Am I overreacting?

Men don’t get excited or crazed about shit. It’s literally bleh all the time. After 20 years of marriage you just get used to it.

If my husband called me to tell me he cut himself shaving I’d yell and hang up on him myself lol maybe just hang up!
You are def Overeacting! What was your bf supposed to do? Honestly what did you expect? Every time I shave it bleeds crazily and stops :woman_shrugging:t2: obviously this wasn’t your first time ever shaving so you knew it can bleed. Were you looking for attention. Maybe im shot but im not sure i even understand this lol. What are you upset about?


Why didn’t you just take care of yourself…by YOURSELF?? Why waste the time showing him your fuvk up instead of just tending to it like…why???
What could HE have possibly done thru a video chat?? Did you need attention THAT badly??? Personally I would have just cleaned and doctor’d myself up and poured a glass of wine and laughed it off…


Lord, you must love drama to be making a big deal out of this. What did you think he should’ve done? Cry? Come and get down on his knees and kiss your feet? No way would he put his mouth on that thing with blood like that unless he was a vampire, they suck that up! Anyways, get a grip girl. Next time just be careful and pay attention. This is all on you, not him. If you do this over something you caused then that’s probably why he drank, I would’ve.

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You’re overreacting. I’m confused on what exactly you wanted him to do?


Lol he’s probably in shock like umm… what’s he gonna do over the phone…

So what did you expect him to do?

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Are you prone to accidents? Sounds like it’s nothing new to him :rofl::rofl: sorry, its not funny if your feelings are hurt but yeah…


It sounds like he’s used to your drama. Less than nothing cuz the man has no comment on your vag murder? girl just say “end scene” and take your dramatic ass to bed

Like I really think my husband would have laughed bc I’m always doing silly stuff… and it makes me laugh right along with him… he knows when to take it seriously


Umm ? What ? I just read I felt I needed to clean up I messed up and my husband laughed because he thought it was funny like everyone else on here and then he proved to drink the whisky and think of how cute you are trying to look cute for him even though you already do ? What’s the problem my boyfriend would be like oh your fine clean up I don’t care what it looks like and drink his drink

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Maybe, he was uncomfortable and unsure what to say.

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Next time go to Groupon!


I don’t think he cared if there was a garden or not …as long as he can plant his seed. …was it bad enough to call 911?
Then obviously not bad enough to expect your so to do anything about. :woman_shrugging:


I’m trying to figure out if this is a real question


Jesus. Seriously? :woman_facepalming:t3:

These comments are awful.

I get it.You hurt yourself, and panicked. You thought him of all people would be able to help calm you down and help out. But he didn’t and that’s frustrating. I mean maybe you should have just hung up instead of snapping, but other than that I don’t think you are overreacting. Your feelings are valid.

I feel like if you said you cut your wrist or any other body part that left a crime scene everyone in these comments would be like “wow how unsupportive you could have seriously been hurt and he should be there for you!” And he would probably have a different reaction too. I don’t see the difference.


I promise you it’s not that serious! You didn’t bleed out. You retained enough blood to ask something this asinine to the group. Or are you asking from the ER as you get your vag stitched up?


Better off a memory. :wink::pray:t3::v::earth_asia: Move On, he cearly doesn’t care or respect you. :smirk::raising_hand_woman:

Ummm, why would you send him a video of your murder scene? Maybe he was terribly turned off.

Ummm I feel like there’s a lot of missing info here because hwat?


My boyfriend probably would have laughed at me, provided it wasn’t requiring stitches or something serious. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, maybe he just didn’t know what to say :sweat_smile:


Ummmmmmm hello ladies maybe he is a Vag. Surgeon!!! Damn let the poor girl finish what she was trying to say… DAAAAAANG!!!

We’re you bleeding terrible and he didn’t care? Were you hurt and he didn’t care? I’m just trying to figure out what your feelings are?


