Am I the only one who has done this?

The guilt is usually worse than the baby’s booboos.

This happens to most if not all parents.

When my girl was 1+ years, she crawled into my bed, on top of the covers. When I rolled over in the middle of the night, her ass went flying off the bed. It happens to everyone

You are not a terrible mother, it happens more than you know, to most mother’s, at least once.

Totally normal and then they’ll start jumping off couches and throwing themselves like they’re stuntmen and you’ll realize you can have a thousand mini heart attacks a day and not die lol :joy:

Then you get to the point where you care but you don’t cause you told them to stop enough times and they’ll do whatever and learn the hard way :joy::joy:


Between all 3 of my kids I can’t even tell you how many times they’ve fallen off the bed. You are fine. They are fine. It will probably happen again and you both will still be good, don’t beat yourself up.

It happens even when we feel that we’re vigilant, it’s more common than you think.
You’re not a bad Mum

Not alone. When our son was a baby he wouldn’t sleep in a bassinet so he slept with us. I would have nightmares of him fall off the bed. And one he did. He was fine but I felt like complete crap about it. But it happens. You are not a horrible mother!!.

Nope, way to many times to count. My now 17 year old did at 13 years old the day before school started. They had a very large egg the next day. Even when they know better it will still happen.

I called my mom freaking out when this happened to my son and she laughed and said its basically motherhood initiation :joy::woman_facepalming:t4:

Nope not the only one this has happened to me…. I was so tired the other day I folded my pram down with my 1 year old still in it and wondered why it wasn’t shutting…my 8 year old suddenly started shouting that her brother was still in it :grimacing: what a day :woman_facepalming:t3:

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it happens!! kids get hurt. i got 6 kids tons of accidents they are now 15-24 with no permanent damage :blush: you are not a bad mom just a lesson learned

My granddaughter almost sat on her cousin the other day. Her butt touched for just a second. Freaked me out so bad but the little one just rolled over and smiled. Don’t let anyone make you feel like things don’t happen. They do. xo

Nah. Thats the “baby gang initiation”. You not a real baby until you fall off the bed. :woman_shrugging:t3::sweat_smile:

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I’m pretty sure every single parent has a story like this, it hurts like hell amd the guilt lingers but the fact you feel like this, shows you’re a good parent. Accidents happen. My son split his head open at just under 2 years old n had to have it glued, before then, fell off the bed, slipped down the stairs etc. Never had incidents with my daughter though. Things happen.

My son kept scooting himself off the couch. I was sitting there with him. He thought it was funny. Started when he was 4 or 5 months old. Always kept a pillow underneath where he was so he wouldn’t get hurt. Whether I was watching or not. He is 8 months now and still finds it hilarious. I feel guilty every single.time. and it happens a lot more than I’d care to admit. Always when I’m right next to him🤦‍♀️

It’s kinda a right of passage lol it happens all the time :joy:

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Nope. Your kids will have many falls. Just as long as you don’t do it intentionally.

Don’t feel bad ! It happens to EVERYONE. My second (not even first ) rolled off the bed around 3 months, and twice ! Luckily these little angels always manage to somehow stay safe.

Not the only one at all. We are human my dear. Things happen, we are moms and we will always feel the guilt when something happens. But things happen sometimes we can’t control or things that we just miss in a split second.
Trust me mom and 3 and I have some stories. Plenty times I have felt like a bad mom but somethings just happen.

Omg no… my husband grabbed my daughter arm playing and cause her arm to dislocate. He was hysterical. Dr said it happens a lot with first time parents

Every parent ever. You are not a bad mom.

Not the first and you won’t be the last

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Kids Fall!!:woman_facepalming:t4: kids are tough…:woman_shrugging:t4:

I’m surprised all of mine lived you have to laugh they didnt come with a instruction manual and are very resilient

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Thought your was sister watching

Definitely not, literally everyone’s child has rolled off a bed at one point, they are extremely fast lol

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It happens to most Mother’s at least once! Nothing to feel guilty about.


It happens to everyone, if they say it hasn’t they’re lying so they don’t feel bad.


It happens.
Hell, I dropped my 24hr old son on his head.
…that was the day we discovered I was allergic to morphine.

Momma, your doing a great job! Please don’t beat yourself up!!:heart: my daughter did it a few times and thank the Lord she was fine​:heart: she’s a healthy happy advance 6 yr old. Please don’t loose sleep over it. Every parent has had it happened or accidentally bumped their navies heads on the wall. Your not the first momma that’s done it and you won’t be the last​:heart: give yourself some Grace and give your baby extra cuddles tonight

Their bones are rubbery for a reason…

Nope it happens, accidents that is. I am sure the guilt is wayyyy worse than the fall.


