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"My boyfriend of 10 months will leave and sometimes not come back all night or be gone for days. He’s always saying he’s working on our other house but when I go there barely any progress is made or he’s just there hanging out with his buddies, drinking. Sometimes I can’t get ahold of him at all. Sometimes he says he just wants to go out and have fun. I’m 8 months pregnant and have two kids already. When we got together I was straight up with him on what I will and will NOT tolerate. Our relationship was amazing at first and now it’s come down to me being home all day and night alone, with no calls or texts. And I’m quite sick of being alone. When he does come home, he gets up early and just leaves without telling me what he’s doing or how long he’s going to be gone, he refuses to fix my vehicle and tells me I need to let him have fun because that just ‘who he is.’ But an invite would be nice every once in a while. I’m talked to him about this calmly and also not so calmly, neither has worked. It’s getting old and exhausting. Especially after I sold my house and moved in the middle of nowhere in his house. I want to pack my kids and their things and leave so badly but once I think about it, I don’t want to overreact. At this point, I think I have a right to be mad. Because I don’t want it to be like this when the new baby comes. I don’t have time to worry about where he’s at or what he’s doing because I have kids to take care of."
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"Sounds like he might be fooling around with someone."
"He doesn’t sound ready to settle down. I hope you still have that money from the house you sold."
"Honestly sounds like he is cheating I wouldn’t put up with that. I’d tell him if he doesn’t change then he can pack his stuff and leave. Ur close to ur due date and have 2 other kids he needs to step up and start acting like a father and boyfriend."
"You have every right to be mad. You obviously got with a man who isn’t done being a child himself. Leave, he ain’t ready to grow up. Your pretty much a single mom already so why don’t you just go ahead and live that life by yourself or find a family committed man"
"Oof. Sounds like he's not ready for a commitment or to be a father/stepfather. All take time and effort."
"You see the writing on the wall already and I think you’re hoping to hear that you should stay and he will change etc. If he’s doing this at 10 months into the relationship and refuses to change don’t expect him to change 5 or 10 years from now. So accept that this is who he is and this is what your life with him will be like and don’t complain about it or get out now."
"You got pregnant too soon and you made a big mistake selling your house. He is definitely with someone else and you already know what you want and what you're looking for I think is time you pack buy a new house and move on with your kids you deserve better it’s 2021 girl what he won’t do the next guy will. Go find someone that deserves you cause it sure ain’t him."
"Leave. You are not overreacting. He’s being a disrespectful douchebag. Better to do it now versus the kids having to witness later on how shitty he is."
"You told him what you won’t tolerate and I’m assuming it’s this so he already knows. Sounds like he wants the single life with no responsibility. Letting him have fun because that’s who he is isn’t going to work with kids and a family. If that’s the way he wants it then give it to him and leave and find someone else."
"You’re not overreacting! Follow your intuition and leave. You don’t need him."
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