I would depending on the situation, but he wouldn’t go back to their house, especially if I know my cold isn’t clumsy or accident prone.
I’d want to know how it happened first. We’re all the kids fooling around, did he throw it to the ground, ECT. Situations matter. My son broke many things of others. I’d offer to replace, some took me up on it, some claimed on their home owners insurance. I’ve always warned people about him BUT he is my child and my responsibility
We do depending on what it was and who all was involved.sometimes both parents take care of the damage when it was a phone. When my son rode a friend scooter and left it in driveway and was run over. That’s all on us. Yes they know not to leave in driveway but it wasn’t his and why should his friend loose something he was being nice to share. Window both. I hit my friend’s car once and I paid to fix the light. They should know what they can and can not play with and they should have the respect of others stuff if they damge it then they replace it. It be the same at your own home if roles were reversed. Good luck
I would offer to at least cover half. I’ve always taught my children that when they are at someone else’s house, they are responsible for leaving it the way they found it. Otherwise, we are responsible for making it that way. It teaches accountability and it helps them learn to be a good houseguest.
Yes absolutely! Even if you didn’t ask for your child to spend the night people shouldn’t have to put there stuff up in there own home. They should be able to leave there stuff out without worry. If my child broke something at someone home I’d would offer to have it fixed or replaced. Just like when my son broke a piece of my sister TV outlet that connect the cable or HDMI, my sister was mad which I can’t blame her I told I would be willing to replace the TV or get it fixed. She said she didn’t want me to replace it with a new TV because it was old but if could at least pay for it to get fixed or pay for the parts that would be fine. So I said find out how much it costs and I’ll pay for it. She bought the part online I reimburse her for the part and shipping.
Its the right thin to do you as a parent set an example for your kids and need to teach them responsibility if you break something you need to pay for it to replace or have it fixed.
Out of human decency you should cover the computer. You have to be friends enough with this family to let your child sleep there, so I’m sure you would want to do what’s right. Accidents happen but it’s not like your child put a hole in their swim tube, it’s a computer, I would feel terrible.
H ebroke it and yes your responsible. I had the same experience and never even questioned who is responsible i automatically offered to pay for it. He did extra chores to help pay for it also. If you dont make him responsible then what are you teaching him?
I would offer to yes but if the roles were reversed I would absolutely not except money from someone if it had happened at my house
going half is fair. at the end of the day, your child should know the rules before going to someone else’s house to stay (ie don’t break stuff) accidents are accidents but you’re the parent. you’re ultimately responsible and whether they asked or you, your child still went…
Hmmm, personally (depending on age) I would not replace it. If my child had a sleep over and something was accidentally broken. I look at it as a hazard of having kids. If it was broken on purpose, then yes I would replace it. Now I would have my child “work it off” like yard work, laundry, ect. For them. everyone will have a different response, it’s just a matter of what the circumstances are
If it was on purpose that I saw with my own eyes I would expect the parent to replace it, if it was an accident I would absolutely NOT expect the parent or their child to pay for it unless the parent offered…I’m inviting my kids friends over and something accidentally gets broken that’s not the other parents fault or hell even the child’s fault because it was an accident…I can’t believe people are saying “absolutely the parent or child needs to pay” that’s ridiculous…I actually don’t even talk to one of my ex husbands aunts anymore and probably never will because my son accidentally broke his great grandmother’s laptop keys and the aunt made a big deal because she bought it for her and was talking junk about my child and saying I need to buy another one…he was 3 or 4 at the time and it was an accident and my grandmother in law didn’t really care but the aunt did smh
Accidents happen, teach your kid it’s ok and to offer to make it right. Accountability is an admirable quality to have as a human.
I say YES…we are responsible for our children until they are 18 yrs old! And depending on the childs age I would make him/her do some work to pay you back.
This is why kids shouldn’t have electronics honestly make them play outside in the dirt like all of the other kids did
Yes it would be your responsibility to at least try and help make it right.
