get a grip, he was being friendly and concerned if you couldn’t get formula
You’re looking too deep into a simple question. I’m sorry you have to take a 1 week old out into the world. I was able to stay in for 3 months.
Yeah you’re overreacting lol
He was praising you.
Take the compliment and go on with your life
What is happening here? Literally, looking for something to be offended by. Sign of the times, for sure.
Definitely over reacting
I got that that also most people assume these days that they formula feed. It’s ok but your over reacting.
You are completely over reacting he’s old-school I’m watching anybody have to tricky one to seeing you breast-feed why not just announce it because it’s a good thing
I’m confused. If the baby isn’t on formula. And you don’t breast feed. How is she eating??
He may have been trying to see if you needed help with formula. I feel like this is looking for something to be offended by.
Did you hurt your arm with that reach? He was just asking a very simple question, considering everything that’s going on. He had no idea that you were bf, you shared that. You could have simply said your child was doing fine. Not everyone has an agenda. You saying that you were “naturally” approached, tells us all we need to know.
There was nothing wrong with what he said or how he said Karen
How is this even a question
Wayyy over reacting
I think you are over reaching and paranoid. No one is out to trick you into finding out if you bf. Please it’s not a big deal. He sounds like he was being nice and just being concerned.
Overreacting alright….
I think maybe your hormones got the better of you this time.
Think he was just making conversation
Definitely an over reaction sorry
Definitely overreacting on this one.
Definitely an over reaction sorry
Old people just like to make conversation hell a lot of younger people do sometimes too don’t read to much into it I think that’s a big reach to think he was being sneaky or creepy
Wow he was prob scared and worried for you. These times aren’t a joke(life is crap). Most older people have gone through something similar but way worse. It’s nice to see people still care about one another
Compassion is key and what a lot of people lack
you serious right now??
He was just wondering if you were affected by the formula shortage since it’s all over the news. I doubt he cares about you breast feeding.
Your thinking too much into it big ti e
Is a joke cuz you sound dumb as hell
He was well wishing and not thinking about how you would take it. He isn’t responsible for how you take a question. That’s on you. Just like no one’s opinion of you is your business. He isn’t responsible for how you take something unless he had a deep attitude and was trying to invoke a reaction at that time from you. Take the praise with a grain of salt and don’t look to deep into it. No one is responsible for your feelings except you.
I think you’re just hormonal right now lol I am the same way. I’ve got a 16 day old
I highly doubt a 60 yr old man “tricked” you into saying you breast fed…
Yea that’s like the definition of overreacting
This can’t be serious. You think he was trying to get you to talk about your tiddys?!
…You still have time to delete this post lol.
People remember just because we are teaching our kids that there are safe spaces at school or home doesn’t mean that’s a real thing. It’s not. The real world will teach you that your feelings don’t matter and you better teach your kids that from the 1st time their feelings get hurt as a child. It’s an important lesson that life will teach you!!!
Girl BYE u way overthining! He ain’t mean no harm and definitley didn’t trick u into saying anything. Be more worried about taking a one week old out in public smh
He was just asking bc he was concerned- so many babies are going to the hospital for malnutrition. He wasn’t being creepy. He was being kind, maybe nosy but kind. Totally over reacting!!
I think he was just talking. Probably don’t care about your breast feeding just wondered if you were ok with the formula.
Over reaction he probably was honestly curious how the baby was doing with the formula shortage. He was concerned. When u said u were breast feeding he was probably happy for the child and you that obviously the shortages were not going to affect you. He didn’t trick you into saying anything…he was just making conversation smh
get some sleep your tired…lol
If this is what’s keeping you up at night….
he tricked you??? nah sis i think he was just a curious old man
It was a crappy back handed complment. It would have pissed me off to. I combo feed. And have been since 6 months because my daughter wasn’t getting enough from me. So I do both and I’m still impacted by the shortage. Thankfully my daughter is 10 months old and can be switched to regular milk at any point.
He was simply making conversation because there’s literally a shortage and you had your child with you!!
“Older” people are known for their back handed compliments… I wouldn’t let it get to you too much.
He was just being nice. And is glad your baby is well fed, and providing for her is one less worry for you as a mom of a newborn.
