Am I overreacting to my little brother removing me from Apple music?

Nope just remove hom from your account

Quit paying for his Netflix! Let him be independent.

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I’m on the fence about this. I cry at everything my self and i hate it. I understand where you’re coming from. He should have told you but I feel crying is a bit much.

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remove him from your Netflix account and if you still want the music then get your own account for that

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No! You are not over reacting. A deal is a deal. I can see if he wasn’t related. Yes it hurts especially when you were in his life and not the parents. Wipe the tears and remove him off Netflix. Get your own Apple account. If he B…hes and moans about him being removed from NF. Just let him know you thought he was going to get his own account with them and since he removed you from Apple. You thought everything was okay because now the girlfriend is on it. Put on a big smile and move on. Family will always take advantage


I’d just change my password on Netflix

You can be hurt about it but I personally don’t think its thar serious, I mean it’s just a subscription service

Just take him off Netflix and get your own Apple Music subscription. Or better yet,
get on Spotify instead cause it’s better and makes playlists for you with music based on what you’ve listened to. Spotify will make you feel better about the situation haha really though


Yes he is a teen and girls come before you. NOw lol. Welcome to parenthood. I don’t agree with tit for tat . Ask him to contribute to the Netflix payments

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That’s bogus. So now just removed him from your Netflix account :woman_shrugging:t2:


Remove him off Netflix
Problem solved .


You’re not supposed to be password sharing anyway. Change your password and remove all devices. You’ll have to log back in yourself, but he won’t be able to


Remove him from Netflix and let it go. He renigged on the deal, so this is the consequence. Remember. You’re dealing with a 17 year old. They care about what’s in their life right now. They don’t think about how choices effect them long term. The fact that you’re this hurt over something so trivial is concerning. Move on. This isn’t worth fighting your siblings about.


Change your Netflix password. A deal is a deal.


Take him off Netflix…

Remove him from Netflix and be done then


Oh geez. There really are much bigger problems in the world. Change your Netflix password if it’s that important.


I would let him know that it hurt you the way it did. And I would also explain to him that you don’t feel it’s fair to continue allowing him on your nf account since it seemed to be an agreement that has now been broken.


Remove him off your nextflix.

Take him off the Netflix account.

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Talk to him about it. He’s at that age. Gotta impress the ladies lol. If it’s that big of a deal just get your own account. You almost 30 be the adult.


And definitely just get your own apple music account and no Spotify is not better in my opinion unless you pay for it and you can create stations and Playlists on apple music just like Spotify it wouldn’t let tag the girl talking about Spotify.

Take him off Netflix

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Well… possibly overreacting… but not wrong to be upset. You’ve shown him that level of respect and he should reciprocate it. However, you can’t always expect yourself out of other people.


Take him off your Netflix, problem solved


Just remove him from Netflix by changing your password & move on.


There are bigger things than this wow life is too short babygirl

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I would personally be angry as y’all had a deal but crying wouldn’t have been my reaction. Just talk to him and if he doesn’t want you on his Apple Music anymore then kick him off your Netflix.


Easy removal of Netflix. It’s not that hard to figure out

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Amazon music is pretty good. You get it for free if you have prime. It’s pretty inexpensive so maybe take this opportunity to look at cheaper services and they are going to be cracking down on sharing passwords across households so pretty soon you both would need your own service anyway. Sure he should have talked to you but he is 17. Tell him you would have appreciated warning of changing but decided he needs his own Netflix now since he took you off his music account with no warning.


I can understand being upset as well. Just remove him from your Netflix & accept he will be different with a gf. His priorities will change.


I get your hurt . He could of at least had the decency to give you a heads up.
Everyone saying take him off netflix. Are being immature . :roll_eyes: that’s petty . Just to do it cause he took you off apple . That being said talk to him . Just send a text call me when ya can . Them talk about how your feeling . if you decide to remove him off netflix thats fine . It’s your account. But he’s young in love and trying to impress. Not saying what he did was right cause he should of talked with you.


Unfortunately that’s how it is. But yeah he should of ask you for your opinion and come up with a plan. So now get your own subscription he can pay his

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1 your parents were still around- you helped them with your brother when they worked. You didn’t raise him. 2 are You sure youre 27?