I watch Judge Judy and I feel she would say the owner of the computer’s parent is responsible because they were in charge of watching the children and took that responsibility when they invited the child over. IF the kid was being harmful and negligent on purpose after being told to stop then the child’s parent should pay for some of it. I need more details about how it happened
My rule is if my kid breaks something I will offer money to replace it. But if it’s expensive then my child can’t come over anymore after that because I can’t afford it. LOL!! Depending how old my kid is at the time depends if I make him pay me back.
Let’s look at it this way…Your sons friend came over to play and stay the night and he " accidently" broke your computer, would you expect the parents to replace or help replace? YES, YES YOU WOULD( I can tell by the way you said " they asked him to stay the night not me") There’s your answer
You want your son to have friends right? You want your son to continue to be invited to play right? WELL parents talk to eachother and your son will NOT be invited because all the moms are going to know " he broke my $$$ computer and the parents wouldn’t even help pay for it". THINK OF YOUR CHILD NOT YOUR POCKET BOOK:bangbang:
If anything I think I would offer to pay for half. It’s both responsiblities . But also hard not knowing the whole situation.
Guys not everybody is honest. How well do you know these other people? I’ve been on the other end of this. I cleaned houses and something was broken and set back together so when I dusted it the top half fell off again. Their child admitted to it and they still blamed me and insist I pay them $500 for it. Not a chance in hell. You need to know what happened. Talk to your child. Talk to the other child and parents. See if there are holes in the story or if anything doesn’t line up.
It would depend on what happened. Not enough information.
I’m amazed on how many parents act like they would pay back or buy a brand new one. If she asks you, pay half or all. A lot of people that broke my things never replace it. It’s my lost, idk where these people even came from.
It depends on the situation and the whole story that led up to the accident happening. I would offer up half.
Yes, you should be partly responsible. I would at least offer to help out on repair or another computer, it’s your child even if it was an accident.
I think it should be split between you and the person who was supposed to be watching them. I would also factor in how old your child is if they’re under 5 then yes it’s partially your responsibility if they’re 6+ I would make them work to pay for it
I myself wouldn’t expect the parents to pay for it. In the same token, if my kid broke something whilst at someone else’s home I would at least offer to make it right.
I feel that if my kids break something then it’s my duty to pay for it. If you go to the store and they break something you have to pay for it… if your kids are out with friends and break something the company will sue you for the damages. So yes you should pay for it
You need to ask the questions about what exactly happen and offer to help pay for some if it was not just your child fault or replace it if it was your child fault. If roles was reversed I’m sure people would agree they would want the same. It’s called respect and responsibility. It also shows your character to people in the future. Definitely a learning experience for all. Good luck and God bless your decision and friendship with the other parent(s).
At least offer to have the item fixed by a professional and ask both children how the item got broken in the first place. Sometimes adults will use a situation to state a child broke something in order to get a new one or get it replace without knowing the real reason. So before you do this just check with the other person’s child and verify that before hand. When I was younger the babysitter blamed me for something she broke so she could get extra money from my mother. I was always her scapegoat for more money. Finally my mother got wise and started to ask the other children before given any money to her. So check and make sure your child is not the scapegoat.
Yes, the computer probably should have been out of reach. I don’t know how old these kids are but young kids should be supervised. When kids slept here, my priority was watching them. Having said that, I would offer to help pay for a new computer. Again, I don’t know how old your child is but s/he should probably know to be careful with other people’s things. But, from experience, it takes years for kids to learn that lesson (I work with kids).
I would attempt to help. If you’re financially not able to explain that. But then help the best you can or payments. I guess it depends what it is also if they want it replaced, etc. but it doesn’t matter whose fault or who asked who to stay. It’s just the right thing to do.
