Am I selfish for not wanting my husbands name on my new house?

He knew the agreement and didn’t follow through on his end.

Not selfish at all, do a ladybird deed to your children in the event something happens to you and added protection and security for them.

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If community property state won’t matter, anything bought after marriage is 50/50. Put your name on it and protect yourself. I’m doing the same


You’re not selfish. He is.


Id be exactly the same.

Not only should you put it in your name… he shouldn’t get to live in it. You have a problem that goes way beyond the old and new house.


I don’t know about laws where you live but where I live, if you buy anything while married it is considered marital property regardless of who’s name it’s in.


Absolutely not, why should he get gain out of something YOU apparently have worked so hard for while he did as he pleased. He knew what you wanted and what you were asking of him and CHOSE to do the exact opposite, so WHY should he benefit. I would make sure to also add it to your will that it is to go to your children otherwise he will end up with it, God forbid something happen to you.

no but what Brenda said about community property is right check your state laws.

I’d put your children’s name as beneficiaries! If you put only your money into it before married either make it even n right if he wants his on there? Just too many things can n have happened to many n I’d be glad to share n live in it but would save for my kids grandkids!

Absolutely not selfish at all. You take care of you !!

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Not at all. You keep you safe and secure.

Make sure it’s yours sole and separate since it’s not part of your prenup. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Absolutely not… hunny this is a wake up call… he has no interest in meeting you half way for a house… plus, why would you want him to do another house if he takes no pride in the one he has??

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Nope. However, though you have a prenup, this will be property acquired during the marriage. Do check your pre-nup to be sure it addresses the acquisition of new property. Also, be aware of marital property laws where you currently live.

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NOPE! He’s the one being Selfish behaving as if he’s Entitled to it. The description you gave of HIS house says ALOT about how much he invest himself in MAINTAINING anything of worth. He would be told Time to start selling all those TOYS you bought , You want half ownership, YOU need to have HALF of funds to acquire it.


I think you guys need some marriage counseling tbh . I know it’s not what you wanted but it just seems to me that everything is divided in your house . Your money . His money .
You’re married. If he isn’t the one that fits you then maybe the issue isn’t him saving for a house .

No not selfish you have to do for them kids and make sure they are taken care of

Buy your house and then decide if you want him to live there.


Put it in your own name you earned it and you sold your house for it. BUT when he sells his house don’t expect part of the proceeds you guys have obviously kept your finances separate so it goes both ways. That being said it’s not unreasonable to have him pay rent or pay towards the utilities. Everyone has to pay for the roof over their head in some way whether they own it or not.

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Makes prefect sense …

Why aren’t you divorced yet???


Absolutely not selfish at all… what was selfish was him watching you save while he blows money and him feeling an entitlement to something you earned.

Nope, not selfish. I’d also leave him at his house tho :v:


He is clearly irresponsible. Your making a very conscious decision. If you feel this way then yes, that’s a good plan.


Lol I would of just moved back into mine

In Pennsylvania if you are married, your spouse’s name has to go on the house. My ex bought a house and because we were still married at the time, my name had to go on the house. So just make sure you check with someone first to be safe!

Not selfish at all! I would do the same thing, seems as though his priorities aren’t the same as yours


Not selfish. A wise financial decision, yes.

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Not one bit of selfish

If he’s not willing to put in an effort then why should he reep the benefits.


Well why dont you put it in your kids name NOW


I don’t think it’s selfish. But I would consult with a lender/ mortgage professional.

My husband’s credit is better than mine so we didn’t put my name on the loan because it would increase the interest rate. But the State of Texas required that I be on the title because we’re married.

Put the house in your name

Sounds like he’s not interested in moving at all and wants to stay in the frat house. I’m sorry to say this but I think you should move away from him.


No not atall, you get out what you put inan as he’s put nothing in then gets nothing back

I would buy it and put the kids names on the deed. Just in case of community property laws.


Sounds like you married a child. I wouldnt even want to live with him. Hes not going to maintain the new house


No, you buy it, it’s yours. I’d be single when I move too though


I would 100% not put his name on it/

Honey. My now ex built a beautiful home we raised our children in. When he lost intress in the up keep of our home he also lost interest in everything else of responsibility, became somebody I didn’t know and no he never did drugs. There was a dark side he decided to show after almost 20 years…I busted my ass stashed money got us out of debt bought another house in my name only and got the gell out. Ended a 30 year relationship. Best damn thing I have ever done for myself.

Nope I would probably move into new one by myself


Why are you married?


Not selfish! He can keep all his adult toys he purchased in his name and you keep what you saved money for.

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Similar situation here. I wanted to build up both of our credit scores & save money for a down pmt on a house but he doesn’t want to build or save so the house will be in my name only & go to my kids

Too many questions I would have to get a clear picture. I hope since she says it’s her house that she pays her mortgage and doesn’t expect him to pay for something he doesn’t own. Also are her kids not his kids?

nope, buy the house sell the husband, lol


Not selfish at all. Should be in your name if your putting all the money down.

Nope not selfish. Self protection. Same issue here.

Sounds like you need a divorce.


I’d put the house on my kids name. Then he cant touch it. Pre nup or not.

Put it in your kids name, IF something was to happen… Divorce, seperation, death. Then he can’t have half of it.


