Well, they should have been watching but that is your child.
I’d offer to split the cost of both kids were playing with it. Share the responsibility.
Yes. In doing so you teach your son accountability and responsibility. Have him work to pay it off.
Out of pure decency I would offer to pay or replace the item and I hope any child that comes to my house , their parents would do the same
I feel that you should offer to pay for it, and if they say yes then I would pay for it it was your child
That damage something, if that was my child I would insist on paying for it. And then have my child work off the money to pay me back what doing chores around the house or something like that but in all actuality you should take responsibility for something your child did
I stayed the night somewhere as a child, did a cartwheel in the livingroom and fell through the window. I paid for it with my babysitting money.
Just out of curiosity, was the computer in question already slightly damaged and thought that this would be a good way to get it replaced? How friendly and trusting are the two families? From experience, I’ve seen this happen before.
Something happened while your child was over, so part of the responsibility is yours. I’d suggest kicking in a few bucks to help replace what was broke.
My Grandson was at a cousin’s house playing a video game with the child in the bedroom. My grandson was excited jumping around the controller flew out of his hand bc he was jumping and swinging his arms it broke her TV screen. We replaced it no question about it. He was irresponsible with acting silly jumping around out of control for the situation. I made him pay me off with chores and doing without things he wanted until I felt he understood the responsibility of other people’s property. Long story short YES you need to help replace it. If not fully at least the majority of the cost.
I think it depends on how it happened. If it really was an accident due to rough play or whatever I would probably be upset with my kid for breaking the rules not the other kid. I’ve never asked someone to pay for things damaged when kids are over. Part of the risk.
Now if the kid was out of control and it was done maliciously thats a different story.
My house, my invite, my responsibility! If invite my kid vice versa. Your house your responsibility! But say we are there as a family thing and my kid breaks something than yes I would replace. And vice versa. You take on the child its on you.
Accidents happen. But you help replace it because its the right thing to do. 50/50.
Depends on what happened. We don’t know the entire story. Minimally, I would say half of the cost.
I would find out what the computer what they pay for the computer how old is the computer and what would it be worth in today’s market if it’s a very old computer then I would take that person to the store and pick out something in that price range but yes I would replace it
I would offer to help pay for damages, as the child was not in my care they should have been supervised…my sons friend slept over…my sons tablet got cracked…his friend is who did it…it was a accident, it slipped out of the lil guys hand and it landed just right…I let the parents know what happened but that it was ok it was a true accident…thankfully it was covered and I was able to get him a knew one for free but it happened in my home, under my care…and yes his mom said she couldnt afford to replace it but said if it costs me anything she would like to pay half of it and I again told her it happened here not at her house and that if she could do half that would be fine but when she tried to pass it to me i wouldnt have taken it if it had cost me anything…now if it had been slammed down in anger or thrown then yes I would have taken half of it and told her she could make payments on it till it was covered…but a accident nah on purpose yes…
Omg yes!! How can you even ask a question like that?? You should offer to replace it! Your child, your responsibility. If you make your child pay you back, that’s between you and them
Idk it’s not like we are talking about a toy. We do a lot of electronics at our house and I let their friends play and honestly no I wouldn’t expect a parent of a friend to replace it unless it was something crazy like the kid took a hammer to it or something like that.
Yes you should replace it. Your child should know how to act don’t blame the adult that “was supposed to be watching” your kid.
What if another child not your own damaged your computer? You break it , you buy it. But also need all sides to the story as well.
What would you want people to do if it was the other way around? Personally, I will pay for it and my son will need to help with that. It will teach him a value lesson to be responsible with his belongings but also, with others people belongings as well.
Lol no! If someone else invites you or your child into their home and something breaks, oh well. I’ve had countless children in my home break things and no one pays to replace my stuff. Legitimately furniture got broken. Needless to say that child will never come over again. But I’m not hunting his parents down to buy me a new couch . That’s kinda ridiculous.
