Am I teaching my kid too much too young?

Penis, vagina, vulva, etc are not dirty words and I’m a complete advocate of kids knowing what their body parts are called.

If it embarrasses anyone, tough.


Of course it’s normal. I never used pet names for penis or vagina

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I teaching my kid too much too young?

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I have a little boy as well that will be 3 in November and I cant go to the bathroom without him or his little brother and I’m very honest with him and educate him and how mommy has different parts. Where he has a penis and I have a vagina. I feel it’s very important to inform them of the correct terminology, especially now a days. Keep up the good work mama !


Right now is a great time to start teaching privacy. I am also very honest with my daughter and sometimes in public she’ll ask a question about penises or vaginas and I just say “oh that’s a good question, when we get home I can show you in our bodies book”. I also remind her that she shouldn’t ask other people about their private parts and no one should be asking about hers, but that if she has questions we can definitely talk about it at home.


My mom got ill towards me teaching my daughter all these things when she was 3 now 6, and she asks so much. I tell her :woman_shrugging:t2: I tell my mom it’s my parenting back off a bit. I however agree with knowing proper terms incase something inappropriate happens, but I also feel like if a child tells an adult something bad happened to them by another adult and they use a nickname taught by them, then they should know what happened and it should still hold up because they are still children! What about special need kids? It should still work both ways. Kinda messed up how that works if you ask me. My daughter knows proper terms but having anxiety it worries me.


Kids repeat EVERYTHING… that being said, good for you for teaching them the true facts and don’t be afraid.


I am very strong on kids knowing their boundaries and the right terminology to their body parts I feel like kids should know the correct names instead of these cute little ha ha names that we gave them you know I feel like that’s amazing that your three year old already knows terminologies and everything you know what I’m saying like that’s awesome to me


Pfft kids are beneficial to learn correct words for the anatomy this young. Why? Bc you never know who is a predator that is gonna try something. If they do, well he can tell. Also, I’ve heard toddlers yelling fuck, so if vagina is worse than fuck we live in sad times. Small humans are like parakeets anyway, they’ll repeat legit anything and everything they hear :rofl::joy::person_shrugging: I raised four girls solo from the time they were born. They knew what a period was, they knew about babies. Why? Bc they asked and while I made things child appropriate, there is no harm in them being curious or informed. Husband will get over himself


As a mother and someone who works with children, I can tell you it’s super important for kids to know the correct anatomical names. Whether it’s describing an accident or inappropriate touching, it is so important that we understand what happens and aren’t guessing. It is also nothing ashamed of its our bodies! Nothing at all shameful!


I don’t see any issue with it. It is important for children to know what to expect and the proper names for things as they get older.
I have a curious little boy as well, and I love teaching him everything. But, with this, comes boundaries. Maybe you can talk to him about when, why and how to mention it. When its appropriate and when its not, I feel this is important.


Little kids need to know the proper term for body parts and periods should be normalized. Good for you, mama.


You are doing the right thing. He is not too young! Kids need to know the real names for body parts so that we can help keep them safe and know what is going on with them. It may feel a little strange in the beginning but I think it’ll open up doors for a lot of honest communication in the future. You go, Mama!


My oldest was probably around 2 or 3 when she learned that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina. She would ask men in the store if they had a penis :flushed:
Kids are curious and if you don’t teach them, they will learn one way or another so might as well tell them! They will also be more comfortable coming to you,( in the future),when they have questions if you just answer the best you can now


Pfft, I don’t think you said to much.
My families sons know what a vagina and period is becsuse they’re around their mama so much… if you didn’t use the proper term I think that’d be a little different but if anything I think you’re just rasing a potentially very respectful young man… oh the horrors. :laughing:


my boy was obsessed when he found out what the vagina was called. its completely normal for them to be interested and excited to learn new things. it will calm down in time :blush:


He’s not too young!!! I’m teaching my 2 year old the correct terms. How is it wrong when it’s literally the correct terminology


I have 3 girls and 1 boy . We taught them from a very young age what their appropriate body parts were because they were different . I really think it is up to you when you teach your child . We all parent different but using correct terms helps them not be confused I feel instead of using nick names for our body parts . I think your are doing just fine momma !


