Am I overreacting about what happened with my sons teacher?

If you think it would bother you then it is probably bothering your kid. Summer is a time for a kid to take breaks. Not have more stress on them. And despite teachers being stressed that is not you or your sons responsibility. Communicate with the teacher once more. If she is rude, communicate with the principal, if that escalated her behavior towards your son then pull him out. As far as being rude to you. Call her out. I don’t care how “protective and annoying” parents can be with their kids I WISH I had that when I was younger. Speak up for your son. A kid that’s a hand full mainly needs a different approach but that doesn’t mean he needs to be singled out.

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Get him on an IEP with Extended School Year. They will have to provide a properly trained teacher or Aide to work with him.This teacher is obviously not treating him properly.


I would pull him out. Find a different school. That’s disgusting :face_vomiting: I’m so sorry you have to deal with this​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You should keep him home with you, that way he will get all your undivided attention, he’ll feel loved and special, and he’ll not feel isolated :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


There are so many wonderful teachers out there. Your sons teacher does not seem skilled with learning impaired children. Do not let this go any further as it will destroy his confidence in himself and of course he is going to feel alienated! Make an appt with the vices in your school to bring this to their attention, then go from there. Your child needs you to do what is best for him.!


Check into Special Ed… the school should be able to help you place him in an appropriate school for him.

Are you stuck with this teacher for any reason ? Cuz I don’t really understand this kind of question. If you feel uncomfortable with the teacher that you are gonna be dealing the whole year and probably a couple more depending on where you live I would say you don’t have to be asking questions so people can “judge” how you feel. Just switch teachers :woman_shrugging:t2:
Or if there’s any reason you can’t change teacher then you should explain it so we could understand what kind of advice are you asking

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Please switch his teacher, I promise you will regret not switching him to someone else’s class before you ever regret switching him. I wish I had listened to my instincts with my sons 2year old daycare teacher and my son STILL has nightmares and he is 4… it’s not worth it… and he will see that you trust your instincts and you don’t tolerate aggressive behavior. Set his standard of normal high… While he is young.

She needs to let him be the one to decide if he wants the taller desk. If he would rather be sitting at a shorter desk with a group of children then that needs to be his decision. It seems like she’s isolating him for whatever reason. Id definitely go and have a face-to-face talk with her.

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does he have an iep if not i would try to get him one


I have severe ADHD that was diagnosed but untreated when I was a child. It was the 90s, my desk was always away from the other kids because when I was with the other kids I would not focus on my work. It sucked as a kid but it was what was best for me in the long run. Maybe medication would have helped but like I said it was the 90s and my parents were against medication for a child, they said I would grow out of it. Fast forward 30 years and I am now medicated for my ADHD. Maybe focus on why your child is having the issues that caused him to 1 be in summer school and 2 why he is separated from the class. Help your child rather than blaming the teacher. I also had to do summer school because of my ADHD.


I would talk to the principal not the teacher at this point, or take him out he sounds miserable and you don’t want to make him hate learning :frowning:


Brittany Baumgartner I believe , u should be a teacher . Just saying

If he’s feeling a type of way about where he’s sitting, it needs to change one way or another, because he will not focus and learn the way he potentially could while he’s there if he’s uncomfortable and feels alienated.


How would you like her to deal with his behavior? Attend class with him n monitor his behavior, but you won’t see what the teacher sees. It’s Summer school pull him out n keep home with you! You know ur son n his behaviors!!!

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I be in fb jail if i answer my feelings … lol.


Oh my mama heart. My son is 7, and we had a similar experience with his 1st grade teacher. It eventually got to the point were we moved him from her class and it was immediately a whole new kid.


Have you asked if likes to sit there? I’ve felt the same way and later found out the child enjoys sitting alone. Regardless a meeting w teachers principal w teacher present sb considered to truly understand all that is going on

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Regardless of her intention if you got a sensation that her attitude was off maybe he feels that way also. Sounds like an unhappy teacher which isn’t his problem. I’d give her a chance to correct the issue in class or bring it up the chain

I had a problem with 1st. grade teacher, went to principle, no more problems. You know your child, she needs to be corrected!!

It completely depends on the situation… I know it’s your child and it feels terrible but some kids NEED to sit by the teacher and away from others if they are too distracting… if your that worried ask to sit and observe for the day so you can get a real idea of its the teacher or how your child acts


I’d talk to the principal and request my child be moved to another class, with a teacher who’s more open to taking your concerns seriously.


