Am I selfish for not wanting my husbands name on my new house?

Not at all move let him stay in his since he is so selfish

Why is he still your husband? :woman_shrugging:


Find another husband. You need one like minded. This will not end well. Been there.

No not selfish at all. I would only put it in your name but also if he don’t contribute he’s no good to keep around either.


No not at all. I got conned into and I got the shit and of the stick and knew I did too… dont do it seriously

Nope my husband didn’t help put in on mines so guess who’s name it is mine and mine solely

Nope not even one bit of it is selfish. You bought it and paid for it it’s all yours.

I can’t comment on the house, but I wonder…what is your attraction to him ?? :thinking:

depending on the state you live in you may be able to leave him off the mortgage but may be required to put him on the deed. I know where I live because we are married my spouse was required to be on the deed and is automatically entitled to half

No. If you had this agreement prior then why worry, if he’s upset then that’s on him. In the end if you love each other that’s all that should matter.

Sounds like you need to reevaluate your marriage…

Nope. Not selfish at all!

Nope. Not selfish. Just protecting your investments and making sure it’s in the right hands of people who you trust to take care of it after you, that’s all. Sounds like your husband would just throw it all down the drain anyway with his gambling, and excessive careless spending. He needs to be taught financial responsibility before he can be included in any decisions

New house. New husband.


He sounds like he’s poncing off you - sorry xx

No, didn’t have hubby 's name on the title.

Nope, but make sure it is stipulated on the prenup. Good for you!!


I think it’s funny how people marry knowing the issues beforehand and then bitch afterwards when they do the same shit​:rofl::rofl::rofl:get a clue…if he a loser before he going to be a loser after

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I feel like y’all need to Not be Married TBH.

Not one little bit selfish.

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Not selfish at all. You are 100% right!

Nope not selfish of you at all y’all had that agreement that y’all would both save up to pay for the new house together so if he spend all of his money then he doesn’t deserve to be on the new house cause he didn’t do anything to earn it didn’t put money in it

Nope not selfish. Based on what you described. Be real, you are not his mommy. It’s 50 50 or divorce the bum.

If you feel that way towards your husband should you really be married?


No it’s not selfish. You’re pretty much thinking of the future and from what i can gather you’re afraid he’ll screw the children over with the house.


Nope, he sounds like a selfish asshole

Nope. He’s the one that sounds selfish if you ask me. Doesn’t sound like he’s serious about it - otherwise he’d be saving like you. Think you really know the answer to your own question. Good luck!.

Not selfish. You would hate if things didn’t work out and he still ended up with half. You may need him to sign away his rights depending on what state you are in. Unless your prenuptial specifies. I would talk to your lawyer and find out what the risk is.
But its definitely not being selfish. It’s preparing for the future.

Definitely Not, if he can’t contribute than you take it all to yourself. You Worked For It :facepunch::boom:
Make sure that it’s clear in your Pre-Nup that it goes to Your Children.

You deserve better, get a REAL man…

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Dont even sound like yall should even be together if its like that ? Your literally planning ahead for divorce just leave him now tf

You’ve already been married 4 years. It doesnt matter if you put his name on it. It’s marital property.


Not only would I be getting a new house I’d be looking for a new spouse as well


He’s gonna get half no matter what. Prenuptial is pre marriage.
Once you’re married his name will automatically be on it sweetheart


Not selfish at all. Kudos to you with the prenuptial in place. Smart lady

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Nope and i would leave his ass now.

If you have saved to better both your life and he has not then he is the selfish one

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Here’s the deal in Minnesota. Say you buy the house for 200K, put it in your name, and divorce when the house is worth 250K, he would be entitled to half of the added equity, or 25K

Divorce him and then buy your house :woman_shrugging:t2: if not even if his name isn’t on the house it’s still half his since you’re married :grimacing:

No not selfish your smart!

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Idk about selfish but…would you have been able to save what you did if you hadn’t been living at his house? You also had the advantage of renting out your property (don’t know if that resulted in extra income for you). There’s a lot to look at here. The biggest thing being that you and your husband are on different pages about what’s important.

You should just get a manicure and talk to your nail lady they are very wise in advice :joy:

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Not at all. Keep your stuff in your name. Always. If there is a prenup that is good. Don’t co mingle that house money in a joint acct. Call attorney to verify. State laws differ.


Not selfish at all!! If you are the only one with the financial responsibility and putting in effort, he shouldn’t be anywhere on that house!

Don’t do it. U have a prenump so y would u?

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Get rid of him and buy your house. He sounds like a right loser. I think you already know this. Sorry x

Divorce first, keep the house youre in now. Sell it, and use that money plus your savings towards a new one for you and the kids.

Not selfish but - Do you love him? Does he work? He may not contribute to rent but what about electric, water, food, clothes etc. Do you ask him for any money at all? Have your told him your values and projected will? Does he respect you? If you have to have a pre-nup, do you think he is using you? Don’t you want him to live if you go first? If you have doubts, then leave and not spend another penny. If you love him and your know he loves you, then stay and enjoy life with him.

If that is all true…you dont need to buy a home while you are married!! And if it is all true WHY are u still married. Maybe I am old fashioned or naive or whatever someone wants to say but isn’t marriage a “partnership” aren’t couples supposed to WANT to build a future, a home, and a life together…to support and grow one another!!! Doesn’t sound like much of that is happening according to your post. If you want a home that will go to your children and not your husband if something happens to you first…you will most likely need a divorce.

This guy isn’t taking care of his current house, or you. Keep it in your name. He seems like a shameless taker.

