Am I overreacting?

If someone pulls their BMW in my driveway for a spell that doesn’t give me the right to drive it or my kids. Just because a room must be shared doesn’t mean PERSONAL Belongings must be shared. If that’s the case. Bite the bullet, use a nice room divider and share your space mom, it’s a sacrifice but only temporarily. Then the other grandchildren are not stressing YOU out.


Unfortunately it is her home so her rules. My niece has a bedroom at my moms and all the kids refer to all the toys as her toys because they didn’t feel like they were there for all of them.

You’re not wrong for feeling this way at all. Whether it be her home or not, does she invite people over and let them have at it with her valuable shit? Probably not. It should be not different with kids. I’d say nothing more about it and put the stuff up in your room when you know those kids are coming over without having to get a say so from anyone.

To those telling her to not buy expensive toys, we don’t know the situation and she may have been able to afford those expensive toys in the past AND keep up with her bills.

But with Covid and nearly everything shooting up in price, it’s possible she wasn’t able to keep up and has now stopped buying those toys. That doesn’t mean that the previous toys werent/arent expensive, just means she can’t buy MORE!

Though back to the OP, yes, it is her house so technically her rules, but those are YOUR belongings. You have the right to tell her no and to put those toys up. My sons each have a special toy that we don’t let other kids play with (much less each other) and they are still able to correctly share all their other toys with no issue


There’s a lot wrong here. First, if they are graciously letting you stay in their home, then you go by their rules. Second, your child can always put important toys away when friends are there. My kids put their electronics in their closets when their cousins come and play because kids do break things… third, this arrangement doesn’t seem like it’s going to work… get your own place.


I don’t ever even comment on these but this one was strange for me. Lol I know everyone is different but I find this strange. If they offered you to live there, knowing their grandchild would also be living there, most of the time I would think they would automatically believe or be under the impression that you would be using two separate rooms for the parents and for the kid. At least my family absolutely would.
I’m not sure if the issue here is the fact that you had the idea of giving the second room to your son or putting some of his toys up. But if they had any issue with you having an idea about him having that room, I can understand it being their house and you respecting that. But, again, I would think it would be normal to assume he wouldn’t have been living in your room with y’all.
If the issue is the toys, I can’t seem to understand everyone jumping on board saying if you have rules you need to go. Because if an adult was ever living with roommates (which many now are given the current financial state of the world), they would still be want privacy and respect for their things. If you fell on hard times as an adult without kids and needed to live with family for a little while, it would be totally normal to most people for any one of you in the house to keep things of yours put up or in your room or whatever when people are over. So why it’s being made some big deal about a kid’s toys is beyond me. Especially if you’re leaving the rest of them out. I mean, I teach my kids to share all the time but I also teach them that it’s ok if there are times when they want to use their things at the time and don’t want someone else using them but not to be rude about it. Because that’s also teaching them that you don’t always HAVE to say yes to everything in situations when you don’t want to or feel uncomfortable.
Maybe the rest of the world just doesn’t have any empathy. People fall on hard times and struggle sometimes. Hopefully none of you ever do. But the fact that y’all wouldn’t, as an adult, let someone in your family tell you that you weren’t allowed to put any of your personal belongings up if someone came over but think this is exactly how it should be with her child is wild.
I could even understand just sharing the one room and leaving the other room open in case anyone else decided to come over and stay but I still wouldn’t see anything wrong with wanting to keep his good stuff put up.
I’m confused about what has everyone so triggered by that on here.

Nobody ever seems to try to think of any other possibilities or have any empathy. I mean it’s also possible she bought toys for her kid and then fell on hard times. I know quite a few people who have some nice things for themselves or their kids and the lost their jobs due to Covid and then ended up losing everything. It may not be that if she worried about her living situation as much as her kids expensive toys she wouldn’t be in this situation. Toxic mentality and lifestyles seem to be at an all time high these days :thinking:

I wouldn’t want some one messing withy expensive things an break them

Wow that’s crazy they are kids and toys are just toys

I feel like there isn’t enough context here.


She going to be a pain don’t even move in.


Adults don’t share like I dont agree here but in general i never understood that… I cant go up to some chick in the mall and be like i want that purse let me use it for awhile, thatd be insane! Lol idk why some people expect their kids to share everything like being nice to feiends and even strangers is one thing but forced to share is weird.


