Am I responsible for replacing something my son broke at someone else's house?

Why does it matter they asked for him to stay and you didn’t? I don’t understand that mentality. That excuses you?

yes, or at very least help replacement or repair costs.

As much as it sucks, you should be responsible for replacing the broken item that your child broke.

i would offer to at least but that’s just me, and being me i would never except as things break here when kids come to sleep over but meh that’s life

You are responsible for their actions until they are 18 years old unless they are emancipated from you.

Most definitely you should replace. That is an expensive item he damaged.

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imagine announcing to thousands of strangers you weren’t raised right… yes. If your child broke something, you replace it. You can’t blame anyone else, you don’t know if they were in the same room or not. Or if they walked away for 2 minutes to get them snacks or to use the restroom. It sucks, but it’s your responsibility to teach your son that there are consequences to his actions.

If I am the house owner, I would ask you to replace it for sure.

I think it common courtesy to offer to pay or at least split the cost

Yes it is you and your child’s responsibility to pay for the damage

You better put his little butt to work to earn money for that computer. Same as everyone else… you’re kid, your responsibility

I would pay and done the argument… Just don’t ask for another sleep over …

If your child breaks something, you should pay for it.

If your child broke it then you replace it

If at the store,You break you buy.
Same at someone’s house, weather you or your child did it. But if they say no it’s ok,run with it…:woozy_face:

Why would you send your son over for a sleep over with the coronavirus going around?! Put yourself
In their shoes if their kid came over for a sleep over at your house and they broke something will you make them pay for it or brush it off?!

Depends on what happened but I’d say 50% at minimum, up to the full price.

I would at least offer to have it fixed or replaced. Often, just offering is enough.

I think you should at least offer to help pay for it.

If anything, go with the other mother to a computer place, have it assessed to get an estimate on how much it will cost to fix (if its fixable). Then go from there

I would want to know did it break because of malicious activity? Or would it have broke no matter who used it?

I would offer. Even if it’s making payments to them. Its worth a gesture.

As a courtesy, be ready to apologize and offer to pay whatever you can to help fix/replace the item.

If it was reversed would you want the other parent to pay at least half the cost of a new computer if there child broke your computer?

Absolutely your job to replace or make right…accidental or not

Yes. You are responsible. It is your child. No matter where they are! What a silly question!

Yes it’s your responsibility. Your child broke something at their house.

Um yeah, that’s the same as if the situation was reversed. Who raised you to think you weren’t responsible for the things YOUR kid breaks?

I would say yes you should replace it. At least offer.

I think it depends on a lot, like how old is your child? Old enough to know better? And how was the computer broken? Like they bumped into it and it fell or your child hit it or something?

I would offer to pay half of it. It’s shared responsability in my opinion.

The child should replace the broken item. If they broke something they replace it!

How old is the child and how did it get broken? Seems a little wierd to me.

You can look at this a couple of ways…#1. I would ask Exactly how this happened…It is pretty hard to destroy a computer that it had to be replaced…generally the Geek squad can fix anything…#2. Exactly what was broken on the computer ( for the same reasons as above) #3. Were other children like their child involved?.. #4. did the child come and ask for your child to spend the night and you called to double check? I raised seven kids and it was always the kids who would ask, whether my child asking a friend to spend the night or a friend asking my child to spend the night…then we parents talk whether it’s OK or not.( if the parents called out of the blue…it may raise a red flag)…#5. You never gave the age of your child …1/2/3/4 or 5 year old even up to maybe 7 the parents should be responsible enough to put computers etc…valuable up and out of reach of children or supervise while they are playing…10 or older…I would investigate…also…Did you ask your Child what happened? You may just find out it WASN’T your child who broke it…or if he was involved offer to pay for half the repair…if they say no they need a new one…offer to call the geek squad yourself and if they refuse that then you know there is more then meets the eye…like I said…Unless he poured a bucket of water on it or dumped it in the pool it takes alot to totally destroy a computer…

Unless my kid chucked the computer across the room, there is no way I’d pay more than half.

I mean It’s the moral thing to do regardless…if your at a friend’s Pampered Chef party and you take your child and they hit the tv and it falls and breaks your gonna offer to pay for it…I mean aren’t you?

yes, you are responsible for what your underage child does no matter where he/she is or what happened. Sounds like you are trying to avoid responsibility. If you don’t want to pay up for “accidents”, keep your kid at home. What if their kid broke something at YOUR house, I bet you would expect, yes, expect, the parents to pay for it. Good time to teach your kid a lesson, after you pay up.

Never again would I let my child stay over someone’s house.

I would only pay half of it as it was still your child that broke it.

Absolutely!! You are responsible to replace broken items

How do we actually know that her child broke it ? I need more information

I would for sure offer to replace it or pay them for it, but I would also feel how you feel.

I would find out all the details and offer to have it repaired if the child was intentionally breaking the rules when it was broken. Then, I would have the child work it off (depending on age) at home to teach the lesson of valuing your things as well as other people’s things… If it was an accident, I would still probably offer, but not make the child responsible


I would go halves, I wouldnt pay for the full amount but would certainly pay half

If a child was in your home and broke something would you expect his/her parents to replace said item? I most definitely would. :woman_shrugging:

I’d offer or least go half’s . Most computers we but we insure for accidental damage xx

Yes! It is your child and your responsibility. Maybe make your child work off the cost.