Who even approved this to be posted? Such a hard hitting question that needs advice asap​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: maybe grow up​:woman_shrugging:t2:


Communication is key. Just straight up ask him why and tell him how you feel . It’s not wrong to be upset but come on, it’s just music. Pretty sure you can get music a different way .

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you’re almost 30 & you’re upset your teenage brother took you off of his stuff… take him off yours… easy peasy :woman_shrugging:


Remove him from Netflix. Why is this so hard.


If y’all agreed to help each other and he backed out of that. Change your Netflix password.


Remove him from netflix


It’s a subscription. 🫤

Take him off your Netflix. Problem solved tf


Sure it would bug me but I’d get over it. He is trying to be sweet to his gf

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I’d be like what the hell and remind him of the agreement, then remove him from Netflix. I wouldn’t cry about it unless it’s just one of those cry about anything time of the month things. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Yes. You overreacted


He is wrong, BUT he is 17 and “in love” which pretty much equals “stupid”… that’s what kids do until they grow up a little more, don’t take it personally


I wouldn’t even stress this he probably just forgot he’s 17 with one thing on his mind lol

All these ppl acting like assholes please ignore them. You gave up a lot of your childhood to raise your younger sibling, you guys made a deal to share stuff and you always updated and included hum. Sonyes he should have done the same for you. He probably didn’t mean to hurt you by doing it when ppl get in a new relationship they tend to hyper focus on that new person. Talk to him and explain why you felt hurt. Also tell him since he isn’t sharing apple music with you now you are gonna stop sharing your Netflix. You have every right to feel how ever you feel about things. Never let ppl tell you your feelings are invalid.

Don’t be hurt, he’s a boy. Guys don’t and will never will.

Just say, “Hey Mike, what’s up with Apple Music :notes:? I can’t seem to use it. He says ‘oh man ‘Jim’ can’t afford it so I took you off and put him on”

So no problem, what’s Jim’s number so I can take you off Verizon and add him.

It’s a lesson to be taught here… don’t get upset… teach. If he still shows his selfishness, after many speaking lessons, then he needs to understand loyalty and only one way to do that.

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Change the Netflix password on him


Remove him from your Netflix.


He’s growing up and getting independent. You should be proud of him. Yes he should of let you know.

Over reacting :rofl::rofl::rofl: - your 27 pay for your own!

Remove him from Netflix and call it a day.


Youre not the parent, sibling rivalry… look at his age, youre not gonna get understanding or maturity (male) at 17.

Pay for ur own stuff

Remove him from your Netflix account.


You’re overreacting. He’s 17. Just remove him from Netflix and move on.


He removed you…now you remove him from Netflix


I’d be upset and remove him from my Netflix account a deal is a deal


Take him off you Netflix problem solved lol


Just change your Netflix password. Tell him your boyfriend is using it.


Remove him from Netflix. It’s a lesson he needs to feel. Not the hugest issue but definitely important. He made a deal & broke it.


Remove him from Netflix and pay for ur stuff and let him pay for his


The bigger issue… to cause your reaction… you may feel as though your bond with him has been broken and replaced by his girlfriend. He is growing up… talk with him. He still needs you in his life.


Not the biggest deal but I’d remove him from Netflix :woman_shrugging:t2:


Take him off Netflix then.


If it makes you feel any better, I have 5 siblings and they all share streaming accounts with eachother… all 5 besides me. Nobody ever offered to share accounts with me so my husband and I have all our own account


Jesus Christ grow a set of balls.

I understand why you were hurt. Did you mention it to him? Remove him from Netflix and remember he is a kid.

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Well I guess he’s off Netflix now. Definitely say something and be upset. These kids today have no respect or consideration. What a little A hole.


Well if you have a family account it’s up to five people can be added so idk why he’d have to remove you to add her? Pretty sure it’s just single or family Options. We have Apple and Spotify premium family accounts and they’re both the same way

can’t you have up to 6 people on it :thinking:

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No judgement but sadly u will get judgement for something this childish ur 27 he’s 17…act 27 and just remove him pay for ur own stuff and call it a day…hell my parents cut me off at 17 I didn’t cry or be hurt I got a job and became independent… I’m sorry not other people are going to do what you expect them to do yes I know maybe you were telling him everything when you were changing or paying something but it does not mean he’ll do the same


He is only 17 he may not of seen it in a way that would hurt you but I’d remove him from the netflix


Just get over it. Take him off your Netflix if that will make you feel better.


