No, you’re not wrong. My dad died 15 years ago and I would give anything to spent Father’s Day with him one more time. You only have one dad like someone said and spend as much time with him as you can. As far as his parents are concerned my in laws sometimes remember my birthday and sometimes don’t. I personally don’t care they didn’t give birth to me. I also don’t really care if anybody remembers my birthday it’s just another day to me.
I have tried to fit in this family for 51 years. No fitting in with those assholes. I give up. They are narcs.
Yall already have plans so he needs to go to your family. Tell him his family to do a different time if they want yall there. But they should be doing the same for Mothers Day too
You had plans already set. Hubs wants to change plans to appease his parents at the cost of his marriage. Hubs isn’t the sharpest tool in the tool shed but definitely a tool
Hmmmm! I can totally relate! Do what’s best for you and your family and to hell with the rest!
Not over reacting at all, you have every right to feel how you do. He should be sticking up for you and acknowledging how you feel .
Gena Rowland McElhose You would count your daughter in law as extended family? They’re married. It’s the same grand kids. It’s respectful to acknowledge the mother of your grandchildren tf
No I don’t think you need to worry about your in-laws but your husband should put you first before his family and he should be celebrating being a father with you and your children
Idk I feel like it’s two sided, have you ever called his mom on mother’s day or birthdays? Same with brother/sister.
Not to be rude but to expect someone to wish you happy mothers day is not going to help, mothers day is just everyday. Or say I’m completely wrong and you do go out of your way for his family but get nothing in return then why keep them apart of your life?
Please go to your family and let him go to his. If he doesn’t want to be celebrated by his own SO and kids then let it be on him.
Nope they are in the wrong
Let him go be with his mommy and go see ur fam, that’s annoying af
Nope and honestly if he can’t see it you might just have to point it out if it continues then you do you don’t show him any appreciation on Father’s Day if he can’t show it to you on Mother’s Day it applies to the family as well if they can’t show you any respect then they don’t get to see your kids
Sounds like a double standard. You’re not allowed to feel some sorta way about Mother’s Day not being honored by his family and now that your family wants to honor Father’s Day for him at the same time as your bros bday he’s mad that you want to support your brother… doesn’t seem fair at all. I’d explain it to him exactly like that and go support your brother & let his family support him.
Question do you acknowledge his mother on her birthday and Mother’s Day ? Just curious
Go to your families and he can go to his
Idk…when it’s mother’s day, I pick what we do …when it’s father’s day, my husband picks what we do. Yes, I still acknowledge his mom on mother’s day and vice versa, but we allow the other to decide what our main plans are for our each special day.
U not wrong his a mommy’s boy they assholes and horrible inlaws they clearly have issues with you , I know this all too well
I mean, my parents don’t praise my husband on Father’s Day and his parents don’t praise me on Mother’s Day. Is that a normal thing for people to do? Lol I think every family differs.
He is wrong for not putting them in their place
I wouldn’t have expected anything from MIL or FIL if they have never treated you like family in the 5 years y’all have been together. I would be glad that they include your child from a different marriage, because that could have been an issue within itself.
I would have done exactly what you did though. He wants to celebrate his father on Father’s Day, why can’t you? Why do YOU have to go and celebrate someone that has never treated you like family when you can go see your actual family. He is the one being childish now. Stand your ground on this. Otherwise he will keep bulldozing you. Best of luck!
I dont think you are. Yall had already made plans as a family that he agreed to. Not right to change it last minute if you both don’t agree
The issue, at this point, would be how to arrange the kids spending time with their dad and grandfathers for the day.
NOPE! You go see your dad and father tomorrow! He can go by himself.
Does he get you anything for your birthday or Mothers Day, holidays? If not, I wouldn’t get him anything. And same way if he doesn’t get you something “from the kids.”
And with his in laws, oh heck no! Don’t put up with that at all. Don’t go out of your way at for them. Don’t acknowledge them or anything. If they don’t want anything to do with your kids, expect for holidays, I wouldn’t even call.
If you ever do get them a gift, I’d only get them photos of your family, but make it to where you always have your kids or husband by your face. So if they ever cut you out, it will be a big red flag!
Give the same energy to them as they do you!
