Am I overreacting or just hormonal?

it’s just your hormones girl :rofl: If you actually listen to the words of alot of songs they are all about sex related stuff.
once I woke up at 3 am and started bawling bawling my eyes out because I wanted pizza pops :rofl:


I feel like if your competition is your man liking girls that like girls, you’re all good :sob: they’re not interested in him anyway


It’s your hormones mate , this is ridiculous :joy:
I once sobbed because he said Holly willoughby’s figure was nice though


I’d be more scared that he likes a song by… Drake


Ye your hormones are acting up haha

I think this is a fantasy most guys have and not really any kind of expectation on your relationship.

You all good :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re most definitely hormonal but try not to make too much of an issue out of it. You’ll look back and laugh once the baby’s out of you

Erm , yeah that babies fucking you up hahaha. He likes lesbians …… :eyes: your all good beaut :rofl:


I’d say about 90% of guys think girl on girl action is hot the other 10% like men. I honestly don’t know a single guy in my life I know that doesn’t like girl on girl action or make comments about it


I think your hormones may be getting the better of you here x


Bit petty tbh just a song


Even if it is “a guy thing”, it’s still disrespectful to say in front of you. Hell no for me.


Probably hormonal, it’s a guy thing :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:

Its an annoying comment for sure I think but I’d tell him it was annoying and then move on probably

You’re definitely being hormonal and projecting insecurities

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First of all that song is fire
2. Sooo what :woman_shrugging:t4: it’s definitely those hormones


Yes your absolutely overreacting and being hormonal. That’s just men and the way they are. Girls who want girls (aka lesbians) don’t USUALLY also want guys and wouldn’t look at him twice (bisexuals may be an exception) but all men get turned on by that and think its hot. It’s just a guy thing. No different than you thinking I dunno… Johnny Depp is the sexiest man alive and you’d totally do him. Just because you don’t think like that about sex or lesbians doesn’t mean he has to think exactly the same. The beautiful part of relationships is that your separate people with sometimes different interests. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. It sure doesn’t mean he’s going to go cheat on you with a couple lesbians. (They’d likely have a problem with that themselves anyways) and you’re extra hormonal right now. Try not to take things so personally. I know easier said than done but pregnant and hormonal or not we can still learn to control our emotions. We’ll always have them of course and that’s perfectly OK but we must learn to not let them show all the time.

How crazy and insecure can some one sound. Jeesh.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I overreacting or just hormonal? - Mamas Uncut

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I’m guessing he is like a lot of guys that get into the whole girl on girl thing. I wouldn’t take it personally. As a woman with anxiety & a wild imagination, I get it. But my dear, it sounds like you may be just a bit hormonal & thinking too much into it. Congrats on the baby!:blush:


I think being “hormonal” just means less filters to what we would feel anyway. There’s always shocking songs that come out from time to time. Off the top of my head, some are “if you seek Amy,” that song by megan thee stallion and the other chick, “blurred lines,” etc. And then they fade in popularity and people don’t think about them anymore. I think your guy likes the shock value and maybe it’s catchy (never heard it) but i believe it’s easily forgotten once the song is over. I don’t believe him liking the song means as much to him as it may seem. It’s a shock jock type of fun that these artists seem to aspire to with this kind of music

Take a nap that usually helps me when I’m overreacting


Sounds like hormones as I was reading this I was thinking you sound like your pregnant haha then got to the end! But talk to him about it so he won’t say it again! And maybe will be more considerate of how your feeling he wouldn’t it to happen to him I bet :thinking:


Hey moma! You’re totally feeling the hormones right now.

Also, though your thoughts may not be logical I completely understand how real they feel. Both my pregnancies my hormones made me so emotional.

Shame on the people in this thread not being sympathetic. You’re not crazy. You just need a good snack and a nap. You and your boyfriend will laugh about the later. I promise!


They say that until their girl leaves them for that girl :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Yeah bad music tastes for sure.


I would let it go, most guys would say the same thing. Relax, enjoy your pregnancy and the relationship you have :heart:


You might be hormonal, but my husband cannot tell me how much he likes a song about girls with girls…and I’m not pregnant!


I listen to Slayer. Doesn’t mean I want to slay my wife and sacrifice her to Satan…


It’s deffo your hormones and u need to chill… Take it from someone who knows… When I was pregnant my husband (at thr time) ATE MY LAST FLAPJACK… MY LAST!! any preggo woman knows what food cravings are like… I kid u not he laughed… Well boom I went bat shit crazy and even broke up with him for a week, I wanted a divorce I was ready to b a single mother… FOR A FLAPJACK! we can laugh our asses of about it now and I still say sorry when it gets brought up haha so yes u are overreacting hun as you are prepared to break a bond… Over a SONG!


