Am i selfish for not wanting to pawn or sell my switch?

Personally I think you need to get rid of him

Sell his shit and leave

He’ll sell everything you have!!! Then what?? What about next month and the month after? You’re living for a car payment! What’s wrong with his work ethic? I feel bad for you, you’re being sucked in. The car will ultimately be repossessed. Go home and live with your parents and move out of this relationship. This is a huge red flag for what your future will be with him. I know, I’ve been there, done that back in my 20s! I’m 65 now! Best of luck to you.

Kick him to the curb man.

No your not selfish your just plain stupid

This starts a spiral you don’t want. I even had to take back my shower gifts and get the money so he could pay his bills I ended up leaving when my baby was seven months old with nothing but our clothes because it was all in his name. Watch out for you and your baby.


He is showing you/ has shown you what life with him will be like. Decide now what you are willing to accept. It won’t change.


If you need the car then you have to contribute whether it’s in your name or not, or he loses it. If you don’t help him out then you have to buy your own car. It’s up to you


Well, it’s hard to say if anyone is 'right on the amount of info given. You are certainly entitled to insist upon keeping stuff which is very important to you. But be very careful here. How important is he in your life? He may be worth a few more minor sacrifices. He may become a very steady earner and help mate and daddy as time goes on. Think carefully. Avoid listening to negativity and trouble makers or reading magazines which recommend stupid fixes like revenge or cheating. You need a real councilor, maybe a free one from the county, or church ( even if you don’t go there regularly.) Pardon me for saying, but your challenge seems almost minor, compared to the challenges life throws at people all the time, and seldom with any warning. I say be frank with him, and speak kindly and get assurances from him. When the hardship and emergency is yours to meet one day, be sure he will know, you expect him to rise to the challenge. Good luck.

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Heck no!! That little boy can man up and start adulting!! He can find a job and stick to it…sounds like he needs an additional part time job to catch up. So in addition he can get a side hustle going…plasma, door dash, shipt, Uber…just no. And fyi, if this continues…you are better off saying goodbye. Just because you love someone doesn’t me your meant to he with them long term… they may only be one chapter in your story. Dont let a man child drag you down, especially with children.

You both sound young and irresponsible. If you are more worried about a gaming system then you are providing for your children, y’all need more help than any stranger on a mom page can provide. Get your life straight.

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TBH, (speaking from experience) a lot of growth has to be done on BOTH your parts. He needs a real job that’s steady hours, steady pay preferably with benefits for him and his family. He is USING you sucking everything you have to clean up HIS mess. You aren’t married so if he can’t grow up, you need to make some hard decisions and either leave or sell stuff to take care of the family. The child is YOURS too! Being an adult means making sacrifices and putting priorities first. Being a MOTHER means you have the OBLIGATION of doing that without any hesitation at all. Your child should come first before ANYTHING else, and that includes their father and especially a video game. We go without luxuries so our children can have the necessities and want for nothing. The child didn’t ask to be brought into this world but you did have him/her so their needs come first. I hope your bf grows up and becomes the father your kid needs ASAP but you can’t control him or change him so in the meantime I suggest that YOU do the growing up and make the responsible moves for yourself and step up. Can’t kept living the way you guys are now you will drown.

Do not enable him any further by taking care of his bills? You are not his Mama or his wife, right? Don’t sell anything else if yours! Maybe he has something to sell? Jewelry? TV?

Don’t do it, cause next month you will be out a switch and a car if he can’t make the payment

He’s being very selfish with your belongings. He should sell his stuff to save his stuff. You need to think of you and the baby right now.

Sell the switch and buy your child what they need…

I would say run don’t walk run from the guy. I can only see problems with him not being able to pay his bills.

Get a new boyfriend! You shouldn’t have to support him!

Some of these stories…good grief! This man is a child!

I don’t think it’s selfish, it’s yours and it’s not your fault that he can’t stay at a job and pay his own payments, he’s an adult he needs to figure it out

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Simple. Get a new “man”. What u have is a spoiled kid!

Get rid of the switch and the “man”…

Sounds like you might need to sell your bf

Bad relationship. Now is the time to get out.

Oh also, he can work for Uber and he can get a brand new car through them that he pays off as he works and then of course has money left over

If you pay for your BOYFRIEND. You need to stop. It’s a wasted investment. He’s not your Husband and has no obligation to care for you. If you put him and his possessions before you and your needs there needs to be done personal inventory taken. Why think more if someone else than you think of yourself? He should be helping you. As long as you keep giving he will keep taking. The minute you stop giving and out the pressure on him, he will look for an easier ride. Try it. See if he stays. Just stop being available to bail him out.

Maybe sell it to buy your 7m old clothes. Your baby shouldn’t be doing without.

Honey. Stop having babies with this loser.
You are not married, and you are not responsible for his debt.
Time to grow up.

He can donate plasma. It’s 75 dollars for the first 4 donations as long as it’s twice a week 2 weeks in a row. After that it’s like 45 every time

I think it’s time to find a more reasponsible boyfriend.

Run as fast as you can, before he sucksvyou dry

This is a situationship not a relationship.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but what I would like to know is where the true split is? Do you use the car? Is it a necessity for maintaining careers? Is it a necessity for taking your child about? As far as I can tell this is about his and hers not yours. You’re partners. You’re choosing each other. You have created a life together - sometimes that means dropping of possession or SACRIFICING…like selling a switch so you have a car. If this guy is constantly unreliable - unorganized - barely keeping his head above water…how long will you take on being the only responsible party? Too much in this question without more info.