Quit whining, he’s 17 and it’s his girlfriend who do you think he’s going to choose? Mention it to him and be done with it, oh and removing him from your Netflix account will only add fuel to the fire

Just change your Netflix password…


17 is old enough to have his own Netflix account and apple account . Teens will be teens as they say . So get seperate accounts.

Change your Netflix password :woman_shrugging:t3:


Yes you are overreacting.

If you are splitting it change your account number in nexflix when he calls say I took you off I thought we were splitting the two but I assumed you not longer want to he is 17 he needs to learn a lesson on remitting on agreement unless he puts you back on his do not put him on yours


Massively overreavting im sorry to say. Its apple music, id more than see the point if ud said hed cut u from a will or not spoken to u etc but apple music, seriously.
If this was my biggest upset n worry id be dancing for joy my darling

Fml lol

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It’s all about communication…. If I’m not mistaken several people can be on the account …. I would just talk to him and ask what’s going on why is he not sticking to the agreements y’all made…I think you pain goes deeper because you feel betrayed you feel you’ve been taking on a responsibility that you didn’t have to do so it like he broke your trust


Ask him if he still wants Netflix … his choice. You get Apple back, or he loses his movies. Time for a conversation

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HES 17 they dont think over reacting do what makes you happy …

What….how old are you :woozy_face: come on now he’s 17 and his girlfriend right now is going to be his priority…rightfully so, he’s 17. You told on him to your “little” sister…wow. The “littles” sound a bit more mature than you do. You’re right he should have told you but you’re a bit emotional about this don’t you think. Stop crying and get your own account and have him pay his part for Netflix :woman_shrugging:t3:


a deal is a deal girl friends come and go family stay


Get your own Apple Music and change your Netflix password :woman_shrugging:t2: he can get his own Netflix


Just change your Netflix password. Then when he can’t watch what he wants he might realise.


It was probably his girlfriend that removed you. I would talk to him . It’s probably time to get your own accounts.


Just remind him of your agreement.
“Hey, I tried to use Apple music yesterday and it said I’d been removed. Remember that we agreed I’d pay for Netflix in return for Apple music. Should I still keep you on Netflix?” Allow him to answer and calmly accept his answer. Don’t take it personal, I know that’s hard but boys do crazier things when in love.


There is more music in the world other than apple music. For being 27 I think it’s a bit immature. Kinda expect it with his age.


Are you 12 or 27? Get a grip.


Take him off your Netflix. You guys had a deal… That really wasn’t fair of him to do that.


You’re definitely overreacting. It’s Apple Music. I pay $11 a month for it. Take him off your Netflix :woman_shrugging:t3:


You are overreacting, however I can understand where your coming from. Have a conversation with him. “I thought we had an agreement? If you’re not going to hold up your end I will take away Netflix…” kinda thing.


Change your Netflix password & learn from this.
Nothing is set in stone and he clearly doesn’t hold your agreement as anything much at all so you’ve gotta deal with loss & going forward, cut the cord between you.
It sucks but this is how people are regardless of affiliation.
I could tell you a story that’d blow your mind but it’s too hurtful to even talk about it so I’ve gotta also cut my losses and move on.
Life lessons 101.


Sounds petty but my nieces and my bother are on my Apple Music and if I removed them I know they would be like hey what the heck?! If you use it everyday and then it’s gone I would be upset too.

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This is my opinion, I think this goes along with one huge issue we are having as a whole in todays world. Even if it’s not a big deal to me or anyone else, whatever we think it’s a joking matter or not, doesn’t matter. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO FEEL HOW YOU NEED TO FEEL. If something hurt you, upset you, made you feel unimportant, then you are justified in feeling how you need to and working your way through those feelings. Now don’t get me wrong, you’re not allowed to take those feelings out on anyone or treat people differently, but you’re allowed to feel how you need to feel. If it hurt you, express that to
to him in a mature way.

Just my thoughts hopefully it made sense