I teach my son the words for anything he asks about and I always use the actual name for body parts. My husband uses the nonsense names like weewee, but I think it’s good that he knows parts be called different things so he’s never caught off guard by a dirt bag. It’s good to teach your kids, it’s a different world now. Grandparents don’t get it

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He heard the word and is repeating it. Kiddo’s do that. If he knows what the word means, good for you teaching him that. I let my boys know that some words make people uncomfortable. I told them the words they learned that have this trigger as they learned them, and usually shrugged my shoulders. Because some of the words were harmless but still made people embarrassed.


It’s never too young! 100% teach your children proper words of anatomy, so they know exactly what it is. God forbid if any inappropriate behavior or language ever happens, they can verbalize it to you right away and using the proper words!


He needs to know the words. And when kids learn new words they tend to repeat them.
What if a lady told him to touch her vagina but he didn’t know what the word is? Or used something different for it resulting in you not putting two and two together.
It’s not a swear word, it’s a body part. You’re husband needs a little more education if you ask me.


Knowing the proper anatomy is better than saying code words in my opinion. My kids have a word for it but they know if they had to tell an adult that isn’t me or dad, God forbid something happens. My daughters would use proper terminology


Never to early to teach your children proper terms for their body at a young age. All of my kids knew what penis and vagaina were by age 5 and that it wasn’t a bad word. Using words like cookie is an issue


It’s important to teach kids the correct words for body parts. If a child is sexually assaulted and tries to tell an adult someone touched their “substitute word here” they might not get the help they need.


No you’re not. It’s a part of the human body. Nothing to be embarrassed about.


Never too young to learn the correct terms for body parts. In fact, the younger the better. Great job, Mama :two_hearts:


You’re doing great! He should definitely know women’s anatomy as well as men’s! Never too young to teach him that! It’s all natural!


Nope you are doing a great job dont feel embarrassed it’s best he know the actual names of them then cute names incase something ever happens. Next thing to do is to teach him when its appropriate to say it


I believe in teaching kids correct terminology, esp when it comes to body parts. the younger, the better.


I’ve been open with my kids like that. But I also have the follow up conversation of “hey we’re really open in our house but not everyone is like us so let’s remember to be respectful of the way other kids are being raised too.” :woman_shrugging:


Why does he need to go to the bathroom with you?? :flushed: and why does he (at 2) need to know what a period is?? :woman_facepalming:t3:


At 18m my son went through a month long phase of pointing and telling strangers what genitalia they had, what kind their dog had and what kind he and I had. “You have a penis, you have a vagina, your dog has a vagina” Totally normal and totally hysterical if you just go with it. Data shows learning the anatomical words is the best way to keep them safe.


My kids only a year and 8 months and I’ve been teaching her what her parts are called since she could understand me.


You’re doing fine teaching kids anatomically correct terms is good. That why if god forbid anything happened they can say, “Yes they touched my penis” or “I saw him touch her around her vagina”
You’re doing a good job!


Girl! Never feel bad for teaching your kids! My girls know what I tampon is! And they need to learn it’s not a bad word!!!


There was was a post I read about a little girl whom was molested by her uncle and she referred to her vagina as “cookie”. She went on to tell that her uncle ate her cookie. :flushed: so sad :sob: :broken_heart:


IMO, its never too young to teach proper words for our private spots! My kiddos heard them as soon as they learned to speak. This of course is just my opnion though but also KUDOS for teaching him thecorrect word!