Wow, it’s not your house! So not your rules. Why can’t you share the room with your child? It’s like you want to take up both rooms, and then the other kids don’t have an area to play. Your being ungrateful. Just keep your and your child’s thi gs in your room. And stop trying to be greedy with someone helping you. Are you paying bills? Then you have no say on the spare room that she let’s her kids or grandkids play in and have a place to sleep when they do stay. If you want all control and say. Then get out now and get your own place. Just ungrateful. Like she said you don’t want other kids touching your kids stuff. And yes it’s her house and her grandkids had the room before you moved in. You can’t stay at someone’s house and then be demanding he have his own room. Its not like it’s a permanent thing. And your child isn’t old enough to need his own room. How bout you just be grateful they offered you a place to stay. Your just taki.g advantage of the situation. If I was your in law. You’d be out on your a$$ if you came at me with that.

and I was like and I was like


Maybe if you weren’t buying “expensive” things for your kid you wouldn’t have to stay there to “catch up” on things. How are you going to watch other children from her home? Your priorities don’t seem to be in the right order. Just my opinion tho.


Live somewhere else…this is already toxic on both sides


Pack his precious toys away till you find your own place


You should not move in it’s already a problem


No your are right. He should have some things that are just his!


Dont go there find somethig else, Wont work VERY LOW ENERGY ON HER PART …:thinking:


Just tell her either let you put the pricey toys up, or if any other child breaks them while she’s forced your child to share them, then any toy that’s been broken she will have to replace them, if she won’t replace the broken toys then maybe stick with your idea and put them away :woman_shrugging:


He should be able to have things just for him and be kept nice.
I would communicate with her and make sure you work out rules/ boundaries before moving in.
Another thing to ask her…. When your child goes there to play is that child expected to allow your son access to ALL his toys?? If it’s expected of your son it should be expected of the other child too.


I think when a child is going through such a change like that they should have their own boundaries. Its already going to be rough enough for them already. That being said- you’re already having the mental struggle of giving up your power to them if you’re going to be living with them. This is more about you both being heads of house holds and trying to coexist- I am telling you now it is not a good idea.

This is toxic as hell and you haven’t even tried it out yet. I lived with my MIL and the power struggle is real and believe me- just don’t do it.

I cant just walk into my cousins room and go touch her things. It doesn’t work like that as an adult and all kids need to learn boundaries.


I used to be so strict about my child sharing her toys cause I thought it would make her a brat not teaching her to share. I seen a video of a woman on TikTok explaining why she doesn’t make her kids share and it changed my whole outlook on it. If you force kids to share, they will grow up and think other people have to share with them and think their entitled to other peoples belongings. She said she gave her kids the choice to share or not and her kids are more willing to share now. It teaches them boundaries and respect for other peoples belongings to let them have a choice. But because it’s your in law’s house, I would just do my best to compromise on some things to make it easier on yourself while staying there.


It’s your kid and your belongings if you don’t want them playing with them put them away. Obviously it’s still their house so be respectful but you should have a choice in who uses your belongings. Also if its put away before anyone gets there what’s the difference the other kids won’t even know its there.


You shouldn’t move in with ur in laws it’s bound to not work out and cause issues either way! And no your not in the wrong I do the same thing with my daughters things! certain things are put up when other kids come around because I don’t want them broken!

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Buy some cheaper toys they can play with too together

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She’s ridiculous if she thinks kids that don’t have that much relation to you have free will to your child’s expenssive things. There’s a limit to sharing. I don’t even make my son share his favorite stuffed animal. If another kid grabs it to play with it I have them give it back or give it to me. The toy itself cost me $20 but to my son he’s priceless and I don’t need another kid ruining that for him.


Good answer… put the don’t touch stuff up & away. Share the rest.

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My God it is only toys , who cares . In a few years those TOYS are going to the garbage. You are going to look back and say how childish.


Don’t live there " it’s already toxic " every child should be able to have their very own things ,I would not like others playing with them " please find somewhere else to live "


… would she be okay with her valuables being thrown around by children?
Pit your kids things up that you don’t want touched. Bc if they get broken, guess who won’t be replacing them…


I don’t blame you at all especially when you’re the one paying for them. This is where boundaries are learned and taught maybe she should find some and learn herself!!!:facepunch:

You paid for the toys it’s up to you…Maybe Keep his more valuable toys in your room. He can play with them in your room.

