Perspective. Your definitely over thinking this.
He was literally concerned. Exactly what he said…how is she hanDling the formula shortage.
It only made you feel uncomfortable cuz he was a man. He’s probably just a retired guy obsessed over the news and was genuinely curious and concerned. For all you know he would’ve went back inside and bought you a can. Breast feeding is a natural thing nothing about it is sexual. Thoughts like yours is who and what makes it sexual. No biggie.
Please stay home with ur baby while she is newborn
Not worth the energy thinking about it
Bahaha what a joke this person is!
Overreacting! A Grandpa worried about the babies of the world! imo
I think you are over thinking
You are over reacting, he was showing concern about babies you chose to say she is not bottle fed.
Or maybe he was just being nice.
Quit overthinking it, hon…
Not all men are perverts. You’re overreacting.
You’re reading way too much into it. Move on
If you have to ask if you’re overreacting, 9/10 you probably are…
I overthink EVERYTHING but I definitely think you are overthinking this one….
Overreacting much? Guy was probably genuinely concerned and you made his comment into something creepy that it didn’t have to be! People nowadays
Some of these comments have me like
Postpartum anxiety is a real thing, i suffered from it for months thinking everyone was going to harm my child. It’s not a crazy thing to think especially in todays world.
Kindness is also free
Considering his age most mum’s breastfed there babies back then but now more mum’s feed on powered milk I don’t think he meant anything by it he was just surprised to see in this day and age that some mom’s still do breastfeed take it as as compliment I bet he meant nothing by it .was just praising you .I’m afraid to say it’s you who have over thinked things .
All he asked was how u were coping with the shortage just an innocent question
Why let a stranger’s comment put you in a tailspin? You don’t even know the guy, just move on.
Sounded like a concerned man who values humanity. Way overreacting.
He may have a grandchild on formula with parents struggling to find it right now because of the shortage. Formula has become a very common topic since this.
It sounds like he was innocent and meant no harm or insults.
Definitely overreacting imo. Unless he asked you to show him your supply I wouldn’t overthink it
You’re completely in the right for worrying You just had a baby & your instinct to protect her is stronger than anything. You’re not overthinking, you’re worried & feel judged
Sometimes people do wanna be helpful & end up coming across as judgemental & weird. I wouldn’t worry too much about it as he’s a complete stranger congratulations on your baby girl x
It was a creepy backhanded compliment. Usually made by men/fathers that would t have changed a diaper , wouldn’t have made a bottle, wouldn’t have gotten up in the middle of the night to take the late night feeding so she can sleep, there is tons of reason to use formula , none of them make anyone “bad” your not overreacting , you under-reacted at the time
You are not overreacting. Your frustration is because you have empthy for people who do not or can not and you know how that comment was a dig on mothers who formula feed.
You’re overthinking this situation.
There’s always one drama queen
Overreacting. He was a old man showing concern for a new mom who might potentially be effected…
Always trust your gut feeling if it feels yucky chances are you should take note of that feeling and stay safe !!
He probably has a daughter who struggles to find formula so it’s something he’s familiar with?? Totally over reacting that being said. You have a one week old your hormones are probably still all over the place and sleep.deprived
Your making it much bigger than it has to be. Don’t think he meant anything by it…
Way over thinking . My lord you cannot have a conversation with anyone nowadays.
You’re over thinking. Besides he is an older gentleman and he was only asking because its in the news.
Oh my goodness. I think you’re overreacting a bit. Secondly it happened yesterday…done and over with. I’m sure it isn’t news that will hit your local front page anytime soon I’d be more worried about taking such a tiny baby out in public letting strangers approach her exposing her to all the nasty coughing, sneezing, flu and virus going on out there
He didn’t know that you had 4 other kids that were formula fed. He was trying to make conversation. It was likely, a small stab at parents who choose to formula feed though so I can see why it upset you.
I do think people should stop asking about breastmilk and formula because they often have very strong opinions about either one of the options. Like they either think formula is trash or that breastmilk is trash.
Does it really matter at the end of the day?
Ask how mum is going. Ask if she has a village. Ask how her journey is going. She just went through a lot physically and is adjusting to a new phase in her life, regardless of if it’s her first or fifth baby.
You’re overreacting.
This is the dumbest thing I’ll read all day
You just had a baby so you may be kinda all over the place. He was probably genuinely curious. I am, there’s never been a shortage like this.
Be proud. He was probably complimenting and didn’t know how. At his age that’s what women did.
I’m honestly more concerned that you’re taking a week old newborn into a nasty ass grocery store
This is sad really. People now days can’t have a conversation without it being blown out of proportion or taken out of context.
You’re not just overreacting, you’re literally digging for a reason to be offended…
You are over reacting, god bless you i breast feed all 4 of my children and proud of it"
Let’s just hope you are overthinking…it is done and he is gone!!
