Am I responsible for replacing something my son broke at someone else's house?

Tell them to get bent. They asked your child to spend the night. They never discussed all the what if’s with you prior to dropping him off. Their kid could have broken for all you know but blaming yours. What did your child say about it?

I would offer to half of the replacement value

If it was my child and it was a expensive item i would pay for at least half of it

Omg. Replace what your child broke. Or lose a friend… shouldn’t be a hard choice

Whether u will be proud when ur son got first rank in his studies or any sport activities…???

Pay for 1/2. You don’t know if it was your child or theirs that broke it.

The adult in charge is responsibility unless the child is a teen

I would pay for the damage or maybe they can turn it into the insurance?

fix it no doubt your child after all

what did he do to break it? Did he say it was his fault? details needed.

Your wrong. More importantly your teaching the wrong lessons.

#1 You tell people to go buy what they need to replace what was broken.
#2 YOU super apologize.
#3 Your son apologies in person AND writes a note.
#4 At home, you have a serious conversation with your son about respect, responsibility, feelings sorry when he’s wrong and owning his mistake.
#5 You and your son work out a payment schedule for him to repay you for what was damaged.
He needs to realize how much people work for money.
He may miss Birthday, Valentine’s, Easter, new clothes, special events, to repay, AND HE WORKS at real jobs.
You keep a ledger and hold him responsible for every cent. It will take time.
This is a teachable moment.
This is a teachable moment for your whole family.
You don’t EVER display to a child he is not responsible for his actions or behavior. NEVER! That lesson will come back and bite you all 10 fold.
I get you don’t want to spend your money… Don’t communicate a lesson of money. This is a lesson of responsibility, work ethics and your family integrity.


Yes…if you child was clearly abusive. If not offer to pay for half the repair

if it was a plate or vase no biggie … a computer IT IS A PRICEY BIG deal and I would say you have to see how much they expect you to pay for it to repair it .
Even if invited.

Yes it is your responsibility. Your child damaged it.

Yes…its your responsibility. Imagine if it were your house and someone elses child.

2 sides 2 every story. Compromise and pay 1/2

Depending on the situation you should atleast pay half

How old is the child and how did the accident happen.

Do you have to? No. I suppose not. Should you? I would.

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Of course you should.
Why have babies before you learn how to behave civilly?

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I would offer…i think??? It would probably depend on the actual situation??

How was the computer broken? How old is the child?

No $
Homeowners ins ? Or put your kid to work for it

Replace the computer with the same make and model in exchange for the broken one.

It’s absolutely your responsibility! For example, if your child is in a store and drops something and breaks it, it is your responsibility to pay for it, why should it be any different if your child broke something in someone’s house? You are acting very entitled. Just because they were nice enough to invite your child over, it’s their responsibility to pay for damages your kid caused? Wow!


We’re both children on the computer at the time? Was it all your child’s fault? If not maybe you could go in halves with the parents?

Pay half the price it takes to repair or replace the computer…

Home owner’s insurance should take care of it - but I wouldn’t be letting him go play anytime soon. Most kids know how to play with computers though.

Doesn’t their homeowners insurance cover things like this? I think so

Your child broke a computer? Of course you’re responsible.

It is absolutely yours and your childs responsibility

What is actually broken, the whole computer or just the screen?

The host should have child proofed the house.

This isn’t serious right? I would be offering!

You really should offer to purchase a replacement.

Yes at least offer to pay / or half what ever

This really depends on what happened. Did computer break due to slamming it around or horseplay ? Or did a virus get downloaded on it due to a child being naive? The situation would determine if I felt responsible

Most of the questions on this are totally assinine! Is this satire or serious questions?

Would renters/home insurance cover it?

Is this a real question? Actions have consequences…

I would pay if it was my child

How old is this child?

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Its probably a good gesture…maybe offer to pay half?

I think splitting it is reasonable. Is it the whole computer, the monitor only?

If your kid broke a laptop in my house you’d be replacing it. What’s the problem?

Why would you not? He broke it.

If he can’t pay for it then yes, you are.

Wouldn’t something like a computer not come under household insurance?

Ca mr it be fixed? Why replace? Yes it’s your responsibility.

