Hes wanting to sell my stuff to pay for his car and i said no. I dont get out or have any friends. I dont play my xbox allot so i got a switch since im more mobile with it and can play more. I dont think im selfish at all.
What do yall think?
Hes wanting to sell my stuff to pay for his car and i said no. I dont get out or have any friends. I dont play my xbox allot so i got a switch since im more mobile with it and can play more. I dont think im selfish at all.
What do yall think?
I think you’re dumb for taking away from your baby for something that’s not yours. You dont NEED a vehicle. Many survive without one.
Stop selling your stuff. Next thing you know you won’t have anything left because you pawned a car that’s not even yours.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am i selfish for not wanting to pawn or sell my switch?
I think he needs to grow the F up and take some damn responsibility!!
You aren’t his ATM, he better get a job and quit being a dead beat!
Nope. His ass needs to deal with it himself
If it’s a car u both use then it may be in your best interest to invest in the vehicle.
You need to be more selfish and make him get a reliable job and pay for his car, does he not realize how much your lives are about to change.
Sounds like you need a new boyfriend. You’re not his bank.
Nope that is his car he needs to take responsibility for it
Sounds like he needs to grow up and get a job to pay for his own car to keep it going,
Sounds like you need to get rid of him all together.
Oh honey, y’all gotta go to work.
Sounds like he’s gotta go🤷🏽‍♀️
Don’t do it, you’ll resent him later for it. I’ve been there. He’ll figure it out.
Oohhh you have a man child you poor thing… bin him find a more useful reliable grown up capable one and you will be fine
Nope if he needs money that bad he can sell his stuff your his girlfriend not his personal bank
If you do he, he’ll expect you to keep doing it and never learn responsibility.
Nope. It’s his car in his name he needs to figure it out himself.
Gurrrlll You’re being used & abused… GET OUT
Needs to be looking for better or more Work. His car, his problem.
It sounds like you have an infant and you’re pregnant, but your boyfriend is not contributing because he’s not making enough and isn’t attempting to get extra or more reliable work. Take your kids and go, you don’t need an adult child too.
It’s his problem not yours
He needs to be more responsible. This isn’t your fault he’s behind. Don’t let him guilt you into believing this is your problem or your fault in any way. And selling your switch gives you a one time payment. Sounds like he needs to figure out a long term situation. Which is keep a dang job. This is a case of tell me he’s a narcissist without saying he’s a narcissist.
If you’re using the car also, you should both be paying for it.
You both need to grow up!
Sounds like you need to get rid of the boy and find a man… Kids are expensive! You don’t need two.
You said boyfriend? Sounds to me like you should just dump him.
Time for you to find a new guy.
No you’re not selfish at all you’re not responsible for his car you helped him once not anymore
He needs to get a better job to help u support his child as well as help u support the household…
Put him out, it will be hard for a minute but hes proven to you he’s more a liability than an asset, on top of that you share a baby he won’t help take care of so if I were you (eventhough I’m not) i would cut my losses and leave him alone, you can do bad by yourself, you don’t need help that isn’t helping.
Keep the switch and dump the guy!
Can’t ride that switch to work or the doctors office what you figure you need more wheels or a game
I’d say bye bye to lover boy. Then you’d have more money to buy yourself and little one more stuff.
Where were these comments when I needed them lol
All these ladies are correct. #lessonlearned
No your not selfish tell him to find his own dam way to pay his car payments!
If you need the car also, then you should be paying some of the expenses for it as well. Stop whining
If he can’t afford his wheels you shouldn’t have to pay…pawn the car for your payments
Uhhhh…NO, don’t sell anything of yours to pay for his crap. Get your own car.
I went threw a lot when I was pregnant we sold everything a few times to make it including trampolines ect it was hard we didn’t have to at all no cell phone and one car on its last leg we lived miles from town or anyone else I did that for three years it’s hard but if you think dad isn’t going to get his stuff straight and is just using you to keep himself going yeah I wouldn’t do it but if it’s your only car and he doesn’t plan on bailing on you I would sell it part of being and adult trying to make it but if you think he’s going to bail sell it and use the money to get somewhere stable or on your feet with out him you can’t always count on them to grow up or change it just doesn’t happen sounds like you need to figure out something else that doesn’t involve counting on him
Very very immature relationship
He needs to get a job and keep it.
