Am I overreacting to my ex calling my kids?

Been there! You’re NOT overreacting! It’s about respect. Most of the time, the kids didn’t even want to talk. My ex husband and I had a conversation about it and came to an agreement. The problem is the pressure on each parent to make sure they’re doing everything they can to be a good parent but no one tells anyone that it’s okay not to call. It’s okay to enjoy your alone time. It’s okay! Not calling does not make you a bad parent.

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I’d just be happy that he wants to speak to his children and makes the effort. My boys dad calls them every morning… afternoon… evening and just before bed / face times them and I do the same when they are with him…

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You’re being petty. They’re his kids too and it’s great that he wants to talk to them daily.

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As someone whos kids dad doesn’t bother seeing there kid more than once a year… I don’t see any issues with your ex calling your/ his children everyday.
It’s 10 minutes out of your day, and theirs that he’s asking for, set a time that works for your schedule, maybe before bedtime and not dinner.
I get he’s “ interfering” with your time, but realistically it’s 10 minutes he’s asking for to speak with his children, talk about there day, tell them he loves them etc.

Think your overreacting a bit. Appreciate that your kids dad is a good role, constant role in there life.
The way I look at it is even when my kids are away to there grandparents for the day/ night, I still ask how there doing, not to interfere with there time, but because I love my kids and want to know how there doing.
He’ll I’m 22 and still speak to both my parents everyday :woman_shrugging:t3:

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If the conversation only last 10 minutes anyway let him talk to them.
I see so many moms complain that dad isn’t doing enough and here is one that is just trying to speak with his kids everyday. I WISH my dad would’ve called me more than on Christmas and my birthday.
If he’s trying to be involved just leave it be.
If that’s all that’s going on just let go a little and let them have that relationship. Just because you and he don’t work doesn’t mean he can’t have a strong relationship with his kids.

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Youre overreacting. Tell him youll have them call before bed every night. Its really a minor inconvenience


It’s called coparenting snd they should have access to BOTH parents as much as they want and need. Quit being selfish. YOU divorced their dad. They didn’t and should still have as much time with him as possible.

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Wow. You are way overreacting… your lucky you even have a good man to co-parent with and actually wants something to do with his kids… he probably misses them when they are with you. Let them talk to him. Its not that big of a deal, especially if it only interuppts your time for only 10 MINUTES.

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I think you are over reacting. It’s called co-parenting. Each parent should be able to speak to their kid whenever they want and vice versa. Parents need to work together to keep the kids best interest at heart.

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If their convo lasts 10+ minutes than SHUT UP and be happy they have a dad that loves them and shows them his love daily. Not all kids have that. This is just childish.

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We usually do a call in the am and one or two calls in the pm, and on the weekends maybe one more;; we don’t limit access to child at all to the other parent;; there are times I call and they are busy so I tell her to have a great time and to call me When she can but her other parent and I don’t limit contact at all; we both miss her when she’s with the other parent and our little is vocal about asking for the other parent too

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I think the problem may be that you feel it’s your time and aren’t taking into account that it’s also your children’s time. Kids normally don’t talk on the phone very much, but I bet it’s comforting for them to at least hear their father’s voice while they are away from him. It doesn’t sound like the calls are excessive, I could see if he was calling 4 or more times a day. I would allow it and maybe just suggest a time closer to bedtime, so the calls don’t interfere with dinner.

I would call my kid every night. I think you’re absolutely overreacting. I wouldn’t be able to not talk to my kid for that long. If it’s during dinner yeah, say they can call after dinner or tell him when you eat and he just needs to call before or after.

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Be thankful they have a father who loves them and wants to talk to them! 10-20 minutes is not going to hurt anything. I could understand if they talked hours at a time.

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Can you carve out a time that you can both agree upon? Maybe he really misses them and needs that connection. If so, don’t deny him that. Just because it didn’t work out for the two of you doesn’t mean that there should be any wedges between the parents and their children.

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Their his kids to. J8st cause you choose to call 2 times doesnt mean he has to. I think thats awesome he calls

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I think you are absolutely over reacting. You should be happy that he wants to talk to his kids everyday. I personally think it is weird that you do not call your kids every night when they are not with you.

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Yes, he should be allowed to call every day and talk to the kids. I would want that option too and can’t imagine only speaking to my kids once a week. I love them so much and want them to hear it daily.

Let them talk to their Dad whenever….and you should be able to call too….period. I’m over parents acting like children are property.