I’ve never had one roll off the bed but I’ve banged several heads on the top of the car door lol they’re all just fine

My now 4 year fell out my bed at 7 months, he was perfectly fine but I bought the side rail the next day so it never happened again.

You’ll be ok. My baby fell off the bed like two times. I hated myself for months, still get shivers thinking about it but you’re fine!

Best words ever said to me, they are not made out of glass. They are fine.

it happens to all mothers!

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My son had acid reflex and he had to sleep in an upright position, so I would have him sleep in a bouncy seat. So because he was only like 3 months old I wouldn’t strap him in. One night I heard a thump then him screaming crying. He had fell out. Luckily he was only a few inches from the ground, but I felt like the worst mother in the world. I thought he was going to have brain damage or something… I never put him in without strapping him in again…you’re definitely not alone

Yep been there. It’s going to be okay mama. You’re doing an amazing job, momming is hard, don’t be hard in yourself.

Like are you even a mom if your kids didn’t fall off of something at least once lol? I’m sorry that happened it’s scary the first time but you are not a shifty mom because it happened. F who ever is making you feel like a pos.


I heard it was bas luck if a baby DIDN’T fall off the bed before it’s first birthday. Lol. Mine fell off at 8 months and it scared me way more than it scared her.

All babies roll of the bed, couch, chair, ect. It’s normal. Depending on the surface of the floor and distance between surface of fall to the floor, could be a concern. But it’s normal. If you don’t notice any changes in behavior, or they aren’t crying when you pick them up or tugging certain areas. They should be fine.

Oh, honey. You’re golden. And human. :purple_heart:

It happened to me with all. Pad the floor, just in case. Normal, :heart:

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It happened to me when I was a new mom. I left my son on my bed while I stepped into my bathroom to grab a towel. When I heard a thump and my son’s cries. I freaked out I thought I was a terrible mom. I cried along with him.

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Mine liked to launch himself if you took your eyes off for even half a second. It was a game to him

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If any mother tells you you’re a horrible mother for this, they’re lying, cause it happens to all of us.


It happens! Even if you have them at arm lengths they can fall! It’s part of being a child!


While you are not alone, learn from the mistake. Don’t let it happen again. As you can see, it only takes a second.

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No, I’ve got four kids. Two have fell off of something. The first one fell off a bed about 4 ft high at 3 months old. She’s going to be 10 next month and is just fine. Don’t feel horrible for that and if someone tries to make you feel horrible tell them to kiss it. We’re humans. We’re going to make mistakes and boo boos.

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It’s happened to all of us mama. :heart:

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Your baby has officially been jumped into the baby gang :joy: everyone said this to me whenever my first rolled off the bed and I rushed him to the emergency room


Girl are you serious? Do you have any idea how many women have had their baby rolled off the bed when they turn around for 1 second. You are not a horrible mother my daughter has rolled off the bed 3 times before she was 6 months old because she is crazy lol I learned to put pillows on the Floor by the bed so when she did roll off she hit cushion. Just make sure when the baby is on the bed next time there are pillows on the floor. And whorver made you feel bad I hope they get stuck in traffic with explosive diarrhea.


My mom dropped me twice as a baby. Both times I fell of the bed (I was the second kid as well :joy:) I turned out pretty good if I don’t say so myself. You’re not a bad mom, it happens more than you think.

I’ve always heard if they don’t roll off a couch/bed once before they’re one, it’s bad luck

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Been there momma baby is fine. It’s totally ok. I know I felt horrible when it happened but stuff happens and we live n learn. I started to we’re I put baby in floor on play mat so if he or she rolls there on floor so there good.

It happens to the best of us. I feel terrible, but both kids are okay. It was just a scare for us.

Happens to us all. Don’t beat yourself up over it!!!

Happened to me with my first born. Thought maybe her dad (my ex) could supervise while I went to wash dishes. She rolled right off the bed. It happens to the best of us :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yes have done it. And cloth diapers a few pokes felt just as bad but don’t worry it’s hurts us more than them

My son who I thought was in the middle of the bed and was well surrounded by pillows rolled himself off of my very high bed (3ft tall). We thankfully have carpet, but I still felt awful. You aren’t the only one.

