Am I responsible for replacing something my son broke at someone else's house?

Your child your responsibility

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I would offer to replace it or pay half. Depending on the circumstances.

Depends on how it was broken. They should’ve watched the kids better. I wouldn’t pay. I’d watch the children more responsibly


Insurance covers crap like that, nope. Unless your child purposely did it with big intent on breaking it. I’d question why they weren’t monitored…

Wow that’s just mean and embarrassing and I wonder what she said to your kid when he did it. I sincerely doubt that he or she actually broke the computer unless he or she threw something at it. Even then I would never expect you to pay for it or even tell you.


yes honestly I would

meaning I would pay if my child broke something

I would not expect you to pay. If I invite your child into my home to play with mine I become responsible for that child.


I would personally want to fix it. Accident or not, I would definitely want to take care of what was broken and teach my child that’s what people do. Accidents happen. It’s okay. But, let’a fix it for them because it’s the right thing to do.


I think it depend on the situation. How did it get broke? what exactly got broke? Were the other kids there when it happened? How old are the kids?

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Put yourself in the other parents’ shoes.

Personally i wouldnt ask the childs parents to pay for the broken item, if I asked the parents that the child can come over I am responsible for the child then???

If they asked me ti babysit the child then yes. They should pay

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When my son was 4 he accidentally knocked someone’s iPhone off the deck and it shattered and we were expected to replace it. Even tho she left it outside on the deck not near it and my son bumped it, my bfs niece asked her prior to it falling if she wanted her to put it in her purse so it didn’t break and she said no, we didn’t end up gettin her a new one because she already did and everyone else in the family said it was her fault leaving it unattended while children were playing.

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I is your responsibility to pay.

My mother ALWAYS made me take responsibility for my actions, whether it was intentional or not. It’s a slippery slope you’re starting to make excuses for an action that resulted in costly damage. The “friends” now have broken property due to your son. Make him take responsibility for it and stop making excuses for him already, otherwise you’ll end up with a spoiled brat.


I dont know how old your child is but my son would be forced to work it off by doing chores for them or if I have to pay then have my son work it off with me


I would pay for damage my child had done at someone’s house.

If you asked them to babysit then yes you would be obligated. Since they initiated the invite, it is not your responsibility! They were responsible for your child and to ensure their household items were protected. They needed to be watching the kids… obviously they weren’t.

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No different that the 10 year.getting shot cause he drove his bike on a guys yard

If my child damaged something I would want to reimburse for the damage, but if I was on the other side I wouldn’t ask the parents to reimburse… Idk lol

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Why wouldn’t you pay for something your child broke? What is wrong with 2020 parenting. Something is seriously wrong. Yes. You replace it and apologize 10 fold and teach your kid how to respect other people’s items.


It depends on the circumstances it was broken and how old the computer is.

First off. They shouldn’t have to put things away just Bcx they have another person in their home. Asking if your child could spend the night, that had nothing do you with you not asking and not making you responsible. How young is this “small” child”??? Anyways, yes. You are responsible how your child behaves anywhere your child goes. Accident or not. You should replace the said computer. See if your home owners insurance can cover all or some. Or even best case the family will split the cost with you.


Was it broke on purpose or an accident?

If my Kids broke something at someone’s else house, yes I would automatically offer to replace it. If there children broke something at my house depending o. What it was I would expect the parents to offer to replace it as well. If they where in a store and broke something by accident you would have to pay for it.

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I didn’t read the article, but it would depend on the age of the child. <5 I wouldn’t pay for it because they shouldn’t leave children that young unattended with a computer >5 I would at least try to pay for it. I’d give them what I could.

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Yes- your child your responsibility. Same as if your dog does damage

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I would say you are responsible for half as a good human being. Legally they can’t make you pay a cent.


Wow. If your dog ruins something that’s not yours you’d replace it. Same thing with a child. Should have taught your child to be responsible when out of your sight. I suggest the other parent take you to court.


Their insurances should pay for it if it includes contents ad well

I would probably feel like I should at least help replace the item. My baby tossed my friends remote in her toilet. I immediately bought her a new one. :woman_shrugging: I wouldn’t expect someone to replace anything in my house that was done on accident but I would feel responsible if my child broke something.

Did they let the child play on the computer and the child accidentally broke it or the child got on a computer it wasn’t allowed to play with ?

I would most definitely

I would definitely try to pay. On the flip sude I would definitely not take a dime.


I would atleast offer to pay half…yea they should have been watching better…but at some point while raising children we all look/walk away…


I’m sorry but this is the stupidest post ever. Yes if my child broke something I’d pay, point blank. But also the other parent should have been paying attention anyways


So on one hand I would feel like I should help replace it if my child is at an age where they should know better… but if the child is too young to know better and it was broken while not being supervised I wouldn’t feel as obligated

I would offer to pay for half. Half is our responsibility to our children’s mistakes and half because they should should have been watching your child since they asked him to sleep over.

