Am I responsible for replacing something my son broke at someone else's house?

I agree with you. However personally I would offer to pay half. Your child was in their care, they should have been supervising them, and it was an accident.

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Your child=your responsibility. Like it or not. The right thing to do would be to pay for damages. You parents are the adults do the right thing for your children set a good example and come to an agreement that everyone is satisfied with and disciplines the kiddos as well so they remember their actions have consequences. Consequences that can effect others as well.


You shouldnt have to pay for it. They should have been PAYing attention to the kids because apparently noone was.

My questions are; how old is the child and how did the computer end up breakingā€¦

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Depending on the situation I 100% would pay for it. My child should know better. But again, depends on what happened.

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Hell no, they shoulda been watching the kids especially if it was their idea to have your child stay! I would never have the audacity to ask someone to pay for something their kid broke on accident while they were in my care, especially when I asked for the child to come over.

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If it was an accident noā€¦ The child in question could have fallen on something or dropped something by accidentā€¦
If it was on purpose yesā€¦ xx

I say, no! When we have other kids over at my house, I put things away that I donā€™t want them to see or handle due to breakage. Itā€™s not being mean but I know how kids can get crazy excited and accidents happen. An apology needs to happen for sure but unless the child broke it on purpose, then it was sadly an accident.

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I donā€™t see anyone asking how old the child is? I think this would depend on age. 10 and under I feel this would be on the supervision of the adults in the home. 10+ I would feel the child (and parent) should be responsible as they should know betterā€¦


They should have been supervising him but yeah I think itā€™s only fair you maybe pay for half of it if he did actually break it


The other person is supposed to be in care of your child while they r in their custody and care

It all depends on the situation itself, figure out a solution, if you end up cutting ties over such a ridiculous situation I guess thatā€™s just what happens

I would offer half of the value of the item I understand it was an accident but if I Accidentally run a stop sign and T-bones you I still have to pay the damages to your car

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Whoā€™s to say their kid didnā€™t break it and they are trying to blame your kid? But we need more information. Where were the parents? How did it get broken? It really doesnā€™t matter where the computer was. I put my computer by my dadā€™s cup of coffee and the dog knocked it over. Should I blame my dad for my carelessness?


I would offer to split the cost with her of a second hand one

Iā€™d say yes, at least half of it

I think it depends on the situation, but Iā€™d say maybe half responsible would be fair. The child should know not to touch stuff like that, but they should have put it up out of reach.

I can see the responses are splitā€¦ here is my take on it. A few years ago My nephew (8 at the time) was here and twice in a fit of rage (I have done stupid things while angry) threw the game controller. He was banned from it for a month anytime he was over. however now he is only allowed to use the old controllers and he knows if it happens again heā€™s banned from playing it for good.

Yes itā€™s nice to hear, hey He shouldnā€™t have done that hereā€™s 20$ to go towards a new one. However not everyone thinks the same. If it was an accident The only way you should be expected to pay for it is if the situation was reversed and youā€™d want the parent to reimburse you for their child breaking something of yours. If it was intentional I myself would have to chalk it up to a lesson learned and there would be serious consequences like no longer allowed back or in my caseā€¦ very strict rules when it comes to certain things in the house.

Good luck

For the sake of peace,Iā€™d pay only if Iam in a position to do so.Iā€™d then make sure my Child never setā€™s foot in that house again.

Computers are expensiveā€¦ and you canā€™t exactly pack a computer away. Our computer is massive. If my child broke someone elseā€™s property/item I would had offered to replace it. Do they have insurance? I would had offered to pay for the excess fee to cover that cost.

It really depends on the situation. Where was the computer? Was it somewhere your child shouldnā€™t have been to begin with? How did they break it? Why was the child even able to get to the computer?

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Need more details to this topic. Depending o the facts. If you donā€™t want stuff to get damage put it away, rules are very important. By the info you gave I wouldnā€™t because I didnt ask to be put I that situation by choice.

My question is not saying itā€™s TRUE but how do they know it was your child that broke itā€¦ not saying all people are like this but maybe it was their child and the child blamed your child or the parents just decided to blame your child to get a new computer out of itā€¦

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If it were me, I would offer to pay for it. But if it was my computer that was broken I also wouldnā€™t ask the childā€™s parent to replace it.

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If your child broke it you pay for it


How old is your child? Old enough to know better? If so, they are old enough to know better than I would pay for it.

ā€œChildā€ covers a lot of ground. How old is the child? What were the children doing that broke the computer? Was your child acting alone in breaking the computer? I think more facts need to be known to make that decision.