Oh my gosh. Just stop. She’s fine. Allow yourself to laugh a bit. It happens. Honest mistake. I’m sure you felt terrible in the moment but she is loved obviously. Your not a bad mom. Your a mom with your hands full at times and children are resilient. My son rolled off my bed at 6 1/2 months and was in between the bed and dresser and he was freaking out and I snatched him up fast made sure he was okay and then had a little laugh because he looked so funny stuck in between. Now you know she’s a little mover and to take precaution next time but seriously do not beat yourself up over it. We have all been there


I never ever let my children roll off the bed.


Everyone has/will drop their baby at some point​:joy:. It’s just part of life. It happens. My child is 9 months and he has fallen off the bed several times. He likes to jump off it as well and he can’t even walk yet​:woman_facepalming:t5: I have to keep a close eye on him constantly. After falling off, he STILL tries to go back over it. It’s a never-ending cycle​:weary::weary:

Oh nope lol that happens to the best of us. Happened a few times regardless of what I did. He was just a restless sleeper.

That’s like baby initiation - I’m pretty positive it’s happened to every mother lol. Don’t beat yourself up, as long as baby didn’t get hurt its ok. I still cried the when it happened to my boy tho :sob::pleading_face: I def took it harder than he did.


I’ve never left my baby unattended on a bed or a sofa. I’m shocked people are glorifying this as a ‘tradition’. Just make sure you keep an eye on them next time.

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Babies falling off the bed is like a right of passage :woman_shrugging:t3: it happens.


-It’s the first “accident” of many others sweetheart and they are rubber like creatures- I was told this by the pediatrician in hospital while I was bawling my eyes out. My 4 m/o baby feel off the changing table bum first. I didn’t put her down good enough and slipped down while kicking about happily. I turned around to add a new toilet paper to the holder that took me less then 1 minute. We went to the hospital for a check but she didn’t hurt her self one bit. So ease your heart and don’t let the judging get to you!

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Nope you are not the only one. I was cleaning the kitchen at 2am and was exhausted, she was wide awake and I had to put a big pot in the high cupboard. So I layed her on the kitchen rug on the ground and put the pot away, but then I forgot I’d layed her down and opened the cupboard under the sink and hit her in the head. She was absolutely fine but my god I felt so stupid

It’s like a must at least once :wink:

Even they don’t fall off the bed, we’ll bonk their head going down the hallway or getting them in and out of the car…they’re accidents that’s all, they happen, don’t be so hard on yourself. It happened don’t let people’s words and criticism have power over you.


Regardless of how close you keep them falls happens even to the Mother’s that refuse to admit it


Congrats to the mothers who say this has NEVER happened to them, you must have a boring simple life and never have had to juggle the real demands of being a mother and managing a household at the same time. Between new babies, multiple kids, cleaning, piles of baby laundry, cooking, errands, pets, spouses, and let’s not forget self care… I can honestly say that mothers of babies usually have a moment of pure exhaustion that usually led to that first right of passage slip off the bed.
To all the moms that can admit that you child has fallen off the bed at some point- I congratulate you on making it through another day!


yes, mine turned over first time(very young) and just kept on rolling right over the edge. Took her to doctor. He said babies could take lots of bumps without hurting them so don’t worry. SO I DIDN’T!

You aren’t the first and won’t be the last! I know you feel terrible about it but if she’s fine then it’s all good!! Take a deep breath, let it out, and don’t dwell😊

Im not sure about falling off the bed, but once I was lying on the bed, and felt something touch my foot, thinking it was hubby I kicked out and booted my 2yo hard in the face, hard enough that she fell over. Do I feel absolutely horrible about it? Yes. Do I still feel guilty about it? Yes. But can I have a laugh about it and realise that this kind of thing will happen no matter what you do? Absolutely. It’s fine to feel bad just don’t best yourself up


Nope!!:joy: happens to us all!!! Old wives tail I heard is, if they fall off bed/couch before 1 year of age they will be a good healthy baby!! Idk if its actually true but hey, old wives tales were onto something!:hugs:

My grandmother always says it’s bad luck if they don’t fall off the bed before they’re 1 :rofl: my daughter hasn’t fallen off YET but I accidentally smack her head on something at least 3-4 times a week​:sweat_smile:


I had just gotten engaged to her father and wasn’t use to the ring….scratched her thigh changing her diaper, it was a long scratch and I just watched her little go from content to kinda confused and then crying she as 7 months- I cried and to this day feel awful. I inflicted pain and I’m her mom omg it was terrible for me. Of course she was fine but I sure as hell was a mess lol

every mother done this once :joy::joy: at least


When my baby was still a newborn i woke up to feed her in the middle of the night. At that time she was still a few weeks old she couldnt roll over yet. I laid her on the bed next to her father who was obviously asleep. And i went to the bathroom quickly. While on the toilet i heard her fall off the bed. She is fine. But i think it happens to everyone


Did her sister never fall before ?