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I’d offer them what I could afford to try to at least help

Id pay for half of it bc it was my child but they should know to keep items out of reach of young ones since they are parents themselves. Also teach your children not to touch what isn’t theirs that would cause a scene anywhere.

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It’s probably cheaper to repair a computer than it is to replace it. How damaged can it be? Sounds more like you need a computer technician than a brand new computer.

Honestly I feel like they shouldn’t of allowed young children to play with an expensive computer without supervision! That’s their own fault. If I allowed a young children to play with a $1,000 computer unsupervised and it got broke I would NEVER expect the other parent to pay??? That’s MY OWN STUPIDITY!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


How must i kn is my child or urs did the damage is the parent duty to keep eyes on the kids it could’ve been someth more serious happen


I’d feel guilty if that had happened! Someone came over to visit my parents and these kids came to my room and bent my promise ring and I cried and that lady made sure to get it fixed. I was sad because it was a gift from my parents.

All I are a bunch of ridiculously stupid ass Karen’s on this thread. Holy fuck :woman_facepalming:

I would say yes. You are responsible for.everything he.does

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If they don’t have a warranty for the computer then yes you have to replace it! :100:

Why would you expect a child that accidentally broke something to replace it ? There is a reason it’s called an accident

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I would at least offer half. That’s just me. But i also wouldn’t be the one to ask a parent to replace an item especially if i was responsible for watching the child at that time

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This post is kinda stupid :laughing:


Yes. I as a parent wouldn’t expect it because I know accidents happen but if my child damaged someone else’s by accident. Im responsible for my child. Its the responsible thing to do.but I would also make sure my child didn’t do it on purpose or was acting a fool.

NO…you are not per Judge Judy. When your child spends a night with another family, THEY are responsible for their care in keeping the child safe and making sure their property is safe. If your child were to get hurt, THEY would be responsible. You could offer your apologies and in place of harmony, offer to pay a portion of repair if you are able, but you are not obligated legally to pay for it.


I’d say no.
If my child had a friend over and I was responsible for that child and they broke something expensive of mine it would be on me. I should have supervised,l better or put things away.


You arent obligated obviously. They cant sue you but you definately should. And at the very least offer to replace it. This crap is whats wrong with america today! You are responsible for everything your son does until hes grown but why wouldnt you WANT to replace whatever he broke?? Or keep him home…


Child should be held responsible no matter what age. Offer to pay and make child do some chores to earn it.Look whats happening with no responsibility. Be a good mom .

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Depends on the situation truthfully

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I think it entirely depends on the age and the maturity of the child in question. If my 2 yr old broke something she has no business playing with and the responsible adult failed to supervise my child appropriately, then I feel like that’s on them. But if it’s an older child that knows how to use a computer correctly and they misused the equipment or didn’t obey a rule or instruction given to them and it was damaged then I would offer to pay half or replace the item depending on the actual circumstances— but I would never ask another parent to replace something unless I believed their child did it on purpose


If it was my stuff that got broken, I wouldn’t expect the other parent to pay for it.
If i was the other parent, I would 100% want to pay for it.

I think there should be a little more info on this for me to be sure like how did it get broken. Did he spill water on it, knock it over, was he playing on it and it blue screened. Computers don’t just break. And if it was something like the blue screen of death it may not be your kids fault and in that case no you should not have to pay. I’ve had plenty of kids around my computers and never had one broken. Even if they ran in to it rough housing at best maybe the monitor gets broken but the actual computer not so much. If it is undeniably your kids fault yes you should be replacing it, but If both kids are rough housing maybe spit the cost.

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If your kid broke something in a store, in school or out on the street you would be responsible for replacing so why wouldn’t you in somebody home. You let your kid stay there he broke something so be a responsible parent and replace it or get it fixed. This type of mind frame is exactly why I don’t have kids over my house. It’s your kid your responsibility


A whole computer? Thats not small beans. At keast offer to replace it or pay half! Yes they should know to watch him every second while hes in their care but he should keep his hands to himself as well. Do the right thing and offer to pay half at least! But again, keep him home until hes old enough to know to keep his hands off things other than toys… That way youre never in this situation again.

How can you be responsible for something like that when you weren’t there…

I would pay for it. My kid shouldnt of been messing with stuff that wasnt his to mess with. They would also be working it off and not going back to said house.


I’m sorry but when I was younger I was not allowed on the computer without consist supervision. As I got older my mother taught me to put away things I didn’t want stolen broke or lost upon other people’s arrival. I believe as a good person you can offer to pay half. As a pawnt they should have known better and taught their child better. My son at 2 years old knows to put his tablet and good toys away when cousin come to play.

I need more info to answer fully, but I’m going to guess if he’s going on sleepovers that we aren’t talking about a preschooler here. Where was the computer and what were the circumstances? Most of the normal scenarios I’m picturing would call for you to offer to fix or replace, yes.

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I’d never expect the other parent pay for anything their child broke at my house that’s just crazy. If u were there it’d be different

As a parent, I would never expect anyone to do it, but I would replace it,at least offer.