Your responsibility, its the right thing to do. We recently replaced my daughters friends go pro because she didnt seal the waterproof container correctly and told him it was closed properly,it was not and it was ruined when he put it in water. Why should he be at a loss for something my child did mistakenly? Im sure if it was your computer you would expect it to be replaced!!!
Definitely depends on the situation but I would pay at least half!
If it was the other way around & you took your eyes of the kids & the kid broke your computer you’d be foaming. Maybe your kid should have respect in other people’s houses & not play with items that they shouldn’t be playing with.
Really?? So because they asked for YOUR child to spend the night you dont feel as you should pay for something your child broke? Yeah this is part of whats wrong with the world today. Kids have no accountability for their actions. Grow up and pay for what your child broke.
Yes, My son broke his friends cellphone last year and I made him pay for it. It is called responsibility
It doesn’t matter if they asked. That has nothing to do with it. You let him go. Your kid your responsibility. Sorry.
It’s actually (in my opinion) both parents responsibility. Yes accidents happen, however, there are 3 sides to every story. Yours theirs and the whole truth. If my kids were at someone else’s house they would know not to touch something like a computer without supervision or permission (of course unless they are older…say…preteen age) they shouldn’t have been rough housing near an electronic device in the first place. Again tho…accidents happen and I would offer to help pay for the device since my child was involved in breaking it. And that’s without placing blame on either. Teach your kids to own up to their accidents and mistakes. Their adult lives will be so much easier and better.
It’s totally your responsibility. Sorry It’s an expensive item to have to replace but all in all it’s up to you to make it right.
Yes you should and make your child work it off at home.
The question is more disturbing than something being broken. YES. Your child, your responsibility. Their location is irrelevant to your responsibility. Perfect opportunity to teach a child a lesson in accountability.
It depends, if the child intentionally broke it then yes you are responsible. If it was an accident then no. Your child was under their care at the time and they allowed your child to use the computer. They are responsible for making sure your child uses the computer properly and monitoring your child’s activities.
Many, many years ago a friend colleague from work invited me and my three-year-old daughter over for lunch. My daughter knocked over a vase on a bookshelf. The next thing I knew she wanted my insurance number so she could put in a claim for a replacement. We did pay for the vase through insurance claim. We never had lunch again together, she haunted me every week until that refund check came to her. Just so you know it was an accident.
I would offer to pay from the beginning. But that’s just me. If I were the hosting parent I would expect the other parent to at least offer, and then I would decline and say, “Thank you for offering but accidents happen. We’ll take care of it.” Money is money. Things are things. It is more important to me to be gracious and model expectations of behavior for my children.
My son was at his babysitters house and broke their sons video game by being careless and not carrying about others.
So I made him take his large Christmas present back, and take that money and buy the babysitters sons game.
My child my responsibility.
I would expect someone to do the same for me. I work hard for my stuff and if someone’s kid came and broke my sons switch, or my husbands play station game then yes I expect them to be replaced.
Sorry, but it is your responsibility. Same thing happened at my house, someone staying over with my girls tore up something. Parents responsibility, and they were very great about it. Child needs consequences and to respect others things.
Yes. My son has done that before, and I automatically did. If the parents insist on not to worry about it, is a different story but part of being polite, grateful for having my son there, and responsible is to replace what my son broke. I would feel uncomfortable not doing it, and also teach my son that accidents happen, this one must own out own success and be responsible for our mistakes whether accidental or intentional.
My child my responsibility, at least offer, if they turn it down then you don’t need to
This is a great teaching moment on responsibility. Kids have to learn to take responsibility for their actions. They could do extra chores for you to earn the money you have to pay.
Yes you are held accountable for your child’s actions. If you don’t think the adult supervises well enough then your child shouldn’t have been there.
Definitely your responsibility. I remember when my youngest brother was about 7 or 8 he and his friend decided to climb on my dad’s car. My brothers friend jumped on my dad’s hood and shattered the windshield. Friend’s parents didn’t hesitate to offer to replace the car windshield. I personally have never been in that situation with my own kids (yet). But if they were responsible for tearing someone else’s stuff up, I know I would at least man up and offer to help replace it. Even an offer of 50/50 since they were technically responsible for keeping a watchful eye on your child at their home.
