I taught my son young, hes about to be 18 and hes fine:bangbang:
Never too young! If he’s willing to learn teach !!
No you need to teach your child the real names incase some perv does something to the child.
Never too early to properly teach them about everything.
Now you just need to teach him the difference between a vagina and a vulva.
Lmao its the correct anatomy of a female. I think he’ll be fine.
This is your child. if you want to teach him now is your right.
Nope my boys 7 and his sister is 14…when she kicks him outta her room or she’s a bit mean he comes to me and says ‘I think Lydia’s on her period again!’
My daughter says her area an her butt
Umm you are on the right tract however you gotta teach little man decorum
Kudos momma! Proper terminology. Kids will start to see difference in bodies.
I think teaching him about your period was too much
Never to young to know the proper words for body parts.
This is too funny for non-americans. You are such prudes
Also I love that not one comment I’ve read is bashing or saying what she’s doing is wrong! SERIOUSLY SO AMAZING!!!
Might as well teach him pussycat too🙄
All of my girls know all of it too. Don’t worry abt what anyone else thinks girl!
perfectly normal lol my son called me jagina girl for a few months
All of this is normal. And yes please continue teaching your son about periods
It’s a vagina! Good for you on calling what it is.
My oldest learned young and asked everyone he met if they were a boy and if yes, his follow up question was if they had a penis
Yes…. Body parts are normal and natural. We teach eyes, ears, nose. Vagina and penis are no different.
Dont be embarrassed it’s just a body part. Hes an educated little guy:sunglasses:
Vagina isn’t a bad word lol
It’s ok for him to know what body parts are called.
Vagina and penis are not bad words. Teach them or someone else will
I have 4 boys, they knew the proper name as soon as they were old enough to upstanding.
Better tell your husband kids say these things AND MORE!
You’re never too young to know body parts. It’s normal.
Your never to old or to young to learn
My girl is 3 and knows all the proper terms
Vagina isn’t a bad word
it’s no different than him naming any other body part
Vagina is not a bad word. Dad chill
My son runs around sayin sumbitch all the time so to me vagina seems a little easier to explain
Count your blessings mama.
Nope. Better to learn the proper terms.
I am very conservative so I do not parent this way
My kids know the word vagina and penis since little. It’s their bodies they should know the proper words.
Yeah just try using baby terms. I just call it my buttbutt. Lol.
Haha this reminds me of the time my son said he knew I was eating strawberries because my pee was red
He needs to know the proper terms , the younger the better imo
Wow. You have a very intelligent boy!
Nothing in the world wrong with real words for real body parts. All bright kids do this!
My 2.5 year old runs around yelling “mommies boobies!” Or " mommy naked!" I think it’s good for them to know.
My almost 2 year old knows he has a pee pee
No girl teach them young!
No you are correct. They should know the appropriate terminology for body parts. Keep up the good work
Totally appropriate that he knows the correct names for anatomy. When my son was 2-ish and saw me going to the washroom he said “Oh no mommy, your penis broke off” So that was when he learned the term vagina and that is what women have. He proceeded to tell a lady in line with us at a deli that she had a vagina while he had a penis. We left without lunchmeat that day but oh how I laughed!
That’s what it’s called. It’s good he knows
Kids need to know proper terms for body parts.
Vagina is not a bad word🤷🏽♀️
I am an avid believer in teaching children anatomically correct terminology from the beginning. Especially with the way the world is now a days, being able to correctly articulate is important.
No, it’s actually a good thing. You’re doing good Mama.
Absolutely nothing wrong with teaching children the correct names for their body parts. We always say penis and vagina in our house and my almost 3yr old only calls her vagina a vagina.
It also helps her communicate more clearly, like when she developed a small case of thrush she was able to say ‘my vagina hurts’ and she understands the need to wipe and clean correctly.
Its just a body part🤷♀️
It’s the perfect time. Literally the more he knows, the better. Don’t listen to naysayers
Talking about vaginas aren’t a bad thing tbh lol.