My daughter is 15 now but when she was around age six she used to play with my mothers neighbor and there little boy who was around the same age well the mother said my daughter broke the window out of there van with a rock my daughter was so upset and scarred but never denied it so I just gave her the money she said it would cost to replace it I think it was around three hundred mind you my oldest child had just passed away during this time and everyone was stressed and upset so I never questioned it because every time I asked my daughter she just broke into tears…well about a year ago my daughter told me she never broke the window the little boy did it but he threatened to beat her up and kill my moms dog if she said she didn’t break it she also told me the mom saw him throw the rock at the window… this family has long since moved away but my daughter told me to this day it effects her and makes her afraid to want to make friends. I share this because you may want to do some more investigating before you pay for anything.
I feel like if you have to ask for validation its probally best to pay for it. My son is always breaking stuff on accident. Therefore i will not trust him at someone elses house even family.
Yes for sure, its the right thing to do. I wouldn’t feel good knowing my child broke something and we didn’t help replace.
I would love to know more details.
How old is your son?
How did they know your son damaged the computer If they weren’t there to see. Did your son confess after they found out? Did he tell them on his own? Is their kid being shady and throwing yours under the bus?
What did he do? Spill juice on it? Have a tantrum and throw it across the room? Trip over the cord?
What kind of damage? Irreparable or an easy/ inexpensive fix.
How did the parents bring it up to you? Did they come out and ask you to replace it?
At the end of the day, you should be teaching your son to take responsibility for his actions. You should offer something after you know the whole story.
Although I’m not a huge fan of these people tattling on a kid. The lesson here needs to be more nuanced.
“Take responsibility for your actions. Offer to fix what your broke. Trust no one.”
Yes. It’s your child. What if it was the other way around? If someone else’s child broke something on accident in YOUR home you’d want the parent to replace it. And what if it was something a relative that passed away gave them. That itself is priceless.
My knee-jerk reaction is yes.
After thinking about it, I would need more information.
- How we’ll do you know these people? Would they lie about the computer being broken?
- What does your child say happened? Are they fully responsible or only partly?
- As others have mentioned, where were the parents?
- I guess cost would be a factor too. If it’s some kind of gaming computer, that’s pretty expensive. I don’t know that I’d be willing to pay 2k to replace a computer when the accident wouldn’t have happened (presumably) if I were there.
Umm yes, if your child is old enough to be at someone else’s house they should have been taught respect and what is a no touch object example tvs tablets, computers. They aren’t toys
You are responsible for your child. If your child went to school and damaged school property, you’d also be responsible. Don’t be a shitty person and not replace it or fix it.
Also, if you act like a shitty person, your child will likely lose a friend and also learn to be a shitty person.
If you know the parents well enough to trust them with the care of your child, then you should know them well enough to know they are being honest. You should replace the cost of a like item. Not a brand new top-of-the-line Mac book pro. It’s like cars. When a car is totaled, insurance pays at the value of the car prior to damage and does not foot the bill for a brand new car.
When I was 6, I stayed the night with my friend and got the wild idea to peal their wallpaper in the middle of the night. I wasn’t trying to be malicious, I was just fascinated by the strips lol. My mom, of course, whooped my butt, I learned a lesson on how to be aware of the value of items, and she paid to have the whole room re-wallpapered. It’s what you do. It’s the RIGHT thing to do.
Honestly yes they should of been extra careful. Things valuable shouldn’t be around for any kids period. Specially if u open your home. But on same not if u goto someone house u have be safe cautious not to damage anything on accident I don’t think any kid does stuff on purpose very few due. So yes I see their point and yours! But I wouldn’t replace it I would have them show value of it’s worth split it
We were in this situation. Son accidentally broke an iphone screen so we paid to get it repaired. Problem solved and no unnecessary hard feelings for us.
I need more explanation of what happened. If I am the responsible adult and the kids are doing something, with my permission, that results in something getting broken, then it is on me.
If you feel like that’s the right thing to do then replace it. Personally if I invite someone else’s child over, that child becomes my responsibility, and if something gets broken under my watch, I’m certainly not going to expect that child or their parent pay for it.
Don’t know whole story so find facts get whole story how was it broken
Did he have permission ?
How old is he?
