He’s your responsibility. You should at least make the gesture to help pay for it. Whether it takes you a day, a week or a year, you should help to pay for it.
Personally I would offer to pay for its repair/replacement but I’ve had things including an iPhone broken by children whilst their parents have been present and they’ve never offered to replace or repair it!
How old is the child? If they’re old enough for a sleepover with a friend then surely they’re old enough to know to respect someone’s home. If it was truly an accident like they knocked over a drink that an adult had put next to the computer, not something like climbing where they weren’t supposed to or bashing it too hard etc, then you should pay for damages. If my child (currently 10 months but when she’s older) was staying at a friends home and broke something valuable I’d be mortified and replacing it straight away for them
I would have to know specifics.
How old is your child?
How did it break?
Did your child know better?
If your child is 10 and was messing with something he shouldn’t, then I’d say it’s your cost. If your child is a toddler and should have been supervised, that’s their responsibility at that point.
For everyone saying she isnt responsible to pay. If a kid came to your house and broke something, you would be demanding it to be replaced. Same concept, she is totally responsible for atleast paying half
No. If they have kids I’m sure they know kids break things. When I let other kids spend the night I put up everything I don’t want touched or broken lol other than the tv and stuff like that. It’s a child. Now if it were an adult guest I would ask for them to pay for it cause they’re well aware of how to not break stuff lol
Depends on how it got broken…did he spill a cup on accident, drop it, hit it with a ball on accident, etx
How did it happen, you can’t watch kids every second of every day, but your child should know not to mess with things that don’t belong to them. Regardless, you are responsible for your child’s behavior/actions. You should at least offer to HELP replace it, that’s just what a decent person would do.
Yes you are, I was very upset when some kids my mom was babysitting for threw a ball at my tv in my room and it never got replaced or fixed, anything my daughter has broken anywhere else I have replaced. You are responsible for your kids even when they’re not with you.
Pay half for piece of mind
What does your character say
Once we called few of our frnds (we dont meet them often)… we were in living room and the kids were in another room…
the next morning I saw our bedroom TV is broken… one child throw a ball on the TV… but hv not complaint to their parent.
Is it your responsibility? Probably not. Would it be the right thing to do? Yes.
Your not responsible to pay for it. The should have been responsible and have watched the child better. If you weren’t there how can it be your fault or your responsibility. If you have enough money to replace it that would be a good idea. Just being a good understanding person. But the struggle is real. Maybe talk about going half and half and if their is going to be a next time of your child staying the night things need to be talked about then.
How old is your child?
How was the computer broken?( Something spilled on it? A virus?)
Were their kids playing with it, too? Could they both/all have damaged it? Is it feasible that their child could have done the damage, it just happened to be yours? (If they were letting 6 yr olds drink juice and he the computer, and it just happened to be your child’s cup that got knocked over, for example…)
Since your child was invited to stay , without you, obviously, they take responsibility to supervise the children.
Now, of your child is 10 yrs old and threw a PC down the stairs or whatever, that’s different…
I would feel bad and offer to replace it.
I think it depends on the age of the child, was it both kids who broke the computer?? Like did your child go out of his way to intentionally break it?? I’ve dropped my computer many times and it was ok now if I were to slam it on the floor that’s another thing. If I were the host party I would only expect the parent to pay for it if the child intentionally broke it. If it was an accident and it broke I wouldn’t put blame on anyone.
For me it would depend on age of child and how it was broke.
As a parent you are responsible for your child in every way. So yes you need to pay for the damages or replace the computer
Absolutely i definitely would
Personally if it were my son, I would replace it
Many things have been broken in my house by other people’s kids and I’ve only asked for repayment/replacement 1 time. If the kids were in my care then it is my fault they broke something in my house because I wasn’t watching them properly. The only exception being one time when the parents of the child were also over and the child was told repeatedly not to touch a certain electronic toy, I ended up putting the toy up high out of sight but the child still got it down and broke it. My daughter had saved her Christmas money and allowance for months to get this toy and was absolutely heartbroken when it was broken less than a week after buying it. She was still allowed to play with that child but it had to be somewhere else because neither the child nor the parents were allowed back in my house after that day
Nope. When I was a kid a friend lent me her travelling DVD player. When I went to use it it did not work. Pretty sure the friend or one of her siblings had broken it before they lent it to me so they wouldn’t get in trouble. And I was not allowed over until I got them a new one. As someone who only got $10 a month that took a pretty long time. I wasn’t the one who broke it and yet I had to take the fall for it or lose a friend. I wont ever put anyones kid thought that because unless you saw them specifically break it you never know if your kids are at fault as well. And I’ve had my daughters friend break two of our beds and never asked her mom to pay for them .