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You are overreacting. There is no reason he shouldn’t be allowed to call his kids to say goodnight or whatever anytime he feels like it. It shows that he cares and is obviously a good dad. It’s not a matter of interfering with your time, it has nothing to do with you at all. It’s about the KIDS.


Heu at least hes makin an effort to talk to them everyday my kids r older there dad lives in another country i pay a phone bill monthly for the 2 of them to beable to communicate with him n he calls maybe once a month and sometimes not even that they text he hardly responds so if hes callin everyday to talk to them let him CAUSE ONE DAY UR KIDS WONT BE KIDS ANYMORE

before my daughters bio mom walked out, she would facetime our daughter 4-5 times a day. yes, it got annoying, but if it started interfering with activities or family time, our daughter would say she had to go and she could call later.

you’re being petty. if the kids don’t want to talk in the phone, let them make that decision, but if they do, let them.

be grateful he calls at all. my kids left wondering why her mom doesn’t care enough to call at all or visit her.

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Could you not arrange an appropriate time for him to call? Maybe before tea while your cooking or half hour before they go bed. I think its nice that he wants to be involved when they aren’t there, maybe he doesn’t want to feel like a part time dad. It’s up to you how often you call. I couldn’t go a day without speaking to my kids even if it’s just to say hope you had a good day and you love them

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Overreacting. If it’s only 10+ minutes, what does it matter to you?? I understand you saying you only call 2x when they’re with him, but you also have to remember not everyone is the same. That’s your choice to do that. He may want to call more, and that’s his right as a person. No two people are the same, which is where it comes in for you to communicate time frames that work for both of you. It’s wrong to tell him he can’t call, because when you have two people it’s about compromise. Not just one way or the other, it’s about what works best for both. Find a middle ground.

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Um let him call. I let my kids dads call whenever its good parenting and honestly if your kid wants to talk to his dad every night he has all right to. It is not his fault you both split n only gets to see you guys one at a time

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My ex calls daily as well. I don’t deny my girls the opportunity to speak to their father, and am grateful he loves them so much. Is it irritating? Absolutely. I know he has ulterior motives. He try’s to go through them instead of having a rational conversation with me the mom. Coparenting is hard. I’d agree with the other folks here about setting a time that’s not disruptive to y’all’s schedule. Remember parents can never love their kids too much so I’d just set some boundaries and hope for the best. Good luck to ya.

Are you crazy?! It’s their DAD! If he wants to call everyday it’s not an issue. The issue is YOU. I’d LOVE if my daughter’s father called her…hell it’s been almost 2 weeks this time since he’s cared to check in on her or talk to her and 2 months since he’s chosen to see her. Get over yourself!!!

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So…just to clarify.

You are upset that their father is being a father? My sons father asks about him once every two weeks. You might find it annoying but be grateful that he is a good dad. He has every right to speak to them.

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I think it’s good he calls daily. It is in my boyfriends divorce that their son calls the other parent and tell them goodnight every night. I love this. I would maybe talk to them about the timing so it isn’t interrupting your night and be willing to put it into a nighttime routine.

I call my sons dad at least twice a day for goodmorning and goodnight. He’s only two and a half but if he ask to call him more than that I let him. I always want my son to know he can talk to his dad as much as he wants to. His dad is the same way towards me too. When our son is with him he calls me at least 3 or 4 times a day because he wants to call me .

Why would you try to discourage a relationship between them?
Any idea how many kids would LOVE just one phonecall a year from their parents?
Embrace it, don’t hate it…

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I see her point, she let’s him spend time with the kids and doesn’t call everyday to intrude on his time with them but he calls everyday and intrudes on her time. If I were her I’d explain to him how she feels about the situation and to find a solution together that works for them both without one interfering with the other. Yes it’s a good thing he wants to talk to his kids, but he also should respect her time with the kids as she does his time with them.

I call my kids once a day & text them the whole weekend when they are at their dads every other weekend.
There’s absolutely no way I would go a day with out speaking to my children, even if it’s just for a few mins or even just to tell them I love them and goodnight.

They can enjoy their time with their dad & still talk to me daily. One doesn’t hinder the other

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Great he wants to talk to his kids - lucky cause some dads aren’t like that.

When my ex & I split we’d both call the kids each night on each other’s weeks to say hi, how was your day, love you - bit of normality at first cause of the changes,
but as time has gone by 15mths now it’s a call every 2-3 days just to touch base.
I’m still here kiddies if you need me love you guys kinda thing…

Girl you’re definitely overreacting. My husband calls his kids every single night. It keeps him involved in their daily lives. Chill out and be thankful your kids have an active father.

