Am I responsible for replacing something my son broke at someone else's house?

Still unfortunately I’d say u should have to pay , accidents do happen but objects do have value and they should have kept objects away that accidents can happen near but yea you should just to be a nice person and keep the peace and make him appoligise


Yep your responsibility

Yes… Point blank. What kind of question is that? Hell imma let my kids go to your house and “break” things and see how you like it.


You should replace it regardless of if they were being watched or not. That’s just being a decent human. At least offer to replace the computer your child broke.


You should take care of this


Yes it’s your responsibility

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Judy Judy would say yes :woman_shrugging:


You let him stay the night weather they asked or not
You’re responsible for your child.


While the adult should have been watching, the child is still yours and you are responsible for them and their actions. Offer to replace it or pay for it ALWAYS.


Yes. It is your responsibility


Uummmmm … but you should have taught your child how to act at someone’s house… i don’t see how breaking something is an accident, such as something as a computer? So yes you should be responsible.


I wouldn’t expect someone to replace it if they’re were staying at my home. Everyone’s financial situation is different also, that should be taken into account. I’d try to at least come to an understandable agreement with the family.


What about splitting the cost?


I do believe u should be paying for something valuable like that. Those aren’t cheap. Or even go halfers on a new one with them?


Yes you should be responsible for replacing it.

Uh yeah, you should definitely pay for it. Then make your kid do something to earn the costs of it back. Use this as a learning experience, obviously for you and your kid


Yes you are responsible.


I’m going to say you are responsible. Just because someone should have been watching the children doesnt mean that you shouldnt replace something your child broke.


I guess I’m the odd one and wouldn’t expect someone to pay for something broken under my supervision. If its something you don’t want broken keep it away from the kids.


Offer to pay half along with a personal in sorry and if they say no bite the bullet and pay it all.


Nope. If my two young old manages to damage something then she wasn’t being watched. That’s not my problem. They should have watched her better.


I’d be paying for it and my kid would be working around the house to pay me back. Yes they should’ve been watching better but it’s also a learning lesson and a decency thing.


I would not replace it if they were invited over and to play with it. Accidents happen. Different story if they we’re watching said child and it didn’t have permission.


YES! Its your responsibility.


It doesn’t matter if they offered to keep your kid overnight, you’re not forced to pay for it. But out of respect and kindness, you absolutely should.


If he broke something at someone elses house then yes i would say replace it. But at the same time make your child work it off such as doing chores. (Chores depending on the childs age) in my house the rules are if u make a mess you clean it up. You respect each other things period! An when you teach your child those things at home then you can trust him to go somewhere and not break other things in a different home. But at the same time if it was an accident how did it occur? Their are no right or wrong answers bc you said an accident not on purpose! So depending on thw situation tbh.


That’s like saying you won’t replace something your child broke at school. They break the school computer and you would have to pay.


I’m afraid so, you should definitely replace it or at least make the offer. Your child’s actions cause damaged to someone’s belonging while being a guest in their home. Considering the circumstances, may be an agreement to pay half would be an option. Unfortunately accidents do happen, but we need to teach our children what is right, must take some accountability.


There’s not enough information. How was the computer damaged? Was a drink dumped onto the tower or was it knocked over by throwing something or did it get infected by a virus?


I would feel horrible. How do you not feel bad and not want to replace it anyway? Yes I think you should at least be offering.


Your child, your responsibility. Maybe they were watching and an accident happened? At the very least I would suggest at least paying for half. I would be pretty upset if I invited my friends kid over to stay the night and have a fun time and then they broke my computer. They should know better by the time they are old enough for sleep overs I would think?


Did he break it like physically broke it put a hole in it damaged it or did he mess something up inside the computer and the software?

I would say u should replace it cuz it was ur child that broke it :woman_shrugging: what if it was ur house I bet u would expect them to replace the damaged item. Stop being a Karen


You should definitely offer to fix or replace the item. It was your kid who broke it regardless of the situation. Something tells me if someone else’s kid did this in your house you would expect the parents to be responsible. My kids and the damage they do are my responsibility. It could have happened while the adult had to use the bathroom. How is that their fault? Own it

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Uh…wow. No wonder your kid broke something his parents obviously don’t know how to take responsibility. Like what kind of adult are you…of course it’s your responsibility atleast half of damages are your responsibility.


I’ve never made a family pay for something their kid broke in my house :woman_shrugging: never even asked. Felt like thay was rude since they were at my house. My sons friends have broke bikes, games, a hooverboard. In my opinion if they don’t want something broke dont put it out to be played with. But apparently im the only one who thinks this way


Yes Karen! :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:YOUR child, YOUR responsibility!


Your responsible for it same as if in a store the store didnt ask you to come

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I wouldn’t expect someone to pay either. The child was in my supervision. I should have made sure they didn’t have access to said computer


Is this really a question?


