Am I teaching my kid too much too young?

You shouldn’t feel embarrassed. It’s important to teach your kiddos the proper name for body parts! :slightly_smiling_face:

Teaching your child the appropriate words for their reproductive organs is ALWAYS the best thing to do. Allowing your child the security and comfort to discuss their reproductive organs only reinforces their confidence in their own bod as well as reducing the risk they will be sexually assaulted, and keep it a secret. You’re a good mom! You got this.

It’s a body part nothing wrong with it my 3 year old knows what death is :woman_shrugging:t3: haven’t explained to her about periods though I’m not sure how

My son 2 and a half points to his boobs and says my boobs. Then point at mine and say momma boobs. But then he continues to do it with sll his body parts and mine nothing wrong with knowing body parts as long as he knows proper terms and someone dont make it bad or embarrassing for him

Nope I think you’re doing great I taught mine too my oldest was 3 too and my littlest will know when he asks

Nope. My daughter is 4, and knows the correct terms for private areas and about periods, simply because she comes with me to the toilet if we’re out together. I think it’s great.

Not too much! He’s definitely the right age to know the words and differences. They just repeat what they learn at that age. Nothing to be embarrassed about. He’s just showing off his new knowledge. Maybe someday he’ll have a lucky wife/gf who knows she can be open with him and feel comfortable asking him to pick her up things at the store without feeling like she’s putting him in an “uncomfortable” situation.

I don’t worry about grandparents thoughts too much

It’s important children learn proper anatomy sooner rather than later. And learn it for both types of bodies, not just their own. They’ll learn when it’s appropriate to use the words in social situations soon enough

My kids (1 girl one boy) knew their parts as penus and vagina at 3ish. They knew boys had penis’ and girls had vaginas. I got snapped on by their dad, grandparents, and even my fiance and his mom. But I just told him I would rather them address it correctly so that if anything happened to them people would understand what they were saying. And I stood my ground. You teach him whatever you feel is right. Don’t let society tell you what is ok or not because society causes more issues than ot helps

It’s not a bad word. My kid is two and knows where his butt and penis are. To each their own but I definitely think kids should know their body parts and the correct name. As long as he’s not using it inappropriately but he’s 3, he probably will lol. I wouldn’t think it’s a big deal, just use some redirection.

My husband and I argued about this as well. One day in the tub I got frustrated and said I HAVE TO WASH YOUR VAGINA. she called it her little butt. That’s a confusion that worries me. However when he heard her say badima (vagina) he looked at me chuckled a little and didn’t say anything. Its the name for it! The correct one.

I think it’s fine to know those things, but also teach him about good timing on when and where those words are appropriate. Might take time since he’s only 3 but he’ll get it.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, it’s anatomy, it’s not a bad word. You’re educating your child. Honestly, I feel it will help them act more mature at a younger age, learning the correct vocabulary instead of thinking it’s a “bad” word. Also, if anything inappropriate ever happens they might be less afraid to speak up.
And who knows, he might know more about it than a little girl does and if she happens to have a first period accident that he witnesses he could come to the rescue and get her help without embarrassing her!:woman_shrugging:t3:

It’s better that they know the correct terms anyway. No matter the age. My kids know, and knew very young. We just teach them that it’s not something that they need to say all the time. Maybe try to explain to him that it’s something he can talk about with mommy?

My three-year-old daughter knows all her body parts names and my son will as well once he starts talking, he 10months, and I think u did great, kids should know their body parts and some adults just aren’t comfortable hearing them from kids bc it’s always been somewhat taboo resulting in the “nicknames titles”

Teach him everything. But also teach him boundaries words. My daughter is 4 and knows. If something ever happened she can use the words properly. Like when she bathes I tell her to make sure she’s rinses her vagina and rinse it. I find it normal

I think it’s normal for adults to be uncomfortable with the words. We were raised to think they’re dirty words, and things to be ashamed of. The thing is, they’re not. And by teaching our children those words early and having honest conversations with them, we’re doing our part to raise our children to be better than ourselves.