Why doesn’t your family celebrate you on your birthday and Mother’s Day?
Why isn’t your fiance celebrating you on your birthday and Mother’s Day?
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Nope y’all had plans first he is being childish
Why y’all bringing family and making a big ordeal idk. Visit your dad then y’all go visit his grandfather. Or vise versa?
Mother’s Day start some sort of tradition they just eventually will feel the need to want to be included. Idk thankfully me and my husbands family merged together so we never have these issues.
Also you be directing the anger at
Your mil when should be towards your man imo. He should be making Mother’s Day plans. Birthday I don’t ever expect anything from my in laws I am 33 years old lol save that to buy their grandchildren some bomb gifts for their birthdays.
Nope, u do u and go to see ur dad. Ur reasoning is its fathers day and he’s ur father . Simple.
He Sounds like a selfish person and only cares about his side of the family. You should put your foot down if it ain’t already to late to fix this.
Nah, calling the kettle black he is. Go see your family, the ones that actually care about you. He knew what your plans were and he could have told his family you already had plans for your family. Instead he chose to be selfish and expect you to follow suit. I also don’t expect anything from in in laws, but it’s nice to get texts. It literally takes less than 10 seconds to send a bday text
Tell him to go alone. Bye
You’re not their mother, why would they celebrate you? Do you give gifts to his mother/dad/grandfather?
You are not in the wrong but hey my mil doesn’t even know half my kids names after 14 years oh and she was there when most of them were born
It would be nice if his family included you for a Mother’s Day celebration and send you a birthday card, flowers etc. on your birthday, but they certainly don’t have to and you can’t expect/get mad at that. If your husband wants to change the original plan for Father’s Day last minute, I’d still go with my family, as planned and let him decide where he wants to be.
How long is he going to be your fiance?
He should definitely go with you and plan another time to go to his mom’s since the plans were already made.
He and his family are in the wrong
No you are not wrong, go enjoy your day with your children ,and your family leave the other child with his mother… see how he enjoys fathers day without his child, seeing as he is acting like one and his mother enabling such behaviour
I think you are being unreasonable.
It sounds like you’re seeking validation. After 5 years it isn’t happening and it’s time to move forward. You can’t get from them what you need, you can’t control what they do or say, so do you! As long as your nuclear family celebrate you… who cares! Problem is going to be hubby. He’ll be caught in the middle and needs to put you and the children first if you all have prior plans. I don’t know if you have a Karen for a MIL but if she knows it gets to you, it may be why she does it. Shake it off and live your life. You celebrate you!
No you are not wrong. A kind word or 2 on Mother’s Day would be really nice coming from his family. They don’y do it, don’t you do it either.
The only people who should actually acknowledge Mother’s Day are the actual children of said mother. Why in the world do you get so darn upset that your in laws don’t say anything??? I think that’s more of a you problem and not a them problem. Grow up!
No. He sounds abit entitled to be honest.
If you had plans that he agreed to then he needs to honor those plans. He can do the celebration with his parents at a different time. At some point it’s priorities and if he doesn’t want you and your relationship to be a priority that should tell you a lot. It would probably bother me a tiny bit that his family doesn’t acknowledge me but I wouldn’t make it an issue. However it is an issue breaking plans he made with you just to have lunch with his family. Idk to each their own but I would be the same way. I’d be like well have fun having lunch me and the kids will be going to the celebration that we already planned and you agreed too.
He needs to honor you. Sorry they planned late, but he already has plans, and if he advocated for you more, you might now feel this way about his family.
Him not standing up for you is wrong. I wouldn’t be staying with him.
Hell nah. Go celebrate your dad. He’s not your dad. He can take the kids too
If his mom is celebrating him tomorrow and not his father, he needs to go with you to celebrate with your father and brother. His isn’t your father and you are not his mother. It is his responsibility to celebrate or acknowledge your birthday. If his family chooses not to, then so be it. It is his responsibility to celebrate his family members birthday in that case.
However, doing this creates a rift and you should have a discussion with your husband about holidays and special occasions.
Mothers day is for you & your children " not anyone else "
Ehh kind of. His family has no responsibility to celebrate you, after all he is their family not you. It’s Father’s Day, he deserves to be celebrated as much as your dad does, so let things go. You have a right to your feelings, but at the end of the day, they do not have to do anything for you. Sure it would be nice if they did, but they don’t have to.