Lol. Is this a troll post? Cause it made my night


So you thought the best thing to do was video chat him ??? Did he ask if you were ok ? Coz as soon as you said you were ok I would laugh my head of coz it’s kinda funny lol


Talk about overreacting. It will grow back. He probably wanted to laugh!:woman_shrugging:


Little girl, grow up. why even post this?


Why isn’t he doing it for you? :woman_shrugging:

Definitely overreacting!!! Lol mine would have done the same thing and I would have to him also.

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A murder scene is pretty bad in my opinion, coz it means someone has died. So I’m guessing it wasn’t a murder scene & he was just sitting back enjoying a drink while checking out your vagina. :beers:

Well for starters lots of blood flow going on down there, and if he panics and you panic well we’re all screwed 🥲


Huh!? What? He’s a guy… wtf did you want his reaction to be! Hes probably mortified. Like what


I’m not really sure what he could have done for you? Second he probably didn’t know what you should do. Lastly i understand your panic, but you can’t be mad at him.


I’m confused by what he was supposed to do in that situation.


You badly needed his attention huh. :speak_no_evil:


What were we expecting him to do, jump through the phone? Race over to your place to the needs of your pubes? “Oh no babe, I’m on my way with some glue” :eyes::unamused::woman_facepalming:


The single life is great, I get to sort my shit and find myself before bringing a guy into my world . Highly recommend.

If we are all confused as to what you needed…Im sure he was too. Hes a man. Men drink whiskey. As a girl…I wouldve popped open a beer, laughed at you, and told you to shave that shit. You’ll be fine. Its really not that big of a deal? I dont get it…? :roll_eyes::woman_shrugging:

Damn and I thought I was dramatic. This is a whole different level of dramatic. What was he supposed to do??? That poor man! There was nothing for him to do, he probably didn’t know what to say and you’re sitting there saying he doesn’t feel anything for you? You said you feel like less than nothing right now, feeling like that starts with you and isn’t something he can fix. Learn your self-worth girl. You’re way more than nothing but you can’t rely on someone else to make you feel better about yourself.

What exactly was he suppose to do? Feel sorry you did something dumb especially considering its not any type of emergency? Are you pregnant? This feels like pregnancy hormones


What did you expect him to do? Really I think your over reacting big time

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Should’ve called a female friend instead


Dudes dont care bout shit and if ur dying they are thinking whats getting left to me when she gone.

I mean…people do be thirsty…
If I butchered my hoo ha, I’d be drinking too.
But since you are asking for advice?
Girl, grow up and let the man drink his whiskey.
You could have a toxic dude that makes you feel bad because you won’t wanna get it on for a few days.
Just like your poonani, this too shall heal.
On a super serious note: wishes for a speedy recovery cause girl, I feel you :rofl:


I’m really confused on what you did to make yourself bleed? How did u cut the shit out of yourself? :joy: Just trying to figure that part out first lol I guess in my house it would be a never ending story with both of us dying laughing at stupid crap we do

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Huh? Did some of the post get cut out? Bc I probably would have dead ass laughed :skull: but you didn’t mention him doing that. So I’m confused

What was he supposed to do? You’re definitely overreacting. There are so many things to get upset with another person for, I honestly didn’t know this situation even warranted a spot on the list.


What kind of person video chats a person they are supposed to love and hits them in the face with a murdered twat? I would imagine he did whip out a bottle of whiskey. That’s a sight he will never forget seeing as long as he lives.


My bf would have just laughed at me :rofl::rofl::rofl: if he started crying I would be a hell of a lot more worried

What was he suppose to do? You cut yourself maybe? Trimmed badly? Who cares. It’s not like you’re dying. You’re overreacting way way too much


Hell, He is Depressed, Now you need time to heal before he can play.

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You’re definitely overreacting. He can’t read your mind and it’s unreasonable for you to expect him to do so. If you’re questioning your entire relationship over a single phone call… you need to reevaluate your relationship. I’m not saying leave him. But I’m saying evaluate why you feel that way. Cuz I have a guess it has more to do with you than him. And I don’t mean that as an attack. But you are in control of your happiness. And you’re choosing to be upset over something that I think the vast majority of people would agree is literally nothing. I couldn’t imagine leaving my boyfriend over a single phone conversation or feeling like I meant nothing to him because he didn’t give me the emotional reaction I wanted.