I think your reaching. I feel like your making it into something it isnt. If he asked how you were doing with BF you wouldve been just as upset. He was just talking.
He sounds like a kind man. But yeah, like everyone is saying…get some rest. Lol
HAHAHAH seriously? You’re worked up about that?
It sounds like an old man asking old man stuff. It’s reaching a bit….
Lmao this has to be a joke
I mean he could have meant it’s best because of the shortage not because he thing bf is better
Wierd. He gave you a regular assed atta girl. Breathe. Lol
He eas concerned and you’re creeped out?
This mess is why ppl don’t offer help or actual advice that could make your life easier.
I took everybodies advice and mixed and matched. Half the issues I read abt, I never had with any of mine.
Sometimes ppl are just concerned. You’ll be in a situation and need help but now ppl will likely not bother bc of how you’ll react.
I see a lot of people making fun of you… But if you seriously feel this paranoid you should probably see a doctor and get put on some kind of anxiety medication or maybe even something for PPD. Mental health is REAL and it’s not a laughing matter.
Yea you’re way overboard lol…seriously get over yourself. The man may have asked bc he may have wanted to help if you by chance did formula feed. It’s more questionable why you have a baby out in public at one week?!?
Sorry but you sound like a weirdo to get all upset over this.
You are being over dramatic and working yourself up over nothing.
The only thing he shouldn’t have said is pushing the stupid ass breast feeding hype. It’s a choice and people are doing the right thing by either choice.
Yea you’re way overboard lol…seriously get over yourself. The man may have asked bc he may have wanted to help if you by chance did formula feed. It’s more questionable why you have a baby out in public at one week?!?
He was probably a bored old lonely man and was praising you on breastfeeding. I see no issue I think you’re looking into it way too much IMO
Triggered much? Jeez lol
I think sometimes people don’t realize there are many meanings to what they say
Sounds like an old person making conversation…
You’re really over reacting
Gurl, that man isn’t thinking about you today (or yesterday) in that way. You are tired, stressed & hormonal, breathe mama.
Uh, sounds like you’re over thinking this. Hate to see how worked up you get over something inportant.
Yea it’s overreacting but everyone freaking out over your question needs to check themselves too. Having a 1 week old is freaking difficult and you still have hormones driving you up a wall. Try to remember that older people (especially around 60+) are a completely different generation. I have always had very old people come up and want to touch my kids feet and whatnot and with the exception of peak covid I usually just allow them a small happiness of seeing my kids. A lot of them don’t have family or don’t have anyone close for them to see so sometimes they just want someone to talk to or a child to fawn over. Try your best to not take everything negatively and just recognize your own boundaries with your kids. Maybe just brush it off. It’s really not that big of a deal.
There’s a formula crisis and so many want to claim OP is overreacting?
People dig for information and people get abducted.
Black markets exist. Desperate people do get a bit crazy.
Women have faked pregnancies to get all friendly with actual pregnant people to steal their yet to be born babies. Let’s not shame this mother because she’s hypersensitive to the what if’s… when plenty of what if’s have actually happened.
You just NEVER know.
OP while shopping try being on your cellphone… it deters strangers from talking to you. Always keep a look out for employees and ask for help finding something.
Maybe he just wanted to chat . Should not be offended or upset
You’re overthinking it.
did you stop to consider maybe he has grandkids or extended family dealing with the formula shortage & maybe he was asking out of concern for your lil one? I mean,I dont see an issue with him asking… not like there aren’t babies being affected, some have ended up in the hospital…
Yeah you overreacting go see a doctor!
Good lord woman get ahold of yourself. Stay home if people making conversation about current issues makes you feel tricked. My god.
With strangers if needing to respond or address something, I give no info, and make it short. In all honesty, I personally would’ve just walked away, no response. To me any stranger approaching me is a possible threat to me, my family, especially if my kids are with me. If looks could kill, let’s just put it like this, ppl know once they get that look from me, do not approach or contact me.
Ma’am get it together. You literally are reaching way past the sun for this one. Please don’t be one of those people offended by everything, he did not trick you into anything. He doesn’t need to make conversation to worry about your boobs.
I’m more concerned you brought a 1 week old in public.
It’s just someone asking way too much information. People like that are weird.