His mother sounds annoying
He should be standing up for you
I think you need to get out of that before it’s official sis. That’s not going to change
Nope. Go to your families house and stay there. Leave him and his family in your past.
Did you marry my ex husband? haha this is a really hard situation to be in because you just wanna be excepted and loved by them which I personally don’t think is an unreasonable request. This can quickly become toxic if your not careful. Remember who you are and that you are worthy of love. Be kind to yourself and never forget that self care is a necessity not a luxury.
Nope. If he doesn’t want a change go by yourself. Your family appreciates you so spend time with them instead.
He needs to speak up and have your back. Your not wrong let him go and you do what you planned. If he keeps doing shit like this he will surely be sorry bc you will get fed up
I dont blame you for being upset especially since they make a big deal about him. However take it where it comes from. Do you really need anything from them? I no a simple phone call would be nice what i can say is been there done that it wont change unless you do. So dont recognize holidays to her either. I no it hurts but either you open up and express your feelings (expect nothing,) that way you wont get hurt. But open up if she refuses to acknowledge you as the mother she should treat her son the same. He needs to man up if he doesn’t what are you loosing…a boy…
They are a dime a dozen…
all y’all saying her mil doesn’t have to acknowledge her or her husband on mother’s ,that’s just a technicality, my mom , husband, friends and mil all tell me happy mother’s day bc they know I’m a mom. Yes ik I’m not their mom no shit lol. My husband does stuff bc our kids aren’t grown and vice versa when it’s father’s day, if for some reason he didn’t I’d be wondering why. She should at the very least be acknowledge bc shes the mother of their grandchild
His family is difficult, unloving, inconsiderate. I wouldn’t want to be around them at all. How can you expect me to go out there and GREET you on your birthday when you don’t even GREET me on my birthday? Who do you think you are? Lol I really don’t care at all to be honest, as long as i have my OWN loving family. But don’t expect from me. NEVER.
No. Your not wrong!!! I am mother in law and I have always celebrated and loved my daughter in law on her birthday. Also you had plans. You take your kids and go do your thing and to hell with him!!!
If the guy can’t make up his mind to marry you or not, what’s he waiting for, his parent’s blessing? Sounds like trouble from the get go. I would give him back his ring, and move on. Find another loving man, that really cares about you as they wish to be treated.
You’ve got to ask yourself, "has their son done this before where he takes on a girlfriend with kids and the family got attached to them and then he ended it. Maybe ask him what’s up. I’m sure he knows.
Ppl celebrate Father’s day and mother’s day hmm … I appreciate what my kids make me at school and that’s all it is I don’t expect a dinner and balloons hhaha and simple “happy mother’s day” is jus fine with me
No he is wrong for not standing up for you
Are you in a relationship with HIM or his FAMILY?
Blended families need to have realistic expectations. Not everyone is going to get along. You do you and go on about your day. No need y to waste energy arguing over something that doesn’t matter.
Absolutely not, why are you still with him, if he doesn’t want to marry you, get the heck out, I have always heard, that if a man can get his milk for free why buy the cow? I wouldn’t want to be in that family anyway…
Nope. Maybe if they would plan with you a little bit. You would know. Go with what was planned.
No. Not at all. Hugs!
Why is his mom celebrating her son for fathers day? Its not son’s day. Thats dumb. Forget his narcissistic family. Though…he should be a man and make sure they dont disrespect you. Is he making sure you are feeling loved and taken care of on Mother’s Day and your birthday? Thats what matters here. Maybe need to rethink marrying him if he doesn’t have your back.
Why do u need to be acknowledged by them for anyway? Who cares!! Carry on doing you & ur family as usual… tell your own family to put something on for you if its such a big deal
I didn’t even know it was a thing to expect anyone but our kids/partners to acknowledge mothers and fathers day.
Get over it and move on love
You didn’t give birth to your mil
So why should she say happy Mothers day to you
How about you spend time with your mom
And let him have time with his mom
Problem solved
Definitely not wrong.
I would send the kids with him to spend Father’s Day and you go visit your dad!
