Am I overreacting to my boyfriend wanting to play games a lot?

Give the lad a break. He’s not out getting wasted, doing drugs, starting fights, spending cash. He’s relaxing with a few video games. It’s just his release. Same as women watching love Island. As if this is even an issue.

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Join in!! Game together and spend time together that way


As a gamer myself, some people game to let off steam. Have you tried taking an interest in his hobby? Just by taking and interest in what he likes he should return the favour and start taking an interest in things you like. That way you can still spend time but still doing things you like to do

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My husband is a gamer, if you like him enough, you gotta learn to accept it because it’s a big time hobby. Maybe even try playing with him if you’ve never played before. It’s not a problem unless he double books himself or is seeming more interested in the games than you any time you’re with him

he’s being extremely disrespectful and if it bothers you then its a problem! no matter how insignificant someone else may think it is. it’s definitely effecting your relationship! and how old is he to start with? its fine to have a hobby, but when its cutting into the real world and your relationship then somethings wrong. like why invite me over just to watch you play games. I would definitely let him know that it bothers me etc. if he respects your feelings and time then he’ll atleast compromise with you! please let us know how it goes ultimately.


Thay can be a real problem, perhaps spend your time together away from the house

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I live with this now 3 years later ! Leave now !! It just gets worse trust me


I can totally relate to these feelings you have! It’s been an issue in my marriage for years but I’ve learnt it’s his way of relieving stress and it’s what his therapist advised when he suffered a bad episode of depression.
That said… You’ve told him how it makes you feel, & I think this early on in a relationship, if he wants to see you then you need to stop going to his house. 100% refuse and start going places without a PlayStation and he will soon get the picture. Time spent with people is precious, if a grandparent came over to visit him I’m sure he wouldn’t ignore them and go on his PS4 so why should he with you. Sounds like he has so many other opportunities to go on it and you’re not asking him to avoid it completely it’s just respectful to show you attention when you make the effort to visit him! If he wants to game instead of seeing you then it’s time to move on xx

I would take advantage the time on my own and maybe make him realise

I hope he dumps you for a chick that actually likes video games.


Why are you begging him for time , leave him to his games ,and you find somebody who wants to spend his time with you


Stop going round. Simple x

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Talk to him. You are. Right if he has all the time to play games than whn he is with you his time should be yours. Talk to him.

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But I where you and find him doing this to me,I would say good bye and never talk to him again.coz I dnt have time for this rubbish


You’re 3rd wheeling in this relationship. Count your blessings it’s only 4 months in so you don’t waste anymore time on him.

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Rather than being bothered by it, find a hobby you can do whilst sat with him. My man games, I don’t have the hand-eye coordination for it so I don’t but I’ll happily lay up beside him and do my thing whilst he does his. I appreciate his presence, and honestly it’s a lovely thing to be able to chill out and chat etc whilst doing something we each enjoy. If he’s not even talking to you whilst gaming, that’s a whole 'nother story

Does he have ADHD? I didn’t get diagnosed until I was an adult, but gaming calms me down. Try gaming with him, there will be a whole new level of connection.


Byron Lea is that you :woman_shrugging::joy:

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Sorry but if don’t talk about it trust me it will get worse its true you both need to talk away from the house of his or he won’t take in what you are saying to him because he mind will be on gaming hope you can sort it good luck

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Same happened to be it go progressively got worse over 8 years, 8 years wasted and ultimately ended. I’d be giving him his tea and he wouldn’t even look up. We went away and he spent the time watching YouTube videos of other people playing call of duty. :see_no_evil::sleepy: he was 30 and in all other aspects of life seemed mature… I.e house, job x

My husband is the same with the Xbox one so I sympathize with you

It’s probably an addiction. I’ve just had a similar situation with alcohol. Hes probably addicted to gaming. You have to decide if it’s worth it or you can deal with it. Addictions are selfish.


If he hadn’t time for you after 4 mths. And it’s already a problrm

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The more you ask him, the more he’ll resent you. Stop going round. Get him to come to you if he can be bothered. You will see where you stand.

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Buy a PS4 and game together, Worked for me.


Open your eyes hon, if he wanted to spend time with you he would. He’s just a child leave him alone. Go find a man.