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Me personally if my child broke it on purpose id offer to replace no problem. If was accident id offer half as mentioned above they really should have been supervised. You need to get full story out of little one then go from there. This is why computers in my bedroom in our house. All expensive stuff put away.


Something breaks everytime my nephews visit :woman_shrugging: from sentimental to expensive. Iā€™m bummed but thatā€™s kids & not once have I ever expected a replacement.

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Let someone come to your house and break your computer and see how you feel then. You canā€™t watch kids every second.

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I guess it all depends, If it was something super expensive, I would HOPE of roles were reversed the said parent would at least ā€œhelpā€ cover replacement costs. I would never demand someone pay for anything broken by a child (unless it was intent and broken due to it being smashed or slammed on purpose)
I dunno exactly what happened so it so hard to decide.

Yes. Learn some manners.

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Depends on what the scenario is. If he was behaving in a negligent manner, then yes, you are responsible.
If it was broken during normal use, then Iā€™d probably offer to split, but I donā€™t think you should be required to.

Personally, I donā€™t let my kids and their friends play with items Iā€™m not willing to loseā€¦

How did he break it? Was he being crazy and reckless? Or was it an innocent accident? I mean a computer you really canā€™t ā€œput awayā€ lol but I would probably pay for it anyway, i wouldnā€™t feel right if I didnā€™t. But thatā€™s just me

Nope. I posted on the other thread that is the same as this one.

Hahahahaha. Yes you are.

My daughter was playing with my brother in laws VR because he let her and she accidentally broke his flat screen. I did replace it over 500 dollars later because I donā€™t think he would have spoke to us again if i didnt.

No, you replace it. Your kid broke it.


Yes. Your child is your responsibility no matter where they are. Which is what a judge would tell you if it went to court

Iā€™d at least offer to split it.


There Sure be Adult not For Children and Offer to pay half if you can :pray:

Donā€™t want to be responsible? Donā€™t agree to let him sleep over anymore. Trying to say itā€™s not your fault because itā€™s was their idea to have him sleep over makes absolutely no sense. YOU still allowed it.
Also your whole ā€œthe adult should have been watchingā€ sounds childish.
As a parent, you should know yourself that kids move fast and they were looking after at least 2.
Also, they shouldnā€™t have to put up all their valuables just because your kid is over. Unless your kid is THAT misbehaved, which in that case you should reconsider letting him over.
Stop being so worried about placing blame on someone else and teach your kid to not break what doesnā€™t belong to him.


You should at least offer to pay half of it.

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Its a possibility that the computer was broken before your small child stayed over. There is a possibility that they wanted a ā€˜scape goatā€™ since they insisted that your child sleeps over. Hope your child is old enough to explain what happened cause it seems ā€˜fishyā€™ to me


Something like that yes. Thats not just a small thing like a cup. Put yourself in there shoes

I commented already but I feel like I need more context lmao. Age, where the computer was kept, was there supervision, was the child already told no, what was the other child doing,


At least offer to pay half, even if it was an accident. My daughter had a friend who would come over & break something almost every time she came. A phone, a laptop, a tablet, a karaoke machine, & other stuff too. Her parents never volunteered to help pay for any of it so needless to say, I had to stop letting her come over. My hubby works too hard to provide our child with nice things just to have somebody come year it up.

Um yeah youā€™re responsible

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Heā€™s your child. You shouldā€™ve taught him to be responsible in the first place. If heā€™s too young or otherwise not able to treat property & people with respect then you shouldā€™ve declined. I have a son who is easily angered & acts out. I donā€™t leave him with others. Iā€™ve learned his cues & how to calm him. Others canā€™t. You chose to send your son to someone elseā€™s home. He broke their computer. Itā€™s 100% your responsibility.


Iā€™d offer to replace it anyway or pay to get it repaired but if it was the other way round i wouldnā€™t expect you to pay but would be grateful if you offered

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Yes you absolutely replace it. Itā€™s your child who broke it. If someone elseā€™s came and broke something of yours would you just blow it off or would you want it replaced?

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Nope, how do you no for definite it was your child that broke it, could of been yours, could of been their child. Is it a computer that was on its way out. Iā€™d want to see the computer. Take it to see if it could be fixed and maybe offer half. My daughter and her friend broke my tv by accident I didnā€™t ask her parents for half.


I say no. You have no idea if the item even worked and if the other child was just as responsible. Most I would do is half. But I feel youā€™re right. The parent should have been supervising better. Now if your child has a habit of breaking things, i would just keep my child away. Legally I donā€™t think they can do anything. They would probably spend more in legal fees than its worth. So its up to you. I personally would lise that friendship.


