with having a one week old baby your hormones will be all over the place u may be rigjt or he may of been making small talk, none of us heard the tone of his voice or manner he said it in, only u
but a massive congrats getting out the house shopping after a week, super mummy xxxx
you’re reaching babes he was just trying to make baby conversation on a nationwide baby issue.
Relax don’t over think it
Sheree Loseth She blocked us or either removed her bullying comments. She’s so tough but couldn’t handle us
I’m sure he comes from a time before formula and is simply complimenting a stranger without knowing that strangers background…
You are extremely overreacting. How the heck do you get offended over that
Wow come on people unreal
I think you are thinking way too much into it…. Probably just curiosity with what we are going through… maybe he has grand children I just out of interest ……
It was creepy and it’s none of his damn business.
Girl you tripping. Hell the man was just having small talk. Get over yourself
He was probably genuinely concerned and was willing to help if you needed formula. Why and what could he possibly do. By knowing if you bottle or breastfeed?
He could’ve been seeing if u needed help in a polite way
Geeez, someone is nice to you and you make that giant leap. He never ask about that. He asked about formula. He was being a nice person. Of course there’s disgusting people out there, but this isn’t one of them.
I think this is a flex to brag you bf
Don’t think he was being creepy at all.
I mean personally I wouldn’t ask someone that but I don’t think I’d feel creeped out or offended if someone asked me.
People have zero filter and it only gets worse once you have children. Everyone has an opinion about everything… it’s ridiculous! He may have been just being nice but it’s still uncomfortable. I get it!
This sounds like you’re really digging for a reason to be offended. He simply asked you how you were doing with the formula shortage. Pretty normal curiosity today. He sounds concerned, supportive. But you feel tricked into saying breastfed? WTF? It took you 5 hours to find a way to be offended over this.
Overthinking. Maybe he wanted to help u buy some
Wonder if you’re in the same town as me and if it was the same guy who approached me and my fiancé with our 3 month old. He asked same thing about formula shortage and then on to gas prices. Truthfully, I think he was just outraged regarding the shortage and what’s going on the In the world right now…
Wonder if you’re in the same town as me and if it was the same guy who approached me and my fiancé with our 3 month old. He asked same thing about formula shortage and then on to gas prices. Truthfully, I think he was just outraged regarding the shortage and what’s going on In the world right now…
It was a bs comment. You’ll know better for next time someone tries to pull the same bs
Omg can an older gentleman not be nice anymore! I’m sure he was just being a lovely kind gentleman who has seen there’s a shortage on the news and was just being kind! To another woman that may of made her day and something she needed to hear at that exact time! Or maybe you were the only person he had spoken to that day/ week and really needed a kind person to stop and talk to him. Maybe keep walking next time an older person approaches you so you don’t need to embarrass yourself posting on Facebook!
You’re overreacting…next
Yes. You are over reacting.
You are really reaching. Must be hard being that suspicious of everyone
You’re nuts. This post screams “I need attention” stop trying to create drama where there is none.
The only “creepy” person in this scenario is you for making that kind of leap.
Gosh your over thinking im shure he thinks your comfortable with feeding your baby quite thinking this way
So… someone (happens to be a man) asks how you’re going with the formula shortage… because…you know concerned (as we all are around the world for all the babies without formula). He’s relieved to hear that’s not the case for your bub…but he’s the weirdo?
Be kinder
He only asked how you doing with the milk powder supply You told him about the bf he didn’t ask nothing creepy about that
I think you’re way over thinking it
I work in Care homes and older people often say inappropriate things which they but its because they are from a completely different generation and yes it’s always been preached that “breast is best” because it is
Get over it
Wowwwww… medication and or therapy are definitely needed.
Way to much thought going on. Why does everyone turn something innocent into something negative. It sounds like it was casual conversation
Kinda maybe a little lol
Since when is it offensive to talk to people in the supermarket? Yea, he bee lined to you and tricked you into saying you breast feed…
I doubt an older person meant it as a backhanded compliment. He was probably trying to make conversation and identify with the struggles that young moms are going through. Even if he meant otherwise, why analyze and read into what he meant when you’ll never really know? We all have a tendency to read into other people’s comments using our own filter (pet peeves, insecurities, sensitive issues).
Our children would learn a valuable personality trait that would serve them the rest of their lives if we ourselves demonstrated how to have a thicker skin and not react to other people’s “negative” comments. Especially nowadays when bullied children are resorting to revenge. We all ( me too) have to be a better example for our kids.
Get a grip …sonds like a compliment if you ask me as not many women do it anymore
I think more importantly is you being in a grocery store with a one week old. I work at a bank and we have a lot of older customers, they just want a little human contact and conversation. It makes their day when people take time out to be kind to them.
Did you stretch out before going for such a huge reach?
I think he’s just relieved your baby is fed and that you aren’t affected by formula shortage.
It’s an awful time for those affected by the shortage. I can’t imagineZ
Ain’t no way. Boofuckinghooooo
You seem like a total ray of sunshine, just don’t go to any store ever again to avoid this in the future. Problem solved
Yes you’re overreacting 100%
Like… you could’ve just said, “she’s doing fine”. Or stared at him weirdly and walked off. I am great at being antisocial.