If he would rather play games than be close with you dont go round no more


His games are more important to him so let him have all the time he wants he won’t change


Instead of moaning and just sitting there waiting for him to come off it why not try gaming with him? Or suggesting to go out here or there or for dinner? If it’s such a problem why not say let’s do this on this day? Why is it always the man that Ian interested if he’s playing a game! Seriously there are 2 of you not just one need to make decisions maybe he has a reason for playing it maybe his communication isn’t great or he can’t express himself don’t just assume he can’t be bothered to spend time with you!!!


Doesn’t sound like he’s ready for a relationship. I would move on ASAP!


Leave…now… turn around now…don’t look Back… it is not about “of its a problem” it is about who he is and what his hobbies are- and obviously his hobbies are playing video games and ur not ok w his hobbies. Then it is ok to have hobbies but he is obviously telling or showing u where u stand in his life. I’m engaged to a gamer and we live together and he loves to play but he plays only when I’m. Ot around and I like it cuz I get my alone time and I rather have him playing games than at some bar or his friends - its about talking. Talk to him but most importantly talk to urself and see if that’s what u want in ur future ? Of its worth the tolerance then stay…but ur trying to change who or what his hobby is and that’s a wrong start to a new relationship

My first question to you is “did you know full well that he is a gamer?” The reason I ask this is my partner is a gamer and he plays his games loads too. It don’t bother me because I went into the relationship knowing full well that he is a gamer and I’m not the sort to try and change him. You cud try talking to him but you have to bear in mind that this is probably who he is. There is a fine line though playing and spending time together it’s jst takes understanding from you both to make it work of him playing games is something you won’t be able to deal with then maybe move on bit if it’s something you can deal with stick it out I find gamers to be loyal mainly because I know were he is he ant out messing around he is sat playing games. Good luck to you in your decision and I wish you well.

Those games may be like an addiction


Let the man play his damn games. Set up date nights and stuff but damn, him gaming isn’t the issue. The issue is you got into a relationship with a gamer and now dislike that he games.


Did u know he was a gamer BEFORE u got into a relationship with him. If so u should have known what u were getting into. Gamers are just that. Gamers. If u dont like it or dnt feel appreciated u should prob cut the loss while its early. He’s not going to give up what his life has always been about. But on thr bright side theres far worse things than gaming. Like cheating. This is a personal choice on ur end. Date a gamer not date a gamer. Either deal with him being a gamer and respect he isnt going to chnage himself or find someone who isn’t a gamer


Gamer boyfriends are harddd sometimes but I’m just grateful he’s nothing like my ex’s and the only issues we ever have is if he’s playing too much. My advice is find a game you enjoy like I love sims 4, and we have game nights once a weekday and then on a weekend we play a 2 player game.
Gaming to him will be his hobby and I think it’s important that as a partner you support their hobbies and try get involved. If he’s anything like my boyfriend, he’ll enjoy the fact he can play his games and have your company at the same time, he’s getting the two things he likes/loves at the same time. Just try find a way for it to work for you both but don’t let gaming come between a relationship xx

I think you have answered your own question I don’t think this bloke is worth bothering with he clearly prefers his games console to you


Should maybe speak to him and be like listen am aware we have a schedule but I need more. If he’s not willing to give you more or at least understand where your coming from leave him to his ps4(pish console anyways​:joy:). I sadly am a gamer as is my partner and it was him who said to me listen am going to stop coming round if I get fuck all attention from you. It worked but now years later we game together. Hope it sorts out soon for ye hun… Also if he was a ganer before you got with him, you ain’t fixing that :joy::joy:

You dont give an age …you both sound young
A schedule for time spent with you sounds a bit off but gaming is addictive and that will only get worse.
Nights hes supposed to spend with you but plays instead…tell him you’re going home if the game is more important …then leave. Tell him to come to yours instead of you going to his.
You dont live together so really gaming should be the last thing on his mind when he’s got the chance to be with you.

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Go be with a man who pays attention to you and not a gamer…


Stop wasting your own time. You and he are not on the same page. Shift your focus to something else and let him have his games if it bothers you that much.