I had the same schedule and I talked to my son every day he was at his dad’s. Parenting doesn’t turn off every other week.

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I think it’s great he’s so involved. If his timing bothers you maybe set a scheduled time like right before bed that he calls. That way he can say goodnight/ask how their day went. I also must say I am still in a relationship with my children’s father so I’m never away from them, but the thought of being away a whole week is a lot for me. Allow the call, and make it a point to call during his week. The kids may not show it but it prob means a lot, not all kids get that!

The issue here sounds more like timing. Set boundaries. That’s your right as the parent and head of your own household. Yeah he CAN call, but unless somebody answers, it doesn’t matter how much he calls. Claim your time, which remembering the kids are a big part of both of you. Don’t let him stomp all over your time. Set. Those. Boundaries!

We both talk to our son numerous times while when he’s with the other parent. My son has his own phone for this very reason. It despise my ex but he loves his son and for that I am grateful!

Be glad that he wants to call and talk to them. Your children are blessed. It’s your choice to not call and talk to your children as much when they’re with their dad. I would set a time for him to call every night, which is what he chooses to do. Let him know what time you have dinner, etc. In my honest opinion, which is what you’re looking for in your post… it’s a little petty of you to have a problem with their dad calling being an INVOLVED parent and talking to his children daily. Be grateful for that. It’s not about you, it’s about your children and what makes them happy.

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Give a certain window for them to talk. Just be thankful they have a dad that wants to be involved in their lives. Parenting is what is in the best interest of the child. Not the adults.

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I think I would be thankful that their father is in their lives like that and is interested in their daily lives. My sons father doesn’t ever call or see him. I can see where it would be annoying during family times and dinner maybe set up a call time for him.

No it’s not excessive they’re his kids too, but him calling during hours ya’ll are doing something isn’t ideal. I would say if you want to call and talk to the kids I’d prefer for you to call between the hours of 8-9 or whatever works for you, and if he didn’t call in that window then I wouldn’t answer the phone. Honestly though my ex calls to talk to our daughter on my day’s, it doesn’t bother me if we’re busy I don’t answer the phone but I always have her call him back so they can talk. Children love both their parents it’s not their fault they can’t have both of them together under the same roof like they want it, so be as understanding as you can be even if you don’t like their dad, cause it’s not about you it’s about your children’s happiness.

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Coming from a child of divorced parents, please let their daddy call and talk to them, if needed ask him to call after dinner so it doesn’t interrupt but please let them and even encourage it! My dad never did this, he was absent and it caused me so much emotional trauma that made me want to seek love in other unhealthy ways. Your children and you are super blessed to have a dad that cares enough to call and talk to them, if I was you I would thank him for being a great dad and being there for your kids and count your blessings. Do it for your kids! You will be glad on down the line! Your ex is setting the tone for how they think a father should treat his children so let him be that good example so that they grow up to be good parents as well! :heart:

I would say it’s definitely ok to want to speak to your kids every day. Maybe suggest a certain time everyday like right after school or before bed so it doesn’t interfere with your one on one. I know it’s annoying but you have to compromise. It’s ultimately for the kids not you or him. My parents did things like this when I was a child and it hurt me

You know people fight to have a dad for their children that would put in even half that effort. Appreciate the love and attention he gives your children. How much is it ACTUALLY negatively effecting you?.. Do the kids enjoy his calls? That should be all that matters.

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I think normalizing situations for the kids as much as possible is incredibly beneficial for them… that would be talking to each parent every single day. He’s showing he cares and that goes along way with kids. Try to always put the kids first and how they feel instead of how you feel about him. He sounds like a great dad. :heart:

Hun I’d be overjoyed if my kids father called them every night, to me that’s just showing how much he loves them, that even a single night is to long for him to go without taking to them . My dad got me over the school year, and my mom would get me for most the summer, and my dad called me everyday.

I think it’s amazing that he calls everyday. He’s showing an interest in your kids lives and they have a great Dad. Be thankful.

My parents divorced at 6 and my Dad did this for while my brother and I were younger everyday too. I firmly believe this is why I’m still close with both of my parents at 36.

