Am I overreacting?

Hes a man what else do you expect from him . There will be a time when he needs you but don’t rush let him see how it feels

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Are you serious?:rofl::rofl::rofl: yeah you’re a drama queen!


He is a twat, I understand the overreacting, but pay back is a sweet revenge on him next time

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How would u want him to react there nothingbhe can do tbh you weren’t in any danger just sore, weve all been there grab the aloe vera and chill and let it’s outta nouns whilst cut heals

I damn near lost a flap after a home waxing disaster and then I nearly peed myself when my husband and I lost control laughing hysterically about it, even though I was laughing between wincing in pain because it stung.

If you wanted him to fuss over you, you should have made it clear to him straight away. Surely by now you have seen all these replies and realised that everyone would have laughed about it. You will need to set clear instructions for him that when you call about a small cut/injury that from here in, he will need to take it seriously so your feelings aren’t hurt.

AITA or is this relationship exhausting? SPOILER it is exhausting.

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I would be upset but guys aren’t the smartest. Especially when it comes to stuff like this. :thinking::sweat_smile: I wouldn’t call you a baby or a drama queen like alot of these other girls are though. We all have our moments. I would just go to sleep. :woman_shrugging:

I’d have pulled out the whiskey too :rofl:


That’s not an emergency :laughing:


Yup. You’re overreacting.
Made me giggle though, so thanks for that :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


It looked like a murder scene?! What else did you want him to do?? Lmao I’d need a drink too :woman_shrugging:t4:

What was he supposed to do for you exactly?:joy:


You lose more blood having a period, I’d be shocked if there’s a woman on here who hasn’t cut their demon exit, what exactly did you expect him to do?


Omg. Seriously. Maybe he needed to drink s but to get t himself straight before dealing with your stuff? What kind of day did he have? It’s okay to feel hurt… but ferment dude has his own feelings


Hopefully he wasn’t around his buddies and they heard everything :rofl:


What does love got to do with it!!!

What did you want him to do exactly? Bandage your minge & glue your pubes back on?


Jemma Maddock read the comments :joy::joy:


Ladies garden :upside_down_face: Going to remember that one. Just let it go and don’t worry about it.

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How the hell does a trimmer cause a murder scene?? The razor doesn’t even touch the skin :thinking:

Just whack a plaster on it and move on geeeee!


What is he supposed to do? Lol


:raising_hand_woman: What’s a “lady garden?”


Hahaha so random :rofl:
I don’t feel like your boyfriend should be in the dog house over that


He should be happy you weeded your garden and now there’s less to get through . Maybe you ask him tidy the rest up.

It’s hair. It grows. It will grow back. What did you expect him to do?


Sorry but you are overacting im surprised he didn’t laugh hair grows back .what did you want him to do because no matter what he said it wouldn’t help .you yourself should have just laughed and say whoops .


Oh dear… it’s not like you waxed a flap off 🤷 not sure what your partner is supposed to do


I mean, if a woman video called me and presented a bloody fanny, imma need a drink to. :man_shrugging:t2:

:rofl::rofl: is this even a status or am I still asleep


What was he supposed to do you had a razor cut in the shower of course it is going to look way worse than it really is

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What’s he meant to do run over and bandage you up lol…get over yourself


He probably needed the whiskey just knowing you have a “lady garden” :confused:


Someone these posts just WOW me🤦‍♀️


Quite the argument :joy: “he didn’t even care that I cut my pussy while shaving!!” Like what :joy:

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:upside_down_face: maybe take a shot of whiskey with him, ain’t no one gonna see your lady garden except your boyfriend so drop the dramatics and put your big girl panties on, and apologize being crude towards your boyfriend because you murdered your own lady garden :rofl::rofl::rofl: it’ll be okay, sweetheart.


Okay these comments are embarrassing she clearly said she got scared so he was the first person she called and he couldn’t have even asked if she was okay? No I would have been pissed she also clearly said there was a lot of blood what if she needed stitches? I would have left him honestly because clearly he dosent care


I cnt c wat ur issue is, wat did u want him 2 say???

