You’re doing just fine.
Vagina isnt a bad word.
Kids need to
Know body parts
Nothing wrong with it at all
Oh noooooo ! Vagina is such a bad word !!! ( sarcasm) my kids know the words and know the period stuff.
Kids need to know those words.
Saw this on another page …
I remember teaching my husband about using anatomically correct names with our girls, and when I told him to use the word “vulva,” he looked at me like he couldn’t believe what I had just said.
He sat there for a moment and went through a list of questions…
” Isn’t that word a little too mature for her?”
” Why would she need to say that?”
” I’m not even comfortable using that word. How can I say that to my baby.”
” Isn’t that creepy coming from a man?”
All of his questions were valid.
So many adults don’t even know the anatomically correct names for their body parts and don’t feel comfortable using those names. It is awkward, and it feels silly.
I explained to him just a few of the reasons why using anatomically correct names is essential.
If children know the correct names for their body parts, there is less chance they will be victims of abuse. Studies show that perpetrators will be less likely to abuse a child who has the language to describe what is happening to them.
Using the anatomically correct name helps our children describe what is happening with their body and makes it easier to do everything from helping them with a rash to more serious concerns, such as describing abuse.
It’s not a big deal to our kids if we start using this language earlier. The shame we feel is our own internalized view of these words being dirty. To children, it will be just as natural as labelling their elbow or leg.
If our child is ever abused, having the correct language can help them describe what happened and ensure the perpetrator gets the proper sentencing.
“I’ll need to sit with that.” My husband responded.
It was an ongoing conversation, trying to remove the shame and stigma from using anatomically correct names.
I believe in the world we live in today it is SO IMPORTANT to teach the proper body parts, consent, and respect! You go momma teaching a young boy that periods are all part of a women’s life. Here are a few books I read to my babies to help with learning their bodies and their boundaries!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with your child knowing the proper names for body parts at 3. If it upsets or irritates some people then, maybe those people need to sit down and evaluate their reasons why it upsets or offends them. That being said, make sure he knows when the appropriate times and places for those words are.
My three year old pronounces some of her “S” words with a “D” sound. So it’s really cool when we are at the park and she finds a big stick and is so excited she has to run and yell with excitement that “she has a BIG STICK” but like I said, she pronounces some “S” words with a “D” sound so it’s just a blasty blast all around.
Teaching and over sexualizing are two different things and I believe teaching him at a young age what parts are actually called if he asks is totally normal. You’re fine.
Doctors actually recommend using the anatomy terms! It helps in instances of abuse.
For instance, a story that always stuck with me was a little girl went to daycare and said her uncle touched her flower. After calling authorities and reporting everything, they found out he touched her crown they made out of flowers they picked outside. But because of all the different nicknames for anatomy, they thought the worst.
He is young but “vagina” and “penis” are NOT bad words!!! Your child needs to know those things and if they dont get taught at home someone else is going to tell them!!! I told my children at a very young age what was what, and they are better informed because of it. Don’t allow someone else to educate your child on life choices, that should come right from you!!!
My 2.5 yr old hands my pads and tampons. He’s also the t.p distributor lol. I have his petty in front of mine and he pulls his pants down and sits on it while I do but he refuses to use it. I think its completely normal. My son knows what boobs are and that they are to feed his baby brother. Dont worry momma it’s all normal. And your doing a great job.
Kids. Need. To. Know. Their. Body. Parts.
Especially if someone inappropriately touches them OR he witnesses it.
Does your husband get mad your son says elbow? Theyre just body parts and he absolutely should know the correct names for them.
Pepper anatomy is important! Keep leaving your lil guy the way you are.
The word vagina shouldn’t make anyone uncomfortable and if it does they are immature.
He should know the proper words for safety reasons. Too many kids don’t know that’s private and not to be touched and even so alot of times that kid doesn’t know how to tell someone.
My som will be 3 in December. He follows me and dad into the bathroom . He absolutely knows the difference and in our house we believe they should!
I believe when a child asks your give the most honest answer possible age appropriate.
I worked in childcare before and I think it’s great for children to know these words because they are parts of the body. However I think sometimes children need to be explained to about why there is a time and place for words like that hope this helps!!
You’re teaching your child the correct terms for body parts and bodily functions. That’s exactly right. Nothing wrong in it.
You shouldn’t be teaching a 3 year old boy about vaginas. Yes it’s good he know the correct word but he shouldn’t be watching you closely on the toilet especially if you’re cleaning yourself/changing tampons and pads for period. That’s so weird. I realize that periods are normal but (in my opinion) letting a 3 year old be present for that is like them being in the room for sex. My kids follow me everywhere but even being in the bathroom with me I’ve never had them ask about periods.
