Am I responsible for replacing something my son broke at someone else's house?

Yes you should at least offer to replace it

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Your kid broke it, you need to fix it

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You are morally responsible to pay for it.

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I believe personally that its their responsibility to watch the child. Just like a babysitting situation if the child is young enough to still need adult supervision. So I would not expect repayment for something a child broke of mine while under my supervision. Now even with that being said, if they requested I pay for a replacement/fixing, I would have a sit down discussion about how we can make it right. As long as said adult, can act like an adult about the situation.

I would find out exactly how it happened first :woman_shrugging: then decide what the respectful thing is to do

Umā€¦courtesy thing to do would be to replace itā€¦

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Yes. You are responsible for offering to replace it- accident or not.

Offer what help you can, yeah, be responsible

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I would always offer to pay if my child damaged something .
Itā€™s good manners.
People canā€™t watch kids 24/7 .

There is so much missing from this post. How old is your child? What was the accident? What circumstances led to the accident? Where were the adults when this accident occurred? Who was all present? Do you have all of the facts, have you spoken to the parents and to your child about what happened? These are all key factors. Yes you are responsible for your child and your childā€™s actions. Yes there should have been adult supervision, however no one can have eyes on their child or any other child in their care 100%of the time. You need to first make sure you have the entire story, and then you need to come up with a solution that works for both of you. Personally I would never ask someone to replace something that was broken or damaged at my house, unless the child maliciously and purposefully damaged the object, and then I would still only ask for them to help me replace it. I have a feeling that since this parent reached out to you, the possibility of this not being an accident is greater. On the flip side, if my child broke or damaged something at someone elseā€™s house I would either offer to fix it, offer to buy a new one or offer to cover some of the money for the replacement, even if it was an accident. I wouldnā€™t feel right not offering to at least help.

I would definitely offer to replace.

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Yes pay for any property your child damages

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Judge Judy would say split the cost both parties are responsible

Yes, you are responsible for your sonā€™s restitution if he is a minor

Yes I would, then I would make my kid earn the money to pay me back !!

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Ypur child broke it it is only right you repair or replace it

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It would be kind to offer to pay for half .

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Wow! You should be offering to pay for it! You should feel bad.

I agree. You should offer and let your child, if old enough, help

Your child, your responsibility! However their home their responsibility!! Should have household insurance!! Good Luck!!:raising_hand_woman::mask::blush::sun_with_face:

Do they have contents insurance?

Has a responsible parent you should replace it

Yes you should replace whatever they broken if your able

You are absolutely responsible for replacing the broken computer.

I would offer to pay even if they didnt ask me

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You pay for it!!! Jesus people. Take responsibility for your family. :imp:

Um yes itā€™s your child why would you not automatically replace it

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Yes you should. But I would make him work and pay you off as well

Youā€™ve gotta pay. Itā€™s the right thing to do.

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According to Judge Judy youā€™re responsible to pay for it

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Common sense you replace something if your child broke it!

I think it depends what exactly happened

Sorry, but itā€™s your responsibility.

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My daughter threw my dadā€™s phone in the pool when they went on vacation last month. I offered to pay the deductible so they could claim insurance on it but they told me it was on them and they should have been watching her better.
I feel I was responsible because in the end it is my child who did the damage.

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Yep. If my kid broke it, Iā€™d pay for it.

No maā€™am, donā€™t play those games. YOU are responsible for it.


YES!!! You would be responsible of the damagesā€¦how is this a questionā€¦

Yes absolutely why do even need to ask

Your child your responsibility.


I say it depends on the situation and individuals in this scenario.

Yes, parents responsibility even if itā€™s an accident. :woman_shrugging:

Absolutely. This is the responsible thing to do. It also shows the child that there are consequences to their actions. This is a huge problem with adults in our societyā€¦lack of responsibility.

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Read your wordsā€¦ your child ā€¦ teach them that itā€™s just the right thing to do :raised_hands:

I wouldnā€™t 1 I ask him r her 2 it was accident

I would :100: replace it. If your kid did it it is the right thing to do.

Pay for itā€¦you know the right thing to do, youā€™re just selfish.

PER THE COURTS: your child til 18 therefore your responsibility as a parent. Welcome to parent hood.

If my kid breaks it, I replace it.

Yes it is your responsibility :joy::joy:

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Yes. I think it would be your responsibility regardless.

Itā€™s the sense of entitlement you have for me :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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How the hell else do you start teaching accountability and responsibility :eyes:

Depends what it is yes id replace it. Especially if itā€™s expensive like a computer

NO WAY. there was a whole court case on this. A child caught a carpet on fire while The adult was a ASLEEP and she sued the parent for damages which didnā€™t work out in her favor in court because The adult is supposed to be supervising the child. So NO. Youā€™re getting alot of bad advice in these comments

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Youā€™re responsible for your kid. Period.

I would definitely offer to give some money at least.

Itā€™s just good manners to do it.

Yes lolā€¦ didnā€™t get the responses you were hoping for Iā€™m guessingā€¦ lol

Oh my I can not believe this post. Of course you are responsible!

I would offer to replace it.

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Yeah sorry :disappointed: but ya they should have been watching them but stillā€¦

This is a silly question, of course itā€™s ur responsibility.

Yes you are responsible for your child

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Its not ur responsibility. But it is having manners to offer.

I stopped reading at the first question. Um. YES. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

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Sorry, you need to replace it, it is your responsibility

I believe he is of age to be without constant supervision, spend the night with someone then he is responsible for the damage. That would fall on you to make restution for him, his allowance or you pay & make him do chores to pay you back. He has to learn to take responsibility for his actions so this would be a great lesson for him. He will watch you. & how you handle it

I would help maybe pay half.

I would replace it even if they didnā€™t want me to

I donā€™t think you are responsible to pay for it.

Yes youā€™re responsibleā€¦your child is your responsibility!

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Of course! Itā€™s a no brainer.

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Reverse the tables and do what youā€™d expect.

Yes, you should at least offer

In two simple words YOUā€™RE RESPONSIBLE

Depends on what he broke.

Thatā€™s like 1500 bucks, Iā€™d definitely need more information

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Yes unfortunately your responsibility.

Well it sounds like they got their answer.

I meanā€¦ I think this comes down to how your child broke it.

You are responsible until heā€™s 18.

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I think it would depend on the situation.

Depends if they were allowed to play with it!

I would feel obligated to replace it

Yes itā€™s your responsibility.

I might offer to pay half because yes it is your kid but yes they should have been watching them better. What of your kids got hurt at their house? And not just an item

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Yes, you should at least offer to help fix/ replace if you know it was your childā€™s fault, but if they willing gave your child the comp knowing the risks and it was not only your childā€™s fault that is a different story and I would not feel itā€™s fair to blame your child in that case. So I guess it depends on the situationā€¦

Itā€™s your responsibility if your kid broke it!

Until we have all the detailed facts it is undecidable.

Yes your child is responsible for the computer.

I would offer to repair it.

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You are 100% responsible for the item your child broke accident or not :woman_facepalming:t2:

There isnā€™t enough information here to make an informed suggestion. Iā€™d be digging to see exactly what happened. Accidents do happen. Depending in the child age and the factors. In most cases I would replace item.

Iā€™d be rather pissed that theyā€™d suggest!!

Itā€™s called respect teach it early

I am so sorry but your responsibility!!!

If your child broke it, even by accident, you should offer to replace it.
Iā€™m appalled thatā€™s not obvious to some people

Sorry accidents happen. And it wasnā€™t done intentionally.

Make your son pay for ut by doing chores.

Accountability, teach yourself, then your child. You are responsible for your actions.