This seems like the most selfish question ever.
Of course you take responsibility and you offer to replace it without being asked
That is not even a question, you’re responsible for your child ultimately and if they damaged a computer accident or not it is your responsibility to replace it. The child should have to do chores to repay you as well. This teaches responsibility so when they get older and “accidentally” destroy property they will hopefully replace it.
I think it depends on the situation. If it was solely your child who damaged the computer, then of course pay for a similar replacement. If it was when both children were playing and they damaged it together, I think paying half is fair. Definitely turn it into a lesson for your child and probably don’t let them stay at another person’s home until they are a bit older and you are more willing to accept the responsibility of your child’s actions. Accidents happen, but you still need to accept responsibility for them and teach your child to do the same.
Now that depends. Was it a genuine accident? With that one, I’d offer half the cost since accidents do happen and as a parent they should know that!
Did the other parent make sure it was up out of reach? or did the child climb a chair or something to grab it from the shelf? In that case I’d say your 100% responsible for the cost. I’d say out of respect and kindness I’d offer at least half the cost
It is definitely your responsibility if your child broke it. Your child should probably not have touched it no matter who was in the room or not, children should know better. It is your child; things happen but you are still responsible.
The fact that your not taking any responsibility for YOUR child and blaming it on the other parent for not “watching them” or “putting valuables up from small children” seems wrong on so many levels.
A:if you child is that small, why are they even on a sleepover?
B: even when your kid is at home, are you watching him/her ever single second of the day?
To say they wanted your child to stay, you never asked? Why does that even matter who asked who? So that takes all blame off you or what? So are you telling me if you asked for you child to stay and this happened, you’d have no problem paying for it then right? I mean since you asked right?
So if they NEVER ask for your child to stay over again out of fear their things will be damaged and you don’t even offer to help fix the problem, you’d be okay with that?
Accident or not, it’s still your child and your responsibility and trying to put the blame and pointing the finger at someone else isn’t right?
If the other family is that close/good of friends with you to allow you child to sleep there, your obviously not going to cut them out of your life over this or vise versa, would you not feel guilty every time you see them for just leaving it on them?
Yes I really think that you should pay for it as your child broke it. If the child is old enough get them to.do chores to repay you and teach your child to fully respect other peoples belongings. It is so annoying when a child that does not respect others belonging and it is the parents responsibly to teach them.
A computer, youch. That’s a lot.of money with no proof your child actually damaged it to the point of being replaced? Sounds fishy.
I’d have to say yes . If my kids broke some thing that’s wasn’t there’s . If it was small they be replacing it . Or in that case I would be and my kids would be helping around the house. I was taught if u break something even by accident u help replace it
How old is your child and where were the other children?? How do you know that your child damaged the computer and not anyone else’s child???
Too many unanswered questions for you to take sole responsibility…
My kid has broken things at someone’s house and even if they didnt wabt me to replace it i at least made my kid earn money to give them the person and I’d pay at least half. It teaches your kid responsibility. If it were an item at your house you’d probably expect and appreciate the same thing. Its not about what who is at fault, its the principle of the matter and you need to teach your child accountability and responsibility.
I wouldnt. Especially if you didnt ask for your child to spend the night. Adults in that house should have been watching the kids.
This happened with my son, his friend, and a school Ipad… The iPad lost and it was my son’s. The other mom and me split the cost to fix it. BOTH kids at fault, both parents responsibility to fix.
Umm, yes. It’s your child. However, if i were the person who had the object damaged, I’d just ask the other parent to cover half of it. It was your child’s behavior that lead to it.