My daughter is three n she also follows me to the bathroom but I have her turn around when I put a tampon in and wipe . she knows the word vagina but doesn’t use it unless I’m teaching her ( like when I wipe her n tell her no one can touch her vagina ) *she will then say no no vagina * so idk she hasn’t been in a situtation to learn about penis yet so that word hasn’t been introduced. ( she don’t follow dad or brother to the bathroom or take showers or baths with boys )


For a long time when my little brother was little he had to tell everyone that he had testicles it was one of the funniest things to me as I was just a kid to I don’t see nothing wrong with him knowing the names to all body parts


It’s important for kids to know proper anatomy, also my kids 8yo son and 4 yo daughter know about periods and anatomy


Those are all fine words my daughter is 2 and she brings me a pad every time she thinks my pad is too dirty for her liking lol mostly just because she likes opening them but i explain everything to her that im doing so later one when she gets her period it will be a lot easier and ill teach my son about it too you never know who it will help when they are in school and its all natural stuff they will need to know one way or another

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Hell no it’s not too much! It’s actually is considered"protective behaviours" teaching our children the proper words for anatomy is a protective behaviour system… You do you mama you know your child and sounds like your doing your best and you obviously care enough to reach out to millions of strangers and cop scrutiny from the Karen’s which says a lot in itself!

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My 3yo knows that boys have penised and girls have vaginas. Ill eventually teach him about more of that when he is a little older but if anything ever happens, it wont hold in court if hes calling them cookies and lollipops. It also teaches about anatomy, consent. It is more than just sexual parts.

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Social worker here…no no no! Teach him the correct words for all body parts!!! If he calls his penis some cutesy word like banana and tells his teacher that so and so licks his banana, the teacher is going to think “wow this person steals his bananas” not “I need to report child abuse.”
And from one mom to another, keep teaching him that things like periods are normal and that people who get periods are not bitchy, crazy once a month, etc. It will make for a much more educated and understanding person later in life :blue_heart:

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The earlier the better in my eyes. Now you just teach him when and where its okay to talk like that. To me its good for them to know what they are actually called so there is no confusion if there is ever an issue

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It’s a good thing! As many people mentioned it’s good for in case anything ever was to happen but I also wanted to point out that it also helps your child identity what hurts in what area. My little tells me when his balls hurt (sits down wrong, falls, anything of that sort) which is great because children can hurt themselves playing and it’s best to know exactly what’s hurting.

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My youngest is 3 and knows the private parts, knows what periods are, knows babies sometimes come out of belly’s & sometimes out of noo-noo’s. All she knows, she’s asked about. I have an open policy with my children, if they ask, they get the truth. It’s an age appropriate version of the truth obviously :joy: Luckily she hasn’t yet asked how the baby gets inside the tummy yet! :see_no_evil::joy:

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I have a 3 year old who follows me everywhere. He said “what’s that mummy are you sick” when I had my period and I reassured him it’s normal for a woman in order to make a baby. Probably too much info but I’m not going to lie. It’s natural and us woman shouldn’t feel otherwise.

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My 5 year old son will tell people him and his brithers came of out of mums vagina :joy: zero shits given because he’s exactly right. “I have a doodle” he just screams sometimes :joy::joy:

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My son was the same way! And now my youngest. Us moms, get no privacy!

I feel like the more they know growing up, the more they will respect women & not be grossed out by a “period”.

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NO!!! He absolutely NEEDS TO KNOW!! I’ve seen too many kids who use nicknames instead of Vagina and Penis and a story of a little girl who told her teacher about her uncle eating her cookie(which she was talking about her vagina). Her teacher of course thought nothing of it resulting in 6 more months of molestation.

From your post, it seems as if you WANT him to know these words however you’re just worried he is too young. (That’s what I’m getting). In that case, just think about it as, if, god forbidden, anything were to happen, he would know the words and you (or someone else) will be able to identify what he is talking about.

Also, they’re just words. It’s literally part of our body. I personally believe that your husband getting upset at him saying those words is just the same as him getting upset for him saying “arm” or “stomach”.


Both of my kids 3 and 4 know the proper names for everything. My son is interested in everything. Why it’s there, what it’s called, and if it’s on a boy or a girl. The questions never end here. I figure they need to learn it anyways so might as well teach them.

For Goodness sake, They will learn soon enough naturally. Give them toys to play with. and keep them out of the bathroom. I really like my privacy in the bathroom… If they hear the word, sure , be truthful , short n sweet. Not more than they ask for.