Uh what? How would you feel if a friend broke your $1000 computer? Also if it wasn’t your idea then say no :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

You should take the computer to fix. Not buy one.

At least offer to fix or pay half for the repair

Yes, you’re responsible. Honestly shocked that you needed to ask.


Um, yes? Why is this even a question?

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Did your child really damaged it or are they looking to score a new computer?

Yes just like me buying new makeup for my cousin when my daughter got into it!

Yes it is your responsability…plus its common sense

Yes you are and teach your kids not to touch stuff that isn’t theirs

Shouldn’t the homeowners insurance cover that?

Your child your responsibility you should pay for it

How old are the children involved?

Yup. Why wouldn’t it be your responsibility? Lol wow

Decorations or toys—yes. But how do you break a computer??

How does a kid break a computer?

Of course it’s your responsibility. I’m baffled that you would think it isn’t.


How old is your child? How did it break?

Think it is only right to offer to replace the item

And this is why the world is the way it is.

If your kid goes somewhere and intentionally breaks things that’s a parenting fail on YOUR part, yes if its intentional you should pay for it.

If it was an accident and not expensive then no

Whos to say the child broke it ?

Where is Judge Judy when you need her??

If you a descent person than absolutely don’t be a jerk

If your son busted out a window playing ball in the yard would you/the child pay for it?

YES! Would you be ok if a kid broke your computer and just write it off?

What did they break on a computer?

Idk… I see a lot of “you should be responsible for their property” and Im conflicted. I suppose it depends on how close your child is to theirs? Your relationship to their parents…
I personally have my 5yr old granddaughters friend over regularly.
My 5yr old granddaughter likes to think she is older, bc of her older cousins.
I know that and account for that.
Laptops, tablets, etc go in my room unless I am VISABLY watching them use them.
Yet, if my child broke something, I would replace it(if it was accidental. If it wasn’t and it was malicious, Im make my child come up with ways to pay for it themselves.
Now if someones child was at MY home, something got broke, Id personally go about it and tell who ever it belonged to “that’s why I tell you to put things away” “thats what happens when you don’t take care of your things🤷‍♀️”…
That would be the end of it.
For I personally believe that if it is not something to be played with(in my house full of children) then it gets put up.
Yet, not everyone has a home full of children and live that way. :woman_shrugging:

Oh good lord! This is so far beyond common sense its sad. Of course it’s your responsibility!

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How old is your child ?

According to Judge Judy, the supervising parent should pay for damages.


How old is the child?

Yes! You’re responsible for what your kids do until they reach a certain age :woman_shrugging:t2:

I would offer to help replace it.


Legally you are not responsible. Morally I would

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It’s a good teaching lesson that in life you have to pay for accident.

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Out of simple morals, yes. You at least HELP to pay for part of it.
Accident or not, doesn’t really matter🤷🏼‍♀️

However, I am verrrry curious how old this child is.

Yes respect the belongings of others… maybe child can do chores to earn the money to replace

Yeah you should at least help pay something to fix it.

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Need more to the story as to how this happened…


Absolutely! Accountability is so important for kids to learn

Your responsibility as a parent!


That’s absolutely your responsibility. Your child should know better.

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Well personally I would at least offer .It’s just called integrity .

50/ 50 yes she was responsible, as a Parent you are responsible as well

Damn what an irresponsible parent YOU are. Probably those parents that let their kids eat candy at the store w/o paying for it. Your child broke something so yeah. At least offer to help pay for half. Smh :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:

I think that it would be the right thing to do

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Yess! Don’t make excuses, good lord. Be a responsible adult and do the right thing!

It’s not their problem that your kid doesn’t know how to treat things with respect :woman_shrugging:t3:

Shouldn’t even have to ask this. Your child your responsibility

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If they invited your child to stay over then they should be watching him. How are you supposed to know what is going on when your not there. They shouldn’t of had the computer out or around where the kids could have it. Same as if their kid was at your house then it would be your responsibility to watch their child. They should of called you to come pick him up if it was a problem. I dont know maybe offer to help pay to get it fixed but I wouldn’t pay for the whole thing


Yes your responsible. Teach your child to respect others and accept responsibility.