Mannnnnn for people saying bc u use the car do it … NO DONT SMFH u already paid 500 on his shit … smh that shits in HIS NAME … not urs u got to think an maybe get ur own car or something with your name on it also soo he cant get mad an take it … I wouldnt pay on a car that’s in my bf name if he wasnt helping or being responsible!!! U got a 7 month old he needs to wake up!!!
No! It’s your Switch, why doesn’t he sell his stuff? Does he have an Xbox or PS? I’m sure he has stuff of value he could sell, or he can do a pay day loan.
Either way I was in a similar situation, I resented them and realized I was being used, we didn’t have kids though.
sounds like ole boy needs a different job, and to learn how to show up and be responsible for his own bills
Your boyfriend; not spouse, not fiance. He doesn’t want to share. He doesn’t want responsibility. Give him what he needs, consequences to his selfish actions
Girl you better leave him before he drags you too far down. If he can’t afford his car how is he gonna help provide for his child? These are the early red flags most women don’t even see.
Maybe you need to pawn your man
Pawn it and tell him he has to go halves to get it out with you on the next payday. If you need the car like you say then you gotta do what you gotta do to keep it as well at this point. Then again if this isn’t a serious type of relationship then too bad so sad… he shouldnt have gotten a car that he cant afford to pay on and should think about holding a steady job down instead of going thru them like underwear…
Do not sell your stuff because he’s irresponsible. That’s ridiculous.
He obviously isn’t ready to be a dad. He can’t keep a job or a car how is he supposed to support your child? If you don’t want to be always selling your things to have simple things like transportation then you really need to evaluate your relationship.
You need to run as fast as you can with all your stuff and move forward without him. The fact he thinks you need to sell/ pawn your stuff instead of stepping up and taking care of his shit means he’s got to go!
Girl you better tell him to go work that corner
Uuuuhhh your stuff is your stuff he has not right to it!
Keep your things and get rid of the deadweight bf.
Pawn the boyfriend…life is too damn short to live like that! Oh, and take your Switch with you.
sell your boyfriend instead haha
Y’all are about to have a baby and you’re playing “this is mine and that is his” No
You both need to commit financially and give up luxuries. It’s HARD and only about to get harder
Just wondering what your going to sell next month when the payment is due.
Keep your Switch…get rid of the boyfriend!!
Have him go do uber eats or door dash for some fast cash.
Why are you even with him? Get your own car, get your own place and wave goodbye. Coz you’ll still be in the same boat in 10yrs
You need to leave him. That’ll never change. You’ll be struggling for the rest of your life if you stay with him. He obviously doesn’t want to work so he’s gonna keep doing the bare minimum and leaving it up to you to figure it all out. It’s better to be single and happy than to be in a relationship and always miserable because he can’t hold down his part so it causes tension and arguments between y’all.
Keep your stuff and sell the boyfriend. He sounds like my ex to a T. If you stay with him you will travel down a bad road.
I would stop having kids with him if he can’t support you
Shit I’d pay for vasectomy for him just so his dumbass doesnt procreate anymore. Smh.
Leave him, he sounds irresponsible.
No you don’t have to sell anything he should sell his stuff to pay for him car!!
Don’t sell it. He needs to step up.
I think… You’re not wrong. Tell him to go donate plasma or sell his stuff or use that car to drive for DoorDash or Shipt or something.
Time to give him the boot. Wake up girl
I understand what your saying but unlike everyone else I think you also need to look at the fact your pregnant and need to get to your doctor appt which u need transportation to then when u have your guys baby how you getting to the hospital how are u getting to the baby dr appt how is he your child’s father going to go to work at all without a car? Having to rely on someone else for a ride when your child is in need or you go into labor isn’t ideal. YOU need the car. I’m sorry I can’t tell you what u want to hear but you have to think about this long term or get your own car in your name.