This is a tough one. If someone’s child broken something very expensive of mine I would be upset, but I probably wouldn’t ask them to buy me a new one. Like you said they invited him and should’ve been watching him.
Would you expect the parent to pay for the damaged item if you were in their shoes? I guess I would put myself in the situation and see how I would feel! I would atleast offer to help pay maybe:woman_facepalming:t2:
I would offer to split it. If that wasn’t accepted, I’d pay for it. But, that’s just me - and I have a “people-pleasing” personality but of course, there are moving pieces to this - how it was broke, was there supervision, were the kids given detailed instructions on being careful around the computer… Being a people-pleasing person doesn’t make me a sucker though, if the parents were at fault they need to take responsibility, tough titty…
Yes. You’re responsible for your child. If he’s with you or not. Unless he’s at his father’s house or it’s on his father’s time (if y’all are split up) it is your responsibility.
Yes, you are responsible. Your child is watching and learning from you. Do the right thing and teach your child to respect other people’s property, not how to make excuses.
It’s not fully your responsibility, but I personally would offer to replace at least half the cost. It’s the right thing to do even if it was an accident.
Things happen at a blink of an eye, yes whoever was babysitting was responsible for their well being while they were there but as a parent you should know it only takes a second for something to happen. And if you cannot take responsibility for the actions of your kids then they shouldn’t be spending time in other peoples home without you being there.
As a decent human being I would at least offer to help her pay half.
How was it broken would be my question and if needed offer to help pay for half of it
Well is your child only your responsibility when they at your house or 100% or time?
If he did something similar at school would you pay for damages?
100% responsible because that teaches your kids that he has consequences for his behavior, regardless of who is watching him or where he is.
I’d definitely offer to pay
Your responsibility 100% but by you asking this question it honestly says a lot.
Also something like a computer, wouldn’t even be in my budget to fix. Not even half. I’m taking away from my kids cause you weren’t watching mine. Mine also wouldn’t go back over there. Again this is all depending on age and how it got broken.
You don’t owe the nothing.
Are you sure your child broke it?
I always replaced anything that my son broke in someone else’s home…but I can tell you first hand not all parents think this way, I had more stuff broken and stolen out of my home that was never replaced or repaired! I always take the high road, sets a good example for my kid to do the same!
My son was playing basketball at a friends house. He broke the next door neighbors car window. I paid to replace it.
I feel like we all know kids can mess something up in a blink of an eye so I wouldn’t blame it on the person watching them. I would offer to pay for the item. How much of the bill would depend on the circumstances (like if the other kid had a part in it as well)
Of course you are responsible. Why on earth would you think you aren’t?
If I was there and my two year old broke something under my watch I’d replace it most definitely, but if I wasn’t there, the responsibility is on the other parent that’s watching the kids imo
I wouldn’t expect somebody to replace my computer if I left it out and a toddler accidentally broke it during a sleepover. It’d be my own fault for leaving it unsupervised around toddlers.
My son is 2 and definitely wouldn’t know any better so no I wouldn’t replace it.
My son accidentally broke his friends mom’s car window. I paid to replace it. You should offer something to help replace computer.
My grand kids broke the TV and my husband would say yes but I know it was an accident so I didn’t push it
Yes it’s your responsibility
If their kid broke something at your house would you expect it to be replaced?
Surprised you even asked . Of course you are responsible! Your child did the damage . You need to pay . The adult cannot watch every little move your child makes just as you can’t . Do the right thing . Offer to pay for it .