I’m sorry I think ur def over reacting I call well text bc my son doesn’t talk to check on my son everyday he’s w his dad. If it’s during dinner time or something tell him there’s a set call time. But no judge or court would see this as a problem they would see it as a problem w u not letting him talk to them. You should be grateful he wants to see n talk to his kids b I’m sure your kids love talking to there dad.

Although I recognize that this is happening on your time and thats frustrating, i’m certain that your reason for choosing to coparent is because you love your kids and have equal interest in their growth and development. That being said, their father calling every night is contributing to that growth and sense of safety/care which will be significant in their teenage and adult years. Remind yourself of why you decided to co-parent and focus in the benefits of the situation. Yes, it’s annoying now but sometime in the future you will be thankful that they have a father they can turn to , that they respect and trust.

If I were sharing custody, I’d be thrilled he wanted to talk to his kids when not with them. There are too many parents that think “out of sight, out of mind”. You should be grateful!!

I would have a set time for him to call them each night. I’m assuming at that age, you hear the conversations? If so, and he is simply touching base with them, saying good night and such, they are lucky that he does. On the flip side of this though, he should respect a phone schedule just like the parenting schedule. And if the two of you set a specific time for good night calls, you can talk to them each day when they are with him.

He calls to talk to his kids everyday that he isnt with them for maybe 10 mins… I dont see what the problem is. Sounds to me like he loves his kids and wants to talk to them who cares if it’s your time its not like hes trying to take them he is simply calling and talking to them! I think it’s great their dad is that involved! You dont know how many kids or single moms wish they had a dad like that! Be grateful not bitter!

Yes! Very much overreacting! It’s awesome he does that !!’
My two boys are the same age. They talk to their dad every night. To catch up on the day and say love yous and good night . It’s 10-20 mins of the day that’s nothing. That’s foster a relationship. You my dear are getting in the way of the that. It’s not about you and Him bothering you. My kids dad calls when we are “busy” I still hand over the phone no matter what’ you never know when that will be the last.

My daughter went to see her dad for a week and you better believe I called every night just to see how her day was. Her dad calls occasionally but I have full custody and he rarely asks about her. I’d love for him to call her every night. Would it be annoying at times yes but if it makes the kids happy who cares! Set a time frame for him to call. For us its (6-7 or 6-8 on the weekends but shes able to call him whenever she wants but he rarely answers)

My baby daddy hasn’t called for 4 years or seen him for that long by choice. Count your blessings that dad is still around and you get a “week off”. I’d suggest making an arrangement that suits you both.
I’m an adult and I still speak to my mum everyday. Good luck

You sound extra bitter and should be grateful you have a father figure in your children’s lives that persists in being apart of their everyday life. Parenting doesn’t end the second they switch off from house to house.

:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: sounds like your over reacting. When my childrens father and i separated for a bit he seen them everyday as well as called and said goodnight every night. Be thankful he is that dad.

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Both parents have rights to speak to their children every single day. It is your responsibility to schedule specific times that work for the both of you. This is not excessive just because you choose not to call every day during his time. Don’t take it personally and work with him so it doesn’t inconvenience you.

My ex calls our kids more then once a day if they don’t answer he calls me communication is amazing for kids! When they are at dads I call everyday. I think you should call everyday just to say hi check in say I love you! Count your blessings that he’s involved alot of women and children wish they had what you have!

Dude, I’d be thrilled for my kids if their dad wanted to call and talk to them daily. That’s a father who truly cares and wants to be involved. You need to remember it’s about the kids and not you. Let him call. If your kids don’t feel like talking they can tell him, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him calling daily. & legally he has a right to talk to them daily if he wishes. You sound bitter. & I don’t say that to be mean. You need to figure out what’s really bothering you and deal with it in a mature way. Good luck.

I understand where you are coming from but coming from a parent that has to hide tears watching my daughter wait by the phone for her father to call but Doesn’t!
Set times he’s able to call them that doesn’t interfere with your schedule.

Yes, you are overreacting. Let your kids talk to the other parent as much as they want too. If your ex is willing to call and talk to your kids you should be supportive of good parenting. A child’s relationship with their parents shouldn’t be based off of a certain day or time.

My oldest daughter has a dad and a sperm donor. If me and dad split and he wanted to call my girls everyday I’d let him because I know the heartbreak of my oldest being walked away from like she didn’t even exist. I love when people love my children (for the right reasons) and make the time for them. Even without that situation, I would still allow him to call every single day because I used to call my dad every single day just to say hi. It meant a lot to me.