I can see your point, maybe the other parent could have had the computer out of reach but also its her house and expects children to leave it alone. Maybe offer to pay half if you’re unable to front the whole bill or don’t feel that is completely your child’s fault? I myself would feel responsible. But I can see both sides.
This is serious? Yes you are responsible for something like that. Maybe not the entire cost but damn, don’t act like a child and take responsibility for yours.
I believe you should at least offer to help replace it or split the cost, your child your responsibility. If the shoe was on the other foot you would want the other parent involved to step up. However depending on age ask your child how it happened and make sure he was the only one involved in breaking it and that he child didn’t take part as well!
Umm. Right or wrong. I would feel morally obliged to replace it personally. If you don’t teach your child to be mindful of other people’s things, you will have failed one of the big tests a mother has.
YES! Your child should know how to act at someone else’s house so that they aren’t breaking things, otherwise keep them home until they learn.
Hmmm, not knowing the ages of the children involved, first off admitting to yourself that your child was irresponsible in their own right is important and you are responsible for your child. Yes, adults should be watching children but as many parents know they are fast and sneaky little buggers. You also need to own up to the other party that your child made a mistake. (I would guess it probably was not a solo act) and still make the effort to offer not only an apology but something to help out with any expense and make sure your child apologizes and understands to the best of their ability about other people’s property.
It’s a teaching moment. We pay to replace what we damage as adults and children have to learn that. Make your child do chores and extra things to pay you back for the cost of replacement or talk to the other parents about the child working for them.
Idk But you are responsible for teaching your child to respect other people’s property!
I think it is ur responsibility to a point. yes they invited and yes there could have been more attention and effort to keep things safe but…on the other hand ur child should know not to bother things my tot is 2 and knows if it’s not mine leave it alone but… they r also kids and accidents do happen. so my decision would b we were both neglectful in some way. my child was in the wrong and it should have been put up I’ll pay half for another. that way we both learn a lesson from the situation. still friends.
I would feel obligated to replace it… I’m kinda in the same situation and it was a complete accident. My child accidentally broke something so I offered to replace it and I will. That’s just the right thing to do.
I wouldn’t necessarily say say you’re obligated to, but a decent person would, at the very least, pay for half the cost to replace it. “It was an accident” doesn’t equal a lack of responsibility towards the situation.
Absolutely. My granddaughter borrow my car and it came back with scratches. She is paying for the repairs every paycheck until the repair bill is paid. I’ve already had it repaired. I had the money for repairs but she is learning to be responsible for her actions
Yes. Your kid your responsibility. But also as an adult you should want to replace it. Offering to fix what was broken would be the first thing out of my mouth as soon as I learned they broke something.
That’s a tough situation because if the children weren’t being supervised then nobody really knows if your child broke the computer or not. My friends were my responsibility during a sleep over so if things got broken my parents didn’t tell the other parents to pay for anything because I was suppose to be watching my friend so it was up to me to fix or replace what was damaged. If your kid broke it on purpose or just refused to listen to rules and ended breaking it then yes that would be your responsibility but without proof or something I don’t know if I would pay for a computer.
I would probably help pay some of it and not let my child go back over there. If I invite a child or children over to my house for a sleep over and something gets damaged then it is my responsibility to replace it since it is at my house and I invited them. Now if my child or children got invited somewhere and something happened and they wanted me to replace it that would be a problem with me because I would never ask another parent to pay for something that their child broke while in my care. I would tell them what happened but wouldn’t expect a dime from them.
My child would be working her rump off to pay for it
Yes. If my child breaks something it is my job to replace it.
If the child is old enough for you to agree to a sleepover then the child is old enough to be more careful. People shouldn’t have to put things elsewhere if other kids are around that are of an age they should know to be careful if it were a toddler yeah that’s different but 5 and up nope they should 100% know.
Yes it is up to you you replace or repair it no questions asked and I’d be making the child do extra chores to pay as well.
It may not be a legal obligation but it definitely is common decency, respect and courtesy!