Im curious why you posted on two different forums.

I think I would seriously think twice about marriage. If he’s like that now, and it bothers you, imagine what it will be like in 5 yrs. You ate a smart, practical, and driven person and I’m sorry to say this, but he sounds like a slob, and how will he take care of a new house? Is be afraid he’d neglect it and cause more problems. Personally, I think you can do much better.

Nope not at all. If both of you contributed it would be different.

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Not selfish at all :heart:

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If u don’t trust him enough to put his name on it the maybe u should rethink being married to him


If this is even a question, you should rethink the marriage.

Put in a Will where the house goes . No one can fight a Will ! LAST WISHES !

No worry about ur self n ur kids

Why even get married then?

My husband and I have everything separated and we always have. We dont share checking accts, we dont share bills he has his bills he pays i pay mine. We’re coming upon 10 years and have never argued about money or finances were also looking to buy our first home we’ve always rented however the house will go in my name and my husband will not be on it. Ive worked my butt off to get my credit where he needs to be he hasnt so he knows the only were getting a house is if its in my name. Hes also well aware how bad with money he is. So no i definitely don’t think it’s selfish and for all the people telling you to rethink your marriage forget about em. What works for them may not work for you.

If there’s a prenup no need for assurance you are not an enabler and that might change his behavior once you both have a mutual understanding of you giving the house to your children.

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I think staying married Is a dilemma….


You are. Doing the right thing you have to think of your children

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Nope… we have a marital home and then I have rental properties that his name is NOT on. The profits go to our household but those are my properties.

If he couldn’t be a man and realize he wanted a family but yet put no effort don’t let him put his name on shit. Ultimately your the one that’s gonna have to pay it. Prenups are great for this same reason. So just leave ur name when he becomes a man and learns how to save money for his family rather than spend it then you can make ur decision of adding him to your house

Wow never have I seen a post on Facebook with every single person who commented actually agree!! Crazy lol I think u got ur answer :rofl::blush:


Clearly you can take care of yourself. I’d get a divorce and be done with it.


Not selfish at all… you did it all and worked towards this. He should have no say over it or anything else…ask yourself, what is he good for anyway… sounds like he uses you… he sure didn’t help you or the house lol

Nope. Put it in your name. Or he may destroy it too

No you are right
But the big question is are you willing to stay married to him?
Bevause reading beteren the lines, hè really doesn’t care for Tour relationship
I would trow him out

Not selfish at all. In my state (not sure if it’s different in yours) he will have to agree in writing to allow you to buy property as a separate estate. So the question might be, will he agree to this?

Nope make sure you put it in someone else’s name though like your parents or something because then it will be considered marital property no matter if there is a prenup

No not at all I would do the same thing .

This is life as he likes it. When counting on anyone, past behavior is a good look at how future behavior will be when considering
your future with him.
You can buy with your part of savings
but if you are MARRIED …

No its not but some states consider it a marital asset regardless of who’s name is on it so before u make any major decisions u should look up ur state. It would suck to spend all ur money and it still be half his in a divorce

No not at all its your new house not his.

If my man would spend all his money on boats, razors and casino’s, i would’ve divorced him already.

The answer you’re looking for…get a divorce. :blush:


Good luck and I think you already had your answer

I think you already know the answer to to own question. Follow your instinct… :+1:

Absolutely not nothing is wrong with you protecting your investment. This must be stated in the prenup and your Will. Put the house in a trust so it won’t be contested and held up in probate.

Sounds like you don’t need him as a husband…

Be honest you really don’t need him if you holding it down by yourself Ms Independent… #doyoubooboo

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Nope! I would do the same thing.

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Depending on what your prenup is, I would gift all of the money to your children now, then have them to loan it back to you, they can be second and third lien holders, in your passing before your husband… the mortgage would have to be paid first, and then the second and third lean holders which gives them the amount they are entitled

There might be some type of wait period between transactions for it to be legal So I would contact an attorney and ask

Also ask if it is stipulated in a will, if the house can be sold and all lien holders be made whole, the only problem after that would be if there was built up equity or the new house raises in value

Don’t stay in the marriage because of the children. You take care of yourself and then on your own. Buy that house. Kick him to the curb

Should take the conversation to your spouse not the internet.
People standing behind your half sided story doesn’t fix a thing. The OP only wants justification so they have less guilt.

Always get both sides to get the full story, otherwise you are just projecting your own bias and anger/hate to the situation.


You go for it girl you earned that! :slightly_smiling_face: def do what you gotta do if he can’t be responsible don’t put his name it’s not selfish at all

Nope, protect yourself sis. His actions show how much he really cares about the situation. God bless you❤

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I selfish for not wanting my husbands name on my new house?

I think you 100% should have it in your name alone.


Not selfish at all. You do you girl.


Nope not at all I would do the same thing always you and the kids number 1


No it would be selfish if you both had worked for it but only you reaped the benefits… but considering you did it alone… you alone deserve it!!


You are being realistic

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I don’t think it’s selfish at all :person_tipping_hand:


No mam, put it in your name.

Not being selfish at all put it in your name

If you have the credit and the cash to move forward solo move forward solo and he can live there while you feel like it.

I feel like maybe there are more issues involved or your wanting it to go to kids and not your husband even if something happened… maybe your scared he wouldn’t give them their cut later or whatever… just seems like maybe you should also consider addressing trust issues and if the relationship is really worth it at all.

But you have a prenup so obviously it’s been a thing for a min…

So carry on. Business as usual.

Girl not selfish at all. Do Your thing.

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