My 2yr old calls hers a vagina and her brothers a willy lol she says things that make me died sometimes like mummy I have a little willy kids are kids I think they should know the correct terms x
They need to know the proper medical words for their private parts. It’s for their safety. It might be embarrassing but he’s intelligent. He’s also being a kid and repeating a word he learned
He’s a bit young to me but it’s your kid . Everyone does it their own way. We all learn as we go.
Maybe teach him they are private parts and not good to talk about in public but goo to kno if something happens he can use the right words and let people kno if soemthing inappropriate happens my son is the same way wants to kno everything about everything it’s not bad but probably be good to teach him not to just start talking about it at the grocery store if that makes sense
Always teach your kids the correct words when it comes to their area. You never know what may happen one day and when they’re trying to tell someone something happened the person may not know what a “moo moo or a wee wee” is.
My kids have always used the medical term for body parts. And yes they shouted it a lot in public and inappropriate times. We finally called them bathroom words. We’re you were only allowed to say them in the bathroom unless they had an issue with theirs.
Kids are curious and love to talk! We called vagina tooshie, when my daughter was around 2-3 she told all the people in the grocery check out “my mommy has hair on her tooshie but I don’t”
It’s 100% OKAY your kid knows the actual terms! Parents need to stop teaching their kids nicknames!
Yeah it’s a lot better than my 3-year-old running around saying dck and pssy… too many cousins and uncles and a momma with the mouth of a sailor… Idk what imma do when he goes to school
All of my boys were knowledgeable about their and the female genitalia… my youngest was almost five when our cat had kittens so we learned how periods work, pregnancy, and birth. If he wants to know teach him. I’d rather have a young man that is well aware of how things work then one thinking we could control our periods or that we all have a penis… I have met ten yo that believe that
I taught my daughter as soon as she turned 3 what everything was. It’s not a “bad word” it’s the correct medical term. I’d rather have my kid say vagina and penis rather than a crazy nickname for it if something were to happen.
Look, teaching kids proper anatomy names and boundaries helps stop molestation, you’re doing the good moms work!
FYI child predators have abused and harmed children younger than 3. 3 is not too young to teach your child proper terms that can help keep him protected.
Honestly, I see nothing wrong with this. Maybe I’m too open? But I’ve been teaching my son about everything since he’s been able to ask about it. I find it’s better they learn young about what things are, and about teaching boundaries young. It’s not embarrassing to teach them NATURAL NORMAL things. Especially teaching boys about periods so they’re not so ignorant about them. It’s better to have them grow up to be very open and understand rather than sheltered and closed minded. My son knows about periods, body parts, bad touch, etc. He understands. He’s 2.5 and Its Okay! Sure people are gonna judge because “oh no you’re exposing him” but whatever. Parent the way that makes you feel confident in his understanding of things
The conversation needs to happen between you and dad. If dad is not comfortable with his son knowing things at 3… it should be respected…
We don’t teach our kids to say that an arm is a hand extender or a leg is a foot stabilizer. Why do we need to give pet names to our sexual organs?
Always be truthful with your children. Tell them the proper names for their body parts. It’s the right thing to do, no matter what age they are!!
My son who’s 5 knows the real words bc what if someone touched him and he was telling someone the made up word we came up with and they didn’t understand.
I work in a daycare I tell all the kids vagina or penis. I don’t see a problem with kids knowing what body parts are called
Honestly I much rather teach my kids young and tell them proper wording in case anything was to happen to them by anyone ya know? If a kid says my uncle ate my cookie etc people would laugh and shrug it off, but if they say my uncle ate my v they would be takin more seriously! My kids know basic anatomy they have for a very long time and they’re now 12 and 10! He’s not to young
Teach him everything as soon as he is interested! There’s no problem with that at all and anatomically correct words for body parts is hardly too much too soon. It’s not like you’re teaching him sex Ed .
Does your husband get mad when you call an arm an arm
My kid knows all the right words for those parts . In my opinion that’s a must know . Don’t feel so bad my 3 year old is calling people fuckers
All 4 of my kids were like that. Nothing wrong with that at all!!
Just ignore, give him a new word lol he’s a boy it is already built into his dna🙄
Kids should know the parts as soon as they notice the difference.
They need to know the proper terms in case some sicko comes along and they can be very exact when telling what happened
Vagina is not a bad word. They should be taught the proper names for male and female anatomy.