Etc… but yes ultimately he is your child you do have responsibility
Now remember accidents do happen do not stop this from letting him from going over to friends house but use this a lesson . After coming to an agreement on payment with the family have your son work payment for this to teach him not to break stuff and be way more careful next time
I rember my son was at my gma house and at cat that she had back when I was kid he got ahold of and broke it I felt so bad but embraced but I had to tell her and said I’d some how replace a vintage cat that I was sure I’d never be able to replace but I’d find out how she told Me not to worry But was lucky cuz she was my gma my son was 2 but he was learning you don’t get to just break stuff or touch what was not yours
I wouldn’t expect a child to pay for something they accidentally broke. With that being said, if my child broke something at a friend’s house, I would at least have offered to replace it. The manner in which it was broken matters too. Did your child pick up the computer, and throw it? Or was it something else accidental? It comes down to intention. That’s the missing piece. Did your child mean for this to happen?
If any of my kids friends came over and broke something I would in NO way expect that child or their parents to replace it. Accidents happen, it’s my house and my responsibility!
BUT if my kids break something at their friends house I would replace it because that’s just how I am even if it wasn’t expected and they didn’t ask.
Circumstances matter here. Some examples… My child was acting a fool, they knocked computer over and it broke, yep my child is responsible, I would pay in full. Both children rough housing, my child pushed into it or pushed other child into it, I would split cost half and half. And if my child was sitting where they were supposed to for a snack, knocked over their cup of juice on accident and the family left a laptop on the table that got soaked and ruined… Sorry, that was not my child’s responsibility, they were doing nothing they should not have been. It isn’t so cut and dry for me.
Sorry but that’s a good policy to live by: your child broke it, you replace it/buy it. Hopefully everyone learns something. Your kid can learn to be more careful and those parents should probably not leave them unattended near breakables
Honestly, if it had been my child I would have offered to replace it before they had to ask me to replace it. It’s the right thing to do and your responsibility as a parent.
Would you want someone to replace something at your home that another child broke? Seriously why is this even a question? Teach the kid some respect and responsibilities
This reminds me of the time when I broke my babysitter’s table by dancing on it. She wanted my mom to pay to replace it. My mom replied, “well of you had been watching her this could have been avoided.”
Its a sensitive situation. How old is your child? Did he know better? Then yes, ask them to file a claim with their homeowners insurance, you pay their deductible and make the child work it off. If it is a very young child, same thing but split the difference in half. It was their responsibility to watch said child.
We have had children come here and sometimes break things on accident. We didn’t tell the parents and the children have always apologized. Accidents happen. Wondering if the parents are just saying the child broke it so they get another computer.
If my child broke something, yes i would offer to pay for it! & i would make my kid work around the house to pay me back! They need to learn that there are Consequences for their actions! I would hope if another kid broke something at my house that their parents would pay for it.
When a kid is at my house whether he/she is spending the day or night that means I am taking full responsibility of that kid. That means if he comes and destroy my house it is my fault if he breaks my tv it is my fault, if the tv fall on his head it is my fault, if they burn down the entire house it is my fault! Because where was she when this happened? What if the kids harmed themselves? She is the adult here and she should be supervising the kids.
You should absolutely pay to fix it or replace it. It is called teaching your child accountability. If a child came into your home and broke something you would want to hold the child accountable… not saying the child did it on purpose kids are kids and accidents happen. But as your raising your child they definitely need to be held to certain srandards
Pretty sure your kid is YOUR responsiblity until they’re 18… teach them some manners and respect for other people’s things. If it was an accident I would still have mine apologize and figure out with the other party either splitting the cost or how much it would be to fix/replace. Clearly your kid shouldn’t be going to others homes if they/you arent ready for the responsibility that comes with it have sleepovers at your house. Then when something gets damaged by their kids you can suck up the cost like you’re expecting of them
It depends on how it was broken. But yes since your son can’t replace it, that’s your responsibility in most scenarios.
WHAT!?! yes you should replace it! it’s an accident, no big deal, but you still replace the broken item. I can’t believe any human whose ever had a child, let alone been in charge of any number of children, would dare say “you were supposed to be watching them” as a reason not to take responsibility for their actions. You know how slippery kids are- one moment with your back turned and something can happen. It doesn’t take an hour of unsupervised play, it doesn’t even take one minute.