She could easily put 5 to one table so he doesn’t feel singled out. It’s not hard to be inclusive.

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I’d be finding a different teacher

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Ask to volunteer a few days and observe how he is getting along.


Oh my gosh you ARE just too much… SMH :woman_facepalming:t2:

This is a easy fix….
Start volunteering in your son‘s class even if it’s for an hour a day… be more involved in your son’s daily education… he is 7yrs old.
When addressing a situation like this you need to do it in person, with your son there and the teacher and principal. You brought the subject up to the teacher and then the teacher automatically took it to the child and then came back to you with the results no that’s not how things work.

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You aren’t wrong mama… she is treating your baby different! Go higher and higher up until something is done. My 8 year old hates school and the staff has gone above and beyond to try and help her but she still Insists it’s boring and it was to the point I was taking her to school kicking and screaming daily… she’s a little better now but we never didn’t figure out what was causing it. Prayers sent to you. I know it’s hard on us parents


Yes, be your son’s advocate. He should not feel singled out regardless of height or behavior. At that age it is important for him to feel included and a part of class as a whole. If his behavior is disruptive to the point that he is unable to participate in a productive manner, then maybe revisit the seating arrangement, but it’s certainly not the way to start things off.


Take him out of her class

Go above her, go to the principal or superintendent.


Give him a taller chair n sit with other kids instead of next to her desk

She needs to leave. No compassion.

Your not overreacting, she shouldn’t be singling him out. I would have him moved to another class. Sadly I had a 13 year old daughter that kept saying her English teacher was mean to her and at first I didn’t believe her, after a few weeks I went to the School checked on my daughter before that class and secretly put a recorder in her bag. Mydaughter didn’t even know. Not only was that teacher mean, but she was abusive. We pulled her out of the class the next day.
That being said I have 5 children and I only had a big problem with a few teachers. Most teachers are incredible but on occasion there may be a personal conflict.


Talk to the principal. Also talk to your son and ask how he feels about his class and teacher. If he feels like you do ask if he can have a different teacher.


I showed out against my sons teacher and told her I would break her other leg if she touched him again! I sling the desk and chair over! She straightened up real quick!


I’d keep an eye on that teacher. I had four in school; they are all adults now. I had problems with a few. I had one teacher tell me how to write a letter to the school, school board and a few others. This is back when there were no emails. I got things done! I even got one teacher suspended for calling my son racial statements. She did it out of resentment over a union thing between her husband and mine. Back then it was a Black and White issue. The other kids in the class backed it up. The school always knew there was going to be a problem if I was walking in. Stand your ground and stand up for your child. My grandson is autistic, we are now starting that battle. My daughter already warned them she was not going to take any crap and that he has a crazy grandma. I told them been there done that with 4, not having it now.

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I had to ask that my son be removed from a teacher. Teacher he had before lied to his new teacher. Teacher was removed from the school.seems she was sleeping with his former teacher. I got to get my revenge on a platter when I walked into a classroom there he sat. I said to my co-worker have I got a story for you while he was sitting there. When I showed up for work everyday he was gone. This was all because my son mentioned the man had hair in his ears. Teachers can be petty and try to ruin a child. Yes he had long hair in his ears.

I would’ve effing died as a 7 year old if my desk was sitting by itself beside the teachers. Be yours sons advocate and insist that’s not okay. Kids are cruel. I would bet my paycheck they’re going to start making fun of him for it.


Talk to someone in the office and let them know so they can talk to her or move him to a different class


Anytime I feel one of my children aren’t being treated fairly, I don’t hesitate to go to the principal or the SI. I have the department of Education on speed dial. You are your child’s biggest advocate. Don’t be afraid to step on a few toes.


You are his voice speak for your child!


I would go to the principal and if they also shrug it off keep going up the ladder and be persistent what she is doing to your son is very wrong he shouldn’t be singled out like that…I had learning disabilities my whole life and I was never put by myself like that


Talk to the principal
…insist he gets treated the same and reassure him he’s liovef and how some teachers are just that way in general.


She is being rude to you your son needs another teacher

I have had some of the best teachers and two in particular who had a huge influence on me. However, not all teachers are like this. There are teachers who are bullies whether they admit it or not. I would get him out of there.


l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18657 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

I’d just go straight to the superintendent,
Your son should be placed with the other kids even if they have to redirect him.
And she shouldn’t have been rude to you .