My three year old only says the correct words for body parts. They’re never too young to know the correct words and who has what.
My boy is 3 and knows it all, too!
They are body parts nothing wrong with him knowing
My 3 year old knows girls have a vagina and boys a penis. I have always been a firm believer in using the proper terms, the sooner the better.
Teach them. In SA cases, they will not hold up in court unless kids know the names of their parts.
So they are mad you taught your kid the anatomical and correct names for body parts? Oh okay.
Mate! My daughter is 3! I got our shower last week! She came in bedroom as usual but for some annoying unknown reason! This time I decided to cover my boobs with my hands!! so now she’s asking me what I’m doing… so I kinda made a dance and song “ish” that we keep them covered… never show anyone them… so there we are… covering our nips… singing a totes crap made up as you go song, having a laugh…
Until couple days later she’s going up to my female family members boobs… wiggling them… no song include… clearly irrelevant now… cow bag! Hahaha!! Too funny!! At least for me and my family… hopefully it’s stops soon ffs!! The shame
Way too young… I did try to explain… but look at what happened
They repeat every new word they hear They are parrots
Hes not too young to learn about HUMAN anatomy.
The sooner they understand the human body the better.
You are doing the right thing.
Do you Mama!! What’s right for you may not be right for others….
Some children are more mature than others.
Vagina is not a bad word…
You taught the kid an anatomically correct term for a body part. You age inappropriate monster.
I think its awsome for him to no now.
Its embarrassing dont get me wrong.
My son 8 years old.
An he noes about period etc.
So when I got mine he says , mum got a nappy on .
Keep away , she grumpy hahahah.
He even ask me last night.
Which part does a baby come out off a mummy.
I told him an I said you came out of my tummy tho. Thats why I have a beautiful scar their . Nawwww he was , I love you mummy.
I personally dont think any age is a right time to talk. But its gona happen .
It’s not a swear word
Tell your husband it’s better than him calling it a p*ssy. Id much rather vagina
You absolutely should teach him the correct terms for anatomy. PENIS AND VAGINA
A 3 yr old male or female shouldnt know about periods or about womens parts at all at this young age. They dont know what they are at this age. Yes youve given too much at this tender age… and i feel youve opened a can of worms way too soon and you should be embarrassed and ashamed. This brings on too many questions and hell be asking others about this or telling them. He should know mommy’s are girls and daddy’s are boys thats about all they need to comprehend at this baby innocent age. And should not be in the bathroom at all if and when youre on your period. Thats all most perverted to explain this to a 3yr old boy or girl… whats next at age 5 when hes in school and he asks his teachers or other classmates. ?? Then what are you going to be able to explain to them or their parents?? What are you thinking here. Children his age hasnt even learned to socialize with other kids in a classroom setting yet. And already has been introdced to things about adult reproductive parts. Before he knows about his own parts and how they work or even curious about his own parts in his own time… its just push right out there and he still hasnt a clue how things really work or why?? Because hes not old enough to understand this subject yet… this is really out there lady… you need professional help from somewhere fast. Before you really screw this poor baby up…i agree with your husband. This is way too much for a 3 year old to be exposed too. And you say hes been around it all… what àre you referring too.?? Whats all?? What about the words called privacy and modesty?? It sounds like to ne you dont believe or practice either one of them… what happens to small children that dont understand what these words mean and they talk about them in front of pedophile?? Maybe you while youre talking about periods and vaginas explain what one of those are … cuz he may one day say it in front of someone that will think he knows more and or been exposed more… so this monster will show him more. If i were your husband id be worried about what your teaching this baby… and safety isnt one of the words either…
It’s better then what he repeated form me !!
“Fuckinh drive idiot “
Definitely my the drivers fault !!
Normalize all bodies having parts. Normalize not sexualizing women’s parts.
And of course, talk through it. Explain, explain, explain.
Oh how dare you teach your son proper words for all body parts…
You’re doing fine momma.
You doing too much!!!
He shouldn’t be in bathroom with you. While you do your thing with personal hygiene
Also ,that’s a red flag. I hope he sleeps in his own bed. And not between you and hubby
Good job girl you’ve done a wonderful job talking to your son and teaching your son!!
#ParentingDoneRight! Be proud!!
Keep up the good work mama.
I wish more parents would teach their kid the correct term! We don’t have cookies and wieners over here, we have penises and vaginas
Vagina & penis are not bad words.
Teach them the right words young!
Inside chedgrave here switch.
Keep them innocent as long as possible!