At least offer to pay for half yes it was at their house but your child should be respectful of other people’s property or not spending the night at others house…
I think there are way too many factors left out of this scenario. How old? How was it broke? Like did the parents leave a laptop on the couch and the kid sat down and it fell, did the kid punch it. What happened?? Way too many options. I mean if someone hands my 2yr old a tablet to play with and it gets shattered, that’s on them. Now if my 8 yr old is playing with it and breaks it, that’s a different story.
The right thing to do would be to replace it. I mean technically it’s on the other parents because they were responsible for your child at that time. But your child broke something expensive. I would at least offer to replace it.
Absolutely, If I have a child over at my house I am not thinking that they will break something. If my child goes to someone else’s house and breaks something it is my responsibility to replace it.
Accidents happen. The parents should be understanding but you should offer to “help” replace it.
If your kid is just destructive then you need to rethink your parenting.
If you are a decent person and are trying to raise respectful adults, replace the computer. I know accidents happen but this is a huge teachable moment for you. It teaches decency and common courtesy. Kids will be kids and accidents will happen but by saying “not my problem” you’re teaching your children not to accept responsibility for their actions. If your teen gets into a car accident, it’s an accident but you’re still responsible for paying for the damages. Same thing goes here.
If my child broke an expensive electronic, I would absolutely replace it.
An accident is just that…AN ACCIDENT! If it is a valuable asset I would think that their homeowners insurance policy should cover it. Now if it was proven to be malicious then the child/parents should be responsible as a consequence of action.
I, personally, would do my best to make good. That said, hard to say without more details. Depends on what happened and how it was damaged, age of kids, etc. I’d also then make my kid do something to pay me back if indeed it was something they should not have done.
I’m surprised that the age of said child has not yet been mentioned. Knowing the child’s age is crucial in making a reasonable judgement call, as it gives insight into the level of supervision that the hosting parent should have been offering.
Beyond that, so many other factors come into play; i.e. the other child’s influence in the damage, the placement of the computer, the manner in which the accident happened, etc. No one on this thread can provide a trustworthily affirmative recommendation without more details, and honesty I would ignore anyone who tries to convince you of an absolute answer absent of said details.
Great teaching opportunity on accountability. Not knowing all the facts, age of children, what was broken, how it got broken or how old it was… but yes even if they didn’t want me to cover the “accident” I would feel like it was my child’s responsibility to help rectify the situation. Extra chores to pay it off at both houses. Or something both sets of parents can come to an agreement of.
Honestly I think it depends on age and situation. For instance if they were allowing small children to play with a computer…I wouldn’t pay. If the kids(plural) went behind their backs bc kids can be sneaky I’d pay half. If my kid was bigger and was just being irresponsible I’d pay all. There’s just not enough info here to say what I’d do…
Feel for the poster, its probably a case of they can’t afford it and has come here for reassurance and people are just pressuring to pay. Don’t put yourself in a bad financial situation. The child should have been watched. I also feel that if they was older they would have used the word teen instead.
How old is your child? How was it broken? I have a home daycare and stuff gets broken and I do not hold parents responsible especially when the item is being used properly and as intended. On the other hand when our son was a teenager his friend pointed and shot an air soft gun at our sons laptop shattering it. Not only did we expect the parents to replace it they jumped in offering to do so. They dad asked if they could purchase and install a new screen or would we rather have a new one. We were grateful they offered and asked and were good with a new screen as long as it worked.
Hmmmm🤔 everyones talking like they know how old this kid is. When i babysit someone’s kids i put away things that can get broken or things that can harm them. Ive had someones kid pick up my laptop off my lap and throw it at the wall within a second and never crossed my mind “oh his mom/dad needs to pay for it” he was barely 2. He was in MY care. I was responsible for him and his actions. And my son never broke anything at someones house. They knew to put stuff up where he cant get it. But if he would have broken something and they asked for the money then yes i would pay for it. Even if i couldnt afford i would give them payments. I would feel like a shitty person if i didnt. But the person babysitting should have been more careful about things. Accident or not. A computer cost a good amount of money and they probably cant just get up and get a new one.
I would offer to pay a portion if not replace entirely. While I agree the kids should have been supervised, the kid should know better.
I really don’t know much about your culture but here in my country, you don’t ask parents to pay for what their kids damaged either by accident or deliberately because it’s not right. It’s the price you pay for having a young guest unsupervised.
