. I want to be okay with it, I DO think its healthy. But how do I stop feeling like shit when I know hes watching it? How do I stop comparing myself to the skinny models with big asses?


Watch it with him? I mean hello you’re adults. Have him show you what he likes then do it. And you do the same with him


I think it’s normal to do sometimes but if he is doing it every time that is obsessive and kinda weird imo. Sounds like an addiction. I don’t care if my partner watches, but if it’s becoming that often I’d be upset about it. Also if I’m home I feel there’s an issue if he’d rather do that. Have a convo about why. Maybe he needs things spiced up. When you’re with someone for awhile it can be easy to fall into a routine, gets boring.


While he poops is weird but otherwise normal… watch it with him


He could have a porn addiction which is a big struggle in relationships but I would maybe try and talk to him about it

I would only worry about it if he isn’t having sex with you. Otherwise :woman_shrugging:t5:, not that big of a deal. Check his search history and see what kind he likes lol then if it’s something you feel comfortable doing surprise him with it.


“It’s just porn.” I seriously HATE that porn is so normalized. There are plenty of other ways to keep your sex life “spicy.” It bothers me too and I feel like if you voice that with your SO and he still keeps doing it, then it’s a problem. :woman_shrugging:t3: I’d recommend counseling at that point.


Watch porn together during sex be open minded

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I feel like women are quick to make men the bad guy in the situation, Your feelings are exactly that YOURS you need to address them and why it’s an issue for YOU, Your spouse is a whole other person, And he has the right to privacy or to yank it to a filmed fantasy without being made to feel like a criminal, Porn/self gratification is normal, Just because you don’t partake doesn’t give you the right to stop someone else. As long as it isn’t animals or children, Whats the harm?


I never caught or known mine to watch that. But I know if he was its because I am not pleasing him. And he is seeking pleasure elsewhere I wouldn’t tolerate it. There is so much on porn. It can make people have fetishes that they will keep secret. That is when they start hiding stuff. Have you seen the stuff on porn they get addicted… Just my opinion.


It’s just porn i watch it too!


I have a friend that watch porn. He doesn’t masturbate… it just bothers me that he watches it.
I’m here for the comments.

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Let the man watch his porn!


I’m sorry but he may be thinking the same of you spreading his/your business on social media.


Well sweetheart, I can tell you this, Its NOT NORMAL! Not all Men view Porn. And NOBODY has ever said PORN saved My marriage but I can testify that it DESTROYS them


That would make me highly uncomfortable.


I am 80 years old, we watch porn together , my wife comes to me and ask me to enjoy each other some men and women are a lil more into sex and need more he gets his at home by hand instead of going out playing around. Ask him to watch it together you might enjoy it even more , give it up more don’t give him a chance to do it alone.


Talk to him about it, don’t take this advice that majority of people have given you, Porn destroys marriages