I don’t think you are responsible. I took a friends child to another family’s house for a party. The child accidentally broke the adults cell phone. I didn’t even tell his parents. I just paid for the phone bc the child was my responsibility while in the others home.
I broke something once on accident and did chores to earn money to pay for the item. It was my fault and my parents taught me a lesson to be more careful and to be responsible.
Yes you should definitely be held responsible. It is your child and if they wanted to take it to court then you would have to pay for that item plus court fees it’s better to talk to the other parents and try to work something out
It’s a computer! You are responsible for your child. Do you follow your child around 24/7? I don’t think so. Stuff does happen but when it’s an expensive computer yeah I’d be a little upset too.
Adult should have been watching but i would feel terrible. They took my child into their home and something expensive got damage and they likely were not prepared to replace it. I would definitely offer to go halves on a new one at least or replace it fully if i could afford it.
Yes you should pay or at least offer to pay for some if not all of it. Tbh I’d feel totally responsible for replacing it if my child broke it. And my child would be doing extra chores to help pay me back. I understand accidents happen, but I want to teach my child to be accountable for his actions.
It really depends on what exactly happend. What kind of accident was it? Was the kid running in the house and knocked it over? Did he have a drink by the computer when he wasnt supposed to an accidentally knocked it onto the computer? In those cases, yes it is your responsibility. Did they have the computer on the dining table and the kid accidentally knocked a drink over onto it? Did he trip over cords that were stretched across a room resulting in the computer getting pulled over? In those cases, it is not your responsibility. Just my opinion. “Accident” is to vague of a description for me to give a cut dry answer.
I say yes. I’d also feel responsible to replace anything my child damaged or broke and my child would be doing extra chores around the house to work it off.
The child may have been behaving and respectful…
She said it was an “accident”
Just because something was broken doesn’t mean the child was misbehaving…
I probably still however would offer to “help” with repair or replacement.
Absolutely. You should replace out of respect, they should not have to ask
If I felt the need to put my children’s valuable things away before there friends came over I wouldn’t be inviting their friends knowing they can’t be respectful in someone else’s house.
It depends. If your child has zero consciousness of how he/she treats others belongings wether invited to use them or not ,would be the deciding factor for me.Honestly, the decent thing to do is it least offer to help pay to replace. We all know you can’t keep an eye on a child in your home every second
Don’t forget to depreciate the value of the item… computers loose 1/2 value after taking them out of the box. Your child needs to repay, he needs to know that he is responsible, but if the kids were both acting the same… I’d say depreciated value divided by 2
Yes you should replace it. Ask yourself how you would like to be treated if the same happen to you. I am currently dealing with this over a scooter. The neighbor ran it over and now is not willing to help.
Whem u ask ppl into your home ur taking that risk of something getting damaged!!! They r kids accidents happen! Invest in renters insurance or don’t have company
Honestly, I’d need to know more about how it happened. Were they rough housing and it got broke? Did he do something else that caused it to break? Or was he simply eating and drinking and someone sat down close to him with it and his drink got spilled on it? In that last scenario, while I would offer to pay half, I wouldn’t feel like it is my responsibility. If the child broke it due to his or her own carelessness, I’ll pay for it and then my child can pay me back with chores.
Ima be the odd one out and say no. I wouldn’t expect other people to pay for things a child broke in my home. Unless it was deliberate and blantly done so. Otherwise nah. Material things aren’t important to me. They’re replaceable, but the water gun fight thro the back yard that ran thro the living room that knocked over my tv…ha those memories are ireplaceable! My son when he was about 3 (granted my house but still) said the vcr was making noises so he fed it. Thinking his belly makes noises when he’s hungry the vcr needed peanut butter too! I does laughing, my ex was furious. I thought it was cute, stuff can be replaced, but that memory will always be with me. Granted my son learned vcrs don’t eat people food, and he learned to be respectful of material objects, but at the time he was a child.