I used to babysit 2 boys. They kept breaking toys. When asked why it was cuz they can. I told mom replace them or they will not be babysat by me. She refused to replace so i quit. If its accidental its different. If both kids are responsible go half. Computers are expensive
You are responsible for teaching your child manners. You are responsible for his actions whether he is with you or with someone else. Grow up and be an adult.
The real question is do they expect you to replace the item? If I ask for your child to stay then night then I’m assuming responsibility for your child’s health,safety and actions. If the children are good friends and spend a lot of time together then chances are their child will eventually break something at your house. Would you expect them to replace what their child breaks If it’s truly an accident?
At least half of the cost.
My kids know they have to extra with things that do t belong to them.
When they are with family or friends they know they aren’t allowed to play with expensive or fragile items because I don’t know what could happen.
My kids have had school issued iPads for 3 years and they still have the same ones. Other friends don’t because they are careless about others property.
But I’d definitely ask more questions about what happened and how it happened?
Depends on how it was broken. Was it intentionally or an accident? Was the other child involved? My son and his friend were both throwing rocks at his friends house and an outdoor table got broken, both pointed finger at the other. My theory was, since my son is usually honest, that my sons rock could have weakened the integrity of the table and the friends rock could have broken it. So I paid for half. Because if my son had never picked up a rock, then there would be no question as to whose fault it was.
My kids broke someone’s iPhone once, I paid half to replace, but after the incident the person was still letting my (small) children watch videos etc on her phone and I made it known I would not pay again if anything else happened, because they chose to continue letting my kids touch their expensive stuff. But the first incident I did pay without her asking so it’s up to you…
I expected to see more people saying no you are not responsible! If a child came to my house and accidentally Broke my TV or some thing else valuable I would never expect that parent to pay for it.
Yes. Totally would expect it to be replaced if it was at my house. I would also expect to replace it if it was at someone else’s house
In a court of law you would be responsible for any damages your child caused. They could take you to court.
Wow. Absolutely yes. Just like when you go to someone’s house, if you break something, you replace it. You borrow someone’s car, you screw it up, you pay for it.
I would offer, if it were my child, to pay to fix, not replace depending on age of computer! Shoe on the other foot and my house. I would love for you to offer but would not accept. Accidents happen and that is what we have insurance for!
When they invited your child over to spend the night that parent is responsible for watching the children. You could offer to help but I don’t think you are responsible.
They were responsible to supervise how do you know what really happened. A whole computer is BS. It could have been broken before your child was there could have been their own child. If they were expected to supervise and failed to do so then they assumed the risk was small. Their issue not yours. Not enough information provided here but knowing specifically how it broke, what broke and we’re the children old enough to be around a computer would be good to know. Make the best decision for everyone but it might cost you a friend in the end if you choose nothing and your kid knew the risks.
I’d definitely 100% replace it! I’d be furious if another child damaged something and the parent didn’t replace it, I’d never have the child back in my house. How is this even a question? Despicable… take some responsibility for your child!
If your son is old enough to go to someone else’s home without you, then he is old enough to know right from wrong. He broke it, that was wrong. it is YOUR job to teach him the right thing to do now. And that WOULD BE TO REPLACE WHAT HE BROKE. Responsibility is a wonderful to teach children. Use this to teach.
The right n honorable thing would be for you as a parent to take that responsibility n teach the child yes you need to respect others things n what a great lesson to be learned here. Tell your child to buy another with his allowance. It’s a teaching opportunity. It’s not about well they asked I didn’t. Nope. A teaching opportunity. Always look for opportunities to teach our children. Or they grow up doing exactly what they ate doing in all the chaos n destruction that is going on right now n dont be mad. It’s for his/her growth in respecting
Yes, I would have apologized for the accident and offered to replace the computer.
If my child broke your stuff, for example your car, wouldn’t you want me to FIX what my child broke??? IMO it’s clearly the right thing to do.
I’ve seen this scenario on Judge Judy and People’s Court multiple times. Legally you’re not responsible if you weren’t there and they agreed to watch him. Morally, you might wanna at least go half.