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How do you screw up shaving? Did Freddy do it for you?

  1. Don’t shave it off, you need it and you’re not prepubescent. 2. Was he in the house? I’m not sure you needed a video chat even if he wasn’t. 3. What did you want him to do when you called him? Were you in serious danger? I feel really sorry for men who are expected to jump for everything and apparently don’t love you if they don’t. I suspect you don’t rush to his side with support and sympathy when he cuts himself shaving either.

I would have got a drink too…


ok loll so maybe your boyfriend went into shock loll


Men just don’t think like we want them to. What you see as uncaring may just be a situation of he doesn’t know how to fix it, so he he just ignores it.


At least he didn’t laugh… mine would have laughed his ass off and told me to stop being a baby :sweat_smile::woman_facepalming:t3::rofl:… little things like this shouldn’t make you feel like this about your partner… if you feel like this all over something you did and there was nothing he could do then maybe you don’t need a partner … he at least answered and talked to you …

This is why I get waxed lol. I tried trimming once and it just didn’t work for me :rofl:

Over reacted. Just chill it will grow back!

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Yes, you are very much overreacting.
What exactly did you expect him to do?


Definitely over reacted. What was he meant to do? (Unless his doctor, which I’m assuming he isn’t), also if it’s that bad why didn’t you ring your GP or 111 for advice, sorry if I sound rude it’s not meant to be, I’m just stating a fact.
Hope you’re ok now tho? Xx

Now what exactly is he supposed to do to help your bleeding vagina? Lol. You’re definitely overreacting lol

So you went mental because he drank whiskey it’s him I feel sorry for having to put up with you and your moods :joy:


It will grow back. Laugh and move on. Life is too short.

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Heather Cox read the comments! :rofl::rofl:

don’t sweat the small stuff…guys don’t give a crap what it looks like…they just want some…lol
So you cut yourself shaving…oh well.


I think you may have over reacted. I’m not even sure what he did that made you upset. What was he supposed to do when he was over the phone? You’re going to bleed more in that area. It will be OK. Maybe a little sore but you will be ok.

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Was he supposed to come super glue the hair back on for you in a delicate and detailed fashion? Like what in the world?


So you call him on video chat because you cut yourself shaving and then snapped on him because he didn’t do anything?:thinking: Now I understand why he was drinking whiskey. I feel sorry for him because you seem like an OVERLY dramatic person.:woman_shrugging:t4: You’ve had children so I’m quite sure you have seen it in worse condition. I’m thinking you might want to seek counseling because your reaction was over the top. I’m trying to figure out what you wanted him to do. :woman_facepalming:t4:


I don’t think overreacting is the word for this…sounds like you need to relax!!!


Drink a glass of wine and chill out. You are him because you cut yourself and he didn’t coddle you! No wonder he drinks :roll_eyes:


I’m not meaning to invalidate your feelings but this post made me Lmfao. :joy:If you are serious- Yes. You are overreacting. Like waaayyy over. Also if this is your biggest problem- Life is good. :partying_face:

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Um… yes. You are overreacting


Seems a bit dramatic, but still not okay for him to blow you off if you’re upset by something.

My hubby would have told me to calm down and there’s not much he can do on video. He’s normally home though and he’d have gotten me a towel to clean up.

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I am so confused and concerned… you ho mental because you didn’t shave correctly and your partner didn’t know what to do about it? Am I understanding this correctly or am I imagining/ misunderstanding things ?


If my husband called me to say he cut his ballsack in the shower, id probably roll my eyes & go out for a fag.

Is there more going on here?

GET a new boyfriend !


I think you’re being dramatic. I wouldn’t know how to save your bits either. Good thing he didn’t help while drinking or you could have lost some bologna slices.


Girl you need to drink some of that whiskey too lol dang


Gali Velazquez hilarious

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Leave. Imagine him like that 30
Years from now times 10. Right! That is exactly what happens.

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I mean read your own post and tell me how needlessly emotional it was …


Do you think he should have got into his car and drunkin drove and put the public at risk because your garden was overgrown? :thinking::neutral_face::neutral_face::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Man, ya’ll are bitches
People should know better that to ask any questions on here.