My son is 3 and knows penis, vagina, period, tampon, testicle, etc. It makes me uncomfortable when he talks about them in public. But I know it’s the right thing

Too young for that you want to teach him that’s great how about reading,abc, animals,colors instead

My son is 8 now and I started young with him. I always want him to know the correct names so if something happens he would be able to be vocal about where or what happened. I also let him know about periods cuz I want him to know its a natural thing for girls and that when he has a gf or friends that are girls he knows what he is going on so he isn’t freaked out like a lot of guys are nowadays.

What’s wrong about all of this is just the fact that the grandparents and his dad became uncomfortable and upset with him having knowledge and learning to be comfortable with normal words. There’s nothing wrong with normalizing correct language for body parts or anything at any age for that matter.

I mean if my family had taught me that vagina is vagina and not cookie before I was 6, maybe my abuse wouldn’t have gone on for 8 years. Anytime I said or hinted towards anything, everybody just looked at me funny because I said cookie.
You’re doing the right thing. They’re being wrong for being upset.

Its a natural body part and people shouldn’t be ashamed of saying words like vagina or penis or shy away from calling them what they are. I would rather these parts be named properly. Many adults can’t say vagina with a straight face and its shameful. Why is whoha acceptable but vagina is not? I say teach him and be proud

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I use “vagina” with my daughter because well… that’s what it is. And if she was curious to what boys have, I would use “penis”. Those are the anatomically correct words. I also educate my child on things that she shows curiosity towards. I want her to learn them from me and not from an outside source. Kids are learning things younger because of social media and expanded parenting styles (which there’s nothing wrong with it). This just means that you need to educate your children at a younger age about things that aren’t necessarily “age appropriate”. I hope to have an open communication with my children- within reason.

It’s normal lol I remember my baby cousin running up time saying “I came from sex” and I’m like yup! Everyone came from sex so it’s nothing new, glad you finally know!

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My kids have known vagina and penis for a very long time and we’ve honestly had no real incident other than maybe discussing with family like you’ve had. I wouldn’t be embarrassed at all because it’s a body part just like the arm or nose and shouldn’t be embarrassing. I only try to discourage mine from talking about it when not around me so they don’t say it at school because other parents may get mad or the teacher could say they’re in trouble for it. But 3 is very normal. My son knew because he has sisters.

I find it normal my son knows penis and vagina…teaching children the correct names its healthier then the nicknames…great job…we have to raise our lil boys to become future men that are educated about us women these days men and boys do not understand and aren’t educated. Thank you. Future men with respect and understanding give me hope for our future

I’ve taught both of my children, 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl, what the proper terminology is for all of our body parts. Penises and vaginas are just another body part. And they also know what a period is. It’s a natural body process.

My daughter is 3 years old. She knows the correct terms but calls her vagina her Nunu and will show me what she is talking about then I tell her it’s a vagina. And she repeats it. She’s always with me and when I repack my period products she asks me about them and I tell her. She goes to the bathroom with me when I have my period (sometimes she has to use the toilet as well and she uses her potty and sits infront of me)

I don’t think there is anything wrong with him knowing

Human anatomy should be taught from a very early age. It is healthy and natural. I don’t see any problems with your teaching.

Say it with me.
Vagina is not a dirty word.
Penis is not a dirty word.
The human body is not a shameful thing.

Keep teaching that curious little brain.

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Both my children know their anatomy.
My daughter knows she has a vagina and that boys have penis’s .
My some is only one but when he grabs himself during change I tell him that that’s his penis.
Completely normal don’t feel embarrassed

Everyone want a good laugh … my nephew liked the word penis…he thought it was funny … my sister says the happiest … he laughs and you said “hap penis” … lol

My son is almost 3 & knows these things. He also knows about his penis. It’s important they know their anatomy & that it’s different from a females. There isn’t anything WRONG with a child knowing any other body parts so it shouldn’t be made a big deal that he knows what a penis or vagina is. People like to make a big deal out of nothing.

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Lol y’all are to much …my 4 ur old knows his parts are different then a girls to my 4 yr old boy boys have dings and girls have who who’s now my 10 yr old knows the proper terminology and how and why her body works the way it does little kids do not need to know words like penis and vagina because they holar crazy things out at crazy times and yes it can be very inappropriate and very embarrassing… for all u saying just in case something bad happens if a kid came to me and said he touched my who who or my dingy id know what they were saying anyone would!!!