Why does everyone have to be so rude jfc :joy: she’s pregnant and hormonal, give this woman some grace my God


Over thinking it love, I think any guy likes girl on girl action lol. If it was guy on guy action then I would be concerned :thinking: :sweat_smile: but its song lyrics. I’m pregnant too so i know how the hormones play havoc.


You’re being way too sensitive. The hormones are raging. It’s just a song. Most guys like the thought of girl on girl action. Heck, most girls like the thought of it too. There’s nothing wrong with it.
If he wanted a girl who likes girls, that little bun in your oven wouldn’t be there.
Take a breather, get some fresh air and relax. Pregnancy does some strange things to our minds.


Just a man thing , most men would be totally flustered if they actually got to live the fantasy out and if the girl ONLY liked girls they wouldn’t be interested in the d anyway :joy::joy::joy: men seem to forget that :joy::joy::joy: so my lovely don’t worry about him and his little fantasies !!! He still wants you and bubba and would prob be totally insecure in such a situation because no one knows more what a woman wants, than a woman :joy:


Since I’ve been with my husband, I’ve always talked his ear off about becoming an exotic dancer because I see they make baaaaank (be kind- I was much skinnier and prettier when we first met) and he’s always said no because that’s a side only he should see and all this stuff about respect. Ok so, fast forward a few years- last night I showed him this tiktok of a stripper counting how much she made over the holiday weekend and yea like I said, made bank. Finally he was like man go for it! …… my 6month pregnant hormonal ass went OFF on him, talking about how he must be cheating because all these years he’s said no but now he’s said yes and girl :joy: I went to sleep and I feel much better now.

Reevaluate him/the relationship after the baby and when you feel better PP.


Bless you. Id say hormones definetly. Just tell him ur feeling abit needy right now and maybe he can help in some way x


Imagine going to the internet for relationships advice and then being shocked some people are rude. To answer your question though, yes it’s most likely your hormones but no way for us to judge two people off a paragraph.


Being way to hormonal, it’s just a song. Time to grow up if your about to have a baby


A lot of very negative people here without a shred of empathy, tact or diplomacy it seems.
I think that you may have a situation of 'where there is smoke there is fire" going on and you’re picking up on it. I haven’t checked into the lyrics of the song, but it sounds not only psychosexually immature but also on the mysogonistic side.


Definitely the hormones. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you or doesn’t want to continue the life he has with you. :joy::woman_facepalming:


I’d say hormones lol I could see where this would upset me way more if I was pregnant then if I was not pregnant, we all get a little insecure sometimes and some of us feel more insecure when we are pregnant like I did so your feelings are totally valid, but In my opinion it isn’t worth tripping over. Just like said above, just a fantasy


Girl if you don’t go take a nap wtf


I mean girls who want girls generally do not want men. Go off.


I’m one week postpartum and my hormones got me crying over e writhing right now, but this right here is a little much… also if you don’t want that nap people are telling you to take, I’ll gladly take it for you.


What is wrong with all these people telling her it is overreacting to want her man to be exclusive and desire a healthy relationship and family.


Song or not, hormones aside, you obviously have feelings about it. I would encourage you to voice them to your partner and just let him know how it made you feel. Hopefully it will make you feel better!


Girl, you are absolutely overreacting :joy: Do not second guess your future with this man because of a song. Btw this song isn’t too bad but i’m no lesbian :joy:


Bb girl lol you trippin. You’re carrying a life rn so we will let it slide but get yourself some ice cream and don’t say another word. :joy::sob:


It’s the hormones beaut. I was like it when I was pregnant. However now I happily tell my hubby he’s the last man I’ll date :rofl::rofl: x


Girls who like girls won’t like him. Just sayin. Also sounds a little like a bit hormonal. I wouldn’t worry about it. It seems something a lot of guys like unfortunately. I don’t like the thought of considered a fetish in my relationships but I guess we all have our own unrealistic thoughts.


All men are this way my dear. Married or not, they all have a fantasy. Hormones suck. But he should watch what he says.


Hormones without a doubt I cried because I couldn’t find my TV remote, in fact I’m crying at every little inconvenience atm

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Check your insecurity issues first. Then talk openly about what you want and what you don’t want with your partner. Maybe before you start a family.


You might be a bit extra right now and you said you’re hormonal right now, so that’s part of it. Sit down and put your feet up and say to yourself "It’s Just A Song ". Enjoy your special time, once the baby comes you won’t even remember Drake or his song. Blessings to You.