Let him watch kindergarten cop
Nothing wrong with it. It’s a vagina. My daughter knows she has a vagina.
All parents should use the correct names for private areas. Once a grandmother yelled at me because my daughter said vagina. I told her off because my sister who a teacher once told me a story about a little girl saying her friend keeps touching her (insert word) . And the teacher just went on in her day. Come to find out she was being molested and was trying to say something but she only knew her private area as (insert word). So she said it’s important that we use correct words with kids so they can help themselves if something is wrong. Keep it up and I’m sure your young man will grow up to respect women.
There is nothing wrong with using the correct names of body parts.
My daughters who is 6 (who is very smart and mature), since the age of 4 she knows about periods/menstrual cycle also about woman’s reproductive system, as she walked in at the wrong time (bathroom) and was worried, she also has a 5 month old baby sister, so had questions (aged 5 at the time) which I answered using correct names (no not the talk about sex) but everything else what men have and why, what women have and why, how they met and become a baby and how the baby is formed/grows and how the baby comes out (both ways) etc…
mother’s (and fathers) are here to teach their children, so answering their question using correct terms is not wrong.
Using proper terminology for anatomy isn’t inappropriate. It’s just a body part
ALL Kids need to know the proper terms for ALL body parts. The older generations seem to hate it. I think it’s perfectly acceptable for you little boy to know these terms. I would just talk to him or quietly mention at the time that we don’t say “vagina” at places other than home. Home is acceptable to talk about anything.
My children have called their body parts by cutsie names for years we use minky (vagina) and doofer (penis). Until I worked in a school and needed to consider safeguarding. If a child disclosed to me for example that someone had bitten their peach, I would have thought that they were talking about fruit, and this highlighted that a child could disclose abuse and the person their to help and protect them would be none the wiser. It’s so important for children to know the correct names for their body parts so that they can keep themselves safe. As a parent I feel I failed my children as my 10 year old still won’t say penis and my 10 and 12 year old girls won’t say vagina. They do all know the words now but I wish I had taught them right from the word go.
Vagina isn’t a bad word. Body parts are not “dirty.”
My son is 3 and knows the correct name for body parts. He has a little sister and has asked why she is different to him and we have told him the correct name for her body parts aswell. I’m a veterinary nurse and nothing annoys me more than people being embarrassed to say the correct name for things. You don’t give your arm or leg a different name so why would you do it with genitals. It’s important to teach the correct terms so I would ignore what anyone else says or criticises you about
They say anything they hear or know how to say lol my kiddo knows the proper vagina, and then like 3 other reference names. It’s all good. I get embarrassed at times and just play it off as “yeah she learned a new word and won’t stop saying it now” lol
Both my kids, 7yo boy and 4yo girl, have always been taught the correct terms. Both male and female parts. We started talking about consent early on and that those parts, theirs’ and others’, are private and we shouldn’t show or touch. I think it’s better for them to know what the parts are actually called. You never know when something could happen and they’d need to tell someone.
I honestly don’t think it’s to young. That’s the name for it. We have taught our daughter the correct names since she was a baby. I dont want her calling it a silly name like a cookie or something.
I have taught my daughter and son from an early age about things but only if they ask, then I tell them the truth. They know about periods and the symptoms like cramp, pain, bloated, moods ect. They know what a vagina and penis is, they know babies come out the mum’s vagina, they are 5 & 7. My friends and family don’t teach their kids about these things and some are shocked that I am so open but each to their own. I just don’t see the point in teaching children they should be embarrassed of what happens to their body or like they are dirty things and also think it helps saying that no one should see/touch it vagina or penis that’s a private part ect. And don’t see point in lying when u need to teach them it at some point anyway
Nope you’re fine. My son has known body parts since he was about 3. He’s 5 now. Correct terminology, there’s nothing wrong with it. They’re body parts. A child should know what they’re called, regardless of gender. It’s just… what it is. Same as a knee being a knee or an eye being an eye. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ just have to teach him that those are not words we just say whenever
There is nothing wrong with using the anatomy correct names of body parts.
Yes I think 3 is a little bit young to know about a period but you learn when you learn. My daughter (3) just tells me and everyone she knows that sometimes mommy wears a diaper. I am sure she will begin to question as to why soon at which time I will answer that question.
If my daughter questions anything I give her the age appropriate answer.
Children of any age should be taught the proper names for all body parts. None of it is dirty. As a child, I was taught this and was able to tell my parents and pediatrician who touched me where. Periods are not dirty either, just a normal body function.