Talk to him about how your feeling instead of writing a post about it maybe :thinking::woman_facepalming:t3: isn’t communication key in a relationship :woman_shrugging::clap:t3:


Just say … I’m not coming round tonight … no point . And stay home with wine and chocolate


I love it you get to do what u want then u cant be attached to ur partner give him a breather go do something u wanna do enjoy the freedom of it


Have you ever thought gaming is his escape? A way to distract himself from his own mind maybe?


All the comments here chastising this poor girl! Sweetie, I was like you about a year ago. My boyfriend is a big gamer too. God love him he’s lovely but he can be a bit dim where that’s concerned. Are you also a gamer? Can you guys not play together? I totally get where you’re coming from here by the way. You arrange to see each other and spend all the time just watching him game… being ignored, and I get it. It really does hurt! The amount of talking it took for me and my guy to get to a good place and get the point across that ‘I’m his girlfriend, not his token’ was a lot, but we did get there. I think you guys need to open up a dialogue because what he’s doing (whether consciously or not) is so disrespectful to you. And if he’s not willing to talk it over and compromise with you - you deserve better

Simple. Stop going around.


Wooooah everyone like leave him, he’s immature , he doesn’t care…he’s a gamer​:woman_facepalming:t3::joy: like in all honestly when you’ve been together a while longer you’ll probably be glad for the peace​:joy: That’s obviously what he likes to do in his downtime. Why not try suggesting doing things together outside of the house away from the console, day trips or even just a walk? Or maybe try gaming with him, or next to him on your own console, you might enjoy it! If you love eachother him wanting to game shouldn’t be the be all and end all of your relationship.


It’s not just guys who like to play video games, me and my partner play games together all the time, I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but why don’t you try playing with him, he will appreciate the fact that you’re taking time to try out things that he likes doing then maybe he’ll be more into doing stuff you want to do

Unless he’s a professional gamer and earns a lot of money from it, then he’s stuck being a teenager and he’s still got the maturity, or lack of, of a teenager. It’s unfortunate but it is the way it is. Unless you want to continue the relationship and don’t mind him playing games, I mean it’s nothing against you or anything he’s just addicted. If not, break up with him or tell him when you’re around you expect to spend time with him without the console xx

I’m a middle-aged woman I married a guy that didn’t play many games for 2 years and then after we married he wouldn’t get off of the games he would bring his friends over and play games all night long and it didn’t change for 10 years so I did I kicked him out and got a divorce


If you’ve made the effort to go and see him at his house, and he can’t put the controller down to spend time with you then I find that really disrespectful. Everything in moderation, play your games of course, but if you’re in a relationship he should have enough respect for you to actually pay you some attention when you’re there with him. Especially if you’ve agreed that that’s your evening together. It’s just rude and shows he lacks basic manners, respect and decency if you ask me. After only 4 months I’d be questioning if I’m wasting my time with someone who doesn’t seem bothered with me x

My last ex was a game freak. He constantly played his PS4 when I was there, when we was apart. He always use to get me to join in and I said nope it’s not my thing. We only spent time together when we was going to sleep. We had date nights but straight after he was on the PS4, and little did I know he was chatting to someone on there. We broke up 2 years later and he ended up getting with her.

Leave . Hes a man , if he cant prioritise you now he never will x

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He’s a boy, not a man.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I overreacting to my boyfriend wanting to play games a lot? - Mamas Uncut

I’ve been neglected so much due to video games. It’s a deal breaker for me these days. It’s an addiction.


He sounds addicted, run!


I can’t stand gamers if you don’t want to give your woman undivided attention you should stay single


He could be cheating


Dont interrupt his game time…leave if that is what he rather do


Dump him! You do deserve more than that!!


As Rachael McDivitt said, it can be an Addiction. It is a combination of the can not stay away addiction and he thinks he is comfortable enough with you that you will be okay with it.


Then leave and go out with your friends or go home. He’ll get the message, no words needed.


You don’t live together well start making plans with friends he either will wanna start spending time or he won’t care


Play with him, get better than him, beat him at everything he tries to do. :wink:


He is love bombing you. Keeping you confused. It’s a terrible mind game.
Break up w him. Love yourself. You’ll see you’ve wasted 4 years on a child man.