My 3 year old knows the correct terms and it’s a safety thing. If she needs to explain something about them I’d rather she was using the correct terms rather than cookie or noodle or something stupid like that.

Not saying it’d ever happen, but it’s best if the child knows the medical terms anyway that way if something were to ever happen to him physically by someone else or even by himself, he knows how to explain it. My kids pediatrician says that I should be teaching the medical terms by Age 2 if absolutely possible lots of kids their age don’t understand what private parts are and if something bad would have happened to them they wouldn’t be able to explain it to anybody.

I agree that he needs to know the correct word and there is no shame in it. Our pediatrician even made sure to use correct terms when she examined my boys (with mine and their permission) and she also included that nobody is to be touching them without their permission… every visit without fail.

Knowledge is power. I explained everything to my kids. My kids both have higher than average IQ’s and thier Dr said it is most likely due to learning how to think instead of being told what to think. When my oldest child learned a word that was unexpected in public i just explained that some people do not like that word so we only say that word when we are at home.

I see nothing wrong with it. It’s good to know our anatomy. Generations before have censored so much and I feel this helps kids to tell adults if something serious is going on in the family

My daughter is 2 and she openly talks about vaginas, she also knows that boys have a penis. Its never too early!

:clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: Good job mama! Normalize anatomically correct words. My daughter is 3 and I am teaching her the same. Keep on with what you are doing, it’ll protect your son in the long run.

It’s better to know the correct terms for everything in the event he ever needs to explain a situation. My 6 year old uses proper terms as well and it caught her 5K teacher off guard last year when she was overheard saying “penis.” I had to explain she has a new baby brother and just discovered the difference between boys and girls ‘down there.’ The teacher said “can she not use a different word. That sounds vulgar” no ma’am she will not. Girls have a vagina. Boys have a penis. Would you rather her say her fanny and his winky?!? Goodness gracious!

Like most others have said, you are doing right, momma!!! Keep up the great work.

I think is good for him to know this words. So he knows what every part of the body is call. It’s normal for him to use it randomly, he doesn’t understand 100% the meaning and when to use it. Just a new word for him. My daughter is 4 and I try to explain everything to her more than once, so she fully understands later on when and why we use the words we do or why they’re call that. My mom told me how babies were made and how they were born at the age of 5, she show me the picture and everything in a book she had when she was studying to become a nurse and it help me a lot to understand many things. Same with menstrual periods.

Teach them the correct name for body parts. Pet names for things are cute until no one understands when uncle John touches his hot dog he really means penis. They are never too young to know correct names. If someone understands, just tell them it’s a new word. He’ll stop repeating it when people stop reacting, and he learns a new word.

I personally don’t see anything wrong with teaching your child anatomical terms for their bodies. My opinion, it’s just like teaching them their head, arms, hands, legs, feet, etc… vagina and penis aren’t bad words. They are names of actual body parts.

Absolutely! Always use proper names of body parts. This is for their safety and also can be informative and they have a problem with their vagina or penis. I start teaching my kids that it’s their body and no one is allowed to touch, kiss or hug them unless they consent in exception to changing diapers and I address who is allowed to do so.

I teach my son, god forbid something happened, cute names for what you’re private parts wont hold up in court. My two year old knows how to say penis and balls lol and knows where they are.

Vagina is not a dirty word, my son will learn vagina and penis because that’s what those body parts are and it needs to be normalized to what they are and that those parts are private and not to be shown to anyone but mommy daddy and the drs or whatever. It’s hard to raise kids now a days, we just have to teach them when the appropriate times are to say those words but he still little and learning such new things so it’s normal for him to be saying the new word he just learned.

Your husband is definitely overreacting. Kids should know proper body parts

My three year old and five year old girls have an 18 month old baby brother. We teach proper terminology and they are aware that he is a boy and has a penis. Sometimes one or the other will randomly inform me (or anyone who will listen) that baby brother had a penis. I gently remind them “yes he does, however we don’t talk about our private parts unless something is wrong, bc they are to be kept private” they seem to accept that pretty well.