I don’t believe it’s your responsibility. They invited your child and left stuff like this out
If someone else’s child is at my house I take the responsibility of said child’s care taker. That means I watch them just like my own, take care of them like my own. If my own child breaks something in my home then it’s my fault for not watching them or removing the items I did not want them around. Accidents happen and things can be replaced but lives can not. Keeping your child alive and healthy while I have them is my job. I don’t care if things get broken they are just things . I would not except someone to replace the broken item in my home. However being a decent human I would offer to replace it if I could or at least offer what I could if I could not afford to pay for it all. Weather they take my offer or not is up to them. But I personally would tell someone else don’t worry about it .
I would honestly offer to at least contribute. If your child has broken something, he’s broken something. How would you feel if it were the other way around and they didn’t replace it? I don’t really like how you’re saying “they wanted my child to stay all night” and “so my child can spend time with theirs” it’s like you’re putting the responsibility and blame on everyone else. It was an accident, I assume, it happens. Teach your child the decent thing to do, and replace it
This is how entitlement starts, when parents question if they should replace something that there crotch goblin broke. You should offer to pay at least half. It would just be like taking a child to a store and they break something, you break it, you buy it.
Yes you should! Plus you don’t want to mess up your kids relationship with the other child because both sets of parents are fighting over a computer… its stuff just replace it
I would offer to pay for the damage or I would replace it, they wer kind enough to let your child stay over, its the decent thing to do
I would say yes to a point. You should pay for half of the cost and them the rest since they wanted your child to stay the night they should of been watching the children better
Depends on the age of the child and if the other child was involved. If you were there and not watching your child that would be a different situation. It’s their responsibility to watch children that they invite over and to protect their stuff from damage.
Um yes. At least half the cost depending on the situation. And don’t say ‘i shouldn’t payback you should’ve done xxx’ that’s just being a shitty entitled Karen. If your kid was involved you are responsible.
In my opinion no. They were in charge so it’s kinda their own fault. But it wouldn’t hurt to help them replace it anyway
A computer is not cheap so you should offer something. It doesn’t matter if you or they suggested the sleepover. Your child broke something and you need to do the right thing
I would at least offer to help replace it. Good lesson in accountability for one’s own actions instead of passing the buck on to someone else.
Why the hell was ur child playing with a computer unattended. I feel like if they were concerned of it breaking they would have watched carefully while ur child was playing with it
Or not let them play with it at all
I would offer as much as I could afford
I wouldn’t run someone down and force them to pay but I would pay up if my kid broke something of someone else’s and I’d expect the same in return. But you can’t force people to do the right thing.
When I ask a kid over, I personally assume any and all responsibility for whatever happens. If I have items that are valuable or irreplaceable, I put them up away from the children. When kids are in my care, their actions and wellbeing are my responsibility. Period! Its not someone else’s fault I allowed my valuables to be destroyed when I was supposed to be watching them!
If they are old enough for sleepovers they should know to be careful with things that don’t belong to them. Me in this situation I would replace it.
You are 100% responsible unless other kid was involved some how.
How old is the child?
Ummm what yes you absolutely are how is this even a question? Your kid broke it. End of story.
Yes you should be the one to pay for it. Regardless of who invited whom over. It’s the parents responsibility, same of you went to the store and your child broke something. Or atleast offer to pay half, show your children that accidents have consequences, they can work off what you had to pay with chores at home.
At the very least the responsable thing to do would be to offer to pay for it. If you can’t afford to replace the whole thing, offer at least some money towards it. Your child’s actions are your responsibility, and it’s a perfect opportunity to show your child how to own up for their actions. Like yes, accidents happen with kids, but they also need to learn how to correctly respond to them.
On the other side, if I were the parent who invited the child over and he or she broke something i would never even think about asking the parent to pay for a broken/damaged item. Ever.
Yes you are absolutely responsible. If the tables were turned would you want the parents of a child who broke something of yours to replace it? Or at the very least feel bad and offer.
Have your kid do extra chores or help around the house to pay it off to teach them responsibility. It may have been an accident but even children should learn that actions have consequences.