It’s sad that people can’t have conversations in real time anymore, without someone always seeking will intent.
Sounds like an older man making small talk… You’re over reacting and being weird about it
You were tricked into nothing…you didn’t have to volunteer that information. I’d be afraid to talk to your in real life for fear you’d post about me if I asked an innocent question
This is the most over dramatic post I’ve read in a while.
No wonder you stayed anonymous…
You’re definitely over reacting
Why so defensive? If you don’t want to engage, regardless of person’s age, color, gender, religion, or lifestyle just say “We’re fine.” and move on.
I’m confused. What would be the purpose of “tricking” someone into admitting they breast feed? What exactly is the trick? Lol…I have so many questions.
You do realize thousands and thousands of people are having this exact conversation, publicly, privately, politically, families, strangers, friends. You said yourself babies bring attention, and considering his age I’m sure he has seen a lot more breast feeding in his time than a lot of younger people. He probably forgot the whole conversation and not giving it a second thought by the time it “clicked” for you.
He was just relying concern for you and baby. He was bieng kind and having empathy. Seek help please
You sound like you are reading way too much into that!
I think you are over thinking a random comment
Men are allowed to talk about breast feeding… you’re way overthinking it…
As someone who over thinks just about everything in life I think it was pretty innocent and you are over thinking. I had a woman jokingly say “oh look it’s the new babysitter” talking about my phone that my 1.5 yo was holding. I responded with a bit of an attitude due to the fact my son refuses to watch TV and it wasn’t even on he was literally just holding it but my brain jumped right to her judging me thinking I just give him tv and phones constantly instead of watching him🤦♀️ I think she mightve just meant kids nowadays but I see now how I mightve over thought it and reacted badly lol.
He was probably just concerned for your newborn baby. I believe you are really just overreacting. Its okay though, you just had a baby, are super hormonal and protective. I would just try to stop overthinking things. I also probably wouldnt take my 1 week old out around strangers though.
ohmygosh…call the police…
I don’t think he meant it that way. As we get older, we aren’t in the loop with kids and their worlds anymore. He was showing concern. How can I tell? He didn’t give you a ration of BS. He showed you concern. The least you can do is appreciate it when another person CARES. Sheesh.
Ummm you should not be taking your 1 week old out in public. Germs are everywhere. the doctor even tells you after you give birth to wait 6 weeks to take any newborn out in public due to being susceptible to all of the germs.
Overthinking mumma, sure it was just some old guy being polite and making passing comment x
I’m sure he was just trying to be friendly. Many people his age are at home all day and going to the store is opportunity for little interactions like this to try to make someone’s day. I wouldn’t overthink it
I think you are overthinking this a lot. Sounds like he was just trying to make conversation and then give you a compliment.
Omg this poor old man probably gets out once a week for food and doesn’t get to socialise and was most likely just making small talk. Get 0v€r your$elf
Firstly, ignore the nasty, unpleasant, judgemental responses on here.
Secondly, please don’t get upset by this incident. I do think he was just making conversation and was concerned with you and your baby’s wellbeing.
Those good old pregnancy hormones combined with the delightful post birth exhaustion have probably got you a bit sensitive and reading more into the enquiry than was really there.
Relax, make yourself a cup of tea and spend some cuddle time with your new baby.
Sweetheart, you have a one week old baby. You are probably over tired and your hormones are out of control. Nobody is tricking you, no-one is worried if you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Just take a breath and cuddle your baby for a bit
I quite literally think that he was concerned over the Republic shortage and was compelled to ask because of your cute newborn. I don’t think it was a backhanded and twisted way into getting into anything. You’re certainly allowed to feel how you want to feel but I don’t see this as on at all. I think your reaction to it is stranger. You can have to get used to people asking you lots of questions and you go out with their newborn or a baby in general. You don’t ever have to answer them that’s totally up to you but they’re still going to ask and most of them are not trying to be sneaky or weird they’re just being friendly
Breastfeeding is a tricky subject. You’re expected to do it but also people don’t want to see it.
YES you are overreacting.Good grief a person asks a simple question and you try and turn it into something other than what it was. A person, who just happened to be male, tried to show concern. Wow, just wow. Makes me never want to say anything to any woman with a youngster.