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I taught both my children at a young age what both of their parts were. I feel like it’s a good thing for them to know if for some reason anyone were to touch them. I explained to them just because mommy amd daddy know what a Peter and coochie are doesn’t mean other adults know what you are talking about you will have to use the correct terms.

My son is 17 months old and says “boob” because hes curious and saw mine looked different than his. He’s a little kid. He doesnt understand appropriate topics (and he totally patted my coworkers chest and said “boobs” during a get together) but to me its more important that he understands the difference in body parts and that they arent scary/weird/different. Definitely gotta work on keeping his hands to himself though. :flushed::joy:

I teach mine the same way. My kids are always with me or their daddy but if not which is very rare… well you know the rest. I’d like them to be able to comfortably tell me if something were to happen. I don’t think I’m wrong. And I’d go to jail if anything were to happen. Can’t really trust anyway now a days. I’m weary with everyone even my siblings and their grandparents.

I personally think it’s great he’s learning the proper names. I have heard of child molesters using names that “sound cute” to kids and since they didn’t know better when they tried to tell someone that “uncle was touching my cookie” but it wasn’t detected as child abuse. I have been teaching my daughter the proper name for her body from the age of 2.

At 3 years old my daughter knew she had a vagina and that boys have penises we also encourage her not to say them outside the home possible

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I think its best to teach kids things young! If they ask questions, don’t lie to them, teach them in a better way then what they’ll pick up from others. My kids know their body partys and vise versa. If someone feels uncomfortable with them knowing anatomy, that’s not my problem or my kids problem.

My daughter was 2 when she learned body parts and there uses in a very clinical clean way. We went to visit my parents and family for the holidays… I am in the bathroom and I hear my daughter and dad talking. At first he didn’t understand that she told him he is a boy and has a penis. Well, then she pointed and very clearly said penis as loud as she could… she has a very quiet voice. He ended up spitting his drink out all over the kitchen floor. He calls my mom in and asked my daughter to repeat what she said. Well, she repeated what she said and added to my mom that she is a girl and has a vagina and all her babies came through it into this world. My mom about died. I was very quickly called to come hear what my daughter was saying. I looked at both my parents and asked who they thought taught her. Her pediatricians were very happy that I taught her the truth and in an age appropriate way. My parents were not comfortable talking with my siblings and me. You kid knowing the proper names for the body parts is normal.

I think it’s perfect and how it should be! Good job Mama! My daughter has known the proper names for body parts since she could talk and I could teach her. There is NOTHING wrong with normalizing proper body part names and being aware of our bodies and especially how to take care of our bodies. As for the period I also think that’s amazing! He’s going to be an amazing partner to a woman (if that’s what he chooses) someday and she will probably thank you when he has no issues going to buy her tampons etc lol. If anyone else gets uncomfortable well then that’s their own issue in my opinion. Again I say GOOD JOB MAMA!

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When my boys were 4 and 5 one told the other he was gonna kick him in the vagina. I about died :rofl: the new word wore off and they didn’t use it after a couple of weeks.

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Isn’t that in a movie daddy’s day care or something. “Boys have penis’, girls have vaginas.” Eh, we watched on tv when we were young… I think he’ll be fine. :joy:

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Your husband sounds immature to me :woman_shrugging:t2: what’s so bad or dirty about the word vagina. Half the population has one. Get used to using it to describe parts and he will grow out of it

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I could never understand why people teach their kids code words or nicknames for body parts. Nothing weird about it. What’s weird is when your kid walks around talking about their “pogo stick” because someone taught them that instead :person_facepalming: That’s when things get uncomfortable

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i think it’s good for kids to know the correct terminology so no i don’t think you’re in the wrong for this. and kids are kids they’re gonna repeat words until they find a new word and the cycle continues

My kids have known from a very young age the proper terms. My daughter went around her daycare class telling all the boys they have a penis and all the girls they have a vagina :flushed::grimacing: luckily the teacher laughed and asked if her mommy was a nurse :joy:

I started giving them different words like pee pee or something like that that way my kid wouldn’t run around doing the same thing. So yeah u don’t need to tell him everything at 3 he won’t remember at 5 anyway.