Nope not at all lol I did the same thing…glad I did cause we got divorced😁


No, that’s not selfish, but I don’t know if it still wouldn’t have to be split in a divorce since it was bought during the marriage.

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Not selfish but when you buy something while married isn’t it 50/50? I believe in NJ it is

Tell me again …
Why you are even married???


I’m going to be blunt here…the problems are deeper and bigger than a house…from what you have described it is a very toxic situation!


Stop spend moneys on his house! Like I went through with mine. If loser (ex) has to fix and done it bad job. I had to redo everything in my house under my name. Thank God my house was on rent so I got divorce and move myself, children, pets back to my house. He’s worthless. He care about himself like loser did. Took advantage of me and my family to spent moneys on bills and etc when he can’t afford but able spent his moneys. Bye (after I left, he lost house, vehicle and everything cuz we’re no longer pay his. Don’t it make sense to you that he’s using you too?)

Sounds like you need a different man. One that we’ll help you take care of things. It seems like you are giving 100% and he isnt giving any effort and in a relationship both parties need to give 100 % if he hasn’t done anything to deserve it and you can’t trust that he will ever give any effort, I would honestly move on


Not selfish, smart…but be careful sometimes depending what state your in…being a spouse is all it takes to be owner

Apparently, your goals and his are not the same and he proves that by blowing all of his money! I don’t think he is married in his mind or he wouldn’t do that, you use the money from your sold house for a new house that you will both live in, and it will be 1/2 his. Instead, I would rent an apartment for you 2 to live in as he may not last in this marriage.

Not selfish, you worked for it.

Nope! It also sounds like y’all are gonna separate is he going with you to your new house?

I’d ditch him but definitely don’t put his name on something you are buying!

You are NOT selfish. Take care of you and your children first. He is irresponsible and unfit as a partner in life.

Not selfish but smart. So now I think you need a fresh start minus the husband, he doesn’t respect you, the living conditions, and your well being. Best wishes to you and your children.


Not at all . You are providing for your children for their future and I think this marriage isn’t going to last by the way you described your husband

Not at all I would never put some one name on my house or probably anything that goes to my kids and grandkids

You don’t need a person who doesn’t keep his words nor do you need to put up with his selfish ways, fly away and live a better life without this dark stain . All the best

Not sure how it is in your state but most of the time if you’re already married it is marital property if you purchase real estate. Depends on how your prenup is set up. Sounds smart to me if he doesn’t contribute financially.


Why are you still married ? It sounds like a train wreck!


No not at all. Don’t do it!!!

No dont put his name. Even better leave him all together. Only 4 years in…he’s made no effort.


At the beginning of your marriage, you both AGREED to saving for another house. He did not hold up his end of the bargain. BEFORE making any kind of financial commitment, get a counselor. You’ve been married for four years and you’re not on the same page. You have to work through the underlying issues. Fix your current problems before adding more onto your plate.

Get out of that marriage NOw.

No not at all he was selfish for not saving with you, you are making the right decision the second you give someone an inch they take 3 miles don’t give him an inch especially if there’s already a prenup involved


Sounds like a serious question that a lawyer should advise you on.


His priorities are based on instant gratification not delayed gratification. You’re working for stability and a safe home whereas he is not. So I would not put his name on a new home.
Make sure to document properly that you sold your home and have been saving so it does not get labeled as joint assets.
A marriage does not work when someone spends impulsively and expects the other to keep them afloat.

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Same thing happened to me! I bought a condo and moved!! Got a divorce before he knew what hit him!!! He’s deceitful!!!

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No you are diing the right thing.

You should question a lawyer.

No. I think ur smart! My husband moved into my mobile. It is in my name only. I’ve had it since 2007. We married in 2013. He does zero repairs no matter how small. It’s mine and I intend to keep it that way. You get what u give. If you give zero, you get zero. Stand by your convictions. Good luck :pray::heart:

Hun you are not selfish at all .

Not at all. He didn’t help pay for it


Unfortunately anything bought after your married he is entitled to some of it . I would check with a lawyer and don’t put his name on it till you do . Take care of you 1st .

The question is, why are you still with him? But definitely just put it in your name.


So why are you still with him ???

I would 1st get a divorce !!! Then buy your home , Js

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Ask a lawyer. Do you live in a community property state?

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Look into a Life Estate. Contact an attorney on it, but would be a way for him to not have ownership and leave it to your kids.

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Get you a house. YOU a house. He can stay at his! He isn’t a PARTNER, hes someone else you’d have to support.

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Not selfish. I would divorce him before buying a new house so he has no claim to it


Nope. Not selfish… don’t put his name on it

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Uh I’d move into my new house divorced and single this guy is immature af and I cannot believe you’re contemplating children with him?!

Hell no!! Don’t put shit in his name


Not selfish at all! I’d be the same way…

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You need to speak with an attorney first. Depending on your state’s divorce laws, your husband maybe “entitled” to half in the event of a divorce, right or wrong. Protect yourself first.


I’m in the same situation and no I’ve decided not to put his name on my house. I don’t owe this man a new house.

It’s not selfish but I am wondering why you’re wanting to stay married to him?


He’s proven before, and now, that he cannot take care of a house, nor is he reliable. And since there is a prenuptial, I see no reason why he would need his name on the house. You did the right thing.