Way to much time in your hands
Breast milk is natural food.
I think you are over reacting he wasn’t tricking you to tell him you BF if you think it’s not his business why tell him. He was genuinely complimenting you BF is really hard and not everyone can do it
A photo of the actual gun you jumped
I truly think you are over thinking it
Clearly overreacting.
You’re making a big deal out of nothing. He was making small talk about current events. Breastfeeding isn’t taboo, and adults can talk about it. He didn’t trick you, you’re just being overly sensitive. You can say breast and not be a pervert. Breast breast breast. See? You’re the only one making it creepy.
I think he was being genuine and giving you a compliment nothing creepy about it
Yeah. I don’t think it was intended to be creepy.
Chill out. He probably was voicing his concerns about moms who are in need of formula.
Nothing wrong with him asking. He was just curiosity how your baby was doing with the shortage…
Your making something out of nothing. Damn cant do or say nothing nowadays. Get your mind out of the gutter
While your feelings are valid, of course, I genuinely think he meant no harm. It’s just a problem for a lot right now and he was just concerned
Honestly your completely overreacting, that was a older man who was showing concern over the formula shortage and praising you for breastfeeding.
Totally over reacting. If he was in his 60’s it would have been a normal assumption for him the baby was on formula. Kudos to him for praising you on breast feeding. Most men that age would have the opposite reaction.
Your over reacting guy did nothing wrong making small talk with you
Definitely overreacting.
You are definitely over reacting
I believe you were over thinking it, I doubt he meant any harm…
Or he’s an older lonely man who struck up a conversation that he was curious about-sad how your mind went to dark thoughts-sad that’s the world we live in and sad that I’m an older curious woman who probably would have asked you the same thing.
Drama Mama…An old guy just making conversation with you and seeing if your ok and same with your baby. And you think it’s creepy.
Honestly? Stfu. Everything that’s going on in this world and you felt THIS was worthy to share? Are you looking for a gold star for breastfeeding? Or are you just that much of a pick me girl? Either way, just do everyone who has the misfortune of coming into contact with you a favor and stfu, jesus christ
Maybe he thinks BF is better for babies smh
He’s probably making conversation. I’ve literally had this conversation multiple times this past week alone.
I wouldn’t have been offended by what he said. This is what’s wrong with this country, too many over reactive people smh.
Oh good grief. 100% overreaction.
Wow, what a horrible man for asking how your doing! How dare he!
This is complete bullshit that you literally made this a thing. I would have loved that someone wanted to spark a conversation an asked how I or my kids were doing. the nicest gesture ! Get over yourself lady.
Overreacting and reaching for sure. We r so use to crappy people, when someone is nice n concerned, we dont recognize goodness in ppl.she took it for creepy?
At the end of the day, no one’s business. Your baby is fed and healthy (I’m assuming). That’s all that matters. Let it roll off your back and carry on. You got this mama!
Sounds like he was generally concerned… and sounds like he might of wanted to help with it.
Give me a minute. I’m a older man, not a demmie so I can’t get pregnant, so I don’t really know.
I think there are 2 foods to give a 1 week old infant. Formula and breast milk. If you said "she’s not on Formula why are you upset that he chose the only other option? I thought the same as he did, but maybe 60 year old think the same?
BTW I believe you are over reacting but I’m not judging you. Hope life is sunshine and happiness for your family.
Probably just a little bit sensitive due to you history with breastfeeding feeding.
.I had one old guy tell me that if my son was ever too much of a handful he would be happy to take him off my hands. Just a random stranger, never saw him before or ever again.
He’s old. Let it slide. Old folks love to see babies and ask questions about them. You’ll be fine.
Massive overreaction.
You are way way over thinking it
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Just forget about it ,people overthink these days Just a simple question ! he may be a lonely man who needs to talk to someone.
It’s not a fig drive thru
It’s true formula will be in shortage shortly just like grain and bother goods
I think you’re reading too much into this
I agree completly. over reacting.
I don’t think he “tricked” you into saying anything lol. If you thought it was none of his business, you should have said that outright🤷🏼♀️
Probably didn’t mean any thing by saying that, but should not have
simply having a conversation with you & was showing concern for the current shortage and your child.
Overreacting so much.
It’s not that serious.
It’s the hormonal changes. New mothers tend to be extra sensitive. I’m pretty sure the gentleman meant no harm.
I think you are way over thinking it.
Don’t read more into it than what it is.
It sounds like he was concerned. He was being polite. Not everyone is out to be evil.
Yeah, over reacting… maybe he was truly concerned especially at that age. Back when that man was our ages there was morals and the “it takes a village to raise a child” type of people… I bet he was truly concerned about the baby eating and not your breasts…
You might be going through some hormonal thing… I’d talk to a specialist. Best of luck
It’s sounds like a concerned old man. It sounds like you’re overreacting. If you’re a new mom… better strap in for questions and criticism. It never goes away
I believe that nursing is the best thing for baby. And the truth is some people just don’t want to bf because they just don’t want to, nothing wrong with their decisions but bf is still best
He meant well I’m sure. It happens
Yes. Overreacting. Wtf kind of question is this? Im leaving this stupid group
Maybe he was going to offer to help you pay for Formula or knew where you could get some Formula
Yes your over reacting