Depends on circumstances. Did your child break it accidentally or due to malice? If he dumped a cup of water on it in purpose or threw it then you should pay for it…but if he like accidentally sat on it or was allowed to eat near it and it was damaged that way then no. And if the kids broke it whole fighting you should both pay half.


I always offer if my child break something to replace it xx


If my child broke something I would offer to replace the item.

How is the computer broken? Was the tower dropped, tipped? Was it the mouse or keyboard that was thrown, or something spilt on/in it? Hard to say…for me, it would vary on what the incident was/ how it happened and what exactly was “broken”


I would say no. They are responsible if your child falls and is injured, (although I would take responsibility for my child’s injuries at that point), but I surely wouldn’t pay for something in their home that my child broke, certainly not a small child.

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I probably wouldn’t tell the other parents but I probably wouldn’t have that kid over again either! And if I did all the good stuff would be put away and he would be watched more carefully.

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While accidents happen. Your child should know how to behave in others homes.
People should not have to lock and put things away unless the child is under 5
.then the kid should know better.


No I don’t believe you should have to they are the ones that ask him and it was on accident not your responsibility in my opinion

Yes and no. No in the eyes of the court, cuz so many cases are thrown out due to the fact the one watching your kid is the responsible party. But, yes you should still help pay for a replacement. It only seems right

Why is this even a question UR kid broke something that belonged to someone else YOU SHOULD PAY FOR IT


The fact that you posted this to Facebook as a question gives me no hope for society. YES you pay for what they break. I can’t believe I was never told this by my parents explicitly but it was still just called being a decent human being. It scares me some people that think this way have already reproduced and will spread their shitty morals along.

Our neighbors daughter had put her iPad inside of a life jacket & I didn’t know. Needless to say, as I was taking everything off the boat & putting the items on the dock, it fell into the canal. :woman_facepalming: She said it wasn’t a big deal bcuz she had insurance - well that wasn’t the case. She was making payments etc. the iPad was very old & cracked screen etc. but I did offer to get her something comparable. Long story short, I gave her my daughters old iPad and bought a newer version for my daughter. So I guess to answer your question, depends on the cause of the computer breaking.

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I would offer to replace it

I don’t think you are responsible but if it was me I would feel the need to contribute to them replacing it. It’s not really your responsibility but it’s a nice thing to do, especially if these people will be around for a while or in your circle.

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So in my opinion I would say, first I would have a conversation with the parent that wanted my child to stay and ask why the kids weren’t being supervised while on the computer? Then I would explain that I am willing to put money towards the replacement b/c my child was involved but be clear that my child will not be returning due to them not being supervised and being allowed to be left long enough to break an expensive item like a computer!! Because you are an adult that is responsible for your child’s actions while under the age of 18, you should pay for half of the replacement with in reason!! However, you are not responsible to foot the whole bill!! Find the same make and model and pay half of that, get a receipt or something in writing and move on!! Shit happens!! :woman_shrugging: Goodluck

Depends on what was broken

I must admit-i’d be angry at both my child and them for not watching the kids-but id offer to help pay for it…Kids will be kids,but its us as adults that sometimes makes life too complicated and ruin relationships…

Was it done on purpose, if SO YES!

When my bulldog was a new puppy… she chewed my friends cell phone to pieces! I apologized profusely and told my friend I would buy her a new one. I felt terrible! My friend said not to worry about it because she shouldn’t have left her purse wide open on my couch with a new puppy around. Moral of this story is that we both took responsibility. I understand that you weren’t around but I would definitely offer to at least help with the repair.

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I would replace it if it were my kid…Id feel horrible if I didnt. At the very least I’d give them half of the cost.


Definitely your responsibility!

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Your kid broke a computer, putting some one out $1000+ and your argument is that they wanted him to stay? They wanted him to stay not break their expenses items.
If you weren’t raised to offer to pay for something at least make your kid do some yard work for them to help pay it off.


You pay and then your child does chores to the value of that amount. Children need to learn that even when accidents happen there are consequences.


I’d pay for half. Cause while they should’ve been paying attention the kids, your child should know how to act at other peoples homes


I agree totally not your responsibility they should have been watching the kids

I would definitely replace it.

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Depends if you can afford to or not :disappointed: I would definitely offer to help though especially if it is a friendship that you value - it happened with my son and I didn’t have the money and couldn’t pay their friendship ended and I felt so bad!!!

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Yes you should definitely replace it.

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Definitely should replace

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I don’t know about expected but I would. out of respect.

I also think it depends on the age of your child. if he or she is old.enough to know better and was being destructive then yep that’s on you. but if it’s a smaller child who doesn’t know better then maybe go halves.


I think depends on the situation… Was it done bc he was touching it and broke it… Or was he playing and accidentally hit it? There’s a solid difference.

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If my child child broke it, I would replace it. It is still your responsibility.

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Your responsibility, and kinda floored you would even have to ask this question. Just imagine if the roles were reversed.