My son is 3 and knows what a penis and vagina are. Human anatomy is normal. My son has asked what they are and we told him. Just teach him when is and isn’t appropriate to say those words and let him learn. You aren’t doing anything wrong by teaching him what his body actually is.

I think it’s better for them to know proper terminology. My kids are close in age, so I made sure they knew how they were different so it wasn’t shocking if they saw something different than themselves. I had my daughter prepared to witness her brother’s birth at 2.5 years old, wasn’t sure I wouldn’t be alone with her and I didn’t want her to be terrified. Now as teens we/they are very open about what’s going on with ourselves and aren’t embarrassed by bodies or their functions. It really is a good thing.

I think it’s important that kids know the proper terms for their/others body parts. The world we live in u never know what could happen. They need to be able to tell us if someone has touched them. My 2 1/2 yr old son calls his penis a penis. My parents hate it too, but they can get over it.

My son will be three in a few weeks and he knows he and daddy have a penis and mommy has a vagina. He went through a phase of repeating it but we explained that we don’t yell those words in public but we are not embarrassed of the words just trying to be polite to those around us.

My son is 3.5 and knows boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.

When his sister came downstairs after her nap, he greeted her with “hello little girl, you have a vagina” :joy:

It’s not a bad thing that they know the correct terminology x

Weighing in-- I have friends who do forensic interviews for children who have been sexually assaulted and can guarantee a clear admission from a child saying “x touched my vagina” will go a lot further in court than “x touched my cookie” etc. There are so many reasons to teach proper body anatomy. Additionally, our bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. They are just body parts. Teach proper anatomy, consent, and privacy. Talk about it young to reduce the stigma and avoidance of the conversation and shame surrounding it. My daughter knows vagina and penis. That said, my parents are from an older generation obviously and have different feelings. But that’s fine, this is MY child and I am making an educated choice and what is best for her. I’ve also discussed periods and she’s seen tampons and menstrual cups. She knows I grew her in my uterus and birthed her from my vagina.

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My daughter is 3 and knows what a vagina and a penis is (we have an 8 month old little boy and they take baths together). She knows the proper names to call them only, we don’t do pet names. If she has questions we answer them. We also talk about privacy - only mommy and daddy are allowed to see your private areas, etc. I think it’s normal and healthy that your child is asking questions.

My son knew the same at that age and he knew he has testicles and a penis. He knew breasts were for feeding babies and that mommy made milk from her breasts. He even tried to pump his chest a few times :joy: I’d much rather hear a child use correct verbiage than to hear them say “turtle” “cookie” etc.

Never too early to teach em. Especially anatomical terms… It could help keep him safe in the long run.
Example: a little girl goes to school and tells her teacher she doesn’t like her Uncle touching her cookie… Then the teacher finds out later at a parent-teacher conference that the mothers word for the child’s private parts was cookie… The Uncle had been molesting his niece and she had been trying to tell adults but they didn’t understand what she was REALLY telling them.
Educating your kids with correct anatomical terms is so very important. Just have a conversation about privacy when he brings it up if it’s embarrassing in public or whatnot. Tell him something along the lines of : we don’t talk about that when we are at the grocery store because it is not polite. He’ll learn. You are doing great teaching him.

It’s fine. When parenting from your authentic self, you explain what you’re doing. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s good for kids to learn the anatomical names and how they work

Vagina is not a bad word. It’s a body part no different than ear or foot.


It’s your child and you teach him what you want him to know. Hes going to need to learn eventually anyway. I used a funny name for the parts so it was more if a “haha” factor than a “wow” factor when he said it to others the first time. But that just matches my personality, and I didn’t do it for the sake of anyone else’s feelings.

I always used the words penis and vagina with my son (who is now 7). Yes he’s going to repeat it and sometimes in embarrassing situations. But children who grow up know proper names for body parts are less likely to be sexually abused and if they are, are more likely to tell someone about it. He also doesn’t bat an eye at a woman breast feeding because it’s been normalized in our house. Good job mama and keep doing what you feel is right for your child!