I would offer to replace it. Your child should know better. And if your child doesn’t know better, then he/she shouldn’t be spending the night at other people’s houses.


maybe the reason for asking them over to get a new computer


It was on their watch don’t pay


Me personally I would replace it regardless of whether or not they wanted me to

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I feel like if they were invited over without you asking as a guest I wouldn’t expect them to replace it. In all honesty the adult should have been watching the children better and making sure they weren’t able to break something that valuable. A child shouldn’t be playing with a computer anyways. So I’d say no also! You wouldn’t make a guest coming over replace something they broke would you?


I mean yes, isn’t this a good learning lesson as in you go to a store and you break something isn’t it you break it you buy it?


U are NOT responsible!


I would say half and half if anything. Your child but their responsibility. With that being said I can’t imagine asking a parent to replace something their child broke in my care.


No. Typically I would say yes, but under these circumstances it was an ACCIDENT that happened while THEY were responsible for your child, and THEY requested your child come over.


Ask your self that same question.
Would you be upset if your child’s friend spilt their drink on your phone/tablet?

You would hope the other parent would offer to pay the insurance fee.

I would offer to pay half.

I would offer to pay half.
They pay half and you pay half.
That seems fair.
As you do have very valid points so do they.

Dummy up and replace said item … :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:

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I feel I’m responsible for what is in my home and I take the risk when children come visit


I personally wouldn’t pay for it. Where is the proof that it was your kid that did it? Where is the proof that the computer wasn’t already broken? When we have kids over we supervise so things don’t get broken. We put away things that valuable. If some toys broke. That’s ok they are meant to be played with.
Maybe offer some :moneybag: to be nice. But i wouldn’t be buying brand bew computer.


Go half and half on it

I didnt even read past the first line. Yes. The answer is yes. Unequivocally.

If its a teenager then yes I would make them pay because they should know better… But if its a toddler, absolutely not… If that child is staying over MY house that child is under MY supervision! They should have kept an eye on them (if young) and make sure they don’t break anything.


Check with your homeowners insurance, it might be covered.

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Would you expect the parents to pay if it was your computer that was broken?

I would normally offer to pay for something my kid broke. Although it would depend on what and how it was broken…

Maybe you can offer to pay for repairs, depending on the damage it might be a cheaper option

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I wouldn’t expect someone else to pay for it if their child broke it under my care and supervision, so I’d probably be upset if they wanted me to replace it at their house. Kids have accidents happen all the time. You take that risk when you invite a child over, especially a young one. Not everyone has money to just hand over for something broken at someone else’s house when that person obviously didn’t care enough about the item to begin with when they left it in reach of kids. When I invite kids over, I take the precautions to put expensive things away and I watch the kids. If something is broken at my house under my supervision, I bite the bullet and replace it myself. And I take it as a lesson learned to put it away next time🤷‍♀️


100% your responsibility

The right thing to do is both parents split the cost of replacement or repairs. your kid broke it. The other parent wasn’t properly monitoring- both are at fault


You sound like you’ve already made up your mind. You are defending your idea of not having to pay. Don’t look for a way to avoid a problem. Work towards finding a solution. Maybe these folks can’t afford to repair or replace the computer and you can. Don’t find fault with them for wanting your child to be invited to some much needed social bonding time right now. If you want the right answer to come to you you will have to quiet the defense attorney part of your Brain.


I would NEVER expect someone to pay for something of mine that was broken while I was watching their child .


I would go halfsies.

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You know you’d be bitching if it were the other way around and they didn’t want to replace your shit, but go off.:woozy_face:

Your kid, your responsibility. You would have to pay if they broke things anywhere else.
Also, wondering what he did to the computer?

How dod the computer break? I think paying for it depends on the entirety of the circumstances. If the child was told not to play with the computer but did anyway, yes you shoud pay. If the child was given permission and misused it by breaking it purposely, yes you should pay for it. If the child was given permission and accidently broke it because they didn’t know how to ise it properly then maybe discuss splitting the costs. How old was the computer? Age plus a lot of other factors are to be discussed. Accidents happen also, and if there wasnt already a prior agrrement that you would have to replace anything your child breaks, legally I’m not sure there is much they can do. Tell them to tale you to court.


Well. Put yourself in the other parents shoes. Would you want them to replace what their child broke? I would…

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I babysat a child in my house on Sunday and even under my watchful eye and after stopping him numerous times, he slammed his hands on my glass display once, breaking it. It happens when kids aren’t taught how to not cause trouble in a house that’s not their own

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Yes. You need to replace the computer.

Whatever u choose to do is what kind of person n parent you are


Did they bash it with a bat? I mean damn.

I pick up things that I don’t want kids to have access to but when my kids break things I offer to fix or replace what is broken.