But so so sad to think that we have become so suspicious of (hopefully) an innocent remark from a concerned ‘Grandad sort’.
You keep doing you and don’t dwell !!
I have to say I think this is overreacting. I feel like he was complimenting you and being supportive and happy to hear you aren’t struggling with this formula shortage. Some people are just genuinely curious and supportive, even if they’re a stranger. There is still kindness in the world. Understandable tho why you’d be cautious and feel somewhat uncomfortable bc there are those that are not so good of people.
I feel like you just want attention. Stick up for what you believe in.
I formula fed all 4 of mine. All 13 grands formula fed. On my 2md one I tried. She cried all the time. So, I put her on formula, and bound myself up
I dared anyone else to make me feel inferior.
You are over reacting my dear……
Yes… He was being polite.
Your ridiculous and need to grow up
That doesn’t sound triggering at all to
You’re overreacting! He meant well!
I wouldn’t assume anything other than a person starting a conversation (because babies are so cute) and probably a genuine concern about the formula shortage.
You’re likely very hormonal and overthinking. Let it go mama.
Wtffffff grasping at straws deary. There are in fact, nice people in the world . He was just being polite. Why would he trick you into saying you bf lol
I think you’re over reacting, honestly
it is none of his business
Yeah, no. You’re overreacting.
Honestly given his age he was just making polite conversation.
Were you also offended that he “assumed” you were a woman? You sound like one of those people…
He’s just being kind.
Oh get over it!!! It was casual conversation!! Geez!!!
Absolutely overreacting.
Yea I don’t think he meant anything by it at all
So we now live in a world where people trying to make basic conversation is offensive and intrusive on every level…
I don’t think so…I think he was genuinely concerned and trying to make conversation. people don’t give a damn how you feed your baby…just that it’s getting the food it needs!
Yes totally overreacting.
you’re over reacting. If people casually talking to you offends you, then tell everyone who approaches you to F off from the first word and you never have to deal with your feelings being hurt over something so simple.
You sounds like my mom who is a crazy person, even if you weren’t breastfeeding he asked how your baby was doing with the formula shorted so he already assumed your baby was formula fed and was giving you props for acting breastfeeding instead It’s hard out here for moms who formula feed take it as a comment and move the heck on.
I think he was just being nice. People need to stop reading into things so much and just be kind to one another. Sounds like that’s what he was doing.
Wow u took it to another level one that old man wasn’t even thinking about.
Yes you was way overreacting
You are over reacting. True, it’s none of his business, but given his age, it’s a compliment. Take it and let the rest go.
His question could’ve been meant in a kind way as if you’d answered it’s hard he might’ve offered resources or to help buy it
Overreacting by a mile
I think he was just being nice.
I think he was just being polite and making small talk,
Get over it people she just ask omg
Over dramatic but maybe you were in a bad space before
Sounds like a bit of post partum depression to me, take it as it was probably meant to be, an innocent compliment
Sorry but as if a 60 year old man has an opinion on whether you BF or not. He sound like he was just trying to have a conversation about a topic that he has seen on the news that might relate to you.
Honestly I see where you’re coming from and don’t think your feelings on it are an overreaction but no need to still think about it 5 hours later. He’s just some stranger you’ll probably never see again
your rediculous !! and this post sounds rediculous.
Post partum or total Karen…
Girl you need to relax
I think he was just making conversation I think you are being too sensitive. I am concerned about the formal shortage and he probably is too. Chill Mom
If we all reacted to things like this in the world there would be nothing left
Geezus - it’s done move tf on
Thoughtless of him to say! But I’d give him the benefit of the doubt on a creepy/malicious vibe.
I think he was just making conversation I think you are being too sensitive. I am concerned about the formal shortage and he probably is too. Chill Mom
Get a grip ffs it was a compliment
You’re overthinking it. Probs a lonely person trying to make conversation.
Sometimes it is a tossup…toss up… be rude and say nothing or find a relevant topic to start a conversation. But I can also see your point.
Aww babe sleep deprivation and hormones all over the place can be crazy just after bub. Don’t overthink it x
That is a HUGE reach.
There was a literal formula shortage. He asked if you/she were handling it okay??? It’s become a small talk topic bruh
Girl get the hell over yourself.
Over reacting. He was expressing concern about formula shortage, if you used formula. And was pleased your baby was being fed naturally and was happy for you and baby, and that you both are not having to deal with formula shortage.
Not everyone is bad and has I’ll intent. That’s what the government wants us to think
I think he only meant to compliment you for giving your baby the best.
Lol what ? Over thinking I see nothing wrong with what he said it’s true lol
Yes. Definitely overreacting. I doubt he had any ill intentions or thoughts whatsoever.
Hey I get it, the anxiety is real and people are unnecessarily nosey. Don’t let it take up space in your mind he probably meant nothing by it don’t stress. Just focus on your baby.