I think you’re right to have concerns. Isn’t there any way you can homeschool him? This is not much of a teacher, in my opinion.

Why does your son need extra help & redirection? Does he suffer from ADD/ADHD, autism, or something else?
If you haven’t had him assessed, I would definitely do so.
If he has been assessed, & is on medication to help, talk to your doctor about either upping his dosage, or trying something different.

If any of these are the case, I can understand feeling like the teacher is rude, but ultimately she’s probably just looking out for his education. I assume since he’s 7 & in summer school, that he didn’t pass a particular subject? No hate. Every kid progresses at different levels. But don’t be quick to pass judgement on the teacher when she seems like she’s trying to do right by the students & their education.

**Note to add: The waterbottle thing was rude, but maybe she misunderstood, or has an issues with kids playing with their waterbottles? Not saying this is the particular case, but it’s possible, especially in elementary school.

Put the desk with the other kids


Don’t send him back.

Have a meeting with the principal

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Have you asked him what is happening? Or if the teacher is treating him and the other children a certain way? Talk to him and then go to the principal, it seems that teacher shouldn’t be teaching children that young, and if she doesn’t have patience with just a few questions you asked …… imagine what goes behind closed doors with those children …… how she is treating them and speaking to them….


You are your child’s biggest advocate. If you feel something is wrong then say something, period! :heart:


Trust your instincts. Ask for a different teacher.


Try to go over the teacher’s head about how you feel. When my daughter was in grade school there was a nasty Math teacher. My daughter hated going to school and was not doing well in class. I had words with the teacher, and insisted my daughter be transferred to a remedial math class with other students her age. After her first grading period ( an A) she was placed back in her original class. She , according to tests, should have gotten C’s. Most report card periods after the class, were A’s and B’s. You know your child, good luck.

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How she talks to you is not an issue. Your son. It complaining. I wouldnt worry

Pop in without warning, see what is going on, make sure, then if you need to make a complaint you have actual proof.

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Hopefully she won’t be a teacher for him much longer. She seems to be singling him out. If your child has special needs, meet with the child study team in regards to proper seat placing. It seems she isn’t familiar with including special needs kids in general ed


The fact that she is making a point of being so rude to you would be enough to make me ask for a different teacher. She’s actually gaslighting you, that’s the only explanation for her reaction over the water bottle that I can think of. Speak to the principal. My feeling is she just doesn’t like your son and she’s a bully.
So what if he’s taller? Put his desk with the others. She sounds petty and nasty and only god knows how she treats your son when no ones around.

I would speak to the principal about the seating arrangement and demand they come up with a better solution. Then I would wait and see … talk to your child and see how he feels and look at progress and grades.
If you still feel that it isn’t a good fit for him then request a different class.

You need to bring it to the attention of board not the principal as they don’t care about your child. This happened to my daughter and the teacher tried to say it was none of my business where my daughter sat, this same teacher requested that I put my daughter on riddlin and now that same teacher doesn’t have a job in education anymore or with children at all. Beware of teachers like this one.

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Always advocate for your child! He should not be feeling like he is in trouble, while getting help. I would further your conversation, with someone higher up than her. She is an educator and should not be making anyone feel like shit.

My son is 7 with an IEP. He doesn’t feel left out when teacher separate him from others. He learns better when he isn’t distracted. Also when my son or others are being disruptive she separates them. Maybe your son was being disruptive. Or was distracted by others being disruptive. If your son isn’t complaining. Then let it be.

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Talk to someone else about it

Why are parents afraid to stand up for their own children.

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Definitely ask for a different teacher

Maybe since your son needs a little extra help it’s easier for her to put him there next to her, and about her attitude towards you maybe you come off a little rude and she went off your vibe, it’s not easy being a teacher especially if she doesn’t have an aide, maybe volunteer and see how things are in her class

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Maybe talk with principal about other learning options. Like special education. My child has always needed to be constantly directed too. Now she gets extra help aside from her classroom (From different teachers.) I do agree it’s wrong of her to single him out because he learns different. Hope it gets better!

Have u talked to ur son? Talk to him about it
If it still needs to be addressed then take it to the principal
U say he has a learning disability does he have a 504 plan if so take it to the head person that handles that normally they are located in the administration building

Go to the principal or board of education

Absolutely talk with the principal!!!