They definitely should know what their parts and girls parts are called it’s never to young to learn appropriate terms. I also tell my son about periods and tampons and stuff if he asks me.

It is 100% ok for a 3 year old to know what a vagina and penis are. I taught my kids more “child friendly” terms until someone relayed that their child was being molested at a young age and tried to tell an adult but used a “child friendly” word and the adult did not understand what they were talking about and so didn’t take them seriously and didn’t stop it. From that point on it was a penis and vagina. If a child tells you someone touched her vagina there is no doubt what they are talking about.

Teaching the correct word for genitals is very important. So they know how to explain (in legal terms) if someone is touching them inappropriately. Terrible thing to have to think about. But I don’t think anything is wrong with it. Maybe talk about appropriate people and places to talk about genitals.

I’m sooo glad to see other mommas agreeing that it’s a good thing that your child uses the correct words for body parts. I think is super important for many reasons. Keep up the good work :blush:

It’s ok to not baby our kids. Of course we can still baby them physically but there comes a point we’re we gotta stop mentally. My children are very mature for their age I get compliments all the time how respectful and mature my children are. The more they know the better in my option. No point of hiding the real world from them regardless of age they gotta know the good the bad and the ugly of this world or we aren’t doing them any favors.

It sounds like your husband is just uncomfortable with anatomical terminology, probably because of how he was raised (how most of us were) in being that those things are private and shameful. My 2.5 year old is very aware of his anatomy and we always answer any questions he may have. Yes, we teach him that anything regarding those parts of his body are private, but “penis” is not a bad word. If you bring attention to the words in any big way, they’ll be used more as a game because kids like big reactions. If words of body parts make people uncomfortable, that’s their problem.

Completely normal!!! And good on you for teaching him!! They need to know their body parts by their actual names and not “flower” or privates

He has a penis and girls have a vagina. Giving it a nickname doesnt change that! Lol frankly I think children should be able to identify parts correctly.

I think you’re doing great. Imagine 20 years from now what a secure, intelligent man he’ll be! You are teaching him about natural body parts! We shouldn’t make our body taboo. Also we have a tendency to always sexualitze nudity Regardless of context. You’re doing great mama!

Me personally, I think your doing him a favor by teaching him young. I never used baby words for private parts. My kids have thrown people off by saying the correct anatomical term. Lol Intercourse is a subject I will not discuss until they’re older.

It would be best if he didn’t say it so often but it’s good he knows the names of body parts… some kids will say something else while talking to people because parents give them little names to call their body parts.

It’s a body part. We teach body parts to children, that’s how they learn. A vagina or a penis is no different. And you definitely can’t help what you kids say around other people :see_no_evil:

Maybe try to get across that some words are inappropriate with others. Not easily done. Otherwise, maybe try to THINK before teaching some things.and be more ‘age appropriate’ with information. Also, sounds like you are doing good.

My daughter is almost three and knows I’ll push baby brother out like I did with her and that boobs are for milk for baby brother like with her too. Right now she mostly says boy private parts and girl private parts she says vagina sometimes but honestly kids know too little these days I feel like. I never felt comfortable talking to my mom about my boobs or vagina or anything it was like an awkward thing to talk about grot up and I think kids should know what their parts are called and what other parts are called and my daughter knows that she isn’t allowed to you h anyone else’s parts but she can touch hers in private if she chooses to do because at this age they are very curious about themselves and others and better to know now than wait til it’s too late. Kids need to know their parts and others as well because that’s basic knowledge about their bodies and it’s important to know what it is. My daughters grandma on her dad’s side doesn’t like when she says boobies and I’m like for one she was breastfed and knows brother will be too and she’s a girl. One days he might have babies and might want to breastfeed too nothing weird about it she needs to be educated and there is nothing wrong with those words. And it’s good to normalize and not make the subject weird. It can be embarrassing you just have to teach them when it’s appropriate to talk about those things because there are some times when it’s not really appropriate to say vagina and penis and all that.

Yes, always answer questions (like this) honestly, using proper terms. When they get older they will thank you for it. You know what’s best for your kid. Noone else’s opinion matters (maybe except the dad…but let’s be honest, that’s only half the time :rofl:) but I think its fine. As long as he knows not just just randomally scream the word out in public. Who knows, maybe him knowing all this at a young age, will help him to respect women more when he’s older!