I don’t think so he was in there care so there responsibility I’d offer out of respect

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I personally would not ask another child’s parent to replace something their child broke on my watch. If you know young kids are coming over normally you put up any expensive stuff they could break.

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To be completely honest this woman. …has asked an innocent question…people view incidents like this is total different ways…
I don’t feel the need to bash her for an innocent question…
I would personal ask questions surrounding the breaking of the computer…before I open my wallet to fix it period


They are locus parentus. If u do replace it will be a gesture

I’m torn. Like how exactly was it broken? And is it 100% on just your kid? Or was it both kids? Accidents do happen but you also gotta take responsibility for their actions. If your child was at my house and both kids broke a computer I’d be like lets go halves. knowing how much a computer costs I’d go and price around places that fix them that would be the cheaper option than buying a whole new one. Be a grown up and get it fixed/replace. Depending how old your kid is make them pay you back half the money you spent. Natural consequences. I bet they won’t break another computer again.


My child and my friends child broke a piece of her entertainment stand. Now weather or not her kid my kid or both broke it I replaced it. Now on the other hand her dog wrecked my gate and she never replaced it and long story but we are no longer friends.

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It should be half yea they should be watching but at the end of they day ot was your child that broke it , until a child is at a responsible age they should pay out of thier pocket money thier actions is your responsibility, though at this day and age a child under 13 in my opinion shouldn’t be doing sleep overs as they not responsible to deal with thier actions

No your not. Man what is wrong with people. How old is the kid?

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Little ones break and damage things, accidents happen. Children should be under supervision around things like computers.
That’s why friends and family like bringing kids to my house because the breakables are in safe areas that children are not allowed.
Learned that real quick as soon as my girls were mobile.
If my kid did it I would offer to pay half and if something was broken here I would ask for half. Because the responsibility should be shared.

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Yeah. He’s your responsibility. Replace the computer.

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I feel like before you let your child sleep over you need to talk to them about respecting them and their home. Maybe they didn’t think they had to watch a close eye like that because this kids have never done something like that? Some houses are more mellow that other. I nanny at one house that had nothing childproofed because it wasn’t necessary and another house that needed to be childproofed to the max. As parents it’s our job to teach our kids to have manners and be good guests. You should def pay for the computer.

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They took over responsibility 4 ur child. But I would share the cost bcoz it’s fair tbh.

Yes. This shouldn’t even be a question.

You’re responsible to reimburse them for the damage your child caused.


If I invited a kid over I now take responsibility for them and they are a guest in my house … If it was an Adult yes I’d ask o pay but a child no … It was my responsibility to make sure the child was supervised correctly


I’d have to ask my kid what happened first. It could have already been broken… Then out of respect I’d offer to pay for a portion of the repairs.

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If the child was in my house and broke my computer I’d be devastated. But a child is a child and unless I had evidence or knew for sure it was done on purpose I’d replace it myself. In saying this, if the parent offered towards costs I’d appreciate it but I don’t know if I’d accept as it would of been an accident and if it was my child who broke something I’d offer something towards costs.

Yes I would feel obligated to at least offer to help pay


I really can’t believe this is a question :woman_facepalming: YOU’RE responsible for teaching your children what is acceptable to and not to touch. If you can’t handle that load, then you probably shouldn’t be allowing them to spend the night at someone else’s house, because of your short comings. ESPECIALLY if you’re unwilling to replace/repair/make right any damages. It’s not someone else’s job to ensure your child knows to keep their hands off of a computer! Nothing like continuing to breed entitlement into our youth :roll_eyes:


Shit happens. It’s part of the risk when you have kids in your home.

Pay half of it especially if yes ND their kids broke it

Depends how old is your child if they are old enough to be thought not to touch things then yes you should. If it was a toddler well then they were not watching very well so no I would pay for it.


I feel like it depends on how old the child is. I can tell by the other comments I have the unpopular opinion but if the child is too young to even really realize what they did, it’s not your fault. You can’t do as much to teach a 2 or 3 year old how to act at someone else’s house as you could with say an 8 year old. If the child is old enough to be doing chores, I’d say offer to pay half to get a new computer and have the child do chores to work it off. If it was a much younger child, it’s harder to teach them to be responsible. It’s not impossible but it is harder. And if it was a younger child, the adult should have been watching them around something so expensive.


In my opinion, no. To me the big difference is that the child was under their supervision and not yours. Had you been visiting and your child broke something then yes. But since I’m all about peace keeping I’d likely contact my homeowners insurance and see if my insurance would cover it, just to avoid the conflict. That is after all why we have insurance.


I have 4 kids, we were having a sleep over and had about 16 kids total here at my house we ended up having 2 TVs and a ps4 broke all within a night… I did not ask one parent to replace any items counted it as a loss and replaced those things.