If cal the school and talk to the principal if that don’t work go above them. He shouldn’t be left out of anything if he needs help she can pull him aside help him then go back to his seat with the students

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Yea I’d be all in that b****’s face. No one treats my kid like he doesn’t matter and especially no one is rude to me like that. You trust her to help your child and if she can’t find someone who can

Go to the head, ask what the procedure is for children with learning difficulties, a mother’s instincts should not be ignored you know your child better than anyone, …maybe you need to change school to suit his needs. School days can be lonely for a lot of children especially if they have particular needs. I have two children with special needs & I chose school’s which suited their individual needs, all children need to learn to socialize so being made to sit alone will not help he needs to be able to interact to help with social skills, not just at break times hope you get this sorted x

How he and you are being treated is not okay.

Have you spoken with the principal

By placing his seat next to her desk, she’s already anticipating bad behavior. I would request my child be moved to a table w/ the other kids. And if she had a problem with that then I would alert the principal. And I wouldn’t ask. I’d tell. She ostracized him before anything even happened. I’m sure he feels embarrassed. Make sure she’s not being mean to him. I
Always say…if u have an attitude while working…you should have stayed home.


Definitely you are not over reacting. It’s so sad think about your babys point of view how upset he would feel. Love for your baby

When my son was 7 he was having emotional problems. They tried to transfer him to another school for special ed. Nothing wrong with that if you need it, but his teacher and I didn’t think he did. They were going to make him ride the special ed bus which is different from others. so while he waited with his friends for the bus he would now get on a different bus. I threw a fit! I told them it would destroy what little confidence he had left. They kept him in his school, same bus as friends and moved him to a class where the teacher could focus on his issues. Don’t let them hurt your son!!!

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I think ur over reacting a bit, having a child w special needs he was always sitting by the teacher. Sometimes they need them their so they can capture their attention or to not disrupt the rest of the class. But if u are still having trust issues ask the school to show u the IEP and the plan for ur son


You need to talk to the principal ASAP!!! I had trouble with a teacher when my daughter was in 5th grade being mean to her and other mothers came and told me how their kids reported that teacher to their own mothers of how it was for my daughter. It took me a few months but when I finally said to principal my daughter would not be back if he didn’t move her to another 5th grade room he caved.

Is your child in SPED program? If he is and has be mainstreamed in this class - this teacher is wrong. Like I asked - if he is part of the program - call for an IEP and request a “multidisciplinary “ team and all his teachers there. You need to see what, when and how your child is at his best and with who. - and also find out what isn’t working-and go from there. Don’t just settle , young one. It’s your child and his education - speak up - don’t give up. I’ve had a career in education- personally the more the parent was involved- the better the educational opportunities. It shows the teacher you care and they better care too.:wink::sunflower::v:t4:


I would ask for a different teacher. She is doing more harm than good. She may not think she singled him out, but she did. If she needs to separate children because of how they learn, she needs retrained. All children learn at a different pace. Poor baby, he has to be hurting.


My sons first grade teacher was super rude every time I talked to her. She would blame me for things that I wouldn’t have any control over. It was super annoying, nothing changed through the school year. Thank goodness it’s over! He also has a learning disability and needs extra help.

The go too way in schools is to isolate instead of fostering an attitude and culture of inclusion.

Don’t let her single out and seperate your child. Go above her to the principle. If he says nothing then go to the next person up.

Keep advocating and pushing for the needs of your kiddo, it’s the most important job you have.


Him being tall is absolutely NOT an excuse to separate him from the class. And her response to the water bottle question would definitely had left a bad taste in my mouth that I wouldn’t swallow. Go to the principal. If you don’t feel comfortable after that meeting, go above them. If she could speak to you (as a grown ass adult) in that manner, just imagine how she’s speaking to and treating your child when you’re not there.

She’s absolutely wrong, call the principal.

Yeah that’s definitely a form of bullying by the teacher. Singling him out.

Also go to social services if no one in the school listens to you. I was just told this last night by a school board member.

Go above the teachers head. Principal and it that dont work then the super… And that dont work school board that is definitely singling him out taller desk or not.

Does your son have an IEP or 504 plan that requires for him to be seated in a desk by the teacher? If not, you need to pay the principal a visit. Placing him away from the other students isn’t necessary. He can sit at a table and the desk can be left there if it is needed for him to take tests without distractions for example.

My students that sit next to my desk get extra attention and special lil perks. They will come out of their shell with love that I show them.

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