Good luck mama!!!

Why is it too young? Vagina and Penis are the anatomically correct words for private areas :person_shrugging: I’d rather my kid’s call it what it is rather than a cookie or something!

Why would knowing the correct term be a bad thing?! Start them young not to be ashamed about their curiosity and the normalcy of our anatomy. The earlier we can teach them the better. I’d also make sure he knows the correct name for his anatomy and to know it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

I prefer more age appropriate terms, peepee , crotch. You do what works for you my older children all know the anatomical terms but it was with age and understanding.

I don’t see the issue with it , teaching them young is better … so anything that is said around them or done can be properly said back to you.

I always taught my children and grandkids the proper words for our anatomy. I once watched a little girl who kept asking to go to the “ sandbox “ , yes she peed herself because I had no idea it meant bathroom. Don’t make cutesy words

They should absolutely know the correct words for private areas. My kids all do but they call it their “thing” lol because they don’t like the word peeeeen… :rofl::rofl::rofl: but if it were important they’d absolutely use the right word. My son walked in the bathroom as I was finishing and saw I had my period, got the most disgusted look on his face I’ve ever seen and asked me why I had cranberry juice coming out of me :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’ve always been big on teaching my kids the anatomically correct names for their body parts.

Absolutely not! Kids should know the proper terms. If God forbid he is ever in the position where he has to explain any kind of molestation, you want him to know the proper terms.

Nope. My kids knew everything like that as soon as they could speak. You got to teach the. You g so they know good touch and bad touch. It all goes together.

It doesn’t matter what the subject is, teach your kids!!! Never restrict your kids education! The more they learn at this age, the more they will want to learn later. All education starts with you! All 4 of my kids were able to read before 4 years old. Keep it up. Flood him with knowledge now, so he hungers for it later. Randy

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Yeah unfortunately that’s a little too soon. He shouldn’t be around periods etc. I’ve always raised my son to be older and more mature but he was never around me in bathroom when I had period or washing my VA ja ja. If you have him stop now, he’ll forget about it by time he hits kindergarten. There’s things I told or taught my son young and he forgot I taught him. He’s 22.

my daughter is 2 and she absolutely WILL NOT let me use the bathroom in peace…especially since I’m not with her mother anymore and there’s nothing but me to distract her. So one of her favorite things to do is walk in on me and keep saying “Pee!” looking at the toilet. It’s a mix of adorable and awkward :laughing:

I have a boy and a girl, both 2 1/2. They both say penis and vagina, I’m not embarrassed when they say these words because I’m not embarrassed to say them :woman_shrugging:t2:

My kids are 21, 17, 14, 10, and 4. They all knew stuff like this early because weve continously had several stages of growth in our house for awhile now. They were all said to have advanced vocabulary and speech and are very smart. They always bounced off of each other.

My three year old daughter likes to yell daddy and bawbaw have a penis . I have a vagina in public. It’s important they know the different parts and the actual names for them.

My son is a little over three and he loves telling us who in our family has a penis and who has a “bagina” in his words lol I think it’s a normal part of learning about the body.

Nope, it’s a good thing he knows the correct words- they’re body parts; should he not know what an arm is called?
What if something happened? He needs to know what they are

Its totally fine to teach your kids proper terms for body parts. Just have a talk about when its okay to say them.

I feel like maybe just a tad older so he knows when to say it or not. At this point they are learning and just repeat everthing. Just my opinion.

I believe kids should always be taught the proper words for body parts. Should they ever need to tell someone that they are concerned about being touched inappropriately, there will be no confusion on what the child means if they say vagina or penis. They are not dirty words, they are body parts.