I taught my daughter the correct terms when she was 2 almost 3. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

Anatomy isn’t embarrassing - I think you are raising a son who will hopefully be a man who is empathetic!

No he’s not to young. Kids should know the proper name for all body parts. Vagina isn’t a dirty word. I’m the same with my kids and always have been.

I think it is actually great that he knows the proper word. I started teaching them what their “no-no” spots were when they were about that age and since I have one boy and one girl, they learned the names for both sexes. It is embarrassing at first but once you get down the road, there are more questions about the functions of their bodies and this just opens that door up for those conversations. As the mom, these topics come up a lot. I would encourage his desire to communicate about these things.

I think is good my kids (16yo girl and 4yo boy) learned very early about period and the names of each body part. They both know the proper name but called something else in public. My family did criticized me for that but who cares they’re my kids.

Never too early to teach them! Teaching them the correct words for private parts is important, good job Mom!!

It’s better to teach them the correct words and just ensure they aren’t calling anything else that. My two year old says it when I’m going to the bathroom and I just say “yep it sure is” lol

I teach my children the proper terms and when it is an appropriate time to bring it up or ask questions. I’m always open to discuss it all, so important for them to learn this things especially at that age

I think its perfect! From the time our kiddos could walk and talk it’s always been “penis” and “vagina”. It’s a body part. No different than an arm or a leg. If it makes someone uncomfortable, that’s their problem.

It’s a body part, it isn’t a shameful word. Is it normal? - yes. Kids repeat EVERYTHING but especially the things we’d rather they didn’t! :rofl:
There are far worse words and he’s using the correct term which is great. I’d probably tell him that it’s a private body part so we don’t say it all the time in front of other people.

My almost 4 yr old is obsessed with his “penis”. Totally normal! They are body parts. We all have em!

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My 3 year old knows that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina, she knows about periods too. I think it’s good that they know. She knows not to run around screaming penis in public but she still knows. She also Knows that boobs are to feed babies and is comfortable being around breast feeding. We normalize it all so she doesn’t think anything of it

I think children knowing the proper words for body parts is best! My daughter is 4 and knows that mommy bleed once a month and she even is my little tampon runner! However privacy is huge too, teaching them that there is a time and place for certain words/talk. My daughters been huge on butt talk lately, thinking its funny and I just remind her that its bathroom talk and something we do in private and not in the company of others. Right along side teaching them boundaries and that they have full control over their bodies. Example: wanting to be tickled and then being able to say stop and having the person stop. Teaching them that when people don’t want to be touched then we don’t touch. They observe and absorb everything they see, so this age is so so so important on teaching our littles all of these things!

I was straight up honest with my son at that age it’s all about education and I’m glad I did cuz he has a better understanding of things now he’s older and makes the talks alot less awkward.

I teach my boys what the body parts are. I have three boys they’ve all been in the bathroom with me at some point in their lives. They know about periods and stuff.

Don’t let anyone else make you second guess yourself! You’re teaching your child proper words and not cutsie names and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

If you feel he should be informed of all that, that’s entirely your right, as his Mother. He’ll surely get bored with randomly saying the words in question. :wink: Nothing wrong with teaching your child PROPERLY. My daughter learned vagina and penis between age 3-4, but also uses “private spots” or “privacy” depending on the situation. The way this world is going and with all the monsters out there, our children need to be well informed, not sheltered from the reality of things.

If he’s almost 3, he’s close/already potty trained (all depending on the kid of course). It’s better to have children learn proper anatomy for their safety and to, ya know, actually KNOW the names to their parts. It shouldn’t be as common but kids getting sexually harrassed/assaulted is. I’ve heard many stories of kids trying to speak about their abuse but since they had used a key term instead of the actual term, the adult (that usually isn’t their parents) most likely won’t know what they’re talking about :confused:
You’re doin great, mama. Your husband just seems to be thinking of all of this is “too sexual” for kids but kids don’t think anything of it like adults do.