Yes it happens. people with multiple children understand lol

They probably gonna bite through their lip when they start attempting to walk to

When i was a baby i fell on my head. And im ok…

Have i told yall about the time i fell on my head?

OMG!! I fell on my head!

No seriously im fine. Babies have hard skulls so they wont get damaged that easy


Parents cannot physically keep eyes on all their children 24/7. Accidents happen. It’s normal. :slight_smile: I did it with my second born.

No of course not, my 3 have had all sorts of scrapes. All was well in the end so don’t think about it any more

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Our first daughter rolled off lounge said to her dad keep a eye her but he didnt and she rolled off she was fine all grown up and a mum herself it happens and we do feel bad we dont need anyone else making us feel bad :blush:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I the only one who has done this? - Mamas Uncut

It happens to every parent. Mine did the same when I went to get his bottle. Scared the crap out of me. Just cuddled him and he was fine. As a newborn his foot hit the car mirror as I was going past it and I felt horrible for a long while after that. But some time or another something like that happens to every parent.

My parents dropped me and my bro.and sis too.
One incident that was hilarious was my mom was changing my son’s diaper on the footrest. And he slid off and down her legs hes looking up at her like “what happened?” He was perfectly fine didn’t even cry just a confused expression. We busted out laughing and realized he was to big to be changed on there. He was about just under 2and was standing on a chair that the seat folds up on it’s own. Well he got to close to the back it folded and he was holding onto the back the look he had was of shock. I was laughing so hard that I almost couldn’t pick him up. There wasn’t anything wrong with him but he did learn no to stand on those chairs lol. And I had to be quiet and was having a hard time keeping my laugh in. I hurry up and grabbed him and ran to the bathroom and I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.
I learned early that whenever he fell I would pick him up and say ur ok and he would go along his way like nothing happened. He hit his head on table from running stood up I said ur ok and he was about to go on his way again when my friend started freaking out about it then he started crying. When he was actually hurt he would immediately start crying but normally he would look at me for my response and if I said he was ok he was back up and back to what he was doing. But if someone freaked out he would cry. He judged what his reaction was going to be by your reaction.

Both of my children managed to fall off of the bed at least once.


It does happen.Just watch her closely to be sure. Many of us have had that happen.I was 4 & my Mom had to leave me for a few minutes to get a loose calf back in the barn in wintertime. I was so small, he fell off the bed. But he was fine.

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My daughter at about six months climb out of her crib and hit the ground while we were asleep.
She is 29 now so I think you will be fine

I do xray and ct scans. Do babies for that reason all the time. When my daughter was a baby I had just had surgery. My ex wife was working so I was keeping my daughter to save on day care. I fell asleep in my recliner holding her. Awoke to the thud of her head bouncing off the floor. Shes almost grown now. Maybe a little meaner cuz of it but she’s fine.


This is how it went down for me…
“Eric, the baby is too close to the edge!!!” He says “The baby isnt old enough to roll over. You worry too much”. BOOM. The baby fell off the bed. This whole scenario took like 20 seconds. My daughter was fine. She fell on a very thick carpet. We laugh at the story now and whenever she has one of those forgetful moments… we say “Well, there was that time she fell off the bed at three weeks old…”
You can’t undo it so be thankful no harm came and laugh when you can.


When my 7 year old was barely starting to move around the bed I dozed off one morning knowing she was awake ( I worked nights) and few minutes later I hear her cry, She fell off the bed but was trapped between the footboard and the wall. I scooped her up and cried more than she did, the very next day I sat her in her high chair and I thought I had latched the tray but she pushed it off and fell (she wasn’t buckled) I pick her up call her doctor and took her to make sure she was ok. I called my husband to work and cried to him telling him I was such a bad mother :pensive:. She’s a little mini me with such an attitude that I blame those falls :joy:

It happens! First time with my daughter at 9 months when she was sleeping. Dont feel guilty. We’ve all been there.


I worked in daycare for 34 years. I wish I had a dime for every story I heard like this one. It happens…a lot.