If I asked for a child to come pend the night with my kids & said child broke something i wouldn’t ask for parent to pay. Me asking in the 1st place, I’d feel like it’s my responsibility & a lesson learned. If it was my child ther broke something and I was asked to pay for it I would do so, I also wouldn’t have my child spend the night again, unless a necessity, because I dont want to be paying for damages over situations that are avoidable. Their child could still come to mine where I’d take full responsibility for damages.
I would say yes… not saying it is the case. But some Children have no respect for the property of others. And damage it. I would offer to replace or at least help to do so.
I would offer some. They should have been watching the kids. It was an accident. And suck it up buttercup but not everyone has savings or enough. Offer what you can and get on with your day
Yes you are responsible. Your child is who broke the item.
I’ve never asked another parent to replace something accidentally broken by their children. It could have just as easily been my own child. If it was malicious damage it would be one thing, but kids are kids.
Its ur kid of course ur responsible and for u to b like well they asked him to sleep over i didn’t ask is our ignorance smh
Um,it really depends on the age. If my child is at someone else’s house then it would be there responsibility and it really depends on you’re relationship with this person . If you can afford it I’d pay some. Not the whole thing. And I’d definitely would be having a talk with my child and it gives the child the opportunity to learn from there mistake or accident .
You are not obligated, but it would be the right thing to do.
No you wasnt there to babysit the kids it was the other parents responsibility to watch the kids and for those saying you are responsible when it was a sleepover is what’s wrong with todays society
I personally would. That being said there is a lot we don’t know about the situation like how it happened and how old the kids are.
If it was me although I get where you’re coming from I’d replace it because that’s the way I am even if its expensive maybe set up a payment plan
Ugh yes I think you should.
My house…my responsibility…If I was the kids parent…I would offer to cover the cost or split it with them.
I would definitely think you should be responsible. I would 100% do it without a doubt
I would pay half because it’s my kid and it’s half the other persons fault lol
The right thing to do is to offer to split the cost or pay for the whole thing.
If the child is under 6 no, if older than 6 i think you should offer to pay half.
I mean… Yes.
It is about responsibility. You have to teach him some how. Yes… It’s coming out of your pocket. But you can make him do chores to earn the money to pay it back. Don’t teach your child to be irresponsible and teach him the right thing to do.
how about teach your kids responsibility and yes you should pay for it:woman_shrugging: and if your kids cant act no better than that, keep him home:woman_shrugging:
I’m gonna go the opposite way of most of the comments that I’m seeing. I say no, it’s not your responsibility. If your child was under the care of someone else and something got broken, that is the responsibility of the adult that SHOULD have been watching your child. It would be a different story if you were there and not paying attention to your child and something got broken. But since you weren’t there, the adult that should have been watching the child(ren) should be responsible. I don’t care who’s kids are at my house, I’m keeping an eye on them to make sure they don’t break anything or do anything they or my kids shouldn’t be doing.
I wouldn’t replace it… now if your child did it on purpose then yes but 1 it was an accident 2 adults should be watching kids … its their fault
I would be embarrassed and definitely offer to replace the computer or at least give half the money.
Everyone saying accident, so I guess if I accidentally drive my car into the side of your house, I’m not responsible because you didn’t protect your house from my car!
I wouldnt expect you to pay for it. It happened on my time. So its my fault. Not yours
Yes and make your child work for it as well. You pay and they pay you back via chores and such.
I think it would really depend on the situation completely…
I wouldn’t expect the parents to pay. If the child was staying the night they were under my supervision and I should have made sure that the computer was safe. Obviously they were both playing with it and you don’t know what financial situation the other person is under either. Also it should be covered by home insurance.
If it was a day visit though and Mum was around then I would expect her to offer to help in repairs in that situation. Whether I would accept or not would depend upon the circumstances.
If you want to help but are unable to due to financial hardship then talk to her. At least keep the lines of communication open. Be honest with her. She would appreciate that.
Depends on how it got broken. And where the computer was… and where the parent was. it just depends on the whole situation basically.