Awe girl, don’t let that bother you. It’s really hard when you have pregnancy hormones running rampant, but just cause he thinks it’s “hot” doesn’t mean that’s what he wants. He’s with you cause he wants YOU… just the way you are. You ARE enough, no matter what your damn hormones are telling you! Congrats on your baby, mama!! :heart:

You can’t help how you feel, and your pregnant so you are probably more emotional. I’m a very jealous person,I can’t help it. But when I was pregnant I didn’t feel pretty or loved, so I over thought a lot of things…then I would piss myself off with over thinking things. So no your not over reacting. You can’t help how you feel. But he wanted to make a family with you,he loves you. But it’s also ok to be aggravated at him too. We are only human. Hope everything works out.

You’re overreacting for sure. Most straight men like the thought of two women together. Any boyfriend you get will likely say the same thing. There’s nothing wrong with it.

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He’s just being a man I wouldn’t worry about it. But yes it’s definitely your hormones. I cried over my husband eating my KitKat when I was pregnant lmao

Hormones… or at least I hope because yes this is way over thinking this situation. Even if he likes that idea ppl are allowed to have fantasies and not all ppl act on them. Don’t go and ruin what I assume was a good relationship over this song .

Lmao i don’t mean to laugh but this sounds very hormonal too me only because I’ve been this exact way BUT i also agree with you kind of. Some people have fantasy’s that they would never act on. Or maybe later down the road you’d be open to spice up the relationship? Who knows lol but for now i think it’s just a song

Pretty sure it’s the hormones lol. Just because he likes the song doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you or to be with you. Most men like the idea of women with women. Try not to take it to heart. If he didn’t want you he wouldn’t have planned a whole family with you. Best of luck

Well, #1, definitely different tastes in music. But I think talking about feelings in a non confrontational way can clarify some things for you. But I think the most important thing in a heart-to-heart is to be calm and really making it safe for BOTH of you to express yourself without an expectations or judgements. It’s to really HEAR each other…

Girl it’s the pregnancy hormones. I’m 9 months rn and sometimes my bf says things and they just come out sideways to me. Y’all have kids, don’t take it personal mama

I think I would let him know I am not attracted to the girl-with-girl concept, and never will be. I would tell him my focus is on being a family, and ask him if we are on the same page.

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girl these pregnancy hormones PLAY US TOO HARD ! coming from a mom of two who hated both my baby dads with a passion while I was knocked up; you’re being dramatic lol :heart:

Yes you are overly hormonal and insecure. Some guys like girls who like girls, some could care less, and others can be indifferent. Who cares what they like? Does it affect your relationship? Is he asking you for a 3-some? It’s a little ridiculous to be bothered by a guy liking a song…more childish and insecure if you ask me

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No offense, but you’re definitely being hormonal. Unfortunately most guys seem to like that sort of thing. He just sounds like he’s being a typical male to me! Don’t put a dent in your relationship over something so small. :wink:

Hey we all have our likes and dislikes but that doesn’t mean we dismiss our partner. I know you’ve heard this a lot but it really is only a song. I’ve enjoyed songs based on being single and partying while I’ve been in commited relationships and I never wanted to leave to trade in for that life :slightly_smiling_face:

i mean, listen. if he’s saying the song is good SOLELY because it’s about girls on girls then there’s a problem. otherwise he just has bad music taste

post his name & phone # so we can tell him knock that shit off . Its definitely the hormones & feeling unattractive durrring pregnancy. Some of these men wish they could have a side chick but lucky they have the first one

Girl most men like girl on girls but the most important question is has he ever asked u to do girl on girl… If he didn’t then there is nothing to wrong bout…

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I would have laughed it off. This has been a fantasy of a lot of men since the beginning of time. Don’t take it seriously, enjoy your pregnancy and love your man.

Its the hormones i promise you, my husband would never cheat, doesnt really want much to do with other females but when i was pregnant i thought he was gonna leave me because he wouldnt take me to get chocolate chip pancakes :joy: id also cry when he rolled over in his sleep because he wasnt cuddling me and my hormonal ass thought that meant he didnt love me. Hormones are a hell of a thing, they will have our asses making connections where there are none :joy:

I think it’s funny, he just likes a random song and being silly when you’ve asked why he likes it,God I like some random stuff music wise but that’s music for ya, I hate Justin Bieber but there’s odd one or 2 that I just can’t help singing along to!