Yes you pay for it. If someone hits your car you would expect them to pay however itā€™s not their fault your car was in the way your the one who brought your car out you should have kept your valuables away from people

You should offer to pay for half, is friendship more important to you or money?

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Adele Wendy Cato i agree!

Do you have too? No.
Should you? Yes.


If a child ā€œaccidentally,ā€ like pure accident not being just mean, broke something at my house I would not hold the other parent responsible myself. If I ask for a child to stay at my house I accept responsibility for that child and accept whatever accidents may occur. If a child runs wild and is just pure destructive, I take them home.


I had someone visiting once, with 1 daughter but he went into my other daughters room, tripped over the TV wire as she had moved it to play playstation and the TV fell and broke, and the mum didnā€™t care, got no response from her, so my daughter had to wait a long time for another one, but it would have been nice if see offered something???

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Eep Iā€™d try to replace if possible

How old is your kid? And how was it broken ? Thatā€™s a HUGE factor ā€¦ when peopleā€™s kids come over to my house I take responsibilities for whatever happens under my roof and would not ask them to pay to fix unless that kids is a pre teen or teenager ā€¦ they know better and I would feel obligated to replace ā€¦ and it also matters if the friend is in need even if my kids is little ā€¦ can they afford to have replaced , did my kids actions put them in a hard place ? And I would definitely help on seeking replacement and the rest is in details


I wouldnā€™t think someone is responsible for this. If they were at their house and the parent wasnā€™t there and you didnā€™t even ask if your kid could stay they did, then no you shouldnā€™t have to pay. I never would!!

Speaking from experience this is a ā€œdependsā€ situation. No adult can watch a child every second of every day; thatā€™s literally just not possible. Iā€™ve gone pee (literally 2 minutes) to come back to my oldest kiddo with chairs stacked and climbing to get to the top of the fridge with the two year old right behind him.
If your child is beyond baby-gate age (mine had been beyond that since 3.5) then that isnt even an option to keep a child out of places.

So really the questions comes down toā€¦
1.What steps were taken by the parents? Unless it was a laptop putting it up isnt really an option. And even then; if itā€™s in a designated area that thier child of the same age doesnt mess with it then it was completely reasonable to not hide it away. Was your child told to leave it alone? Or stay out of that room? Told to stop rough housing or running or whatever?
2. What was your child doing to break it? For examplesā€¦Did they simply bump into it by accident and it fall? Or was your child running through the house after being asked to stop?

Somethings you chalk up to being an accident of having children in the house. Meaning that kids=innocent accidents. Sucks but not big deal.

Other times when theres clearly been misbehavior from the child that caused an item to get broken then the parents of that child are responsible.

Others have brought up good points; unless you know these parents personally you may not know if the computer worked or not.

I wouldā€¦

  1. Ask for exact details from the parents, your child, and (if possible) thier child about what happened.
  2. Ask to see the computer. Look it over really well. Maybe offer to have someone look at it about fixing it instead of having it replaced. Try to take it to someone knowledgeable who can determine why it stopped working and if that fits with the story you were told. If so. Get an estimate.
    Then see if a new computer is comparable to the repair cost.

If notā€¦then get any documation you can take it back to the parents and say ā€œIā€™m sorry but the computer tech says this is how it was broken not this. I wont pay for a repair or new computer that was already significantly damagedā€

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Maybe if youā€™re the one that invited someone elseā€™s kid over and they broke something would you expect them to pay for what they broke?

No way. :neutral_face: you donā€™t know what happen. They are responsible for what happens in their home and to keep valuables put up. If a child breaks something in my home thatā€™s on me. I invited them as a guest. Unless it was malicious intent, no.

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If they can prove that it was working before your child showed up then id half it. When a parent leaves their child with you, youā€™re responsible for that child so she shouldve been watchedā€¦ Whats her age? What happened? If not just loose the friendship and move onā€¦

Your kid , your responsibility. Thatā€™s why they invented insurance.

You should at least offer half the money

In my opinion it depends on what it is and how it got broke accidentally. when my husband is on the job itā€™s my daughter brakes or something because somebody offers us to go inside Iā€™m pretty sure they would want my husband to replace it. When he is working on his job and he breaks the neighbors fence he has to replace that fence out of our money!! my girlfriend used to be real bad about letting her daughter just run wild and somebody elseā€™s house break things go through things get things out of the refrigerator. You donā€™t do that lol. I mean she learn donā€™t get me wrong. and is it something that cannot be replaced that got broke like something that belongs to the family from generation to generation or something like that. you got to think of that teach your kids to be careful on other peopleā€™s homes. when I was friends with my girlfriend back when we were kids and we would accidentally break a window because we would be playing we would have to replace that window with our allowance money. Her dad would even make us work it off!!! The way her dad looked at it we broke it and we have to replace it with our allowance money thatā€™s teaching us a lesson and a grown-up lesson at that.