My son was and is the same. He is now about to be nine next month and he has known those words since a younger age as well as what a period is and what tampons are. I never taught him other names for private parts. Would just confuse him. You are his mommy. You know what’s best for your child. Plus it prepares him for when he is older. It’s much more awkward to teach them these things when they are older. I’ve already talked with my son about other girls getting it too and if he should ever see a blood stain on a girls pants when she stands up in class to quietly tell her or the teacher without raising awareness to other students so she is not embarrassed about it and can be taken care of quietly and privately. Because some girls get theirs earlier than others and almost all girls will have a leak at school at some point or another

Nothing to be angry or embarrassed about it’s natural least he is learning the correct terms for the human body

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My daughter is 3.5 (4 in dec)and she knows the words penis & vagina. I refuse to teach my children any silly name for their body part. So since she’s been able to talk she’s known she has a vagina (her 2 year old sister also knows she has a “gina”). They both just recently learned penis…as they got inquisitive one day when seeing my grandsons diaper being changed. A simple explanation that girls have vaginas & boys have penises is all the further that conversation went. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with children learning different body parts & the proper names for those parts. In this sick world we live in today, I’d much rather my young child be able to tell me if someone were to touch their vagina that it happened & not be left wondering what the heck happened when they say so & so touched my cookie or whatever ridiculous name they have been taught.

No I would never teach my kids stuff like this until they were older. Especially not my boys… my daughter is 16 & obviously already figured it out. They will figure all of that out on their own. I would be a little embarrassed honestly. Just my opinion.

My four year old daughter knows what a vagina and a penis is. :person_shrugging: I do that as a precaution. If someone was to touch her she would be able to tell me and I would know what she’s talking about. To each their own though. Nowadays you can never be too safe.

My grandmother used to refer to her vagina as her “Go go”. I did not know the proper name of private body parts until I was taught the lessons in high school health class. I would help my sister bathe her 3 little boys when they were very young. She called their penises “Peepees”, so funny.

Arm, knee, chin, toes… kids should know all the parts. He probably likes the feedback he gets when he says “vagina” as opposed to the non-reaction of “elbow”

My sons are 2 and 3 and know that their private parts are called “penis” and that no one is allowed to touch them their unless it’s me or their dad bathing them. And even then I’ve taught them to wash themselves so I don’t have to invade their space but one is still in diapers so I have to wipe regardless :weary: my daughter is turning 6 and knows the right terms for her own parts and her brothers and she also knows what it means to have privacy. I think it’s good to teach them young.

It’s good to teach kids their parts my girls know what a vagina is , and they asked questions when we had our son …

No I’m all for teaching them the proper words. Its not embarrassing its educating them. Never to young to be aware of things like this.

No ma’am it’s not too young at all and your husband needs to grow tf up! It’s a vagina and he has a penis. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with teaching the proper terminology for body parts or anything else. Keep up the good work mama!!!

It’s good to teach our young children the proper terms for different body parts. It helps them out so much better. But I’m sure you know that by now, from all of the comments! Lbs :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

Learning those words as in proper terms is definitely better and will make them comfortable with them. The earlier they get to know, the better.
They are then less likely to use the ugly terms of those body parts, though they will get to know them too.

Personally I have always answered any questions my children ask ( I have 5, plenty of questions :joy:), and as has been said before better to use the correct terminology. It’s a taboo subject for various generations and depends on your upbringing as too how you embrace this. I think you have done the correct thing if that counts for anything

Kids should know the proper words for body parts. If they ever end up in a harmful situation it’s better they know what body parts are than nicknames.

Nothing wrong with teaching correct terminology. But for all those getting upset on here about nicknames, I agree to an extent. Some people were just raised different and their parents, such as my own mom, hated the word “vagina” and used a different word. Just like I hate the word linoleum. I find different similar words. I know…weird right? Lol. I don’t think going after someone for making up a SIMILAR nickname like private part or something is bad though, it’s honestly up to us adults to ASK questions. Who did what to where? Show me, point, ect. Because even a kid saying vagina can mispronounce and if no one asks questions, that also gets swept under the rug. People who nickname private parts something stupid like cookie or butterfly or whatever the world some ppl make up…that is definitely concerning. But if a person is uncomfortable and teaches their kid a SIMILAR name for their penis or vagina, such as private part, crotch, whatever…I see no issue with that. But that was off topic. My son is 3 and know parts names but decides to call his penis his wee wee. Would someone really not get what he’s talking about when he says that? Maybe if you lack brains yeah, but overall…wee wee is a pene. Lol