I would say at least he’s playing games and not out cheating.

I curl up with a book or a game and sit next to my husband when playing.


I’m 20 years in to it. It gets so old. Set ground rules, if he breaks them…go home. He obviously would rather play games than spend time with you. He’ll either do right or let him go. From experience, it’s just going to get worse.


Hell to the naw. Sounds like a MANCHILD

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Maybe it’s because I’m married, but my husband plays video games in the living room nearly every night and I look at my phone (social media, TikTok, reddit, etc.). We can still have conversations and just enjoy being in the same room together. It’s his way of relaxing. If you’re not into it, leave. Don’t expect him to change just because you don’t like it. I’m sure you do things he doesn’t like either. Relationships are about compromise. He doesn’t need to give you all of his attention all the time. Learn to be okay and happy just being around each other.


So I have a gamer husband.
If he can’t have his priorities straight then leave him.

That means time for you, kids, work, life

If all that fits in and he has an hour to play then I don’t see the issue.


4 months? If you arent happy in the "honeymoon " phase of the relationship you might as well leave…


I would try playing with him? 🤷 or if he starts playing when you are supposed to be spending time together. Go home 🤷 message clear.

Do not go over if he is going to play games


Leave him. You shouldn’t have to ask any grown adult for attention more than once. That goes for any need you have that isn’t being met. He hears you. He doesn’t care.

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I love that husband has always been a gamer! He was always home with me instead of out.


I personally didn’t have a problem if my man jumped on his game while we were spending time together. I just enjoyed his company. But if you expressed time and time again that you would like more of his attention and he’s not giving it, then it’s a red flag that your other concerns in this relationship wont be so important either.

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Ok… I DIVORCED MY HUSBAND OVER WORLD OF WARCRAFT. If he has to make a schedule for you and his gaming, get out now before you’re in too deep.


Only if his name is Paul Robinson

Time to grow up and put the toys away

I am a gamer and so is my boyfriend. He games and I do homework or whatever and vice versa. I mean it’s a stress release and trying to quit after one game is hard it’s like those who spend hours on Facebook or TikTok same concept doesn’t mean it’s personal. For me I have so many friends I game with I lose track of time and my bf is understanding


Lol just don’t go over on his “game days” if its an issue. Sounds like he wants some me time to do something he likes and you should have me time too. Do something for you.

" Boy" being the operative word. What you have is What Your life will be with him. He has an addiction!!!

Run while you still can. The bs excuse of atleast hes at home being faithful instead of out cheating is stupid. If you were a priority he would make that clear. Playing every once in a while is one thing but constantly is another

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Could be worse. He could be talking to other girls, or at the bar or a strip club. He’s home and it’s his house. If you don’t like it break up

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Play with him! You’re with a gamer that tries to make time for you. You’ve gotta accept he’s a gamer or bounce. So try playing with him.

Play the games with him! But he should still spend more time with you than anything if he really cares. My husband and I play every single day.

Boys will be boys! My son plays with my husband and it’s annoying but there’s no harm in it! Just make sure he knows your boundaries and his :heart:

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Ask him about his games and get involved play the games with him if multi-player

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Sometimes you just get sucked into them. It likely has nothing to do with you.

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They do it because they are addicted


Sounds like hes getting comfortable… also sounds like a red flag since you’ve already voiced your feelings and nothing’s changed… its either something you can accept or not


Don’t show up and see how soon he misses you.

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Make him play games that are fun to watch, like LA Noir?

When me and my husband started dating in high school :sweat_smile: he was big into call of duty… he would like to play while I was over there so I learned how to play so it was something we could do together… now 14 years later he has to tell me to get off the games :joy:


Gamers are going to be gamers. Play with him! I personally like playing video games, so I date people who also play video games. I’d never make it with some guy telling me to choose games or him. Your boyfriend probably feels the same way.


Stop going over if he’s gaming, things will probably change quickly. :joy::woman_shrugging:


I would end up playing with him so idk what to tell you. My husband of 8 years now plays pokemon go with me lol


My bf plays games all the time i can play with him or i just lay with him and read a book or draw.