I’ve thought the same things before. Although I have to admit these men that idolize drake lyrics and feel like they can “relate” is just totally ridiculous :joy::joy::joy: But at the end of the day it’s just a song, and every man has fantasies of the same damn thing. Don’t worry too much!!! :heart:

its just a song get over it its okfor a man to like that kinda song hell even my dad likes it its a very good song

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Don’t overthink it. Don’t go looking for something that might not be there. A mind will play tricks especially when a seed is planted. Unless your bf is actually, concrete giving you proof, do nothing. Listening to music is not concrete. However, I do recommend for you to talk to him. Communication is always key. GL

Yea your just hormonal girl. It’s a damn song. It doesn’t mean anything. Your making a mountain out of a mole hill big time with this.

Yeah sounds like a crappy song. He just doesn’t have good taste in music, sorry. He could do something more productive and like his girl instead.

Sometimes men think it’s peer pressue cool to like girl girl but for themselves they want a girl boy but aren’t going to admit it because that would be admiting they aren’t cool. I would not take that too personally.

Condolences on being impregnated by a simpleton with low emotional intelligence. Such a statement is a pornography reference at a time when women dont feel desireable or are even cheated on or may not be comfortable engaging in maintenance sex during pregnancy and first year post partum. Insecurity is high. Stop asking the internet for advice and go see a couples therapist.

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Oh wow…… oh wow…… just because that is something that he might enjoy :wink: doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you…. If my Mrs wanted to do that then bam I would be all over that but doesn’t mean I want someone else or something different

Totally hormonal :white_heart: but I’m sure he understands! Just relax and play in the baby’s room or take a nap! It’ll all be better once your mind is on something else

Instead of blaming hormones & being told you are over reacting, I think this is a great time to open the lines of communication & discuss it with your partner. It obviously bothers you, pregnant or not. Could be nothing, but on the other hand a lot of women start to experience the first signs of abuse when they are pregnant. You need to raise it with him. His reactions will tell you all you need to know.

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Give him a taste of his own medicine. It may be hormonal but he shouldn’t be cruel either while you’re pregnant by bringing up other women at this time. Rent a few movies with the same hunky actor that you like and watch them one after another when he’s around. Look happy and glued to them. If he asks tell him you have fantasies too!!’:hugs:

Uugggh now I feel awkward and shit about myself I’m not pregnant and this would make me feel the exact same way :confused: something clearly wrong with me going by these comments :confused:

It’s the hormones mama, Pregnancy hormones can get soo bad at times that any normal thing could become the worst thing just in a flick so take it easy and talk it out as that helps and best of luck with this new journey :grin:

I would tell him how you feel. Hormonal or not, if he can’t respect your feelings maybe talk to someone.

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The expectation that being in a committed relationship means that you’ll never be attracted to anyone else or be excited by the idea of certain sexual situations is unrealistic. Committed, not dead. Just tell him you’re feeling extra sensitive right now - which is totally normal!

You are being completely unreasonable. Let’s blame it on the hormones. Everyone (especially men) have sexual fantasies. That does not mean he doesn’t love you or he doesn’t want you. You should be happy that he is willing to discuss his secret desires with you. This has nothing to do with music, my Dear.

Definitely extra hormonal! :joy:


Yes…yes this is unreasonable and hormonal. Cut and dried.

Hey there.
You’re hormonal right now, honestly I know as I was once there, 2.5 years ago. I would pick on my partner for anything and everything.

I think it wasn’t the best thing to say, but it also wasn’t an indication that he wants a woman who wants a woman…. He was just saying he likes the song IMO.

He is entitled to find things ‘hot’ and still want you… he’s just being honest what he finds hot I guess…

I don’t think this is worth stressing over. Once baby is here you’ll probably look back and laugh :heart:

My first thought when this post was honestly ‘what the actual fuck i just read’ but then i saw you’re pregnant aswell…its just hormones dear :slight_smile: i had my wtf moments when i was preggo, almost every pregnant women do or cry over nothing

Just hormones. See if he likes “I kiss a boy” parody of “I kiss girl” its by cobra starship. Makes most guys a bit uneasy yet they will enjoy I kiss a girl.

Hormones. You’re not attached at the hip. People don’t always like the same music. Don’t judge him.

:sweat_smile: Men like a lot of things… at the same time. You can’t be everything that he likes. He should be able to like things that have nothing to do with you.

Definitely hormonal but it’s okay. I’m glad u came to ask instead of lashing out or overreacting towards him

Its the hormones mommas. I can relate so know your not alone!

Listen I cried over nothing once when I was pregnant. I was literally watching a nice happy video then 2 mins later cried my eyes out . My hubs was like “what’s wrong!?” And I was like “nothing I don’t know why I’m crying(bawling my eyes out)” lmao #pregnancy

I will clue you in on a little secret, all men basically giggle on the inside when there’s sexual innuendo in conversation or music. We’re still pubescent boys in our minds at times lol. With that said, unless he’s hounding you to do it in real life, don’t put much thought into it.