Well…I say drink some wine and know that anything mia right now will very quickly grow back on you…and let your man enjoy his whiskey in peace…


Ummm… my husband would of been drinking a Whiskey telling, me why did you do that? And laughing a bit.

How do you even do that? Had a little Whiskey yourself? Relax


Leave him now he’s so abusive. How dare he not drunk drive and come shave you or fix your mess up… see how ridiculous you seem? Do y’all read this shit before you post?

If he drinks often you won’t be able to come between him and the “Other” woman.

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Maybe he needed a whiskey for the shock :woman_shrugging:


Girl yes you are definitely being dramatic and need to calm down some. I mean really what was he supposed to do over a video call?? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I feel like something is missing in this story. But it is hilarious! Not sure what your expecting is he a paramedic or were you just out of band aides?


My wife would probably make fun of me. She’d say something like “babe don’t you wax vaginas for a LIVING?! How tf you fck up your own p**y so bad?!” :rofl::joy:

So yes I think you’re overreacting. You weren’t dying lol

Idk if someone video called me while naked in the shower with a murder scene vag… i may grab a whiskey too haha

When I was 15, I was shaving my legs. I was in deep thought forgot I was shaving. I managed to cut a chunk of skin off my leg. Let me tell you, that hurt like an SOB. I bled like crazy!

Dramatic. Unless of course you needed serious medical attention, then you had a reason to be upset.


I am married and if my wife video called me with a murdered lady garden I’d cackle until I peed myself then I’d offer her whiskey. What kind of moral support does one need for bloody lady bits? A 911 call?


I’m not sure what you expected him to do?? He can’t have a drink and talk to you on the phone? Seems to me you are being overly sensitive and maybe even trying to create needless drama. I can’t imagine why but I also can’t imagine why you would be upset by this.


Is this a real question. If do, get real

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Maybe you should have called 911 instead of your boyfriend if it was that serious … I mean it unless he was already at the EMS station… and the reason you’re upset is because he was drinking whiskey on the job…


I think maybe you should have called paramedics if it was serious. Your boyfriend probably had no idea what to do. He may also have a weak stomach, hence the drink.


:thinking: After reading this guy popped in my head :joy: A bit Dramatic yes :joy: Yes you are.


Lawd…really? There are a lot of good mental health providers out there for you…Google it on your phone when you are finished posting TMI on here…smh…so you nicked yourself shaving? It will get better…promise…if you were bleeding THAT bad…911 maybe? What was he suppose to do on a video call anyway? You were the one that hung up…give him a minute…dang…lol…prayers for you and your kids in the future…:upside_down_face:


If he’s like most dudes, he really doesn’t care. Most men just want a woman for what we can do for them and aren’t really in it for how they can be a good partner. He sounds ambivalent at best. To me, if it’s not ‘hell yes’ It’s nothing.

I think my husband would just say, that sounds like your personal problem!


Did you want him to give you medical attention ? Or just attention? Sheesh.


Uhhh is he a doctor? Could he have stitched up your bloody junk? No? Then why be mad? Cause he didn’t drop everything and come over to listen to you cry about your cut lady bits?

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Well, the seriousness of this totally just made me realize how insignificant my problems are


What… Did… I… Just… Read?
People are dying in Ukraine, the world is dealing with a pandemic, and you’re worried about your bf drinking whiskey while you trim your bush?? What?!?


Yes you’re overreacting lol


And this is posted in mamas uncut lmao :rofl: I can’t help but laugh right now……


If a boyfriend is doing something that hurts your feelings go to him first. Have an adult conversation tell him he hurt your feelings. He doesn’t get to decided he didn’t. If he can’t hold that adult conversation then leave the relationship. If he can’t acknowledge he hurt your feelings then leave. There is men out there that can acknowledge they upset you. But if you turned down the internet first then you’re not ready for an adult relationship either.

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SMDH!! Anyone who shaved their pussies have all nicked themselves…granted he could of been empathetic but personally I would of LOL hope u heal up well and get a better shaver