I had an incident where I left my son at someone else’s house and I put my sons jacket in a bedroom on top of the bed and shut the door bc they had animals and I didn’t want it to get chewed up well I get back and my kids jacket was chewed up and the person who was watching my child said it was my fault for putting it in a room that they keep their pets in which I had no idea that’s where they kept the dogs it was a child’s room after all but I felt like they should’ve replaced it or at the very least apologized to me so yes I think you should replace it
If your child is old enough to stay at someone’s house they are old enough to be responsible with other people’s things. It is ABSOLUTELY your responsibility to pay for the cost of that.
I feel like if you think your child is old enough for a sleepover that means your child knows not to rough house or touch valuable belongings and wouldn’t need someone to sit in on them 24/7 to babysit (not that anyone would do that anyways). I mean as parents we don’t always have eyes on our kids and if we did nothing in our own houses would get broken, colored on, go missing etc. So I say yes you should take responsibility for the broken item. And it doesn’t even matter who asked who to stay the night.
Absolutely without a doubt you should replace it…it’s not even a question you should ask opinions for…My son just accidentally broke my friends 43 in tv and in less than a week I replaced it with a better one, same size just a smart tv…that’s what friends and decent people do
It depends on the situation IMHO. I personally would offer to replace something my kid broke without being asked, I would offer. If someone else’s kid broke something at my house, I wouldn’t ask them to replace it, but if they offered to I would accept. However there was a situation when my oldest daughter was a toddler at the time, around 2-3. Her grandparents on her dad’s side were supposed to be babysitting. They put a movie on for her thinking she would just sit and watch it, then went to their room to have relations. When they were done they walked into the living room to check on her, and it was chaos. She had pooped, pulled her pull up off (she was still in potty training), and smeared poop all over. On the TV, carpet, etc. Including their brand new DVD player, and she had opened it, took the DVD out and smeared it on the inside of the player. They had the nerve to ask me to pay for buying them a new DVD player, and to get the carpet shampooed. I said hell no, y’all were supposed to be watching her!
I think you need to at the very least, pay half. Ur kid should’ve been mindful of other people’s belongings, regardless if the adults did or didn’t put stuff away.
I guess I’d have to know what happened, if they were all playing football in the house and it got broke, then the parents should have been watching better. If the son accidentally swiped it off a desk with a backpack or something like that, then the son clearly made a mistake. Idk if I would expect a parent to replace something their kid broke, but such an expensive item maybe splitting the cost would be a good compromise.
Not sure if your obligated but here is what i would do. I would talk to my kid and see what happened. Your kid is either going to tell the truth or lie and you should be able to tell. Then based on the info i would either pay or pay half. But if you are a decent human you should pay for it
Idk I think BOTH should be responsible. The other parent for lack of watching and you for not teaching them how to behave when your not around. It’s a sticky situation really. But I DEFINITELY wouldn’t be sending my child over again! Good luck!
uh YEAH. if you had another kid stay over to spend time with your kid, and the visiting kid accidentally breaks your computer, wouldn’t you expect the parent to replace it? sure, you kept your eyes on the kids as much as you can, but parents aren’t perfect and kids are quick and accidents happen, right?
You need to pay for it. Accidents happen, but you pay to replace it even it being someone’s else home. It’s not a free pass.
I can’t believe the number of you that simply expect someone to replace something that gets broken at your house I can’t answer this without a million questions being asked first. I’ve never expected a parent to pay me for things damaged by a child I allowed/invited into my home. I made the choice to have them there. In the same breath - I’ve offered to replace stuff or simply replaced things my kids ruined when warranted. There are SO many variables here.
I think it depends on what happened. If both kids were clowning around and it broke. No, but if you child dropped it or was negligent with it then yes.
I would more than likely pay them for it. For one, it’s the ethical thing to do. 2- it sets an example to kids that when we make a mistake we can still have consequences and that is why it is important to be careful/cautious.
However, I’m not sure I would give the full retail value of the computer. If it was new, then of course. If this was a old laptop I would give a fair value. Just my thoughts.
Everyone is jumping on this poor parent and assuming their child is a monster. We do NOT KNOW what caused the thing to be broken. Relax! I would speak to BOTH PARTIES TOGETHER and offer to pay half