You need to get out of that relationship!! Its going no where and he doesnt address issues with his family! Leave!!
No u r not in the wrong. His family are a bunch of idiots. But the main problem is him. He should be speaking up for u with his family. They don’t have to celebrate u. He has to celebrate your special days.
I don’t know. I personally hate fathers and Mother’s Day for US it’s just a day. We lets the kids pick a little gift (they’re 4 and 6 so it’s usually a toy they think we would like
) and that’s it. I would’ve done the same as you and told my SO to go to his thing and I’ll go to mine. Sounds reasonable to me if he’s not going to plan events with you. Good luck
Just let him go with them and you do your own thing. She should at least say happy Mother’s Day to you…I’m sure you say happy Mother’s Day to her, right? She’s not your mom and your not her daughter but it’s the polite thing to do.
Do you acknowledge her birthday??! If not then don’t expect acknowledgment for yours but if you do then that’s messed up…
Ditch him and his whole toxic family. Crappy grandparents to boot.
My husbands family doesn’t celebrate my birthday and I don’t believe they should. My husband and kids are the ones who make mother’s day special for me. If they had a lunch for my hubby for father’s day I’d be happy his family is celebrating him. If we had plans however, I’d be upset that he wanted to change them last minute. Maybe there is a compromise and you can do both? I think you may be over reacting about the other things but I totally get the already having plans thing. Try not to take it so personal about his family not all families are the same and if you love each other just remain civil because marriage is forever and we marry the family as well. Best of luck to you.
No you are not overreacting I would be hurt and upset too
Nope not wrong at all! Him and his family sound like a bunch of jerks!
No stick buy your plans
You sure are not wrong. You need to let, him go. He sounds like he is very controlling.
Maybe they treat you this way because you are his fiancé and not his wife. 5 years is a long time to be engaged. I think you have to start analyzing this whole relationship. And also you need to open your mouth and really talk to your fiancé about how you feel. Don’t let stuff like this come between you and your fiancé if you really love each other. I’m old fashion and believe in marriage and love. Oh and please don’t think of doing things separately. That will only alienate him from you.
F him and his family find a real fiance that knows how to treat you like queen that you are you are not in the wrong x
I don’t understand why anyone would want to be part of a family that don’t treat you like family? And to icing the cake be with a man that his priorities are not his fiancé? When a man and woman get together to be a family that family should come first. You both have a father that’s when time is split and shared!! Sounds like momma had her claws in baby boy and he likes it!!! I would go without him and be dammed if I’d make an excuse for him!! Or the mother!! Go see your dad and brother and if he can’t respect you enough to share the day! Well that’s on you and how much disrespect your willing to take. He needs to be a man not a mommas boy!!
It’s a good thing he’s still your fiancé, if it all becomes too much for you there’s still a chance to walk away but once you’re married it will be so much more challenging so think about how you’re gonna feel 10 years from now and if that’s what you want for life, best of luck to you🧡
From now I would give him the kids on Farther’s day and go do your own thing . For Mother’s Day go do your own thing and forget about him. As far as your birthday, I would worry about your in-laws birthday let him do it. But I would diffidently go to your moms to see your people family as planned.
Nope. They’re all assholes.
Nope not wrong at all!
You obviously are not any kind of priority to your husband or his crap family! I’d be dipping out of that relationship and not even thinking twice! You know your worth and it’s so much more than you are getting right now
Having a fiance’ and a child for 5 years, I wouldn’t expect much from his family.
No stick with your plan he is self centered
I have Never tried to keep my Husband from His Family, but We have never been close So I do My Family if I want and He does His when He wants but ultimately Him and I and Our grown Children and Grandkids are Our top priority and always has been 35 years and still going strong
It’s obvious that they do not see you as their daughter. A lot of families are like this. As you said your Mom had you over to celebrate your Dad and your brother. It wasn’t a big deal or occasion planned for your husband, who is also a father. I think you need to just pick your battles and if you plan something with your kids to spend an occasion with their Dad (your husband) then you should be upset if the in laws interfere. But you can’t get in your feelings about his family spoiling him and making a big deal for him so long as it isn’t conflicting with your kids family time or plans.
You spend time with your family and he spends time with his.
He should tell mom he has other plans this year