Toys are toys…they will eventually get broken or messed up…shatingbis caring. If you don’t want certain toys to be shared with their siblings, then you shouldn’t of brought them…stingybin my eyes

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I’ve always said that if my girls allows other to play with THEIR toys, that’s fine. But they definitely do not have to share if they don’t to

Nah. My kids have expensive things that aren’t supposed to be “played” with. Like their reborn dolls. I paid way too much money for them to be ruined by another child.
We told them they’re not allowed to go anywhere where there are other kids and they have to take very good care of them. They must be treated like real babies because they are collectors items. They take VERY good care of their reborn dolls.I’m surprised at how well my 5 year old takes care of her’s and her sister’s dolls, when she’s the one who ends up being the one to break things.

I don’t have to share MY things, so I don’t expect my children to share their personal items.

They have certain toys and things they HAVE to share, and other items are their’s and their’s alone.
Like my toddler’s toys, he doesn’t have to share because his sisters are too big for them.
But the blocks are for everyone and they have to share. Same for other items they have.
My girls have to share most of their Barbies, but not all of them.

My girls don’t have to share their tablets, but my 5 year old tattles on her sister when she doesn’t share her’s. When the 5 year old has her own tablet. :joy: (They do this with a lot of their things they have multiples of.)

Honestly, I’d put them in storage since you can’t trust them to not break them.
It doesn’t matter what the items are. They could be sentimental or even collectibles.
I wouldn’t want other people playing with my kids things if they’re just going to mistreat them and break them either. I hate buying things and then they break too.
It’s not your house, but you’re allowed to have boundaries when it comes to your things. Her already crossing those boundaries is a red flag. I wouldn’t move in. I don’t like people messing with my stuff.

I don’t care who’s house it is, you both deserve to be respected. If she can’t respect your wishes, don’t move in…or put the valuables in storage.

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Nah your child doesnt have to share that’s a bs social construct I think teaches your kids not to have personal boundaries from the beginning. There are certain things I wouldnt want other kids coming over to play with because if they break them who’s paying to replace them? Not fair to your child to be forced to share things they dont want to or are worried will be destroyed. My oldest is 6 and I’ve kept nearly all of his toys probably for the simple fact he treated them well and not a bunch of kids were roughing them up. She does.t get to decide what to so with your personal property just because you’re staying there. If there are things she wants the children to have collectively then she should spend her own money on toys for them to share. That’s like saying well I own my home but you’re welcome to ownership to it as well even though you didnt put anything in on it. Oh I bought this car but its yours too… we dont just walk into home of a stranger and say oh i like this lamp we can just share it.


Although I agree that your kid shouldn’t have to share his things if he doesn’t want to because they are his, I’m kinda thinking how does someone get invited to stay with anyone and suggest anything about rooming arrangements? I’d be grateful someone would consider taking me and my kids in and I just feel entitlement radiating from this post lbvs


Know where you are coming from. My niece constantly broke my kid’s stuff on purpose coming over here. She would tell her mom she wanted to come over and play,then come over and bully my kid and break her things. Banned her from coming over. However…can’t do that in MILS home. If want to hide some stuff…hide it in your room and dont say anything about it. Just say put out everything for them to play with and dont let on put stuff up for safe keeping. She continues this and isnt happy at that…then move out. Kids can be mean boogers. Always told my daughter her breakable stuff like her tablet and game system are to be put up when company is over. There is a whole box and closet of other stuff they can play with.

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Kids ha e no value for other kids Toys they will break his shit and go home to theirs I put stuff up all the time not everyone will handle others with care. I agree with you 100%

If thats what you want then you need to get your OWN place. Since this is their house, THEIR RULES PERIOD


Nope not at all. I feel the same way! I bought my daughter a $200 barbie house that her cousin poured soda all over it AND put chocolate pudding in the oven and sink of the kitchen part of it. I also bought my daughter a play kitchen that cost over $300 that that same cousin poured more soda all over it and ruined/lost some of the accessories to… I put them up bc we’ll, I bought them and if they can’t play correctly with the toys, then they won’t play with it at all. I don’t care who I upset. My daughter loves those toys and agreed to put them up so they didn’t get more destroyed. My daughter is 5 and she wasn’t even upset about having to put them up. It’s sad that my daughter wants to put her things up so they don’t get further ruined instead of being able to play with her toys. She shares her other toys, but those are special to her!