I think that there’s an underlying issue. And I think it’s with you.

Point of reference: I have been married 14 years and have been with my husband much longer (21 years) and if I video called him with my butchered bits he would straight laugh and ask “what the hell babe? ask Freddie Kruger for a trim?”


I can’t believe this is even a question!! You sound like a drama queen


I mean i don’t normally defend guys, but unless you cut your clit or a lip off, there’s really not much he could do, except try not to laugh and have a drink, because not gonna lie, if I had been him, I would’ve said “hold up! You what?!” Hang on a second…” then poured myself a drink, said “lemme see it again”, then told you to explain how you murdered the :cat: and then I would’ve laughed my ass off while making the wildest suggestions like trimming your hair off your head to make a wig, in the style of a mullet or with braids or a ponytail, or just grab a bunch of hair out of the hairbrush and wad it up and glue it on, then use a permanent marker to draw a smiley face on it, so it wouldn’t look so bad. I’m terrible at stuff like that and make horrible jokes, unless it’s like a very serious accident, and in that case, I would make sure you got to the ER for treatment and then made fun of you while in there too. :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:Seriously, did you want or need him to call an ambulance or what? If not, patch the :cat: wounds up and go pour yourself a glass, and then call him back and apologize and hope he doesn’t think you’re completely batshit crazy enough to dump over trying to murder the :cat: with a :razor:. Calm down. It’s not that serious, really. Call him back and apologize.

Linda Jean the comments :joy:

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These comments though :joy::joy::joy:


Why cause such stupid unnecessary drama?? Do you enjoy it?? Cause that’s exactly what this is… 100% drama queen shit

He shoulda called 911. Is this really who you want to give your heart and shaven regions to? Ask yourself, really. :smirk:


First world problems….

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Idk what you wanted him to do? If you think you are bleeding too much throw on a pad or apply pressure and get yourself to medical care.


Honestly what did you expect him to do?

Because idk about you but If my man screams and cries with me and says “oh no honey! Me too!”
Then he’s not my man anymore he’s my sister.


Wow lmao out of everything you could be more worried about and thats what youre flipping out over… Lmao… What did you honestly want him to do? If it was calling my other half or even my ex-husband they literally would have died laughing and then asked why i waited until i was tired to try to shave.


He was probably at a loss for words, kind of like I am. :woman_shrugging:t2:
He’s probably the last person I would’ve called… actually I wouldn’t have called anybody.
Shake it off you’ll be fine


You were shaving your vagina, fucked up and you want sympathy lol girl don’t get upset over nothing. It ain’t worth it

I mean… in this scenario what were you hoping for him to do?? :thinking:

My goodness. What exactly did you expect him to do?

Men are from mars……you know the rest !

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I’ve read some things but this takes the cake. What was he supposed to say? What did you use!? Have you ever paid “her” that kind of attention before? Did you get your trimmer from the Maximum Overdrive line? I just dont understand how he reacted made it about him and not how you over reached to your grooming technique.


Sorry love , but you are overreacting …no wonder hubby is drinking :roll_eyes: and if a butchered moot gets you this fired up …I don’t blame him


Are we talking Like bleeding as in you’re gonna bleed to death from the vag or bleeding like probably almost every girl when it’s been to long and we try and tackle the hairy vageen?


Sorry hun but I don’t know what you expected him to do. You will be ok. It’s gonna hurt awhile but hey it happens. Even if he was right there next to you he can’t fix it.

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What did you want him to say or do is my question. Cuz I’m a little confused :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

  1. If you were bleeding profusely, were you asking him if you should go to the ER? Did you want him to take you to the hospital or rush over with bandages and antiseptic?