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I’m trying my best not to be a total bitch but you clearly don’t know what it’s like to be abandoned by a parent or watch your child go through that and it shows. Be grateful he loves them and misses them when they’re with you. They’ll be grateful when they’re older that their dad cared so much.

I think its great he does that. Sounds like a great dad to me. You’re lucky he could never want to talk or see them. I’ve seen that happen to people. And only ten minutes who cares. Maybe he just wants to let them know he loves them. It’s not hurting anyone and more importantly it’s very healthy and makes them feel secure and loved.

Honestly be grateful that your kids have a dad that wants to call and talk to them every night. There are a ton of kids out there probably wishing that their dad would call. I would call my kids daily :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Maybe you and him should communicate about it !
At the end of the day this isn’t about you or the dad it’s about the kids. Communication is key !! I get it that it’s sometimes not a good time when he calls so let him know when is … if you want to call your kids everyday you should be able to and get should respect that !
Try working together on this situation !!

I’d be happy if my kid’s father called our kid’s every night. It shows he cares. You gotta think it could be the complete opposite.

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You should be grateful that your children’s dad call every night… You are overreacting, and it doesn’t make you look like a good person. My son’s dad hasn’t called him in over two and a half years, what a problem you have :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
Instead of not allowing him to call and getting upset about it how about you give him a certain window to call during so it doesn’t interrupt your dinner time and whatnot.

Time to grow up!!

Um yeah get over yourself and be grateful your kids have a dad that’s so involved. I will definitely be calling my kids every night when they start going to their dads more than a weekend at a time. I get that it’s an inconvenience to you and you obviously don’t get the want/need to just talk to your kid even if it’s about nothing on a daily basis but he wants that daily connection and deserves it and most importantly your kids deserve it. Those little things matter.

My ex and I have 2 kids together, they are 14 and 12. I wish he would have called them every night! He passed away unexpectedly 2 days before our sons bday 6 years ago and I would give anything for them to have him here. Just to say hi, I love you, can’t wait to see you. Let them have those moments because you never know what could happen.

Does it upset the children when he calls? If so, then you’re not overreacting. But I would set boundaries and not answer the phone during dinner or other family time. Explain this to him ahead of time, and let him know that you will let the boys know he called and they will be allowed to call them back if they want to when dinner or family time is over. If some sort of emergency is happening, then he can text you or leave a voicemail and say that it’s important and to call back ASAP. I wouldn’t try to stop him from calling every day, but just set those boundaries.

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Honestly I think you’re being petty. If your kids father wants to call and talk to them he has every right as he is the father. You should be thankful he wants to call his kids and have a relationship with them. Some kids arnt so lucky. Lmfao you are for sure over reacting…

Open communication is healthy for the kids. Regardless if it’s my time or not, if my kiddos want to talk to their dad then they talk to their dad and vice versa. Each coparenting relationship is different, maybe set a time/schedule each time night so you both know what to expect.

Bravo to him as a father checking in with his kids every day!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap: I think you can get over giving him 10 mins out of yalls day for the good of your children. Just bc you choose*** not to call them every day doesn’t mean he shouldn’t.

This actually is such a petty ass bullshit post. I have my boys full time and their dad hardly ever calls them or wants to see them. THAT is something to be angry about. You are blessed that they have a caring father, not all children do.

Ummm petty much. Be grateful he wants to talk to his boys daily. My ex has my daughter only a couple days maybe a week every 2 months and I still talk to her daily when she is with him. He’s a dad every day. So why can’t he talk to his kids every day. Grow up

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My ex had a daughter and he got to FaceTime her whenever he wanted how ever long she wants.

Kids deserve to have their parents present and interested, you’re doing a disservice to your children by limiting contact with their father which sounds like an amazing parent!

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I see nothing wrong with the father calling. I find it sweet that he cares and wants to be heavily involved in their lives. I would just be happy and thankful that I have a present father for my kids. Pic your battles, but this is not really one worth fighting. And if you try to take this away from your kids, they will probably just resent you for it in the long run.

My kids can talk to their dad and myself anytime they want! I came from divorce parents and remember being in the middle and torn constantly between them. Our kids have access to us both 24/7 hell we are even on group texted together with our kids :joy::woman_shrugging:t2: works for us. Both kids make A’s in school and honestly we’ve had teachers tell us whatever y’all are doing keep doing it. I would never be able to tell they come from a divorce family. :100::pray:t4: we put them first it’s not about us. They didn’t ask to be in the middle of adults crap.

