Am I over thinking this comment?

Not true lol
U can still get blue eyes
My son hadls bright blue eye from two brown eyes lol
I feel u are being to sensitive

No you’re not overthinking it. Most of these comments don’t pass the vibe check. Look at all the racists outng themselves. I would have a serious discussion with him explaining why this comment isn’t ok. If he still doesn’t get it please leave you will always be treated less than if he doesn’t have your back

MY MOM HAD BLAck hair,brown eyes,dad had blonde hair blue eyes…im my dads twin, blue eyes and blonde hair. tell her to go pound salt

Extremely offensive. You’re not white enough for her but here’s the thing, you’re with HIM, not her so ignore her as much as possible.

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Don’t waste your energy

I can see where that would make you feel some type of way. But don’t look too much into it. Old people can be disrespectful. Sometimes they’re shady about it because they really do mean it when they don’t want you to know that.


I wouldn’t worry too much about that. I can tell you as a mom I’m not sure anyone is ever good enough for your boy. Please don’t think I’m implying that you’re good enough just saying Mama Bear thing.

She may not have meant it in the way you’ve perceived it. She didn’t say it directly to you so it’s hard to tell what way it was said. I’d ignore it for now.

Run! My ex MIL always hated me. I’m part Native American and my ex husband was blond and blue eyed. His Mom told me when we were dating that she didn’t want any mixed breed grandkids. Everytime we would go to visit her, she would set up dates with his ex girlfriend and he would leave me with his Mom and go out. So, it will only get worse if you stay with him.


he was brought up with her rude comments like this, so he might not over think this. So forget about it. Right now you guys are just talking, so you should ignore her stupid remarks. I had a friend who was dating a girl who’s mother was half white (from Hawaii) & half black, The girl’s mother married a ‘white’ guy, The girl is blonde & blue eyes. Personally, I thought the mother was beautiful, Her skin was the most beautiful skin & color I ever saw, beside she was really beautiful. Skin & eye color doesn’t’ make the person, what the person is & acts & treats others also makes them beautiful inside & out

Has he never encountered racism ?? Just gently let him know that your feelings are hurt. Is this something you can talk about ?? Then, let it go.

Yeah you’re overthinking it


Well I’ve had 2 kids with their dad having blonde hair and blue eyes and guess what my kids still have my eyes and hair. Dark brown and brown eyes. I’m pregnant with my 3rd due next month and guess what color hair and eyes he’s going to have… I guarantee we’re going to have 3 for 3 this time too lol

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If you are offended say something. “Why would you say that? That comment hurts my feelings” see where it goes from there. If you don’t mind me asking, why did the comment bother you? She obviously sees you as someone that her son could potentially be with for the rest of his life. Granted, she doesn’t know much about genetics and how genes work, because it’s still a very real possibility that if you were to stay with this person and have children, that they could have blue eyes. People are a little to quick to jump at the whole, “racist” theory because it’s been shoved down our throats that if anyone favors something that doesn’t fit an agenda, that they are racists. Your reaction is your own. How you react dictates what you will allow. If you feel it was said out of hate in such a form of malice with intent to cut you down, then speak up.

1st off He’s causing Drama where there shouldn’t be Any…( It was a conversation with his Mom & You weren’t there…You Don’t Know exactly what was Said) No 2 People say things the exact same as it was Really told or talked about or how It came out…It could’ve been said jokingly
2nd He’s throwing his Mom under the Bus ( You need to Address this issue with him & Mom…Let Mom know what he said in front of him…Let Mom have chance to Explain how this Conversation went…You Know How Well Most Men LISTEN!!!
I think He’s Gaslighted the Situation to Cause Conflicts
Most Mama’s dont think Anyone is Good Enough for their Babies & Will take care of them, like a Mama does.

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You are totally within your right to be offended. I am white and my husband is darker complexion Hispanic. Our kids look like him. If my family had said anything like that regarding him, I would have called them out immediately. Yes, she’s old, from a different time, whatever, but comments like that suck and they shouldn’t be said around children. My mother in law is black Hispanic and she constantly makes comments around all the kids regarding ‘good’ and ‘bad’ hair, wishing I would have a baby with light eyes (I have blue eyes) and it paints the narrative that one is better than and one is less than. It is damaging for kids to hear and perpetuates systemic racism. Your bf is seeing it from his perspective only and if you are considering a future with him he needs to understand why those type of comments are so damaging.

Talking to a man? Who told her you’re already trying to have her grandbabies? :joy: jokes on her


wow are you really that thin skin?


You can explain why it made u uncomfortable.i would just laugh it off and say I guess not.

Don’t stress about it.
I’d laugh it off and just think to myself , nope sorry bitch! :joy::joy:

Although!!…. I’m Hispanic and hubby is white as white lol and my daughter is blonde with bright blue eyes!
MIL may get what she wants… :joy::joy:

My grandson and his wife, both dark hair and eyes and they have two dark eyed and two blue eyed children. Both grandma’s have blue eyes. So you never know!!

She may not have meant it in the way you’re thinking. Then again maybe she did. But you have to remember you have dark brown eyes and he has blue eyes the more dominant tray is the brown eyes. So if y’all have kids she’s automatically going to assume they’ll have brown eyes. Which is stupid as hell because I have dark brown eyes my ex has blue eyes and one of my children has bright blue eyes, one has hazel eyes, one has dark brown eyes, and one has green eyes

It’s hard to say since none of us know her and her intentions. Since I was little, I always invisioned my children to be brown hair and brown eyes. I met my ex who had brown hair and brown eyes but my dmbazz didn’t think about how genetics plays a part in things. Our kid ended up with blond hair and blue eyes. lol That never once stopped me from loving her of course. She’s beautiful no matter what.

I aggravate my children all the time because none of my grandchildren have blue eyes or dimples like me. They are all brown or green eyed. Mine is all done in good humor. If my grandchildren were to date someone Hispanic or African American I would still joke with them about not having blue eyes. Maybe I could at least get a dimple. It could be a long standing joke.

I don’t understand why so many people laughed at this. It was a degrading thing to say and outright racist.


You’re over thinking it :roll_eyes: lol she doesn’t know you… it wasn’t a personal comment, so don’t take it personally.

Nicole, your children are beautiful! No matter the color of skin or eyes. I love seeing their pictures!