  2. Men want to be practical and solve problems. He probably has no idea what your grooming entails, no idea why you do it, and thus nothing to compare it to in his repertoire (unless he manscapes), so thus, no solution.
    It’s like if Neil Degrasse Tyson showed you something about quantum physics and said, “Well? What are we going to do?” Or if your boyfriend sent a video of himself peeing and asked if you thought he needed his prostate checked.

  3. Men don’t think like women. If you want something from them, you have to be blunt and specific. Did you want him to come over and hold you? Bring stuff from CVS to stanch the bleeding and protect the wound? Drive you to the hospital? Reassure you it’ll be alright? Tell you it doesn’t look too bad? I’m sure he felt at a loss about what to do, and was afraid of making things worse if he opened his mouth, so did nothing.

I’m sorry you hurt yourself. Maybe call someone who shaves their lady parts next time for advice and/or sympathy.


Like maybe ur about to start ur period. That’s how I feel about u right now? Definitely overreacting.


maybe he was to drunk to understand the issue :joy:

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Did you nick your skin? Is that why you messed it up?

What was he supposed to do?

My husband would have laughed at me (even when we were dating) and asked if I was ok…but that’s probably about it lol

I feel you’re over reaction may have freaked him out a little bit too…how long have you been together?? A few months…yeah, he’s freaked out. A year or 2?? He’s trying to figure out what to say.

We need more details on the conversation but it appears that you got a little dramatic.


Ma’am you and your busted :lion: need to have a drank and call it a night. You’ve done enough for today. Shut :clap:it :clap:down :clap:


…I’d need a stiff drink after a video call like that too


Why is everyone hating here?
She hurt herself and turned to her partner for support. :tipping_hand_woman: I would be hurt of my partner acted that way.


Definitely overreacted…I can see being a lil butthurt maybe but “snapping” over something so small seems a bit ridiculous.
Also, if you were injured to the point of thinking it’s severe enough that someone should be worried then maybe you should go to the ER. Otherwise something like that wouldn’t seem very significant to someone else, especially a man.


If you want support never ring your partner, mum and BFF is the way to go :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: men don’t get it :roll_eyes:


Wtf are you trying to say, your message makes no sense…


Next time schedule a wax

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Everyone says to gèt a drink yourself I thínk you may wanna pèe on a stick and see if there’s a third baby on the way. You definitely òver reacted here. What wàs he supposed to do glue a líttle cùt back together?!?


Are you serious right now? You’re freaking out over his reaction because you messed up shaving the vag? C’mon​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I can’t with the post


What have I just read :joy::joy:


I keep reading trying to find the part where he made you feel like he “literally doesn’t feel anything towards you at all.” So you cut yourself shaving/trimming which… happens. Especially there in that area. Then you called him and since he didn’t respond the way you thought he should which how he should’ve responded is unclear to me as well… you snapped and are convinced that he has no feelings for you. :woman_facepalming:t2:


If I cut myself shaving anywhere I’m not making a big deal or even telling anyone, let alone video calling my bf to show him and cry about it. You’re definitely overreacting. Lol


Over Reacting :100:. The dude has no feelings lol


What would you do if he called you to tell you he cut his ball sack shaving? Probably nothing… wtf are you supposed to do? Wtf is HE supposed to do?


You’re stupid-period!!!

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OMG, I’m so sorry but that truly really is funny. Yes you did overreact but we all do sometimes. It’s fine.


What were you trimming yourself with a chainsaw ? Bit dramatic no :thinking:


Wow :joy::joy:well thanks for cheering me up wen I’m so tired :joy:

fully, 100% overreacting. stop being a baby.


Sounds like you should have used Nair hair remover cream

It sounds like you need to go to bed and try again tomorrow. It all functions the same, you’ll be alright.


I decided at 1am to down load and read previous comments to this post, BIG MISTAKE!! I’m over here with my face smashed into my pillow, so as to not :joy: laugh :joy: too loud and wake my hubby, asleep next to me! Hahahahaha!!! You can’t be serious!?