What if the adults staged the accident and asked the child to sleep over so they could use him as a scapegoat?

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Yes it’s your responsibility no Matter where your child is.

You may not have asked for your child to stay over but you still let them go. Minimum you should pay at least half

I’d probably try to offer half but tbh ismt that why people get home insurance? X


Is this a serious question? If my kid breaks anything, I will make SURE I pay for it!

I feel like without knowing all of the details. That I would offer to pay for it to be fixed or replaced. I know with my daughter if she broke something of someone else’s I would want to replace it and she is 8 because I would hope they would do the same if the roles were reversed. No if my daughter had a friend over and they broke something and it was something my daughter was also at fault of no i wouldn’t expect them to pay but If my daughter was following rules and their friend was not and they broke something I would hope the parent would offer. No i have insurance but that wasn’t always the case and a computer not everyone can just up a buy a new one and maybe worked hard to get one for their child. I would at least offer.

you would def be replacing my computer…i shouldnt have to put my things up because kids are around…if my kids arent touching/messing w stuff then yours shouldnt either…

Yes you should replace it because that would be the right thing to do

She must be a Democrat asking a question like this. She would be the asking the question If I got pregnant by my boyfriend and he was cheating is it still my baby or is it the girl he was cheating with baby???

I’ve had kids break stuff all the time sometimes expensive stuff. Never at a sleepover though. I never made the parents because they didn’t really have the money. I have paid for stuff my kids broke luckily nothing pricey

Yes you are responsible. Otherwise you’re teaching the child to duck responsibility

I’d say you should at least offer to pay some (or all if you can) of the damage.

How old is the child if we new the age then maybe the advice may be different could you let us no the age ?!

You’re responsible for at least half the damages.

You are absolutely responsible! Your child should have been taught not to touch things that are not their, especially electronics. If your child is old enough to stay at another house without parents then they should know better and should have been given a talk about being respectful to others property and to be on their best behavior. I would not even question whether I would have to pay for the damages, it would be an automatic guarantee from me. Accidents do happen and it is unfortunate that the end result is you paying for the damage but that is life. I am sure you would expect the same if someone accidentally rear ended your car, it was an accident after all but you would still hold them accountable.

I say half. In court it would either be half or nothing.

They are responsible not u they should hfh ave been supervising the children

Your child your responsibility. Sorry but you are obligated to pay for said computer

Definitely pay for it… but have the child work it off as well.

A computer, yes absolutely. They break a plate or a toy, no.

You should offer to pay some of it.

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Yes, why wouldn’t you fix something your child did.

Judge Judy says not your responsibility. I’ve seen a case like this before. She says the parent who is watching the kid is responsible.

I would definitely feel obligated to do so, and I would expect the same

Yes. You break it you buy it goes with your kids too, sorry.

If you were in a shop you would have to pay for it. I think you should offer to pay the excess & put it through insurance.

And how old is he? If he’s under 5… I’d say no way… under 10… maybe partial…

You absolutely offer to pay for it. Replace it, find the same one on Ebay, something. They may say no it’s ok it was old. But as for the make and model and replace it with the same or better.

Sorry but yeah you’re going to have to replace it that’s the right thing to do

You should pay it all…but at least half ! opinion !

Is it your child that broke it? If so, then yes you should definitely offer to replace it.

Uh. Yeah. The issue is you having to even ask this question to begin with. No wonder you want it to be anonymous :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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“You break it you buy it” meaning your kid broke it so you have to replace it

Absolutely! Repair or replace the item damaged!

I think things like this is why we have homeowners insurance. And if you have it that might help too.

I’d have a lot of questions to ask before I paid that’s for sire

You should definitely offer to pay for it

I would suggest paying for half. not a new computer… not sure if it was not prior w damages, its ur child…their house…hard situation.

If your child comes to my house and breaks something of mine you will be replacing it.

This a computer. Not a toaster. Way to split hairs. Replace it. Its the only thing to do.

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I feel like you should pay for what your child damages or keep your wild banchee at home

I think that a parent should replace any item within reason, replace that item. Even a computer

Wow… You have to even ASK this?
You should split the cost with the homeowner and not cause a damn scene over it.
Your crotch droppling broke it, so you help replace it.

Sorry its your kid that did it but you was not there they as grown ppl should of been watching your kid at there house

For one I would need the details to the whole story, two I would want model number for said computer. They would get that model number computer replaced. Not an entirely new one. eBay is awesome.

If they have home owners insurance that’ll cover it.

I’d offer to pay for it or at least half.

As a study abroad student, I left a window open & it rained…my family payed 500 dollars…

What if the situation were reversed?? I would offer…it’s the responsible thing to do…

Yes, you are responsible for the damage your child causes.

Your child your responsibility this is how I raise my kids and now raising my grandchildren

Regardless you should offer to pay for the expense of repair / replacement

Oh yes. How could you not feel you are? How would you feel if it were the other way around?