Am I overreacting about my husband texting his ex?

For one, I would not be okay with my husband texting an ex. That is NOT okay. I wouldn’t be blaming postpartum rage for your reaction to that. However, you do need to get it under control. Talk to your doctor about it. Also, sleep when the baby sleeps. Take care of you. No one enjoys being around someone with postpartum rage.

Based on what you wrote, you completely over reacted.

Confront the broad n tell her to stop communicating with ur man …was married to a cheater n that started off just like this …girl nip it in the bud fast

I think you need some anti depressants and some counseling to get you through the postpartum depression. If he didn’t cheat , no need to get a divorce. Lots of luck to you.

This happened to me also and I wish I would have left him and not forgiven the behavior.
Best of luck to you momma :heart:

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Why would you divorce him and feel hurt if he didn’t say anything wrong to her?

So the Tl;Dr I’m getting from comments is:
Maybe overreacting, definitely treat post partum issues;
Definitely don’t let him think what he did was okay, but maybe don’t divorce.

My rule for myself was that I wouldn’t let myself make any major decisions (good or bad) during my pregnancy and for 6-12 months after the baby. It’s worked out well. That way I know without a doubt whatever my decisions are I made them with a completely clear mind.

Also, I believe people are who they truly are when they’re drunk.

Postpartum is no joke. First things first make sure your doctor knows and make sure that you’re being treated properly. Your hormones are probably absolutely crazy right now running rampant through your body and you’re probably not sleeping a lot. You’re probably exhausted and hungry. You’ll probably want somebody there to help you and to take care of you. I would reconsider your position at least until we know you’re mentally stable to handle the children on your own.

Did he initiate the convo or did she is another big factor. What the nature of the conversation is another. Your postpartum depression and hormones is another factor. Seek medical attention via therapist, family doctor, psychiatrist. And talk with a close friend or family member. So mny things to factor in. Did he try to deny.

get a divorce over texts that werent even bad? Girl, please go see your doctor for post partum treatment before you end up fucking your whole life up.

That’s hard…talk to him. And work through it

I think divorce may be over reacting a bit. Get some help, when you’re over your postpartum depression and rage… then make that decision

Go and speak to someone. I ruined my marriage due to post-partum depression and when I got better I tried to get back with him but he had moved on.

I think you should wait to make any major decisions until you’re in a better head space. If you tell him that then maybe he’ll work with you on helping you get there quicker.

That’s messed up but do not divorce right now. Your brain is not right after just having a baby. PPD or no ppd, it’s still regulating

Omg over texts? He didn’t actually leave the state and jump her.
If you do leave him I hope he finds someone who loves him back.
This is way over blown woman. You need to find ways to calm down.

Go and see someone before you wreck your relationship

Do not go through his phone, if you want to keep your husband. Trust in your marriage. If you have questions, ask your husband? If you are not satisfied with his answers, tell him. Don’t be sneaky. It won’t do anything but make you not trust each other. If you can’t solve it - go to marriage counseling. Don’t confide in friends or family members. It will make things worse, in your marriage. I am speaking from experience. I ruined my relationship by going through his phone, reading messages, feeling miserable and taking it out on him.

A message that wasn’t harmful isn’t worth everything you’ve made. It’s your PP. I know it’s hard but think about he feels too. I get it drunk or not it’s a no go. But give him the Benefit of the doubt with your emotions running Wild :heart:

You start throwing divorce word out… Better be prepared for the consequences. .

Throw the whole man away. He’s been doing it, so it isn’t a mistake, it’s a pattern. He stops, does it again, etc. and when he’s not in his right mind the woman he goes to is his ex and not his wife. He should be drunk texting YOU, not her. Do not accept these bullshit excuses.

Seriously? You are actually thinking about a divorce? I think for sure you over reacted .

You need counseling. Jumping straight to divorce is not a healthy way to deal with something. In this situation is overreactive.

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How would he feel if he caught you texting a old?boyfriend? Would he care?

Def take hald of everything ull need it. As for him I would divorce him over this but whi u text when ur drunk is who ur thinking about should been sexting you not say hey to his ex friend ten yrs ago . I’d find out who messaged who how did come in context again I need more comtext

Crazy hormonal woman
Get some professional help

On old girlfriend from high school so back when they were kids… Plus alot of people don’t delete old messages/emails etc… Get some mental health support before it no longer becomes your decision re if your marriage ends.

Yes you’re over reacting but hopefully he understands why, maybe once you get your head right your counsellor can talk with you both so that your husband understands it better and it doesn’t become a long term hurdle in your marriage.

Reading all that you sound very similar to ways I feel/would feel react. But if the messages were harmless… then I was shocked to see the outcome be divorce… maybe you need to remember that perhaps they were also friends in highschool… and not sure what made him message - maybe he felt young again being drunk like highschool and thought of her… but it if the messages were harmless personally I feel you over reacted. I would act similar… and I can see how you would feel upset…
Sounds like he’s really open to talking with you. So I would talk about it again when you feel more calm and ask why he felt the need to reach out. And that as hard as it would be you want him to be honest if he feels he wants to do it again/more… like someone else mentioned happened to them…
Maybe just push open communication and let him tell you how he’s feeling and if he’s feeling neglected or his needs aren’t being met in anyway so you can try to resolve this before he contacted her again…

Settle down and do not upset the kids anymore than you two have already. Stay where your at,he can move on or rent him a room in your home. Yes, your house!!

No he shouldn’t be texting an ex. Who started the texting? If it was him and being drunk what’s in his head? But really don’t jump the gun. Seek help for your condition first.

Calling a lawyer is
a huge leap for something like this . Since you are postpartum , your hormones and emotions are overtaking your thoughts and logic. I would first get some counseling for you . Let the dust settle a bit . I wouldn’t rush into this because I feel certain that you will regret it. Then you are stuck and you’ll feel horrible. Get counseling for you and maybe both of you, if he’s willing . Let the emotions settle so you can think clearly

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Please see someone regarding your postpartum. That is the most important thing! Secondly, take some time. I’m not saying that you don’t have a right to be upset, just don’t make a permanent decision on a temporary feeling. Sending lots of positive vibes your way!

With the post partum depression, it’s probably not a good time to make major decisions. Give it some time see what happens. Seek some help, you are very conflicted.