No your aren’t being selfish. Let him figure it out
Girl cmon now if u know damn well he’s job hopping and can’t afford to pay a car note y u with this lazy ass? You gave a bum 462$ towards a vehicle instead of buying clothes for your baby and paying your obgyn doctor. Now if u don’t see a problem with that then u need to open your eyes real quick cause that dude is just using you whether u can admit it or not. Like seriously you didn’t get your baby clothes girl like wtf man that some f*cked up shyt right there cause your bum of a boyfriend can’t work n keep a job n pay his own car note. What’s more interesting is you said the car company won’t accept 80$ so either that means he didn’t have the full amount n used 462$ towards something else which wasn’t the car n the car company WANTS their money not just little bit here n there they want the full
Amount he’s behind on. U need to think of your child at this point n get away from this loser. Car or no car you’ll be fine trust me on this.
There’s the door, pay for the damn car himself
No, you’re not. Tell him to quit being a b*tch and work a better job.
Why are you with him. This is a look at your future. Run
He needs to get a better job and keep it.
So you working or what?
As a man, he shouldn’t even feel comfortable asking his girl to sell something to support him…
My fiance owns the vehicle we have. His name is on it. His name is on the insurance. I’ve had to pay his insurance. I’ve had to buy the ball joints and 2 wheel bearings to fix it. I’ve had to pay a loan for him that he had before we even got together. I told him I refuse to pay anymore on any of it. He hasn’t helped and hadn’t tried. I can’t work due to health problems and being under 3 Drs. He won’t work. So what money I make from crafts I sell and selling stuff I don’t need anymore went to the vehicle but I refuse to pay anymore. Girl you don’t have to sell your stuff that’s YOUR stuff
Hell no you just paid out of your pocket once now it’s up to him to pay that shit, tell him to sell his shit
You’re not wrong
He needs to step up or step off. If he can’t provide and do his fair share he isn’t worth it
Tell him to get a job you aren’t paying his bills
I mean you could always sell your Xbox since your not using it. Or he can sell his plasma. Two kids here and I would sell my stuff in a heartbeat if I needed to make ends meet. Stuff can be replaced later down the road. You guys need the car.
Omg you’re his atm machine not his partner
He may be irresponsible but ladies people fall on hard times and have to pawn stuff and he should pawn his stuff first but if your man needs help and YOU also use that vehicle I think you should help out
Don’t do it. Why only $103 00 paycheck. Sounds like he needs to hunt another job that pays more or work more hours.
No you’re not being selfish he is. As far as the finance company they will accept the payment but it might not stop anything that’s going to happen if they’ve already got a repo order on it.
Ummm Im a hella independent woman. We both pay the bills but if it came down to it, my man will always find a way to make sure our family was taken care of. Let him figure this one out.
Honey you and your babies deserve so much more…
No!! He needs to grow tf up, get his ass to work and stay there so he can pay his own bills.
Get out so he grows up
Take your switch and run.
You already gave your last check to help out, when you baby needs more things when they arrive!
You and your child deserve better… I can’t imagine it getting any better when you have your baby… I just hope that he doesn’t continue to switch jobs and barely make ends meet for his child…
You shouldn’t have to do this alone… you helped out since you need it and now it’s his turn.
He needs to sell some of his own things, not turn to you and put the pressure of selling your things only…
I’m not saying it’ll be much…cause it could be, too…but you should just sell him instead of your stuff…
Read what you wrote in this post, then re-read it Then ask self the question you asked us, why is he your boyfriend That should be the question you should be asking. Seems like you’re settling for something less in your life
Throw the whole man away!
My husband has sold a lot of my things in the past bc he can’t keep a job
Cars, computers, Xbox’s, switches and my wedding/engagement rings.
My advice as much as it sucks… keep everything separate. He needs to step up and get a job to pay for HIS expenses. Unfortunately with people like this the only way they’ll learn is if you refuse to give in
Thats why I don’t want or need a relationship! Lol