My almost 4 year old knows all the right words for his body parts and others. I’m a single mom and he has questions. He knows about tampons. I want to raise my son knowing these things. There’s nothing wrong with it in my opinion. I’m sure it’ll make others feel uncomfortable but they’re just words mama
The same way “bad things” happen to little girls it happens to little boys as well. I think it is absolutely necessary for ALL children to learn the correct anatomical terms for private parts so they can let a grown up know right away if someone does something or makes them do something.
Teaching him the proper words from the beginning is a good idea momma. You’re doing great. Don’t feel unsure.
My daughter knows that’s she has a vagina and so does mommy and daddy has a penis, and she’s 2. It’s what they’re called, and I’m 100% unashamed of teaching her the names for her body parts. Unfortunately, we need our children to know these names as well because people are sick and kids need to be able to communicate properly if something were to happen, God forbid.
Nothing wrong at all. He should be learning that. And if he is curious and eager to learn then leg him
It’s the real anatomical name. People shouldn’t be ashamed of them. If I had a child, I would want them to know those words. If someone touched my kid inappropriately, or if they had pain in their groin, I would want my child to be able to communicate that to me.
Only my personal opinion…
I’m a grandmother to 6 and I have custody of my 6 almost 7 year old granddaughter. My granddaughter is smart and curious ( father and mother have past). Before I got custody I was loose lip and through alot of struggle ()I’ve toned down my literature. I have told her that "shut up, what and whatever are disrespectful words and shouldn’t be said. I just think too much information at such a young age will teach them in the wrong direction.
At this young age their brains are a sponge and need to be in certain age appropriate conversations. I had to tell my granddaughter a couple days ago that she needed to wait a few more years for details to her question.
I could see the embarrassment but it’s harmless
I teach my kids everything they question. Body parts are not bad words. It’s important they know what these parts are called in case God forbid they were ever inappropriately touched. Periods are a normal part of life as well and nothing wrong with them knowing about it. I think everything depends on the kid and my kids father and step father sometimes think I say too much but I feel that if they are old enough to question something they should be explained to.
Kids need to know what the names for body parts. Penis vagina labia testicles are no different than eyes nose ears etc. Kids need to be taught this because heaven forbid something happens and they use baby names like cookie or nuts or whatever other names are called the judge will throw out the case.
A vagina is a body part not a bad word
Always teach them the the actual terms. When they get older they’ll come up with their own euphemisms.
Your husband sounds like a prude.
That’s what it’s supposed to be called lol and when my son was around that age he asked me why I peed out my but and said I was weird lol
It’s normal and tbh each to their own. Everyone has their own ways being a parent. I’ve got boys, 4&6 we have nicknames for bodyparts. I get mortified and its a totally normal subject. they know this and more so laugh at me cos I get a face as red as a tomato, my youngest says nutsack an am near spewing.
hope mine slow down with the growing am no ready for these conversations. Mines will live a sheltered life on that part
wait to they find out where babys come from…
no just the belly.
What’s so bad about proper terminology? It’s no different to teaching them nose or hands or eyes etc. It’s a body part… Its not a dirty word… Just my opinion… My 3 year old knows his private is called a penis… But he calls it his todger… He also knows that nobody is allowed to touch it except for him… Or a doctor if its hurt but only if I’m with him… Even after his baths, I tell him to dry his privates and he does it himself
All three of my boys were in the bathroom with me (not during my period) and they know girls have a vagina and boys have a penis it’s good for them to know what their privates are called and that NO ONE is to ever look at or touch them there & vise versa boundaries start now especially in this crazy world we live in with so many kids getting sexually assaulted etc
My son knows all these thibgs as well. In fact they tell you to teach them the correct words for body parts and not weird nicknames like hoo ha or weewee. Look into it.
It’s normal and it’s great to teach them the right names for body parts. My son was the same way.