Get your own place :woman_shrugging::yawning_face:


If someone comes to my home I have allowed them to be there. Therefore that means I trust them to enjoy our toys and have fun. Anything I have issue with others touching I put away before they come over.


don’t move in with anyone or it will get much worse. Two families can’t live together and be happy


I mean if you have to move into your in-laws or family, maybe you should save your money and not worry about expensive toys!!!
Or are you just staying there to mooch off then?


You need a place to live? Get your priorities straight! Clearly you’ve spent money on toys rather than securing your child’s future.


The things you don’t want destroyed are put away in a closet. I’m sure he has other toys that are shareable. So, I ask her, so what if the nicer things are put away? The others don’t need to know and could care less as long as they have other things to play with. (And I’m sure they have loads, and loads, and loads.
Not sure how this issue came up in the first place.


My husband did this with my son’s tractors, by the time my husband felt like he was responsible enough to play with them with his cousins and stuff, without breaking them, my son no longer wanted to play with tractors… :person_shrugging:


Your teaching children greed and selfishness and your the one needing a place to live it sounds like you don’t need to stay there, get a job and pay for your place


Just stop going there

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Expensive toys that can’t be played with but no money for your own place… :frog::coffee:


I have been a mom for almost 13 years and I still mostly go to second hand stores instead of buying new. If I’m getting something for my child I want them to enjoy it and I don’t want the stress of worrying about if something new and expensive is going to get broken.

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If I say no it means no regardless of what it is when it comes to my child and our stuff. I pay for it I don’t need to share it sorry not sorry


The writing is on the wall already regarding the in-laws, do not put yourself through the misery you are destined for.


You write the rules for your child, not someone else’s.

Either look for different place to stay - or put the things he doesn’t want his cousins to play with in YOUR room and tell them that they can NOT go in your room.


Your child does not need to share those toys with anyone. I don’t get it why can’t a kid have something that is their’s that they don’t share we adults do everyone has there things that they paid for and don’t lend out because they like them.
Those saying she should save her money and not buys toys, you don’t have a clue about her circumstances maybe she bought the toys when she was better off or saved for them :sweat_smile: I have bought expensive stuff for my child or saved for it. Money is tight but my kid shouldn’t always have to go without and what I do get her she can keep to herself if she wants…like your all perfect and never had money issues ever? Good grief​:woman_facepalming:t2:


I do this too, I don’t care what anyone says. My kids have been taught to not break their toys. Their dads brothers kids on the other hand do not treat things the same and will come right through the door and break it almost immediately. It sucks, but some kids weren’t taught the same. I do have to say none of my kids have really grown to be “selfish” like a bunch of people are saying. They see how other kids are and know that isn’t the way we take care of our things.


Well you buy them… I would be the same way if my kids had really nice expensive toys, id put them up when other kids are around so they dont get broke or destroyed… Shes jus starting an arguement over nothing… She didnt buy those things. She should mind her business

Omg. Dont move in. Both are fussy.
Get your own place if youre cant be on the same page


People are being so judgey, maybe these toys were bought before she hit tough times. Either way I would just bust my butt harder to make ends meet in my own home. Get a second job, pick up a side hobby that can bring money in. But if you don’t like the way they expect things in their home then that’s on you.

When u live under someone else’s roof u gotta bend maybe she didn’t mean it as harsh as u took it at least she knows how u are and gave u a straight answer to avoid future conflict I would chew and swallow it is what it is


They are letting you stay and sounds like your trying to call the shots abit. If you actually don’t want others near things don’t get them out while not in your own home as you can’t really say the other kids can’t go in that room as it’s realistically not yours. I’d put all stuff just for your child in storage until in your own space. I mean my kids have always been taught to share, was no other way as is 5 of them. I think it will teach a child greed in a sense.


Jennifer Lossing i agree with and i did the same my son is turning 12 now. It is not about the money sometimes you see something nice but price you buy it and my son do play with it but if his friends comes around he puts the things away that he soes not want them to play with. This he has done since he was like 3 4 years old. It did not teach him selfishness it taught him to value his things qeather it is expensive or cheap same principle goes. But its my money i bought it who you to tell me otherwise unless you buy as much as i do but you don’t. I did not read anywhere that she is jobless but people are saying she must get a job and she must get her priorities straight cause she buys expensive toys but don’t have a house. Before Covid everyone was fine now i know of alot of friends who were well off who lost everything. So now people are saying they wear expensive clothes but the living of other people. You don’t know the circumstances. She is asking advise regarding the behaviour of the mother inlaw not for you to judge her circumstances which you have no clue about.