Oh hell ,a computer that can be a few hundred bucks. Hell yeah youā€™re responsible. My daughter knows damn well not to touch ANYTHING without permission. You need to be teaching your child to respect other peopleā€™s property. Honestly, if it were one of my daughterā€™s friends if the parents didnā€™t atleast offer, that would be the last time that friend comes here.

Unfortunately, your child = your responsibility even if theyā€™re at someone elseā€™s house.

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I wouldnā€™t pay. It happened under their supervision and Iā€™m pessimistic, how do you know it was your kid and not their own and they are trying to get a free computer.

Completely situational I feel lack of info maybe you do feel responsible but it is expensive so your trying to not feel guilty :woman_shrugging:

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Yes it would be the right thing to do!!!

An accident is an accident, but I would offer to pay half.

Jesus they broke a computer?! Lol Iā€™d definitely offer to help pay since thatā€™s not something smallā€¦ Just saying. Not like it was a toyā€¦

My toddlers are animals compared to their cousins and whenever they damage something (typically at familyā€™s houses and obviously by accident) I have offered to pay to fix or replace. Family has since learned to be more aware of what the toddlers are into.

I definitely think the parent IS responsible for the first 18 years. We all are responsible for our childrenā€™s actions absolutely whether its big or small as parents. Imagine losing you computer when being nice inviting other peoples kids over. If our kid uses, eats, breaks, a product we are responsible for that. We cant shift blame other people, in their homes, exercising generousity by having your kid(s) over especially during this pandemic. Do you feel bad, yeah. Is it an expensive thing to fix, probably. Does it let you off the hook if you werenā€™t there? No.

Iā€™m going to say no because when they invited the said child to stay with them the took over their supervision and safety of said child so if child broke something under their care sucks to be them

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I would offer to pay half but even then I would find out exactly what happened. And also depending on age.

Uhm yes, you are. If the roles were reversed im sure youā€™d want the other party to replace your damaged property

Hmmm no if they are watching my child and keeping them in their home it is their responsibility to do so.

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A school would charge you for property damageā€¦ but at the same time I can see where youā€™re coming from. How old are the kids?

ummm yes. i would at least offer to

I wouldnā€™t expect someone to pay for something their kid broke in my house but if my kids break something in someone elseā€™s house then yes Iā€™d at least offer and pay up if they say yes.

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Was it a laptop/tablet or a desktop? How old are the children?

Why is this even a questionā€¦ yes. You are responsible. Teach your child not to break peopleā€™s things.


Well if I invited my daughters friend to stay the night and she broke my computer I would fix it myself I mean why would I let a kid play with my computer to begin with


Yes you are responsible for replacing it because you are responsible for your childā€™s behavior.


Yes 100% you should pay.


Depends on the situation. If they are little, then the parents should have been watching them. If they are older and horsing around, and knew better, then I would offer to help pay for it.

It would depend on what it is and the circumstances behind it. If they bust a window playing catch, Iā€™d offer to pay half. If they were messing around with toys and they got broke, no. But something like a computer or something expensive absolutely. Your child broke it, at the very least Iā€™d offer to pay half the cost.

Yes. It wasnā€™t their child that broke it, it was yours.

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I would feel so awful if my daughters spent the night and broke a computer. EVEN if they were Invited and it was an accident. A computer isnā€™t cheap and Iā€™m sure they use it. Put yourself in their position, Would you like for them to at least offer to go halfā€™s On a new one or pay to get it fixed? Accidents happen but regardless your child broke a computer that you did not pay for.

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If it was broken in malice, yes, but if their child was with yours when it broke, absolutely not.

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NO! In this situation. Yes if you were there.


My grandparents taught me and I have paid for things my kids broke. Now unless it was something expensive like a computer, id ask that kids parent to go half with me on replacing it

I would offer to go in halfā€¦ kids break shot. But itā€™s not your fault they werenā€™t being monitoredā€¦

Well yeah you should pay :joy: thatā€™s common curtesy which it seems like you donā€™t have. Be blessed someone wanted your kid at their house

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If Iā€™m asking someone child to stay at mine the night and they break something under my supervision then nah Iā€™m not asking for the parent who WASNā€™T there for anything :unamused: the parent isnā€™t responsible if there not there. If you was there and your child broke it then yeah you would have to pay for it. If I didnā€™t want something broken and I know itā€™s expensive if have put it away or watched the kids properly