My daughter has known penis and vagina since 18 months old. It’s normal and human anatomy. Not profanity.
Actual terminology is very important.
You’ve heard the story of the little girl that told her teacher that her uncle touched her cookie? Well, it wasn’t an actual …
Vagina and penis ARE:clap:t5:NOT:clap:t5:BAD:clap:t5:WORDS:clap:t5: They are the proper terms for body parts. It is no different than arm, leg, head…it is a body part! Just like with everything else, teach them what it means and when to use them.
Never too early to teach imo
I watched my mom change my lil brothers diaper when I was 3 and I asked her why he has something else. And she explained we have vaginas n boys have a penis but she also said just call em both a “pp” so I knew correct terms but pp was less embarrassing to her if I said it in public. Everyone knows what a pp is so if anything did happen we wouldn’t be using weird names like cookie ect.
Also, my children follow me everywhere and i tell them about tampons and periods because i rather them not try to stick one some where because i do.
I just got to say kuddos to you for not teaching him words like cookie or donut. So many kids get abused and they try to tell” my uncle licks my cookie” and they get over looked
Should have just told him it was a girl penis lmaooo
It’s just a body part. No harm there.
My daughter is almost 3 and in the Walmart bathroom the other day yelled out “Mom, you pee you wipe your vagina. You poop you wipe your buttcrack! Is that correct, Mom?”
Since he knows about it is an important time to teach him that nobody is supposed to look or touch these parts
theyre never too young. I was two years old when i was taught good touch bad touch and knew EVERY single body part on myself and others.
If your son is mentally capable of understanding like this then its not a bad thing💁
You did the right thing. You are suppose to use literal words when describing body parts and NOT suppose to make little nicknames for the body parts.
I call it kitty. It sound less vulgar. My daughters know everything, from asking lots of questions at early ages due to them being at different age gaps so its bound to come out from the youngest knowing everything at such an early age. They know about sex, periods, hormones, condoms, stds, not to drugs, etc. Kids these days ask a lot. So u should be ok. Its better for them to learn at home the right things, than to be misinformed by other children who think they know things that way they arent so naive. They are making kids grow up too fast now days and the learning is getting harder. And now they fo sex ed in 4th grade in some schools.
I don’t think so. I teach my kids anatomy. They are better off knowing what they have and the opposite sex too.
Kids should know body parts appropriate names.
Loving these positive replies! it a never too early to start
My 3 yr old has been taught proper words like vulva and penis, along with consent, since birth.
He should absolutely know what it is and the proper name. You’re doing great!
And yes it’s embarrassing sometimes, but they’re just learning and repeating. Everyone knows what a vagina is no need to be embarrassed!
Every kid once able to talk and know body parts should learn about them at a young age(2 and up because 2 is when most start learning body parts and such but younger too). They should know what each body part is including vagina/penis/butt because anything could happen anywhere. Put it this way there’s a story I got told and it goes around on social media of a little girl going to school and telling her teacher that “my uncle licked my cookie(vagina) and touched it.” The teacher thinking he stole a cookie from her said well share one with him. She didn’t think anything of it until 3 months later the uncle got put in jail for child molestation and the girls mother came and discussed and said we taught her the word cookie for vagina and the teacher felt horrible not realizing what the girl was trying to say at the time. Teach them young so if anything like that happens we as adults can help them in situations like that faster and sooner rather than later. Teach them.
Do what you think is right But, your husband should have a say so. It is his child too
They are just body parts, it’s not a big deal. Teaching kids young the correct name of body parts is important.
He should definitely know those words as well as the appropriate time to use them.
Its normal & you should be teaching him the proper terms.
Seriously…The nicknames sound worse than the anatomically correct version
I think teaching them proper anatomy is a great thing
My daughter knew at that age. She ran out of the bathroom yelling MY MOMMY NEEDS A BANDAID FOR HER BUTT before I could stop her😂