It seems more that they trying to control you. It doesn’t mean because you staying with them that they can tell you what to do with your stuff. Don’t let them. My advice make use of the idea you had cause it starts out so small next thing its gone be worse. It will happen gradually. Just don’t move in.


Yeah you are way out of line. You need to remember she loves all of her grandkids and wants them to feel welcome at her home. You refer to your nieces/nephews as “other kids” rather than family or your child’s cousins. Maybe you shouldn’t get so comfortable in your in-laws home, don’t bring the nice stuff. Leave the nice stuff behind so your child can play with it all alone, rather bring the cheap stuff, all the broken crayons and let the cousins make memories together.


Tell her you’ll be using her clothes, make up, fragrances etc… after all … it’s nice to share and you should be “allowed to touch anything you want to”…


Biggest mistake don’t do it, wat a disaster this is gonna turn out


Get ur own apartment, that way ur house ur rules. Simple


Find another place to stay.Shes already giving you a glimpse of what staying with her is going to be like.


Wow so negative. You have every right to keep special thing for your kids. I have two kids and there are some things they don’t share with each other.


My kids know how to share but are also told if the toy is theirs they do not have to. They also are taught not to expect every kid to want to share their toys. It teaches them not to be entitled adults and helps them learn respect of theirs and others things.


And I don’t see anywhere in there where her MIL says she couldn’t put the toys out of reach of the other kids. What I’m reading is she’s upset over nothing really and seems extremely ungrateful. Especially, considering for the most part, her child will have his own room until the other grandchildren come over. Everyone seems more focused on the toys and I’m more or less pointing out how she’s seems very entitled. I would never move in someone else’s house and feel that my child should have their own room. I’d share a room with him save my money and find my own place. The rest of this is so trivial in the grand scheme of it. These people have no home of their own but are worried about toys. :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:


Nothing wrong with your child having things put up that are just theirs and don’t have to share.
Hell your child doesn’t have to share what is in their hand if they don’t want to in that moment. I understand the concept of sharing what’s around and not being played with, I never understood the hand that toy over you’re clearly enjoying playing with at the moment because xyz wants it now. No. That’s rude and acting entitled to someone else’s things.

Just put the good things away when they come over or even the whole time you are there. Don’t make a big deal over it. Just do it.

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Nope don’t do it. The only options you have are don’t move in but struggle for a bit, move in and suffer pretty sure the relationship will be nuked, maybe move in but put most of your things in storage but still a guarantee that there will be no boundaries. Where is your partner in all of this? What are they saying? Are these the kind of people who put strings on things? Throw it in your face?

Why don’t you just get your own place problem solved then

I have taken in 3 foster children in my family currently. 2 of them have a room which is typically where my other niece’s and nephews stay wjen they visit…they too are not allowed to make the others feel unwelcome. They must share all the toys I have purchased. Period.

When my girls go over to their cousin’s house, thier cousin puts up everything he doesn’t want them to touch. It’s because it’s his things and it’s very respectful imo. I fully agree kids should have their own property. Sharing is not for the expensive stuff. If he feels the girls are getting out of hand with a toy of his he will walk out say mom can you put this up. He is super responsible specifically for a 6yr. I do the same at my house for the girls. I learned it from my SIL. it’s respectful for your child.


Why do u think they will break anything kids are kids they like to play with each other toys. But as its not your house you have no say about what goes on

Children share. Its a life lesson. I dont understand what you are saying. Are these toys crazy expensive, made of gold what?

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When my neices and nephew come over they are allowed to play with my kids toys the only toy there not allowed to play with is my oldest boys pig teddy from moana, he has autism and that’s his only special item so they can’t touch that as they break things alot and if they broke that teddy it would distress my son really badly xxx


I grew up in the post WW2 era, when toys weren’t as readily available as they are today. I had very few “store bought” toys. One such toy was a farm tractor made by the Auburn Rubber Company. A neighbor was using our barn while he was having a new barn built on his property. One day his son and grandson stopped to visit. The grandson grabbed the tractor and immediately ripped the head off of the driver and front wheels off of the tractor. I was devastated. My father bought another tractor for me. Soon the son and grandson came again. I rushed to hide my new tractor, but was chastised for being unwilling to share my toys and was told that I had to bring it back outside. I did, only to see him do the exact same thing again. The second tractor was never replaced, which left me feeling bitter about sharing.
My point is that we should teach our children to share, but allow them to have special possessions that are set aside, and by all means, use discretion as to who they are sharing with. Those who are careful and respectful of others property are allowed access to more and nicer things than those who are rough and careless with them.
Anyone who cannot understand that is an enabler of disrespectful behavior.