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I call my kids pretty much every night while they are at their dads and he does the same while they are here. We just organised a time so it didn’t interfere with dinner or anything else. I don’t think that’s petty or annoying I think it’s good he wants to talk to them.

What’s wrong with wanting to talk to your kids everyday? You are very much overreacting and I feel like you’re also being petty. Maybe to avoid him calling during dinner or whatever set a time frame for him to call

If I wasn’t w my children’s dad I would hope he would call to talk to them every single day. Just because you don’t feel the need to call doesn’t mean he isn’t missing them on your days. If it’s the time that bothers you give him a better time but seriously so many kids grow up without a dad who has anything to do w them. Be glad you have one that actually wants to be involved

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As a parent I would want to talk to my kids every night personally. I think its sweet that he cares that much … definitely overreacting. I would maybe just have a set time or let him know when you guys will be busy . Good coparenting is key to happy kids !

Your upset that he wants to be a good dad. There are so many women out here that don’t have an unlocked parent . Your def over reacting . By a long shot

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My ex calls our son every night at 8 to ask about his day and say goodnight and I was the one who pushed for that. I think it’s an important part of their relationship.

Let the dad be smh you’re making it look like the kids are the pieces of meat and the dad is a starving dog and you’re pulling the strings to keep the meat away…smh THERE IS NO SET TIME LIMIT WHEN IT COMES TO KIDS. IF DAD OR MOM WANTS TO CALL EVERY DAY TO HEAR THE KIDS VOICES JUST FOR PIECE OF MIND THEN SO BE IT!!! AND YOU NEED TO BE GRATEFUL THAT THEIR DAD LOVES AND CARES ABOUT HIS KIDS!!! What if the tables were turned? You’d be doing the same thing. Hate your ex all you want or whatever but dont be trying to make your kids choose between you or their dad cause I PROMISE YOU your kids will resent you and favor their dad in the end.

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If you guys were still together your kids would speak to him daily. As a mother I would want to speak to my kids daily as well and if my husband and I divorced I would want him to as well. If it bothers you that much I would tell him from this time-time we eat dinner so I’ll have the kids call you/you call them then or ask him what time works for him and adjust. If you put a stop to him calling it may put a strain on your kids relationship with you later on. You need to ask yourself why it bothers you so much, sometimes our feelings with a person get in the way of things or maybe your feeling guilty you don’t call them as much. Your feelings are valid to you but that doesn’t mean your right in the situation. If he only takes up 10mins a day that’s a little over an hour a week, it’s really not a lot so I wouldn’t let it bother me, even if your kids aren’t talking back they may enjoy listening to him or it might make them feel better they are on his mind.

I call my kids every day when they are with their dad. I miss the kids and they miss me. Kids should be able to talk to the other parent no matter who they are with. Kids want to hear from their parents. It’s good that he’s present.

I would be happy that my kids father was so involved with the kids.

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I’d be the parent to call every single day lol. My kids drive me crazy, but when they’re away we talk at least once a day.
Maybe give him a good time to call. Or have the boys call him like 30 min before bedtime or something.
I’d honestly be happy that I had a parent that is good at co-parenting and wants to be part of the kids’ lives, even when it’s not their “time”.

I call their dad everyday during his times to speak to my boys and to say goodnight🤷‍♀️. I dont think its wrong. He also calls everyday to talk to them and say goodnight during my weeks. I dont have an issue with it… my boys are very much loved and that’s all that mattets…

You’re definitely overreacting. I would be thankful for an ex husband that his priority each day is talking to his children each evening for 10 minutes just to catch up on the day. What a loving father.

I’m pretty sure your court order says to allow parental contact on off weeks…and p.s., I’m sure you’d be bitching if he wasn’t involved! I would do the same thing if my kids weren’t with me! I’d talk to them every single day!

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I feel like it’s his right to call, even daily. However, I’d just come up with a set time for him to call. It’s healthy for the kids to maintain their relationship with their father even over the phone during your time.

It’s his right as their parent to talk to them everyday. On our court docs I’m allowed to call my daughter everyday from 6pm-8pm. I am thankful for that. Now I don’t call every night because yes it is their time and I don’t want to intrude but if I wanted to, I’m glad to know that I can!

I think it’s great he misses his children and wants to talk to them. I think it’s also reasonable to also say, “hey, can they call you after dinner?” Or “we’re playing a game right now, how about they call you in a bit?”

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I would set a specific time for each of you to call before bed every night. Then it will be routine and not bothersome

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