Get your own place. You can’t expect to go into someone else’s home and lay down your own rules :flushed:


I would just quietly put the special ones away in a cupboard and not say anything. I have had my kids toys wrecked by their cousins and only happened twice because when they came I would put them up


Get u n your child own place or you’re going to b miserable. Look at what’s going on n what’s being said already. It’s only going to get worse‼️

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Stay in your own house. Get caught up there. You will be sorry if you go further with this.


As adults, we aren’t expected to share everything we own so I don’t understand why it’s expected of children. Kids setting boundaries over things that they consider valuable while also sharing other things that they enjoy CAN coexist.

Let’s not teach children to feel as though they’re entitled to everything someone else owns. As long as the toys are put away prior to others arriving, I don’t see an issue.

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I never worried about the price of things, but if the toy was special to my kids and they wanted to put them up when we had company, they were put up.
Kids have a gazillion toys, putting up a few that hold sentimental value is not going to teach them to be selfish.
If I were you, I’d find my own place asap.

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special toys I put up

Sorry can’t fathom what you are saying with the amount of ‘like’ mid sentence


I used to just let the kids that come over play with anything. Way to many missing toys, or broken toys from others. Now I put everything up. They only play with what I allow. Toys are expensive. Best to put them up vs deal with stress and broken toys nobody will be willing to replace.
You are moving into their home to help pget caught up on stuff, no need to argue over things. Or have tension. But I would rather struggle on my own then deal with someone else’s rules.

Sounds to me like you need to stop spending so much money on these expensive toys and crap and get your own place !! You expect others to share their items with you and your children ! you are living in her house - where she shares her electricity , water , food , living space and anything else you may need or want . I’d be ashamed !! Suppose your mother in law acted like you - she only laid out the less expensive food etc and said I’m saving the other items because they are pricey so you guys can use only the items I select ! Your mother in law is right if you continue to act this way your children will follow in your footsteps and will become a selfish adult .


Who even buys expensive toys for kids these days​:thinking:I know I don’t bother anymore with my kids…5 and 7 yr old anyways (ADHD)last Xmas things were broken within a day and getting glued back together…:woman_facepalming:t2::weary:

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Keep them packed away while you guys are there. There’s no need for drama when they are giving you the space to use while your little family get your things sorted. Be grateful that you have someone to be able to help you in a time of need.


My children and I lived with my parents for a little bit and when my sister would come over with her daughters to play, they usually shared. But if my kids had something new, special, sentimental, you’re damn right it got put away until they left and my mother COMPLETELY UNDERSTOOD. Kids are rough on toys. Especially young ones. My kids should be allowed to have things that are just THEIRS.

Some of these people are assholes. That’s YOUR CHILD, and YOUR POSSESSIONS. what you say goes PERIOD. I don’t give a damn whose house it is. The whole, “my house, my rules” bs is a manipulative and controlling power move and its GARBAGE. If you have another option, please take it. If not, you may just have to pick and choose certain items to have packed away until you move back out.

My kids each have their own toys that are THEIRS. The others arent allowed to play with it without permission and supervision. Makeup, legos, cell phone and ride on toys. They are allowed to have toys that are special to them.

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Your in laws sound like they want one room to stay empty…… they are offering to open their home to you so you can get “caught up” and back on your feet…. Imo sounds like you are figuring ; since they have thespace, may as well take advantage of it. If its supposed to be a short term thing to get bqck on your feet, accept the offer, deal with a little inconvenience and get back out in your own place as fast as possible. …. Still will probably be a cheaper living situation than a motel, and deffinitely better than a shelter. If its a matter of needing a place to live , at least its a familar place to your kids and you arent totally uprooting them and having to explain why you are constantly having to relocate and the kid having little to nothing to play with and still probably in a one room place